Lacrosse Drills

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"Your lacrosse stick should become part of your body!"
To become proficient in passing and shooting, the player must be able to propel the ball from the stick with the wrist "snap." Many beginning players pass and shoot with an arm motion, or "push" the ball, which causes the ball to leave the stick on a low trajectory resulting in a low pass or shot. An excellent way to develop the wrist snap is to utilize the wall. Go to a cinderblock or brick wall and stand approximately 3 to 5 yards away. Any wall will work (no windows), but a smooth concrete surface at least 10 feet tall is the best.
You can and will observe daily improvement if proper technique is maintained. Increase the reps as wrists become stronger. Aim for as many reps as possible with desired form, however. This is a lefty-righty work out. Attempt to do as many reps as possible. Remember, your goal is to strengthen the wrists, to become proficient in releasing the ball with the snap of the wrists, to gain hand speed, and to develop a quick release.
Do as much as much of this routine 4-5 times a week for 15-20 minutes (no more). Beginning players should start at 30 reps with each hand before moving to a different part of the drill. Your goal should be to get through the entire drill (50 reps with each hand) with each hand in under 20 minutes. If you only get through part of the drill, it is easy to set a goal for next time.
Proper 1 hand technique:
Wearing gloves hold the stick in one hand at its balance point and then place the head of the stick in the "box" area next to the ear. Then with one hand, "snap" the wrist which will cause the ball to come out of the stick in a straight line and bounce off the wall straight back into the stick kept in the box area. This will be difficult at first. Do not take shortcuts. Keep the head of the stick in the box and not down off the shoulder. 
Proper 2 hand technique:
Wearing gloves hold the stick with your top hand approximately half way down the shaft of the stick. Then try having the stick 8-10 inches apart.  SNAP THOSE WRISTS Your opposite hand should cover the end cap. Snap the top wrist while bringing the bottom hand towards your dominant arm pit. This will help to keep your stick in a vertical position. Try to keep the head of the stick in the box at all times. Passing is like casting a fishing line. Be ready for the ball to return in a hurry. Change your foot stance as you change your hands, which are lead with your left foot if passing from the right, and so forth. Stick protection is important.
Proper Cross hand technique:
This is the similar to two hand technique. Hold the stick such that the dominant hand is across your body. The head of the stick should be kept in the "box" near the opposite ear. This will be awkward at first but only the advanced players will get to this stage.

DRILLS: (Beginners 30 reps with each hand) 
1. 1 hand: catch and 1cradle  2. 2 hands: catch and 1 cradle  3. 2 hands: quick stick  4. 2 hands: split drill -catch righty, switch and throw lefty/ catch lefty switch and throw righty  5. 2 hands: catch, face dodge, and throw  6. 2 hands: catch, fake, and throw 
You must be at 50 reps with each hand before passing this point. 
1. 2 hands: cross handed  2. 2 hands: behind the back  3. 2 hands: running along the wall throwing and catching.  4. Be creative: if you get to this stage, you have earned the right to! 
Remember the above must be performed in the correct manner, that is: stick in the box, overhand motion, wrist snap. If your form is sloppy, such as letting the stick hang down off the shoulder, you will be slinging the ball and thus wasting your time. CORRECT FORM MUST BE ADHERED TO, OR YOUR EFFORTS WILL BE WASTED.
Instructional Drills  
Line drills Two lines face each other, the player at the head of one line has the ball. The first two players in each line run towards each other and the player with the ball passes to the other. When the ball is received, the next player in the first line comes out and the ball is passed again. After each player's turn is finished, they run to the end of the line to which they threw. 
1. Add defense. After a player passes the ball, he immediately plays defense against the person she threw to.  2. Underhand throws.  3. Ground balls  4. Left-handed  5. Make more than one set of lines doing the drill with 6 players to a set. 
Squares There are four lines (A,B,C and D), each at a point on a square. Player A starts with the ball and runs toward player B. Player B runs toward line C (perpendicularly to player A's movement) and receives the ball from player A. Player B continues with the ball as player C moves toward line D. Player B passes to player C, who advances toward line D. The ball continues to be passed around the square. 
1. Add more than one ball  2. Change directions  3. Left-handed  4. Make the square smaller for tighter, faster passing 
"The Weave" There are three lines of players (A, B and C) at the fifty yard-line facing the goal. The middle line (line B) is supplied with all of the balls. The first players in each line start down the field, the middle line cradling the ball. Player B passes the ball to his left to player C, and runs behind him to take his place at the left wing position. When player C receives the ball, he crosses the field to pass to player A, then runs behind him to take the right wing position. When player A receives the ball, he crosses the field and passes to player B, then runs behind him to take his position, and player B crosses again to pass to player C. 
Get it? It's hard to explain, but in broad terms, it's a drill in which the attack wings making long, leading passes across the field while advancing toward the goal. The extra person just makes each line replenish itself. 
1. Add 1, 2 or 3 defensemen  2. Finish with a shot on goal 
Give-and-Go There are three lines at the 50 yard-line: two at center, and one a wing position. One of the lines in the center is for defensemen, the other center line starts with the ball. The first player in the defense line comes out to about 10 yards in front of the first player in the ball line. The players start down the field toward the goal, and the defender attempts to check the stick and to slow them down by checking. Once the defender has been drawn closely to the player with the ball, he will pass it to the wing. The defense sprints to defend the wing, and when he has been drawn away, the wing will pass it back to center who has sprinted ahead for the goal.    
Bowling  There are two lines at the 50 yard-line and one person between them with all of the balls. The middle person rolls a ball out ahead of both players and the first players in both lines sprint for the ball, bending deep to scoop it. Whoever comes up with the ball goes for the goal, while the other plays defense. 
This drill can also be done with the balls rolling toward the two players. The center person can either roll the ball straight through the middle, or to either side to compensate for the difference in speed between the two players. 
Line Drill There are two lines facing each other, just like in the passing drill. The player starting with the ball runs out toward the other line and rolls the ball to the advancing player. That player picks it up and does the same for the next person in the first line. This drill can also be used to roll the ball away: as the player with the ball reaches the other line, he shovels it behind him, away from the first person in the line he just reached. 
Relays  There are four people in each line (make as many lines as you need). Four balls, each about 20 yards apart, are placed in front of both lines all the way up to the opposite end-line. When the whistle is blown, the first person in line sprints for the ball, picks it up and brings it back to his line. As soon as he has crossed the line, the next player sprints for the next ball, scoops it up and brings it back to his line. This continues until the last ball has been brought back and the one who reaches the line first wins. 
Steal the Bacon  A ball is placed at midfield and the players are divided into two teams. Each team spreads out along opposing lines about 25 yards away from the ball (or around the circle). Each player has a number and the numbers one team coincide with those on the other. The coach calls a number and the two players who have those numbers sprint for the ball in the center. The player who picks up the ball must then cradle and cross their own line & a point is scored. 
1. Call two numbers to have four players fighting for the ball. Make the players pass once before they can attempt to score. 

Rapid Fire  About 15-20 balls are lined up on the top of the arc. A player begins at one end of the line of balls (depending on whether he is right- or left-handed), and when the whistle is blown, he quickly scoops the ball and shoots at goal. He goes around the top of the arc, shooting each ball one by one. 
If this drill is done sloppily, it won't do much good. Make sure that each player bends low to get good control of the ball and shoots accurately at the corners. 
1. Put targets in the corners of the goals.  2. Put a goalie in.  3. Limit the time in which each player has to shoot all of the balls.  4. Shovel shots.   
  Quick Stick This is a scoring drill that's lots of fun, but in a game situation it must be used in only the most perfect of circumstances. There are many ways to lose possession of the ball doing a Quick Stick. 
There is one line at the top of the fan. One player or the coach stands behind the goal with all of the balls. The players sprint one at a time straight toward the goal and the coach lobs a ball high just as the advancing player enters the arc. The player lets the ball sink lightly into his stick, after which he quickly whips it into the goal. There is no cradling, and the ball is never brought under full control. 
One-on-One There are two lines: one at the 50 yard-line (A), and one behind the goal (B). Line B has all of the balls. Player A runs toward the goal, and player B makes a long pass to him. Player B advances to defend player A after he catches the ball. Player A attempts to dodge and out-run the defender to score, while player B tries to check and body-check player A to prevent a goal. 
1. Add more than one attack line and/or defense line  2. Have the goalie make the initial throw 

Drop a stick on the ground and: 
1) With the stick horizontally in front of you, step over the stick with one foot, then the next. Then step backwards with the next foot, and follow with the other. Basically, you're running in place very quickly, back and forth over your stick. Make sure that you're knees are high. 
2) With the stick still horizontally in front of you, squat down a little and slide to the side of the stick, step forward so you're in front of it, then slide to the other side of the stick and step back behind it. Repeat this so you're really just sliding around the stick, but the squat position makes you're quads do a lot of the work and your constant forward position makes your feet get a great workout. 
3) With the stick vertically in front of you, jump over it with both feet, then again to the other side. It's like you're slalom skiing. Again, make sure that you're knees are high. 
4) With several sticks in front of you, line them up about a foot apart and step forward between the sticks with your knees as high as possible. It's like that drill you see football players doing stepping through tires. 
See what other drills you can make up using your stick to improve your footwork. 
"Another few drills that I like to use for foot work is as follows.... 
- place the stick in front of you vertically and stand to one side of the stick. Jump over the stick with both feet and then back to the other side. (Almost like you are skiing) 
- place the stick in front of you vertically. Stand at the bottom of the stick and jump (with feet together) forward, then over the stick, then back to the bottom, and then over to where you started. You are jumping in a box around your stick. 
(both of these drills I usually do for about 1 minute)" 
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