Welcome to the Coaches Corner!


First, we want to give a huge thank you to all of our volunteer coaches who give their time to the kids in our community. Coaching is extremely rewarding and you are sure to make an impact on a child's life. Without you all, our program would not be possible, so THANK YOU!!

The information in this section is to help our volunteer coaches with training and practice drills for their team. You do not need to use this information, it's simply a resource to use if needed. Since players of all ages learn differently, the sections are split into the different divisions we have. If you ever have any suggestions or additions to this information, please email us at nskiwanissoccer@gmail.com.


Pre-Wee Division


  • MOJO has some fantastic coaching tools. Their goal is to empower young athletes everywhere and make sports more fun for everyone – one kid, one coach, one family, one team at a time.


Pee-Wee Division



Juniors Division


Seniors Division


  • Beestera Soccer Training