SEPT 11, 1911


To Chaffey's glowing colors
We owe allegiance true,
And forever we will cherish
Our banner's glorious hue,
So we'll hail our radiant colors,
Nor honors shall they lack
While Chaffey stands defender
Of the Orange and the Black.

Then all hail to dear old Chaffey,
All hail her colors bright;
A cheer for her defenders,
All honor to her might.
When we win athletic victories
On the football field or track,
We are working sure for Chaffey
And the Orange and the Black.

To our high school we'll be loyal
When we leave her honored halls;
Her spirit still shall guide us
Where'er the future calls.
And we'll gain new faith and courage,
As we turn our memories back
To those happy days at Chaffey
'Neath the Orange and the Black.