90 degree weather, sweat, and pain
But look how much flexibility you have gained

Motions were swaying and weak at best
Now they are sharp and powerful
Better than all the rest

Jumps so low to the ground
Wasn’t sure if you would ever rebound

But look at you now
You jump with ease
Triple jumps are such a breeze

Voices were scratchy and not too loud
Now when you cheer
You make everyone proud

Who would have thought
You could have come so far?

Allyson D. rolls her ankle
Ask Brianna she knows something about kankles

Nichole D. in a back brace
Didn’t know if she would ever base

Brooke's bandaged knee
jumping to win a race
Finally, now she has the pace

Emily’s frustrations
caused her to curse
Caitlin and those God-awful burps

Stand back here comes Brenna
Flying in the air
farting and stinking up the place without a care

Angela’s face black and blued
Gina’s cyst on her wrist
Sam and Sam so little but so strong
Allyssa V. and Lauren dancing all day long

Alyssa G. perseveres
Alex twisting without a fear

Denise and Christine the fighting sisters
Ally and Nicole C. the newest cheerleaders

Elisa goes crazy, crazy in the dance
Angelisa front spots to help the stunts advance

Leighann sings the Anthem like no other
Becca lands her tuck one after another

Ashley Z. bases with a bad knee
Oh, my God I think Nicole S. just called me a “B”

Michelle likes to talk, talk, talk
Oh what a surprise
Can you believe Jenna no longer rolls her eyes?

You have all had bumps, bruises, swollen noses, and all kinds of excuses
But one things for sure
That team that started in August is no more

Now today is the day you show your strength and pride
Just know your coaches are on your side
Always smile and never stop
So that the Indians will come out on top
Go out with confidence and own that floor
And prove to all
We Want it more!!!