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2018-2019 Team Handbook

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Howell High School Varsity Pompon Team 2018-2019 Handbook


Thank you for your interest in the Howell High School Pompon program. We are proud to be ranked among the top Class A teams in the state of Michigan. The sport of pompon has evolved greatly through the years on both a regional and national level and the performing styles have changed as well. In the state of Michigan, the premiere pompon organization is Mid American Pompon (MAPP). Our team will adhere to the MAPP style and form of pom, and attend MAPP camps, clinics and competitions.


This team handbook will explain or describe most of what a prospective team member and her family will need to know in order to make an informed decision before proceeding through the tryout process. If after reading this document you have any additional questions, please contact us at


Coach’s Philosophy:

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Mission Statement:

We will practice like a winning team in order to be a winning team!



Policies and Expectations


Expectation of Excellence

If you are selected to be part of the legacy of Howell Varsity Pompon, you will be held to a higher standard than your peers. Members of Howell Varsity Pompon not only represent the pompon program, but also represent Howell High School and Howell in general. This responsibility is not to be taken lightly. Whether you are in class, in the community, at a competition, or on vacation, you will need to consider your place as a role model in the actions, words, social media postings, and decisions you make.  


Effort/Attitude Commitment

We fully expect every member to strive for constant self improvement in the way of fitness, form, and showmanship. Achieving greatness is difficult, and will require a strong work ethic, a positive attitude, and a drive to succeed. As coaches, we will do our best to support and push the team towards excellence, and we expect that each member of the team will do the same.


Sports Physical

In order to participate in the tryout clinics and final tryout, every athlete must have a current physical on file in our athletic office or bring a copy of their physical to the first day of tryouts. Physicals must be dated on or after April 15th, 2017. Any medical conditions that may restrict a pommer must be brought to the coaches attention prior to tryouts. Pommers will condition and build endurance throughout the season.

**If you have a physical on file from last season it is acceptable for tryouts.


Upon making the team a new physical will have to be completed on or after April 15th, 2018 for the upcoming school year/season. You must use the MHSAA physical forms (2 pages).


Academic Eligibility Commitment

Potential team members must be academically eligible to tryout for the team. Academic eligibility for this team is a minimum 2.0 GPA & passing 5 out of 7 classes in order to participate in practices, performances, and competitions.


After the first evening tryout clinic, a candidate list will be submitted to our athletic department to verify student eligibility. This information is kept confidential. It is imperative that families correct any errors in the student’s academic record prior to tryouts. We will accept the schools records as being accurate and will not make exceptions. Academic eligibility must be maintained throughout the entire calendar year. We will have grade checks throughout the season, which will require you to print off a copy of your grades the day the grade check is due. This will help us ensure that you’re eligible to participate.


It is up to you to manage your time with respect to school and other activities. We encourage our team members to be involved and high achieving, and this will require planning on the part of the pommer. Studies, finals, project, and papers will be assigned-so plan ahead for your studies. We will not consider these to be excuses for missed practices. If a varsity member is found to be academically ineligible at the conclusion of any card marking, they may be removed from the team.

Attendance Commitment

Pompon teams are unique. We do not have extra team members or alternative team members. All team members are utilized and depended on. We expect everyone on the team to have the same level of dedication and commitment as all members will need to have exact same amount of preparation and level of performance as their teammates. Please review the following attendance policies:

  1. Illness: Unless you are contagiously ill, you are expected to be at every practice. A practice missed for illness will require a doctors note and a phone call to the coaches at least 1 hour prior to the start of practice. PLEASE try to schedule doctor/dentist appointments around our practice schedule.
  2. School Related Absences: Absences for activities such as choir, band, student council, etc will be excused as long as coaches are informed at least 2 weeks prior or as soon as the conflict arises, whichever comes first.
  3. Vacation Absences: Vacation time taken within crucial portions of our season is restricted. We require at least two weeks notice, and you will be required to make up the missed practices by either arriving earlier or staying later at future practices. Practices 2 weeks leading up to competitions are MANDATORY.
  4. School Rule: You are required to attend school for at least four class periods to participate in ANY pom activities.
  5. Excessive Absences: If absences are frequent, regardless of reason, removal from the team is possible. If you miss the practice before a performance you will be benched for that performance.


Pommer’s Commitment

  1. Routines: Original routines will be developed and prepared for camps, competitions, and other performances. We will also learn 3 routines at MAPP Summer Camp (see below). The expectation is that you will come to each practice knowing what was taught and cleaned the practice before.

  2. Camp: Camp is a vital experience for each team member and attendance is MANDATORY. There are three MAPP summer camp sessions. Each are 4 days long.

    1. We plan to attend Camp 1: June 21nd - 24th. MAPP Summer Camp is held at Davenport University in Grand Rapids, MI. We will arrive the night before the first day starts (June 20th).

  3. Practices: All team members are expected to attend each and every practice. Please inform all coaches of any conflicts and report any absences or late arrivals immediately. Throughout the season, additional practices will likely be added when necessary at the coach’s discretion. Expect this to occur during competition season. Please make it your habit to arrive at all practices 15 minutes early as the warm ups will begin promptly. If you are late for any part of the warm up, you will make it up after that practice is finished.

  4. Benching: There are consequences to being unable or unwilling to fulfill either the physical or time commitments to your team. You may be benched from performances and/or competitions for reasons related to performance ability, practice attendance, behavioral problems, or academic reasons. Being benched for ANY reason is ALWAYS at the coach’s discretion.

  5. Achieving your Varsity Letter/Veteran Bar: In order to obtain a varsity letter/veteran bar for the Howell Varsity Pompon Team, you must perform in both major competitions: MAPP Hiphop & High Kick Championship and MAPP State Championship.


HHS Student & Athlete

As a Howell High School sports team, we are required to follow the HHS Code of Conduct and Athletic Code of Conduct. An athlete’s failure to due so will result in consequences given by our principal and athletic director. Prior to making the team, each pommer will receive a copy of this conduct and be required to read the information with a parent. A signed consent form will be provided allowing you and your parent to show agreement and understanding to the rules and regulations. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the HHS Code of Conduct and Athletic Code of Conduct, please feel free to contact coaches or athletic director.


Quitting /Removal from the Team

If a Howell High School pommer quits the team or is removed from the team by the coaches during the season (tryout to tryout) they will not be allowed to tryout for ANY HHS pom team in future years. Quitting right after tryouts when you have made a team is considered quitting during the season. There will be no refund.


Parental Conduct

It is not uncommon for concerns to arise throughout the season regarding issues that are covered in the handbook. If an issue arises during the season, the first step will always be to refer to this handbook. If, after consulting the handbook, there is still a concern, the coaches may be contacted in the proper chain of command order either through email, phone, or a face-to-face meeting. Meetings with coaches must be scheduled ahead of time and will not occur in front of the team (before or after practice is acceptable, however, this must be done either before pommers arrive or after pommers leave). Meetings may not be held at games or competitions.



Transportation to and from all practices and events (other than bussed events) is the responsibility of each athlete and her family. In most cases, carpools and drivers are available. It is up to each individual to work those arrangements out.


Social Media Policy

Bullying & cyberbullying is NOT tolerated. “Finstagrams”/other fake social media accounts are PROHIBITED on our team. All team members are required to follow our team page on all social media sites so that member accounts are visible to Howell Varsity Pompon coaches. Remember that it is a privilege to be an athlete. You ARE held to a higher standard. You represent Howell High School and Howell Pompon everywhere you go and with everything you post!



Most, if not all, communication will be done through email. There will be very limited group text messages throughout the team. A monthly newsletter will be sent out to families to give updates and future plans. A team group chat (coaches included) will be used for small reminders and/or changes.


Financial Commitment and Fundraisers

The vast majority of payments come rapidly at the beginning of the season (May/June). Every effort will be made to space these payments by spreading the orders out over time, however many items are needed for camp and competitions - so many orders will likely be placed in the weeks right after tryouts. If an issue arises with a family's ability to pay, please let the coaches know as soon as possible.


Financial Responsibility

You will be required to purchase specified team essentials such as uniform extras, warmups, camp clothes, poms etc.

Other expenses include, but are not limited to: 4 Day Summer Camp, Camp attire, Camp transportation, competition and event fees, team expense fund, end of season team party etc.


Total ESTIMATED cost: $1,208.75

Total ESTIMATED minimum for returning members: $884.25

***These amounts do not reflect potential fundraiser earnings!


PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Beginning of Season

1st payment of $175.00 + $25 cash will be due on Monday, April 23rd

  • $175 for camp costs (camp registration and camp apparel), $25 to go towards our Golf Outing Fundraiser 

2nd payment of $175.00 + $25 cash will be due on Tuesday, May 1st

  • $175 for camp costs, $25 to go towards our Golf Outing Fundraiser

3rd payment of $175.00 will be due on Wednesday, May 16th

  • $175 for camp costs 

**ALL payments are to be made to out to Howell High School


Remaining payment dates TBD. Expect the majority to be collected in the first few months.

Certain items will be re-used as long as they’re in good condition/still fit. All items will require Coach approval before being re-used. As you can see, this substantially reduces costs for veterans. Your first year in the program will be your most expensive.


It is IMPERATIVE that payments are made on time. Payments are to be turned in at the BEGINNING of practice, not at the end. Please plan accordingly!

Howell High School "Fees and Fines" Policy

Any fees unpaid will be put into your child’s “fees and fines” through Howell High School. The unpaid funds are NOT reimbursed to the team fund by the school until the amount is paid by the family in question. Therefore, unpaid fees directly impact the team fund and remain so until paid. The fact that the amount goes into “fees and fines” is only a means for the team to recover their loss later.

If balances in your "fees and fines" account are not paid in full, this may impact your ability to graduate! Please pay these balances in a timely manner to avoid this.


Due Pre-Competition

Individual pommer fee per Mid American competition: $30 per competition x 3 competitions= $90 total

**Competition fees are usually paid by our athletic department.


 Tentative Season Schedule


Summer Practices

Tryouts: April 20th & 21st

Team Parent Meeting: April 23rd


May: Tues-Thurs 6-8pm

June: Mon-Thurs 6-8pm

June 13th: Last day of school ~ NO PRACTICE

Leave for Camp June 20th

MAPP Summer Camp: June 21st - 24th

BREAK: June 25th - July 31st and beginning of August (tentative start date: August 13th)

August: 3 days a week (days vary-more details to come)


Varsity Football Home Games: August 23rd, August 30th, September 21st, and October 12th


**Final schedule will be posted on website and distributed via email closer to the dates of occurrence. Times & locations are subject to change.


Fall & Winter Practices

Beginning with the start of school in September, practices will be held Monday-Friday with the exception of Home football games on Friday’s. Times and location TBD.


October - High Kick Practices: Monday-Friday .There will also be mandatory Saturday practices in the weeks leading up to competition.

The week following High Kick we will have a team meeting/celebration, but the rest of the week is scheduled off.


November - This month is treated as a flexible period where breaks are given when needed. Choreography committee will meet to choreography Regionals/States routine.


Thanksgiving Break – We will be participating in the Howell Fantasy of Lights Parade, which takes place the day after Thanksgiving. We will hold a practice Monday or Tuesday the week of Thanksgiving to teach and clean the parade routine.


Christmas Break - Regionals and States come quickly after Christmas Break, and therefore practices during break will be mandatory. Every effort will be made to schedule practices around holidays


January/February Practices: Practices during January and February will be Monday-Friday 6-9 in preparation for Regionals (Jan.) and State (Feb.) competitions.


Practice Policies

  • Practices are closed to spectators.

  • Parents may view the last 10 minutes of any practice.

  • Must arrive 15 minutes ahead of scheduled practice time.

  • Athletic shoes MUST be worn at all times

  • NO CELL PHONES - Phones will be collected at the beginning of practice if this rule cannot be followed by ALL pommers

  • Proper attire must be worn

  • You are expected to be attentive, respectful and quiet during instruction.


  • NO GUM

  • POMS ARE MANDATORY AT EVERY PRACTICE, keep them in your pom bag.

  • Notebook & pen in practice bag at all times.


 Events and Competitions

Major Competitions: High Kick, Regionals & State, MPA Championship.

All competitions are expected to be full team events – your team will be counting on you! Additional Competitions may be added at the coaches discretion with team consultation.


Performances/Games:Game performances, sidelines, parades and assemblies are all full team events. You are expected to participate in and attend all events.

**Varsity jackets will not be allowed to be worn during sidelines as they are not uniformed with the new members of our team and sidelines are a unified performance.


Fundraisers: There will be several mandatory fundraisers, which will benefit the team. The money raised during these fundraisers will go towards camp and competition fees, uniforms/costumes, props, apparel, and other expenses as determined by the coaches with Fundraising Committee consultation. Additional fundraisers are fully parent driven and may benefit individuals and/or the team. Failure to participate in Mandatory Fundraisers will result in paying out of pocket for your share of expenses covered for those that participated by fund-raised amount. Amounts variable based on what was raised divided by participants.


Community Service: Howell Pompon prides itself on taking part in many community service projects each summer. Past projects include the United Way Day of Caring – Children’s Leukemia Foundation Walk – Lupus 5k – HHS beautification projects – Elementary Field Day events - HAJFL Student Coaching - Gleaners Food Drive - Visit at The Willow’s - LACASA and more! Our program is dedicated to teaching our girls the importance of commitment to their team, school AND community. We encourage and want to help foster community service in our members, to benefit them in college and beyond.


Thank you for your interest in Howell Pompon!




Howell Varsity Coaching Staff