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Player Profile

  • Tommy Vorst   #27


  • Father. Teacher. Yogi. Pornographer. Flinger of plastic. I am all of these things. Some people call me Nomad, but I don't move as often as my teammates. Nor as quickly. But I'm always happy when I'm in my team, joining the cheers and highing the fives (though I'm especially fond of tens). If you're into trepannation, feel free to tap my brain, because my legs are tapped out. Positionally I hope to be a significant droplet in our Tsunami, wherever I'm needed: I'm pretty flexible (see yogi above).

    Season Goal: Win the spirit award, with maybe a league title thrown in.
Games Goals Assists Points GWG GWA GWP Hat Big PPG
8 3 2 5 0 0 0 0 1 0.63