Why does this league exist?

Purpose of the League


  • We remind all managers, coaches and parents about why this league was established.  Over the years, unless you were selected to a District or ‘All Star’ team, players were relegated to competing against those teams in tournaments or in the very few ‘minor league’ tournaments that existed.  This league services those players that may not be of the ‘All Star’ caliber, but love the game and want to continue to grow as players.  The league is recreational in nature and is meant to provide equal playing time to all players.  This league provides a ‘tournament team’ experience with the basis of attempting to provide good competition in a friendly cross-city environment.  When in doubt, remember: the goal is that wins and losses are meant to be determined by players on the field.  It is all of our responsibility to ensure we have done everything in our power to reduce protests and forfeits by working together to resolve problems and conflicts in a way that ensures it is the players on the field who determine the outcome.