For the first time ever, before opening day there will be a summary of each team's draft along with projections and predictions of how each team will perform: (ANNOYMOUS LEAGUE SOURCE GAVE THESE)


New Orleans Pelicans- Rookie Captain James Rambo made some major splashes before the draft in order to get 2 top 5 picks. He ended up with 2 of his highest prospects and got exactly what he wanted. By making that trade however, he packed on later picks and missed out on some middle rounds where he could have potentially really bolstered his squad. PROJECTED STARTING LINEUP: C-Joe Humpf F-Ryan Dittes F-James Rambo G-Jimmy Ashton G-Duffy Barrett. The key to this team is how their top 2 picks and captain gel, all share some major similarities as players and this will without question be the "run n gun" team of the league this season.The xfactor for this team is by far Joe Humpf. There was some slight controversy with his selection and some people believed Rambo could/should draft Matt Glenn. Will Joe Humpf play a true big man in a league where there are not many elites? Or will it be a typical Joe Humpf season, and somehow involve a major trade? Only time will tell, the popular opinion is that this team is the championship favorite, I think they'll be very good, but in a league full of 5 deep teams, I can not predict a championship for any squad. PREDICTION- 12-8 (3 seed)


Cincinnati Royals- Rookie Captain Mike Rongione very eagerly awaited assuming the reigns as a captain as he had contemplated and thought about it since the first month of NOBL 5. He had his chance and unfortunately for him, his draft scheme was duplicated by the Bullets. He was unable to draft his projected top 3 picks losing Matt DiMartino and Nick DeFeo to the Bullets. Perhaps the trade ended up costing him his early picks, but his middle picks will be the glue of this team. They have to be or else that trade could go down as one of the worst. PROJECTED STARTING LINEUP: C-Matt Smith F-Mike Rongione F-Ryan Golin G-Joe O'Brien G-Mike Miller. This team has many xfactors, Borsavages availabilty hurts on a weekly basis, because this lineup looks very different with him plugged into it. Nobody is really sure about how good O'Brien or Miller will be, they've been somewhat hyped and somewhat overlooked. The biggest xfactor however, is Ryan Golin. The NOBL world was in shock of that selection, and many other league players have said that they believe the Royals are a far inferior team from the rest of the league. I expect major trades to take place very early on, but only time will tell if he'll be able to find a buyer or not.... PREDICTION - 7-13 (4th seed)


Seattle SuperSonics- Mike Blank returns to captain his 3rd different franchise and a team he had his greatest individual season with. After the NOBL 5 Nets fell apart down the stretch, his frustration built and eagerness to become the man in charge grew. Unexpectedly however, Blank drafted a carbon copy of the Nets team that couldn't get the job done in 5. He replaced Joe Flaherty with Matt Glenn, which is a major change to the team dynamic. Switching a point guard for a big man is perhaps exactly what Blank wanted to do after the Nets in 5 had turnover issues and had no rebounding ability at times. PROJECTED STARTING LINEUP C-Matt Glenn F-Mike Blank F-Paul Halata G-Kyle Riether G-Joe Brown. XFactor- Matt Glenn. He is surrounded by sharpshooting 3 point shooters in an offense perhaps that is not going to run around him at all, frustrations could build early, it all depends on the team's win loss record. I expect Joe Brown to return to early NOBL 5 form by playing so frequently, and I expect Paul Halata to lead the league in 3s. I do not expect this team to be a force this season however, I think more frustration is in store for Mike Blank, as they will lose a potential playoff clinching game on the last Friday of the regular season. PREDICTION - (6-14 Out of playoffs)


Minneapolis Lakers- After an extremely unlucky offseason / NOBL 5 season, Dave Delattre returns as captain once again to prove he is more than just an elite player. The Suns were one of the unluckiest teams in the history of the NOBL losing so many games in the final moments and on free throws. This draft was very important for Dave as he made sure that he got the guys he gunned for from the start. Unfortunately for him, he missed out on 3 of the guys he wanted the most (Humpf,Halata,Kanu). There is no player with more hype surrounding him than Dave Girton, and that is why he is the teams unquestioned x-factor.Thats not to say there aren't many question marks and xfactors for this team however (Cody's Health, Who is AJ Aiden and Who IS Willie Jackson? Are these guys stars or are they questionable selections for Delattre?) PROJECTED STARTING LINEUP- C-Dave Girton F-Dave Delattre F-Cody O'Neal G-Joe Flaherty G-Willie Jackson. This team perhaps is the biggest wildcard of the entire league, if this team performs up to hype, they will likely be the champs in a runaway, but I however don't fall for hype machines. This team will be good, but will not be a dynasty type team.  PREDICTION - (14-6 1st seed)


Baltimore Bullets- Ryan Stark takes over once again and this time perhaps had his best draft yet. There is no more talented team than this one if you look at overall ability. This team took overall balance and will be a very tough team to beat on both sides of the ball. This team is not flawless however as they will need players to score more than they have in any previous NOBL season.  Last season Ryan Stark, Nick DeFeo and Matt DiMartino COMBINED averaged just 22 points a game, and that production will not be enough to keep up with other teams, especially if teams decide to go 4 on 4. PROJECTED STARTING LINEUP- C-Ryan Stark F-Nick DeFeo F-Joe Affet G-Matt DiMartino G-Marcelo Affet. The xfactor for this team is its chemistry. Will this team be able to get along and play as a true team or will players become frustrated by minutes and not starting? I can sense some turmoil and rumblings already within the team, and I do expect some big names to be shipped out by week 2 or 3. But this team has great depth and will likely be a championship contender til the very end. PREDICTION - (12-8 2nd seed)





Playoffs FIRST ROUND (1)Lakers vs (4)Royals - 2-0 Lakers, (2)Bullets vs (3)Pelicans 2-1 Pelicans.

NOBL 5.6 FINALS (1)Lakers vs (3)Pelicans - 3-1 Lakers.  Finals MVP Dave Delattre


NOBL 5.6 AWARDS- MVP-Joe Brown (will average over 26 points a game on a bad team)

Rookie of the Year- Willie Jackson (Will slightly edge out teamate Dave Girton)

Defensive Player of the year - James Rambo (Will continue to be a menace as he racks up insane steal numbers)


We'll see how it all unfolds. Sincerely Yours- Toni Kukoc