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June GMM 2019

June 17, 2019


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting




June 17, 2019


Anthony Marusco, Jim Buggy, Rebecca Farrell, Michael Grady, Amy Grady, Jason Farrell, Scott Sexton, Joe Hart, Zach Imbrugia, Brian Morris, John Mancineli, Lisa Jennings, RJ Diamond, Mike Cimabue, Bob Weeks,

Late: Denny Anastasia(8:44 PM),

Called to Order:

8:42 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Marren Account 500.55

Capital  5818.12

Regular account 21,245.37


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca Farrell

Second:Michael Grady







16’s are rolling along.  14’s battling along with foul weather, we have called up some graduating 12’s to play the season out.  

Joe Hart- Has asked to see if a sign has been taken down.  Sun Valley would like to paint the sign. It is faded. It is basically Aston Valley blue.  

Bob Weeks- Could the 12’s use it for practice?  


Majors-Michael Grady

The Majors have closed out their season.  The Nationals came back and won the title.  The Dodgers came in second.

12’s played this past weekend in Egg Harbor.  They had a very good showing.


Minors- Bob Weeks

Minors finished the season.  

Mariners defeated the Phillies and Red Sox came in third.

10u played Egg Harbor tournament.  Great showing.

17 Minor kids play up in the majors.  

18 kids played tonight in a end of season game.  Went well.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Late- 8:52PM


1st Pirates

2nd Dodgers

3rd A’s

Umpires were good.  All in all pretty good season.  

7’s start in Chi next week.

2 6 u teams   One plays in Brookhaven.  Both playing Aston Valley. One playing in Chichester.  June 19-25



Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Not present.  

Marlins won the junior rookie championship.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

All district uniforms should have been handed out.  District tournaments uniforms need to be paid.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Thank you for Todd Kirk for fixing the fryer at Weir.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

Press Box will be pushed off until July.  Supplies will be delivered tomorrow to field and Joe will meet them tomorrow at 8:30 AM.  

Joe acquired extra turf for the bull pens.  So far they have done the major and minors on the concrete so far.  

The 6 and 7 parents are meeting this Wednesday. So that everyone is in the same boat for the responsiblity.

One person to hook up the electric.  

Donovan and Kelly are going to do that for us.  

Scoreboard wire connectors were loose.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.


Rules- Tom Wood



Secretary- Amy Grady

Noone is ever


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Feels like yesterday we were on the field for opening day.  The regular season thanks so much to Rebecca and her people.  Lots of great specials all season long from cheesesteaks, fried pickles, breakfast sandwiches.

It was a successful season from teeball through majors.  They seem to improve throughout the season.

There were a few issues at the park itself,  The bike riders seemed to be an issue with wheelies and erratic and one rookie player was hurt by a bike rider recently.  Spoke with Fred Prendergast about the issue.

The township is looking for funding from the electrical union for the lights on the major field.  The talking is on-going.

Thanks to all of our volunteers for this season, Head coaches, assistant coaches and all parents.

Questions?- Joe Hart-Playoffs this year.  What rules do we follow for the playoffs? All Inhouse rules with the exception of:  Each division decided which rules would change? Pitching rules (Major) with max of 85 pitches.  

, intentional walk(major), (Minor)pitching rolling 6 with max of 70 pitches.  The exception of was left up to the commisioners.

Why did we have so many controversies?  What about the teams that were home or away?  This was the first year that we had standings.  Rookies used the seeding. Minors followed it to a tee.  Why are we making seperate rules for seasons? Is it fair to the kids to never be the home team?  President and player agent has been talking.

Denny Anastasia thinks that we should get rid of standings.  He is worried about the kids not getting chances playing other positions.  We are supposed to be developing the kids. Some of those kids, were in the outfield all season and never played 2nd base.  I think coaches should have to sign a code of conduct every year.

Joe Hart thinks the standing have failed.  When it effected kids we need to step in.

Rebecca- Remember we discussed that we did this to try to be competitive.  

Michael Grady- I hate standings.  During regular season I finished in 6th position.  I apologize to the board. I would like to say that as a board we have talked about this amongst ourselves.  We will talk more about this and make this right. It is hard for us to get people to coach, we are looking for ways to stop the antics of the coaches.  

Bob Weeks- We went into it as an experiment.  It was a bullying tactic.

Jason Farrell- Why was the coach not disciplined?  It was addressed.

Anthony- We will look for check who will be coaches or not the following year.  In regards to the volunteers. It is a mindset. We used to have to sign up in person.  When you signup on line then you don’t interact with the new families. Is everything right, no?  We will do our best to try to fix it. Let’s settle down.





Jason Farrell- I have a huge issue when coaches do not shake hands after a game.  I don’t care how much they do not like another person you should be a leader and show them sportsmanship.  It is unsportsman like conduct. John Howe refused to shake hands after the championship game.

Michael- Asking..Should they not coach next year.  No they should not coach next year.

Brian Morris- Should headcoaches let the commisioners know about issues?  YES!!





Motion By:


9:42 PM

Fran Miles

Rebecca Farrell