Wizards Picture Link


 To all Wizard families:

We have a collection of Wizard photos from over the years.  The link to the Wizard Smug Mug photo album is: https://crystallakewizards.smugmug.com/, please go take a look!!  We have taken many photos from past seasons.  Check out the site to see if you can find any of your wrestler.

The albums/pictures have no restrictions. You can download and print any of the pictures, and there is no charge. You may order prints or gifts directly from the site or download the pictures you want onto a disk and take it to any store. 

Pictures are very important part of the Wizards Family.  If you have any pictures or videos and want to upload them to our photo albums, please submit them to our dropbox.  It's very easy to use and you can upload one or several at a time.  Please indicate the tournament they are from.  https://crystallakewizards.smugmug.com/upload/PwL65k/uploads

With that in mind, we are always looking for more people to take photos at tournaments of as many Wizards they can.  If you have interest in helping out periodically at tournaments you will be attending, that would be so helpful.  Volunteering to do this does not mean that you have to do it at every tournament either.  

Contact web@clwizards.com with any questions.