Any adult aged 19 or over, actively interested in furthering the objective of the Local League, may become a General Member upon presence at three (3) consecutive General Meetings.   At that time, he or she shall be enrolled as a General Member. 

A. Member Rights.

General Members shall have the following rights in the Local League:

1. May manage or coach teams in the Local League

2. Eligiblity to vote in the Board elections for the next fiscal year once 50% of meetings from October thru September are attended in current fiscal year 

3. Vote on constitutional questions involving the league

4. Express views regarding management and participate fully in policy discussions and votes in the Local League

5. Accrue seniority 

6. Be elected to an office or trustee in the Local League after 2 consecutive years as a General Member

B. Member Responsibilities.

1. Maintain membership as defined in 3.06 of the OBLL Constitution.  This includes but is not limited to attending 10 General Meetings in the fiscal year (October thru September) and adhering to the Little League and OBLL Code of Conduct.  COPY to be provided upon request.

2. Participate fully and actively on any committee to which the President may appoint him or her.

3. Perform other tasks in the Local League as which may be assigned by the Executive Committee from time to time.