
September 18, 2013

After three weeks of the season we have some interesting developments:

USC leads the pack followed by L & P and TPL. 

League Leaders:



Anthony Sutter    11

John Spinelii          9

Joe Columbia        9

Phil Paterno          8


Runs Scores

Phil Paterno     13

Joe Curro         9

Chris Seagriff   8


Home Runs

Jay Harrell   3

This year we have had the passing of Alexa Rose and Rob Columbia.  Please lets keep them in our prayers. 

On the good sidw we have had many babies born.  Lets hope they are future players. 


The last item : During the ALexa Rose vs TPL game a play happened which is not addressed in our rules. So we will clarify here.  A batter swung and hit the balll into the ground.  (Chopped )  As long as the batter swings hard and through (no swinging bunts) the play will be allowed.