With The End of Summer Comes The Beginning of SoFtball

August 21, 2011 – 08:30 AM
Welcome back

With the summer coming to a close, It is time for the Robert Kelly Memorial League To begin!
This year we start on August 27th, which might be changed to August 28th due to team conflict.
To check where and when you might be playing, click here -> schedule

The Homerun rules will be the same as the season before and the Score keeper will keep track of the balls hit in right field. There might be adjustments to the rules NEXT YEAR.
Also pitching rules ARE enforced this year. I.E. Two feet starts on the rubber, one foot must be on at the time of ball release. There will be two warnings, after 3rd warning, removal from pitching is necessary
I hope this to be one of the best seasons and good luck to all of the teams playing this year.

Also Trystan will be selling Gatorades, water, and breakfest bars at P.S 50 for the opening weekend.
He will be going back and forth between the two fields. Check back to know when he is coming to your field to bring you all your drinking and eating needs :).
Have a good week and GOOD LUCK!!!