2019 Fall Update and 2020 Spring Baseball and Softball

Seaford Little League will NOT be offering a Fall Baseball or Softball program for the Fall 2019 season. While our Fall seasons have offered players of various ages a fun and relaxed environment to play ball, interest/participation has declined consistently over the past few years. We don't necessarily view this as a bad sign, as we attribute this to the strong success of many of the other Fall intramural and interscholastic sports in our town, as well as a parental focus on academics at the hectic start of the new school year.

Conversely, our Spring baseball and softball programs have continued to grow with 600+ boys and girls participating in our various age divisions, and many of our younger divisions, the future of our great game, seeing participation growth this past season. While we realize the lack of a Fall season will be a disappointment for some, we are committed to focusing all of our efforts on once again offering a best-in-class Spring Little League season in 2020!

Stay tuned to this website, as well as our Facebook page: @seafordlittleleague, in September/October for important updates and Registration details for our 2020 Season!

- Seaford Little League Board and Directors