


FYFA is Western Massachusetts premier youth football program located in Wilbraham, MA. Our tackle football program begins with 3rd grade and culminates with 8th grade football. Many of our players have grown into high school stars and collegiate athletes.  Our volunteers and coaches share a passion for the kids, fun and football.

Our program is designed to introduce families to the sport of football in a fun and instructive enviroment.  We recognize that there is a greatness in each ouf our student athletes and emphasize individual growth ain a team atmosphere. Besides teaching football fundamentals, our focus is to simply promote athletic and academic excellence in all of our players. In addition to creating a lifelong love of sports, our goal is to create outstanding citizens and future leaders in school, sports and community.

FYFA is a 100% volunteer organization. We need parents to lend their time and talents in order to make FYFA a continued success! 


Contact us to learn more! Click Here

F.Y.F.A. Volunteer Opportunities



The 2024 Falcon Footbal teams need your support!


We appreciate all the time and efforts our parent volunteers spend supporting our home games ensuring they are a huge success!  As a reminder each players parent or guardian is required to volunteer for 4hrs throughout the season. 

You can sign up for any game that fits your schedule, however we suggest a game before or after your sons so you don't miss a second of the action.  Please email us at fyfafootball@gmail.comand include your phone number when signing up if it not already listed. 


As an entirely volunteer-run organization, FYFA provides an experience that is not just for the players, but for the entire family. Parents and other family members are included in every aspect of our program — they are on our Board and many are involved as coaches, team parents, fundraising, marketing and more. We are a community and it has always been our belief that the more a family participates, the more fulfilling the experience is for their child. FYFA relies 100% on unpaid volunteers to donate their time to make our football program successful for the children in our community. Without volunteers and their efforts none of this would be possible. Because volunteers are an essential part of making our program a success, we require that parents actively be involved with the program or with their team.  


We understand how "little" time people have nowadays, but FYFA only asks that each family donate a minimum of four (4) hours throughout the season. Please remember, this program is for YOUR child.  If we all work together we can make FYFA the best possible youth football program for all of our children.


There are many different ways to complete your mandatory volunteer hours for FYFA…



Fundraising – These volunteers support our successful prize raffle. You will help design, support and execute the prize raffle which is a critical part of our fundraising for F.Y.F.A. 


Chain Gang - These are the best seats in the house. For every home game volunteers are needed to move the first down chains and the yard marker. Referees will assist you as needed. You are required to be on the field 10 minutes prior to game start time. It's easy, fun and puts you right on the field for your child's game.

Concession Stand - Each home game volunteers are needed to manage the Concession Stand and sell food and beverages. If you volunteer at the concession stand you may get coffee made, display candy and chips, take orders, stock the fridge, etc. Feel free to schedule your hours for the game before or after your child’s game so you don’t miss your child playing!


Merchandise - Volunteers are needed to manage the purchase and ordering of Falcon's Merchandise to support our teams.  


 If you have special skills that you think could be beneficial to FYFA, if you want to get involved with the Falcon family on a larger scale, or if you have the time for a year-long commitment, consider joining or chairing an FYFA committee… You will fulfill your volunteer obligation, and then some, but will also be a key player, helping maintain FYFA as a premier youth football association!


Committee Chair or Member – These volunteer positions are a year-long commitment. FYFA is run completely by volunteers, and needs family members to take on important roles within the association.  If you are interested in joining a committee, or even chairing a committee, please reach out to the volunteer coordinator or a member of the board at To learn more about FYFA committees, visit the FYFA Committee page on the left hand toolbar of the web site.



There are many more ways to be involved with your child's football team. FYFA is a strong community with many families who like to participate to help fulfill the excitement and experience for their children. FYFA believes in active participation to enhance our football program and to ensure every player and parent enjoys the football season.

If you are interested in becoming even more involved in Falcon Football, there are also volunteer positions available within the Falcon Youth Football Association. Please feel free to reach out to any member of the Board of Directors if you are interested in getting more involved:






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Sep 24
Sep 25
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