• GYGSA Player Draft Rules
    These are the rules for the player draft process as approved by the GYGSA board.
    Not every scenario is or can be covered in these rules. In the event a situation does come up that isn't covered or is not clear in these rules the GYGSA ranking board member will have the final say. Any questions about these rules should be directed to Tim Field at gygsasoftball@gmail.com

  • GYGSA Rules of Play
    These are the rules of play as approved by the GYGSA board.
    Not every situation can be documented and there are cases where exceptions may be made if its warranted and deemed the right thing to do for the benefit of the kids. Any exceptions or clarifications of the rules should be directed to Tim Field at gygsasoftball@gmail.com

  • All-Star Policiy Information
    All Star policies for coach selection, player selection process, teams financial support, team names and uniforms and off season practice or play.