Players Ages and Divisions

Training League: Girls and Boys ages 3 and 4 (be 3 years old by July 1st)

Tee Ball: Girls 5 to 7; Boys 5 and 6

Coach Pitch: Girls 8 to 10; Boys 7 to 9

Junior Girls: 11 to 14

Junior Bpys: 10 to 13

Senior Girls: 15 to 19

Senior Boys 14 to 18

Adults: Female and Male over 19

Notes: Cut off date is May 1st - Always can play up one division (must be within one year of that division age)

Players Code of Conduct

Centertown Youth Guidelines and Regulations Section 11

1-REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE I will treat my Coaches/Team Managers, other Players, Officials and Fans with RESPECT regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities and I will expect to be treated accordingly. Always treat your Teammates, Coaches/Team Managers, opponents & officials in the same manner that you would like to be treated.

2-BE A GOOD SPORT Play fair. Be a leader. Rise above poor behavior. Have Fun. The way in which you conduct yourself has a long lasting effect on everybody around you. That’s what practicing good sportsmanship is all about. 

3-LISTEN TO YOUR COACH If you’re on the team, your job is to listen attentively to what your coach is saying. 

4-BE PATIENT WITH YOUR TEAMMATES Every player on your team has certain strengths and weaknesses. Be patient with your teammates as they improve their games-just as they will be patient with you improving your game. Work for the good of your team. Success can only come when the entire team works and plays well together. 

5-LEARN THE RULES/PLAY SAFE. Honor, observe, and follow the rules of the game while playing in a safe and appropriate manner. 

6-NEVER QUESTION AN OFFICIAL Officials do not care who wins and they have no favorite players or teams. All they want is for a fair and safe game to be played. And that’s no easy job. Make it easier by not talking back to an official. Accept the decisions of the officials with a good attitude. 

7-PLAY HARD Hustle never goes out of style. Coaches absolutely love players who work hard at practice and games. If playing hard isn’t part of your game-make it! Work for the good of the team and have try. YY

8-INCLUDE YOUR PARENTS Your parents want only the best in life for you. And they always want to see you succeed. Let them into your sports world, but remind them that there are ups and downs and your goal is to have fun. It will be good for you to have their support and fun for them to see you take responsibility as a member of the team. 

10-HAVE FUN It’s a simple concept. Win or lose, try to enjoy every moment. Have fun

Players Corrective Action Policy

Centertown Youth League Guidleines Section 12

1-Players who fail to adhere to the Code of Conduct or do not live up to their responsibilities or expectations will be subject to disciplinary action. Accordingly, CENTERTOWN YOUTH LEAGUE COMMITTEE has instituted a Corrective Action Policy to establish appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior.

2-The Corrective Action Policy is a guide to assist Coaches and CENTERTOWN YOUTH LEAGUE to run a quality program. The Corrective Action Policy is a 3-step system designed to forgive a mistake but to firmly address chronic misbehavior.

3-For violations of the Code of Conduct or Ethics, the following steps will be followed:

Step 1 – Verbal Warning – Coach will discuss undesirable conduct with player and parents and stress that this behavior will not be tolerated.

Step 2 – Period Suspension - Coach will bench the offending player for 1 period of time during a game (inning) when he/she should be playing. Coach will inform Home plate Umpire and Scorekeeper of the problem and why the child is sitting out. Coach should discuss undesirable conduct with the parents. If the player comes up at bat, an out will be call if under the period suspension.

Step 3 – One Game Suspension - Coach will bench the offending player for that game and the next game schedule

If a player gets ejected by an umpire, they must sit out the rest of that game.

These guidelines are not absolute in dealing with behavioral problems. Severe or unsafe situations could merit the harshest sanctions against the participant.