25 Tips for Defense

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25 Tips For Defensemen
1. Don't “dive in” on an attack player after she has caught the ball. If she is receiving a rather long pass and you are sure you can reach the ball before her, go ball side and intercept the ball (as long as you are not the LAST close defender to the goal)
2. In a settled offense, as a pass is made to the player you are defending, move out to cover her as the ball is moving to her, so that you are in position as she catches it. Don't wait until she has caught the ball, and then move out on her. (Do not chase out past the 12 on settled defense in this situation)
3. Never take a step into a player while playing her on defense.
4. Once the attack player has the ball, worry her plenty by good body position and pressuring her stick side, etc., don't give much chance to look over her field, make her worry about you. Get good body position so as to direct her where you want her to go.
5. Keep your stick and clear hand HIGH to block the passing lanes. Don't ever carry it at your side, KEEP IT UP!
6. When your player hasn't got the ball, always play slightly to the ball side of her, so that you gain a step as she cuts toward the ball. If she cuts away from the ball, the pass must go over your head which leaves you in good position to intercept or back check.
7. When your player hasn't got the ball, stand sideways to the player and ball. You must use split vision watching both player and ball.
8. There must be plenty of talk on defense, this is important. The following are the most important examples: a) The player on each side of the ball must let the player on the ball know if she is backed up. b) If a player leaves to back up she must let the defense know he is leaving by yelling SLIDE, so that they may slide. c) The player playing the ball must yell, "I've got ball". d) If an attacker cuts, the defender playing her should yell "cutter" so that she alerts the rest of the defense for a possible switch. e) If a switch is necessary, both players call "SWITCH".
9. If a defender leaves to slide on a dodge, the whole defense slides over, leaving the attacker farthest from the ball open.
11. Never cross your feet while playing an attacker unless you are forced to run to keep up with her.
12. Never throw a ball just to get rid of it.
13. Always scoop a loose ball. Stay LOW and MOVING FORWARD. If there is a crowd, go through, scoop it up, cradle low and tight, and keep moving forward until you are clear.
14. NEVER COMMIT YOUR BODY POSITION TO THE CHECK. A CHECK IS A LAST OPTION AND A GIFT!! IF you check, make your check short and hard, making your check to the edge of your opponent’s crosse. A check is a balanced and quick tap to your opponent’s crosse. Never raise your stick high to check.
15. If an attacker dodges you, keep after her. You should catch her as your teammate slides and comes in to the front of the attacker.
16. Never pass a ball across in front of your goal or attempt to pass out while in front of the goal and under pressure. Cradle and RUN until you are clear of the pressure AND the front of the goal.
17. If you are after a loose ball, but your attack player is ahead of you, press her hard if you cannot come up with the ball, but don't give her the opportunity to go around you.
18. After the attacker you are playing throws a ball, step back two steps quickly and be ready for a cut. Also always look in the direction of the ball as you drop off. Don't turn your back on the ball.
19. As the attacker you are playing starts a pass, get your stick up in the passing lane and attempt to block the pass.
20. If you ever switch, STAY WITH THAT PLAYER until your team gets the ball or you have to switch again.
21. Whey clearing the ball if you are moving in to receive the pass, as you catch the ball, circle away from your stick side or quickly switch your stick position to protect the ball from a defender.
22. Once the other team has cleared the ball, all defenders must drop in to the 12 meter fan quickly. RUN HARD --THIS IS ONE TIME YOU CANNOT LOAF.
23. On clears, make all passes as you draw the defenders (but before they get too close) sharp, away from the other team’s players, and, as a general rule, to your nearest open player.
24. On a clear, when making a pass to a player who is coming in to meet the ball throw at her face, so that she catches the ball in front of her, making it hard for an attacker to check her stick.
25. If the ball is rolling back toward the restraining line, NEVER ALLOW the attack player you are defending beat you to the ball. Be alert, use your stick to goose the ball to a teammate. Remember, if the ball is 5 yards away or less you can use your body for position. If you are not able to get body position, create pressure by playing them close, getting your stick on the ground, and to the ball. Make sure you don't go offside.