2023 CYL SEASON (A Great Year: Thank You)

A Big Thank You

What a great season it was to have 30 youth league teams and over 330 kids playing. I want to say thanks to each player, parents, and fans for coming out this year. A big thanks to our team sponsors and coaches that help support the youth league for your sponsorship and coaching a team.  To our scorekeepers and umpires thank you. Our volunteer concesson stand workers for your help and time you work in the concession stand and to Kathy and Barry Taylor and Carolyn Judkins overseeing the concession. Thanks to Ray Robinson for dragging the fields to get the playing fields ready to play on.  A specal thanks to the people on the Centertown  Youth League Committee listed below, with out year help and support we wouldn't be here to have this great ball season.

Umpire Coordinator: Phillip Prater
Scorekeeper Coordinator: Sheila Scott
Scheduling Coordinator: Marlin Scott
Teams Coordinator: Donnie Caldwell
Players Coordinator: Trista Potter
Concession Stand Coordnator: Kathy Taylor
Concession Stand Chief Cook: Barry Taylor
Treasurer: Bridgett Prater
Insurance Coordinator: Justin Lanier
Public Relations Coordinator: Emily Scott
Youth League Rules Committee Chairman: Kevin Miller

I also want to thank all the teams that provided a basket for the team auction basket sale we had on July 3rd and to our auctioneers and their helped during the auction. To Emily, Sheila and Marlin Scott for getting the youth games organized and decorations of the park. To Adam Anderson for overseeing the Adult and Old Timers Co-Ed Softball Games. To Carolyn Judkins and Kathy and Barry Taylor for running the concession stand on this  day and for Trista Potter for handling the Pizza's orders.