Rowe Manufacturing, LLC

FAQs for Parents

Pre-Season FAQs

When is registration for the 2017 season? You can register online or print and mail your registration.

How much does it cost? $175 for returning players and cheerleaders. For new players and cheerleaders, the cost is $195. A deposit of $50 is due at registration and a payment plan can be set up. Some Financial assistance programs available for those who qualify Email:


What equipment is included? Football players receive: personalized jersey and game socks that they may keep; in addition, they receive a helmet, shoulder pads and game pants that need to be returned at the end of the season. Cheerleaders receive: cheer shell, skirt and pom-poms that need to be returned at the end of the season.

What is not included? Football players need to supply their own: practice pants, girdle and pads set, cleats, and spare mouthpieces with strap. Cheerleaders need to supply their own: shoes, practice shorts and T-shirts.

When must participant physical forms be completed? The Medical Clearance Form (Physical) is available for download and must be dated AFTER January 1, 2017. The form must be turned in the first day of practice or no equipment will be issued.

What is the age cut-off for CFYFL? Our football teams are grade-based and age-protected. Football teams are determined by grade: Bobble Head – first and second grades; Mighty Mites – third and fourth grades; Jr Pee Wees – fifth grade; Pee Wees – sixth grade; Jr Midgets – seventh grade; and Midgets – eighth grade. The cheer program is open to children from 5-years-old (before July 31)  to 15-years-old.

What are the age/weight requirements for tackle football? Please refer to the Football Overview section.

Can are parents permitted to coach? We interview our head coaches before the season starts and are selected based on several criteria. Each head coach has the responsibility to choose his/her assistant coaches. If you are interested in a coaching position, please complete a Coach and Volunteer Application. Some coaching staffs may be full. We require all new and returning coaches to be certified each season.

How long is the season? The regular season runs from mid-August through November. All football age divisions can count on extending their season with playoff and championship games. Competitive cheer teams can expect to participate in the CFYFL championship at the end of the season and, if they place either first or second, will continue to the AYC Regional Championships. Cheer squads that place in first or second place, will compete at the AYC National Championships in early December.

Where are the games played? Games are played at local high schools throughout Central Florida. Limited travel is required; however, no over-night stays, except for AYF/AYC Regional Championships in Ocala.

Are there certifications required to volunteer for a position with the league? Yes, all coaches attend a certification class conducted by CFYFL, local high schools, Nike, and USA Football. Parents who volunteer and are on the field and any other volunteers need to complete a Coach and Volunteer Application that includes an authorization for a background check. CPR training is also required.

What do I do if I missed registration? Due to high demand, you will be placed on the next available team in your area. Please contact either your area director or cheer coordinator.

Are there off-season programs to prepare my child for the upcoming season? Yes, there are various program hosted and endorsed by the CFYFL. Please check the Player & Cheer Camps listings for details.

What if we are relocating to Central Florida and want to participate? Teams are formed based on high school districts.


In-Season FAQs

When will we receive our game schedules? Game schedules are created by CFYFL and are typically released after the pre-season Jamboree in mid-August. Please check the Game Schedule section when published.

When is Picture Day? Picture Day is typically held in conjunction with the pre-season Jamboree in mid-August.

If I have an issue with a coach, player, parent or league official, how should I handle my concern? WE ARE A ZERO-TOLERANCE PROGRAM. First, realize that any issue contains several factors. Be sure to address any concerns in a controlled and respectful manner. If you have team-related issues, the first person you should contact is your head coach. Please do so after practice or schedule a specific time. Some parents are leery to speak to their child's coach as they're afraid that the coach may then take their son down to minimum play, move a cheerleader from a coveted position, etc. Please understand that we have selected these coaches with the understanding that they have nothing but the best interest and safety of your child in mind and will handle your concerns in an adult manner. If you have a league-related issue, talk to your head coach in the same format and he/she will bring the issue to the attention of the area director/cheer coordinator. A league official will be in contact with you to resolve the issue or discuss further context. If you do not follow the Complaint Procedure, your issue will not be addressed.

What are our rights as parents and players? A safe place to participate in football/cheer with fundamental instruction. Per the CFYFL Code of Conduct, any verbal abuse, constant disruption to the team or the experience of other parents will not be tolerated. The Executive Board of the CFYFL reserves the right to warn a parent or athlete one time, and then suspend privileges/participation for one year or permanently, depending on the offense.

What is the lightning/natural disaster warning policy for practice and games? The area director/cheer coordinator and league official will assess weather and playing conditions. If, for whatever reason, conditions do not allow for practice or games, a loud horn will sound with one long blast, which means immediately clear the field and parents are to proceed to their cars. The coaching staff with assume responsibility for their team members during this time. Once conditions are safe, there will be another blast to return to the playing field. Once the horn has been sounded and the field is cleared, you are at your own risk if you choose not to take cover. If the horn is blasted twice, practice is canceled and you will be expected to attend the next scheduled practice. In cases of hurricane warning or events pre- or post-natural disaster, CFYFL will follow the same course of action as Seminole/Orange County PublicSchools. If school is closed for weather conditions, there will not be practice on that given day. Please see the Rain Policy and Lightning Safety sections.

What should I expect if my child doesn’t make it to practice during a given week? Football is a game of synergy, consistency and preparation. Given these characteristics it is very important to stay on course with practice and all season commitments. If your child inexcusably misses practice during a given week, his head coach will not be required to play him more than the minimum during the next game. Judgment on this issue lies at the team level. On the cheer side, if girls aren't at practice, stunt groups don't work and routines have to be redone.

Can I use pictures, the CFYFL or association name for mass media? No, not without the express written consent of the CFYFL.

What are the qualifications of league officials responsible for my child's football/cheer experience? Our philosophy is to conduct a rigorous process to select the best possible volunteer candidates. Most or all coaches have some football/cheer experience and/or coaching experience. All head coaches usually have multiple years of experience coaching youth athletics. Some have been dedicated to our program in the past and have a good grasp of the fundamentals. Additionally, all coaching volunteers are required to complete certification courses conducted by CFYFL and each has had a background check run.

What is the general purpose of the CFYFL? To fundamentally embrace children in the areas of academics and sports. Our main objective is to provide a safe place for your child to be challenged both as an athlete and a person.

Who benefits from the money that goes into the program? Only you! Every penny that is collected by the CFYFL is invested back into the growth and safety of our program for the long term. We are a non-profit organization that relies on great people that volunteer their time and knowledge. Please respect this fact and consider volunteering as it can only help all of us.

What do I need to do to volunteer at CFYFL? At a registration event, you will be presented with a number of opportunities to choose from that will help out your child's team. Please look carefully and know that our parents are expected to perform a minimum of 2 hours of volunteer time per child enrolled in the organization. With that being said, if you have two participants, then you are looking at 4 hours of volunteer time. Make it a fun experience by choosing a volunteer opportunity that interests you. During the course of the season, there will be many jobs available. Game day is the time where we need most of our volunteers. We thank you in advance for contributing to the CFYFL program and insuring the quality of the experience for your child and their teammates.

How do I get directions to away games? Please refer to the Directions to Venues section.

What is minimum play? It is a requirement of the CFYFL that all football players, regardless of skill level must play a minimum amount of plays during each game. The actual number of plays is eight active plays. This rule only applies to all football age-divisions, except Bobble Head. For Pee Wee, Jr Midget and Midget age-divisions, special teams are considered active plays. The Bobble Head age-division is required to play all players equally during the course of each game.

What if my child wants to play a certain position? Position assignments are conducted at the age-division level. Coaches are encouraged to let each child try out for different positions at the beginning of the season. All children are evaluated equally and will have the opportunity to prove they can play different positions. Each head coach will have an evaluation form, which will list the needed skills for a given position and an evaluation for each player. Position assignments are entirely up to the head coach and his staff.

What if I think my child should be playing more? We recommend asking yourself if your child has done his best to prepare himself to succeed and worked as hard as the rest. Then we ask that you try to be as objective as possible when considering your child's abilities compared to their peers. The next step is to have a planned conversation with the head coach to get background on his perspective relative to YOUR child. This conversation is not intended to turn his opinion or even create a preferential move for your child. You can only expect a forthright response that will allow you to understand the decisions that are being made. The information you collect will help you to further influence your child to work on aspects that will help them. We recommend that you work together with the coaching staff to improve your child's opportunities. If you continue to be unsatisfied with your child's playing time, please realize your opinion has been heard and the head coach will only do what he sees best for the team.

What if my daughter wants to be a flyer/base/tumbler? Much of the same goes for cheerleading as it does for football. While everyone on the team may want to be a flyer, obviously that just is not possible. The coaching staff does its best to evaluate each girl, her talents and abilities and then make the judgment to determine where she will be placed to best serve the team. While your child may have been in a certain position the previous season does not necessarily mean that she will retain that position this season due to many factors (the makeup of the current team and their abilities, growth spurts, willingness, etc.). Routines are not built around one or two cheerleaders and their abilities, but what will be in the best interest for the entire team to be successful.

What are the scholastic characteristics needed of my athlete? All football players and cheerleaders are expected to maintain a 2.0 grade point average or higher to continue to participate throughout the course of the season.

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