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Total Baseball Development


Total Baseball Development

Siouxland’s Home for Extra Baseball!

Sioux City, Iowa & the Iowa Great Lakes

Make sure to follow Total Baseball Development on social media for updates, notifications, and really cool pics at:



2024 TBD Fall League

Opening Day ~ September 8

Established 2005

20th Season ~ TBD Fall League!

Be part of the tradition!!!


Quick Links for 2024 TBD Fall League

Rosters, Schedules, Camp information, How to Sign Up, and More:


👆TBD Fall League HIGH SCHOOL at ALL locations👆

👆4th-5th & 6th-7th Grade Divisions at the Iowa Great Lakes 👆

👆2024 TBD Fall League - How It Works & Rules👆


👆Click HERE to register for the Bill Krejci Baseball Camp - September 21, 2024 at Strikers Complex in Sioux City👆

SPECIAL BONUS for ALL 2024 TBD Fall League players . . .

FREE CAMP on Saturday, September 21 at the Strikers Complex in Sioux City from 2:00pm to 5:00pm ~ Rain or shine with indoor facilities available!

Registration is LIVE for the camp in Sioux City.  Please register at the link above.  
  • Bill Krejci Baseball Camp
  • Saturday, September 21, 2024
  • 2:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Strikers Complex on Highway 75 in Sioux City, Iowa ~ Physical address: 4900 South Lewis Boulevard; Sioux City, Iowa  51106
  • Wear your TBD Fall League jersey


And TBD Fall League sign up includes a FREE CAMP FOR ALL PLAYERS on Saturday, September 21 in Sioux City with Bill Krejci of USA Baseball

Bill Krejci, since 1996, has worked with USA Baseball as a Special Advisor and Talent Evaluator, and has also served as Team USA Field Manager and hitting coach for all various age groups including the world dominating 18U Team USA where he has coached the likes of JJ Hardy, Joe Mauer, Manny Machado, Freddie Freeman, and Bryce Harper. Being around Coach Krejci is a great learning time, and opportunities like this in life are limited to be around a person with so much worldly, top level, and championship experience. So make sure to take full advantage of him coming to Sioux City and attend the camp to get up close and personal with a great and highly respected person in the baseball world.


Pictured here is Bryce Harper and Manny Machado of the 2009 Team USA 18U.

The 2009 18U Team USA was one of many of the Team USA squads that Coach Krejci has coached, managed, and been a part of.  

View Larger Map

Click here for directions to the Strikers Complex on Highway 75 in Sioux City, Iowa. Physical address: 4900 South Lewis Boulevard; Sioux City, Iowa  51106

Baseball Visitors to the TBD Website!     

2 7 4, 5 7 9 ~ July 30, 2024

2 5 4, 9 0 0 ~ July 25, 2023

2 2 3, 9 2 4 ~ July 28, 2022 

2 0 1, 4 7 4 July 25, 2021



1 5 4, 1 9 5 ~ August 2, 2018

1 3 6, 9 0 2 ~ July 31, 2017 

1 2 3, 2 1 6 ~ July 30, 2016

1 0 6, 7 3 5 ~ July 27, 2015

9 1, 7 7 6 ~ July 23, 2014


2 5 3, 7 2 8 ~ May 7, 2023

2 4 8, 4 8 9 ~ January 9, 2023

2 4 8, 0 8 1 ~ December 21, 2022

128,417 ~ September 19, 2016 

Play hard or go home...........and watch out for that bacon cheese hamburger!!! Kansas City Royals center fielder Tommy Murphy hits the wall and the burger in Spring Training a few years ago ..................... WELL DONE!!! ....... The play and the burger!!!

Total Baseball Development

Siouxland’s Home for Extra Baseball!

Sioux City, Iowa & the Iowa Great Lakes


Total Baseball Development (TBD) is a baseball school and organization based in Sioux City, Iowa with locations at the Iowa Great Lakes, and offers individualized personal and group instruction, Out-of-Season leagues, camps, clinics, showcases, round table events, and player placement services for high school, college, and professional baseball players alike.

Total Baseball Development serves as a local resource for baseball in the Siouxland region and Northwest Iowa area for local baseball opportunities here at home, as well as state-wide, nation-wide, and international baseball opportunities.

In 2021, Total Baseball Development founded and began to operate the Iowa Great Lakes 'Okobojis' American Legion Baseball Team from Milford Post #384 to continue on with the tradition of American Legion baseball in the area of the Iowa Great Lakes.  In 2022 The Ruthven Blues American Legion Baseball Team from Ruthven Post #33 with co-sponsor Ayrshire Post #173 began play at Total Baseball Development's second current American Legion team.


For questions and for more information on anything TBD for all age groups at all locations.........


please call, text, or email Bob Protexter at: 712-490-7199 / protexter.tbd@gmail.com


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt
26th President of the United States of America
"The Man In The Arena"
Speech at the Sorbonne
Paris, France
April 23, 1910