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Soccer (girls & boys) Information
Commissioner: Bradley Crowe, 484-620-0222, bradley.crowe@yahoo.com, Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. Email or text message is preferred. If you would like to speak over the phone or in person, please just ask.

ign-ups: Registration for Soccer is held in January and February during the All-Sports Registration, and again in May for the Fall Registration. A Discount is offered when you register on these posted dates see EVENTS for exact day and time. Late registration is on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday in June, July, and August see EVENTS for times.

Soccer will officially begin Saturday, August 1st 2015, at 9am at Collingdale Park.
Ages 5-14 girls and boys.
Cut off date for player age is September 1st.
Team uniforms are provided by C.A.C which includes:

Collingdale Shorts
Team color Socks
T-shirt or Jersey


All male players must wear a supportive cup not provided by the club
Plastic Spikes only not provided by the club