Codes of Conduct

Player's Code of Conduct
The intention of this contract is to promote fair play and respect for all participants within the Gold Star Post 191 Baseball Program. It is expected that all participants read and understand the Player’s Code of Conduct and continue to observe and follow all the principles contained within the Code throughout the year.

1. I will play baseball because I want to, not because others or coaches want me to.

2. I will play by the rules of baseball and in the “Spirit of the Game.”

3. I will control my temper because I understand that fighting or “mouthing-off” can spoil the activity for everybody.

4. I will respect my opponents and their fans.

5. I will do my best to be a true team player. I will encourage good team play.

6. I will remember that winning isn’t everything and that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.

7. I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

8. I realize that school will take precedence over baseball.

9. I will not use vulgar or profane language, racial, ethnic or gender-related slurs toward teammates, coaches, officials, opponents or spectators.

10. I will refrain from trash-talking during the course of a game.

11. I will behave and hold myself accountable at all times when representing my team in all public places, especially when traveling during away games.

12. I will adhere to any dress code imposed by my team.

13. I will respect my coach’s decisions regarding instructions, game time, practice, etc.

14. I will have FUN, but not waste valuable practice time and instruction time before and after games.

15. I will respect others’ property and belongings and the facility in which I play. I will leave the bench in orderly condition.

16. I agree that alcohol, tobacco products and banned substances have NO PLACE in baseball!!

17. I agree not to endanger or create any safety hazards by throwing any objects haphazardly on or outside the playing surface or bench area.

18. I agree that there is no place for violent or overly aggressive play in baseball, where the obvious intent is to injure or harm another player.

19. I agree to do my best in all my endeavors on and off the field and to conduct myself with class and dignity.

20. I will do my best to be on time to all games and practices. I will be physically and mentally ready to work hard to improve skills.

21. I will give coaches advance notice of upcoming tardiness or absences. I will do my best to be a dependable member of the team.

I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct, and agree to abide by its guidelines at all team and league activities. I understand that if I do not follow this Code of Conduct, I will be asked to leave the activity (such as a game or practice) and/or I will face suspension or be expelled from the team.

Parent's Code of Conduct
The intention of this contract is to promote fair play and respect for all participants within the Gold Star Post 191 Baseball Program. It is expected that all participants read and understand the Parent’s Code of Conduct and continue to observe and follow all the principles contained within the Code throughout the year.

1. I will not force my child to participate in baseball. I will try to make it fun.

2. I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.

3. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game. I will make my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and hard.

4. I will never ridicule or yell at my child for making a mistake or losing a game.

5. I will remember that children learn by example. I will applaud good plays by both my child’s team and their opponents. I will not be critical of, or embarrass any player, including opposition players.

6. I will never question the official’s judgment or honesty in public. I recognize that officials are being developed in the same manner as players.

7. I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to baseball for my child.

8. I will never yell, taunt, threaten or inflict physical violence upon any player, coach, official or spectator at any youth baseball activity. I will refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar language, racial, ethnic or gender-related slurs at any time. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth baseball games.

9. I will leave the coaching to the coaching staff. I will encourage my child to play in a manner consistent with the team’s strategy or plans.

10. I will emphasize skill development and a serious approach to practices and explain how skill development will benefit my child.

11. I will attempt to learn about the game of baseball (rules, equipment, levels, skills, etc.) so that I may best support my child’s development in the game.

12. I will not throw objects of any kind on the field.

13. I will communicate all and any concerns regarding inappropriate behavior to the Team Manager or Coach.

14. I will insist that my child plays in a safe and healthy environment. I will support a sports environment that is free of alcohol, drugs or tobacco and I will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.

15. I understand the benefits from participating in a team sport, the commitment, the discipline and the social skills learned and acquired.

16. I will remember that my child plays baseball for his or her enjoyment, not mine.

Game Behavior

To further clarify, unacceptable behaviors in the stands include (but are not limited to) the following:

Using obscene, racial or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.

Taunting players, coaches, officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threatening physical violence, or physical violence.

Throwing any object in the spectators viewing area, players’ bench, or playing surface, that in any manner creates a safety hazard.


The offending parent will be asked to leave the practice or game immediately. Failure to do so will result in a suspension from all team activities.

The first violation of the Code of Conduct will result in a warning to the offending party with no player (child) suspension.

The second violation will result in a suspension of the offending parent’s child for the next game.

I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct, and agree to abide by its guidelines at all team and league activities. I understand that if I do not follow this Code of Conduct, I will be asked to leave the team activity (such as a game or practice) and/or my child will face suspension or be expelled from the team.


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