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Author TOPIC: Season predictions

March 17, 2010
9:04:41 PM

Entry #: 3419008
Who does everyone think is the team that didn't make the playoffs last year that will this season?

Also, which team that was a playoff team last year do you think could weaken and miss the playoffs this season for whatever reason (loss of key players, different division)

My vote for the team that WILL make the playoffs is the Grocer. I think the team that will not make it is Travel Lovers. What does everyone else think?

Mr. October

March 17, 2010
9:28:25 PM

Entry #: 3419028
Grocer made it last year..pick again...


March 18, 2010
12:03:55 PM

Entry #: 3419357
My bad, too many green ones after work. It was Bistro I was going to write but the green team (grocer)was in my head.

Mellowing Out

March 20, 2010
3:14:03 PM

Entry #: 3420941
Many posts so far have the TL boys not fairing much better than last year. I think with a year's experience behind some of the new guys and the pressure of everyone expecting them to get back to the Finals not looming over them this year, you may see a more relaxed and better defensive team. The offence was there, and with the return of Widds bat back in the line-up, some more runs help win some close games.


March 20, 2010
7:53:03 PM

Entry #: 3421018
r u crunked mellow head?


March 21, 2010
10:36:40 PM

Entry #: 3421603
in 2K10........... Griffith will be in the top 10 and Crupi will not be. I agree with the TL note above.

still cookin

March 22, 2010
11:08:31 AM

Entry #: 3421914
Rayovac your battery must be running low because the memory stick is not processing the information.

In the last 20 years with the exception of maybe 2 Crupi has been in the championship section come playoff weekend.

If you want to have a chance at being correct try another team and talk to the Energizer Bunny he may be able to help.


March 22, 2010
9:14:01 PM

Entry #: 3422749
That is funny, stay out of the kitchen fella. Go out and enjoy yourself for once. Which way is the +?


March 26, 2010
7:50:36 AM

Entry #: 3425928
October, I don't know who you are, but I like you. I especially like your prediction (of the outcome, don't want anyone getting hurt any way except emotionally.
DBS rocks


March 30, 2010
8:13:31 AM

Entry #: 3429325
My son your loneliness and need for attention is quite troubling me. If you need to talk all you have to do is call your Dad, I'm listening.

You should stop taking out your sorrows and pettiness on members of the USPL. If you haven't realized, majority of them do not believe in you, will not follow you, and in fact do not even listen to you.

The only one you are hurting is yourself My Son. It is time you faced your own demons.

Oh by the way when the angels were cleaning your room this morning they found a pee pee looking objects with mortal men's faces glued to the top of them.

I told you to put your toys away once you have finished using them.

1st time caller

March 30, 2010
5:06:30 PM

Entry #: 3430078
Have been reading these forums for a couple years and have to say that takumi’s has got to be the weirdest. Either I am missing some stupid inside joke, or you were on some BAD drugs when you wrote this.

Anyways – back to the topic of this thread season predictions. It’s pretty tough to rank teams 1 thru 18 and then try to defend why the team in 11th will finish better than the team in 12th. It is always very close in the middle, a couple wins can mean the difference between 4 or 5 spots in the rankings, so I put teams into 3 different groups. I don’t know all of the teams in this league well enough to have specific comments fore each – but here goes:

Guaranteed playoff teams:

DST – Very arguably the best all around team in the league. No real weaknesses.
Arms – Gained valuable experience last year. Young guys now BELIEVE that they can do it, all their smack talk on these forums was more of an effort to convince themselves than others.
Wing it – Despite all the top 2-3 predictions in these forums, they were actually a sub 500 team last year in the reg season. Making it all the way to finals will build confidence and they’re not losing anyone.
Nvision/Eds – Best hitters in the league
Grocer – Will continue to improve this year
School – always a tough opponent. Will get blown out by 20+ runs 2 or 3 times but will still win 14-16 games

Bubble teams:

Harding – Would be the top seed if everyone was coming back but they are losing a solid core of players and have a terrible draft position. Will not make the playoffs this year. You heard me.
Crupi – Hottest team in the league down the stretch last year. All the talk of weak defense is nonsense – they allowed fewest runs of any team in the second half. Losing 4 guys though so team chemistry may be an issue.
Remax – Sub 500 last year and say all you want about experience – but it is more valuable for a playoff weekend than it is over a 25 game regular season. Will miss playoffs for first time in years.
Plumbers – I got nothing. Probably a playoff team.
Angus – Will have a better record this year. Lost an amazing 10 GAMES by 4 runs or fewer last year, 4 of them by only 1 run.
DBS – My dark horse playoff team. Young guys, good hitters, good draft position. Defense is biggest weakness but should be addressed with 3 draft picks.
MAS – Probably miss playoffs but will be right in the mix all the way thru. Fate will depend on success at the draft and last years picks stepping up

Non playoff teams:

Nobody likes being in this group. These teams may not necessarily be bottom five teams, but they are gonna have a very tough road to get into the top 10.

Griffith – Best chance of this group to surprise a few teams, but they’re losing a solid player and other than that they are the same team that won 10 games last year.
Bistro – will improve but not by enough to get to the playoffs
TL – 15 wins in 2008 was the exception not the rule
Kelseys – not a playoff team this year
Flakeboard – No idea. Lack an identity IMO.

My regular season top 10, in order, at end of regular season:

Wing It


March 30, 2010
5:55:20 PM

Entry #: 3430150
1st time caller - I think you're pretty bang on in your predictions, and also one of the first to point out the Harding predicament. They will definitely have an uphill battle to fight this season!


March 30, 2010
11:35:16 PM

Entry #: 3430493
first timer......... you lost me on MAS. Masters At Slopitch.

Steaner Jr

March 31, 2010
3:28:07 PM

Entry #: 3431148
Well, not drafting you out of the A draft with that attitude Mr. Winn! hah


April 2, 2010
7:42:16 PM

Entry #: 3433116
Top 10 teams in the playoffs

Wing It


April 4, 2010
12:51:04 PM

Entry #: 3433850
GOOD LUCK Steaner when they name a bat after you don't forget me !!!


April 4, 2010
9:50:20 PM

Entry #: 3434157
First Timer, come on, it's not wether you win or lose. It's how you play the game. Oh hell, who am I kidding, it's all about winning and by how badly you can crush your opponent.

1st time caller

April 5, 2010
5:12:19 PM

Entry #: 3434824
Thanks for the vote of confidence winnberg, although something tells me that you think my most 'bang on' projection is that Griffith is losing a solid player!!!

Mr. October

April 5, 2010
7:09:39 PM

Entry #: 3434951
swingintel...I think your title should read top 6 teams...

Wing it
Arms (maybe)
Plumbers (maybe)

You forgot

Harding (maybe)

There is no evidence that Kelseys, Griffith's, Bistro or MAS will compete this year in the big leagues.

My guess is one more year in the minors for them....


April 5, 2010
10:03:49 PM

Entry #: 3435114
Steaner - I hope it's not true pal, I'm just being a realist here.

1st Timer - I did enjoy that part as well, felt good on my inflated ego. After six solid months of heavy drinking, I should be in mid-season physical condition for opening day.

Huggie Bear

April 8, 2010
9:37:38 PM

Entry #: 3438198
1st timer, who gave you that heavy dose of acid before you made a post proclaiming predications? Are you smoking crack again or something? You know that crap stunts your growth. Your bubble teams do not make any common sense.

HR Leader

April 11, 2010
10:23:01 AM

Entry #: 3439624
Let’s see if we can generate some smack for the upcoming year.

Some interesting developments may be going down this year. Who will be number one this year?

The arms....can anyone stop the young studs this year?
How about a Monster squad invision? Power from 1 to 15
If anyone can do it, it is my boys from the Grocer. They will go deep into the playoffs.

Crupi has one of those teams that is ready to break out...going with the Crupi to do some major damage this year!

CP is a very good team that is in my opinion the most overlooked team in the league, very good squad.
Wings is a team that has very good hitters and just can’t catch any breaks....may steal some wins this year.

Remax is a very wily team, and has played all the tough games over the years...with great results.

DST is one of the toughest teams in the league to play against, they can beat you many ways.

TL is the only team that beat themselves.
School always provide good competition, especially with the Barry Bonds bats.

Okay let’s hear it!


April 12, 2010
8:11:27 PM

Entry #: 3441233
Ist timer, we appreciate the props, and it means more coming out of your mouth being the seasoned veteran you are, you have seen it all for many years and experience is what wins championships, which is why you do not have any. The other teams should also work on encouragement but truthfully it only goes so far, every player on that field has to contribute in one way or another and team cohesiveness is most important, we will be fine and every team has propitious weekends like Harding had last year. I have all the confidence in the world in my teammates and can’t wait to get back out there and put it behind us. Arms all the way.


April 13, 2010
4:25:46 PM

Entry #: 3442193
the arms will will like the the Leafs will make the playoff in 2010


April 14, 2010
10:21:53 PM

Entry #: 3443745
leaf1967? hahahahaha what exactly is that, a degenerate living in a box on younge street who smokes crack and begs for money all day? in that case, i appreciate the compliment my friend and to be quite frank, the boogey man scares me more than the arms


April 18, 2010
9:19:20 PM

Entry #: 3446787
That's funny Mr. Mellowing Out I could have sworn you said that about your team would win it all last year,lol.
While we, are totally content with coming in 12-16th place, I mean assuming everyone's predictions are accurate.
God I love playing the game!!!!


April 21, 2010
4:56:45 PM

Entry #: 3450307
More details needed. What Team is 1st time caller on?

To be honest, I don’t like “hottest team" Crupi comment. I prefer lazy slap hitting middle shooting error making Crupi team.

We don’t need a return to hitting 300 foot opposite field missiles like Nvision delivers.

I am bringing a ice cream truck to the game against School. They are easily distracted.

still cookin

April 22, 2010
3:29:21 PM

Entry #: 3451511
Crupi prefers to use the variable speed bat technology to accurately locate a round object within a quarter of a circle so that the opposing 10 players can't get it. I don't see that as being lazy slap hitters rather I see it as being more productive than just trying to slug away at the ball and hitting stupid fly balls.

As for the defense I have nothing to say it speaks for itself. Its not too sharp sometimes I grant you that. But it gives us something to work and keeps our opposition in the game.

Mr. October

April 23, 2010
10:16:18 AM

Entry #: 3452271
Hey least when Crupi makes an error I don't see them throwing their glove and stomping on it like it's the gloves!

They may have done that when they were 5....too much.


April 25, 2010
9:58:15 PM

Entry #: 3454173
Thanks for the kind words about our Crupi team but it is Cos's team, just didn't want any confusion on that.


April 28, 2010
8:20:30 PM

Entry #: 3457802
Even my keyboard doesn't want to hear this crap anymore, weren't you retired?

Before the games next week you and your team should take some BP to see if you can score some runs this year.

still cookin

April 29, 2010
8:57:47 AM

Entry #: 3458131
Hey Korky,

Check last ytears stats. Crupi had the highest RF average.

What do you have to say now!

Last Laugh is the best

Mr. October

April 29, 2010
9:04:29 AM

Entry #: 3458135
Hey Korky

Talking about retired? How long has your show been off the air?

Go the bar on the left and check 2009 Data..The column with the heading RF, means Ruunnnnnnnsssss Foorrrrrrrr...and the #1 in RF rank, menas Ruuunnnssss Foorrrrr rank, which means number 1...Should I say it slower for you? or do you understand now.......

Now get off the computer and go play in the backyard...We don't want your parents getting mad at you for looking at porn!

MAS Destruction

April 29, 2010
3:26:36 PM

Entry #: 3458714
Now that all of our bats have been shaved & rolled, this will be the year MAS wins it all.


April 30, 2010
6:36:56 PM

Entry #: 3459967
This is what Crupi will win.

Mr. October

April 30, 2010
8:04:52 PM

Entry #: 3460012
I agree...They will be sipping from that cup for years to come!


May 3, 2010
8:02:35 AM

Entry #: 3461751
This is REALLY entertaining. Can anyone accurately make a statement about anyone not on their team? I think not. Funny no one EVER chats about the 4 or 5 teams (School, Remax, DST, Harding and Crupi) that are consistently in the top 6 each year. No one writes about the hard working players on those teams. Why?


May 5, 2010
5:01:19 PM

Entry #: 3465273
What happened to Crupilaw last night?

Mr. October

May 5, 2010
7:50:08 PM

Entry #: 3465440
Rumor has it there was a 'Life goes on' TV Marathon last night and a few of their key players stayed home to support you in your past role.

I know it's tough when you get type cast for a certain role and your acting career dries up..Keep your chin up! Something will come along...

Crupi is there for you.....

still cookin

May 6, 2010
6:53:08 AM

Entry #: 3465785
Hey Korky,

What is it that you don't get! Can you not read the score. We gave up more runs than we produced its that RF and RA I guess that you don't understand.

Mr. October can you explain it for him a little slower next time though. Send it snail mail because apparently email is still to fast for him!!!!

Korky we promise to be better when we play you. When will that be? I am looking forward to it.

I will throw one right down the middle for you.

Yeah right!


April 18, 2011
7:15:20 AM

Entry #: 3704292
What an interesting thread…………..scroll up and you will see that I was 50% correct.
1st time caller had some interesting thoughts on the Arms. BT was correct on Crupi.

HR Leader

April 19, 2011
8:54:34 AM

Entry #: 3705436

read my comments regarding the Arms


February 26, 2012
1:30:18 PM

Entry #: 3871052
I have not read this forum in months. I wanted to go back to last year's predications. I will say this is the year of Travel. They will meet the Grocer in the final.


February 27, 2012
11:39:31 PM

Entry #: 3871896
I'm seriously going through Slopitch withdrawals.
With the departure of our young stud, our slo-pitch team has been left reeling, trying to now find a replacement spare center fielder.

Goodie 7

February 28, 2012
4:08:05 PM

Entry #: 3872311
Did someone forget about last years champs? Summit has to be a big favourite. At least that is what Cads told me!


February 29, 2012
12:09:18 PM

Entry #: 3872819
You are accurate. We read all of this baloney of other teams and no one cares about the champions. Why?

Cads 33

February 29, 2012
3:23:10 PM

Entry #: 3872961
Keep stirring Goodie... it will be nice to get a rematch.


March 1, 2012
5:57:39 PM

Entry #: 3873891
Summit is defaintely the team to beat this year.

Go west man

March 13, 2012
11:50:44 AM

Entry #: 3879379
CP will be in for a tough year, they lost their best player.


March 15, 2012
8:30:40 AM

Entry #: 3880211
The thing that is accurate in the forecast for 2012 is REPEAT with a 100% chance of a back to back champs.


March 16, 2012
9:42:31 AM

Entry #: 3880719
No repeat this year is guaranteed. Remember what happen to us last year. We took the year off, but will be back stronger than ever. Arms wins the cup every two years.

jamie b

March 17, 2012
5:43:33 PM

Entry #: 3881118
A team who's allowed to bring in 5 players of their choice should be ashamed if they don't repeat. Pressure is on them


March 27, 2012
6:07:42 PM

Entry #: 3887041
That moment when u realize you're out of toilet paper & u have to walk to the next room with your pants down & hope nobody is in the hallway is the moment that you realize that your team does not have a hope in hell of repeating.

Mellowing Out

March 28, 2012
3:44:14 PM

Entry #: 3887729
Is that you Jamie Burton?? Are you serious with that comment? A good team needs more than the 1st 5 draft picks. How about dedication, team chemistry, work ethic, role players, no bickering, sucking it up when injured, some good luck, etc. etc.

Here's last year's 1st 6 picks for all who may have forgot.
1.Chris Cadorin 45 years
2.john Convery 51 years
3.Scott Trueman heading for 50
4.Sean Nesbitt 36years
5. Gary Rodgers 44 Years.
6. Karim Lalani 45 Years

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