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Posted By Comments
Carl Schildt
January 31, 2007
7:48:59 PM

Entry ID: 1041758
Looking forward to another Exciting and Great Year with the Long Island Express Baseball Team and their Families. Best of Luck !!!!! The Schildt Family
Bryan Goelz
January 30, 2007
2:51:01 PM

Entry ID: 1040961
Hey Guys, Keep up the hard work. Bryan Goelz ( 06' Long Island Ducks)
Long Island Express
January 18, 2007
7:58:39 AM

Entry ID: 1033618
Guys, We've gone from double plays at Carvel to Home Runs at Hooters, Whats it gonna be in 2007??!
Frankie Galiano
December 13, 2006
4:46:19 PM

Entry ID: 1015229
Can't wait to play ball with the LI Express 10U. We are going to have a great team.
December 6, 2006
6:43:27 PM

Entry ID: 1010471
we gotta get more comments our last one was against the conyo game that was a long time ago Nice shot danny
Coach Tom
Long Island Express
October 25, 2006
9:41:50 PM

Entry ID: 971170
Team Express way to play ball tonight!!! Danny D Congratulations on the walk off home run in the bottom of the 7th, you certainly earned that! CJ for battling on the mound after taking one for the team in the first inning!!! And to the rest of Team Express, WAY TO GO!!!
October 14, 2006
10:50:37 PM

Entry ID: 958196
Wow guys what a game. Our team was hurting in the first inning until we got back on track. I personally thought we had that game when I hit the single, but unfortunatly the center fielder had a gun! Thank you C.J for coming back, you pitched awesome. And Kevin there isn't one thing you should be disappointed about. You played an outstanding catcher the whole tournament. Well there's also one more thing to say, THERES ALWAYS NEXT YEAR!
Coach Tom
October 11, 2006
2:59:22 PM

Entry ID: 955121
Wow, What can I say? what a ride, to think we were rolling over in the 1st inning and the coaches asking the ballplayers to dig real deep and somehow find a way to contribute to winning this game, and for the kids to respond the way they did makes me proud, that they never gave up and certainly showed what we are all about, being good winners and most of all good losers! So many moments to mention in that semi final game, Boy it blows me away and showed that these boys have a heart and a love for the game of baseball! Hats off to all the kids’ coaches and parents! What a journey! I think it's time for all to enjoy the fall season the holidays and eachother, to think we started in January and it's already October, where did all the time go, life is flying by and I am enjoying every minute with these kids, I wouldn't change it for anything! Thanks for the Memories!!! Coach Tom S
October 10, 2006
10:41:11 AM

Entry ID: 954011
we played our hearts out on those ball fields but the best thing is that we never gave up
October 10, 2006
10:11:49 AM

Entry ID: 953981
There were moments of tears and frustration but never a need to hang your heads.Hold them up HIGH!!!! That was a well fought "BASEBALL" game. One of the best I have ever witnessed. You boys,make your parents proud. Yes, our streak has come to an end but what a RIDE!!!!! Our record speaks for itself. We are the L.I. EXPRESS!!!!! Everyone knows who we are now. We will learn from our mistakes. We will come back stonger. We are baseball. THE L.I.EXPRESS!!!!!!
September 5, 2006
10:02:01 AM

Entry ID: 926094
Hey Kevin Great Job! We are so proud of you and your team for your great accomplishments! Keep up the good work I know we'll see you in the majors some day!!
J Steigs
September 4, 2006
11:17:59 PM

Entry ID: 925969
6 for 6...way to finish up the summer!!!!!!
Anne Peppler& Peter
September 2, 2006
8:01:44 PM

Entry ID: 924633
Cathy K
September 2, 2006
3:07:32 PM

Entry ID: 924491
I am very impressed with the way the boys play this game. They all show such great sportsmanship. Each and every player contributes to our wins! All the hard work the boys and the COACHES have put in has paid off. I wish continued success for the Express. Practice and patience is key... Lastly, welcome Nick and family to the team.
Kevin's Aunt Sue & Uncle Joe
Wading River
September 1, 2006
9:32:03 AM

Entry ID: 923419
Team Express, you ROCK!!!! Way to go guys, 5 for 5 and still strong. Awesome job pitching Kev! We are all sooooo proud of you. Keep cookin guys!!!!
Lake Ronkonkama
August 30, 2006
10:21:45 PM

Entry ID: 922390
Great job team thats 5 straight tournaments that we won and hope to go for six. Anyway... When we played our first game and lost, I lost a lot of confidence because if we lost the next game we could of been out until we came back and won six games to win the whole thing. The trophy that we got was an inch shorter than me that thing was huge. Well lets go get them. Oh and nice Grandslam Dan D., thats a pretty cool first homerun.
Lake Ronkonkoma
August 30, 2006
9:58:12 PM

Entry ID: 922369
So much to say (so little voice to say it with)... My heart is filled with pride and honor to be involved with the Express Family. Committed to the values of sportsmanship, team work, friendship and memories that will last a life time. Great jobs boys!! Hard work really does pay off! Still can't believe it ... 5 for 5 WOW!!!!
August 30, 2006
11:48:52 AM

Entry ID: 921857
Justin, you are the man. Great job with the website. And a special high five to our greatest fans; Justin, Christian, Erin, Conner, Lex, Alexa, Steven, Dana, and Chas. You kids are always there for your brothers. It's a long day at the field, and you kids are great.
Nick's mom Kim
August 30, 2006
11:07:30 AM

Entry ID: 921815
Eventhough we are new to your family, all of you have made us feel like we have been with you for years. All of the parents, kids and coaches have been wonderful and we are happy to call you friends. All of you boys work hard and are always there to pick each other up and work as a team that's what makes me proud, not only the wins. We have been on travel teams before and all of you boys are truly gentleman. Thanks for having us. P.S. way to go in DELAWARE! KEEP THE MOTOR RUNNING.... A special note to my son; I am always proud of you in anything that you do and you amaze me how committed you are to baseball! PSS. Always command!
Alexa & Sheryl!
August 29, 2006
9:59:08 PM

Entry ID: 921526
Hey guys goodjob on winning the whole tournament in deleware! We wish we could of been there to see it but you know we really had a great party here..(just kidding mom and dad.) We're really jealous that your team just wins every single tournament. Danny played the video of the tournament as soon as they got home and you guys did really good. And yes we saw that picture from hooters with what happens in deleware stays in't you boys a little too young for hooters? haha and i agree with blondie..what's in the can?!?!? Goodluck in your next tournament! and sheryl will probably be there doing the scoreboard even though there's no seats up there because someone broke them..cough cough. =)
August 29, 2006
3:25:43 PM

Entry ID: 921208
WOW....Our train never runs out of gas. It just keeps rollin. Lets just keep playing our game and take all of the tournaments. LETS GO EXPRESS!!!!
Coach Tom S
Long Island
August 29, 2006
3:08:11 PM

Entry ID: 921191
Winning is our goal but winning isn't everything, we don't measure our success by wins and losses we measure our success by the ballplayers progress, we cheer each and every player as if he was our own son. Every player on this team stepped up at one time or another last weekend, it was simply amazing watching these kids play ball. I enjoyed every minute of it. And that's how we roll......... Coach Tom
Nick M
August 29, 2006
2:26:18 PM

Entry ID: 921156
I had a lot of fun this weekend and i look foward to playing in our next tournament. And Matt and Ryan WHAT HAPPENS IN DELEWARE STAYS IN DELEWARE, GO HOOOOOOOOOOOOTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 29, 2006
10:42:15 AM

Entry ID: 920961
What a run. The true meaning of a team is picking one up when another is down, and enjoying another's success as if it were your own. This team does it every time. 11 athletes, 11 stars, 1 goal. Each athlete has their own glow, and together, is brighter than can be imagined. Fantastic. And what a job by family and friends. Without you, this isn't possible. I am truly mesmerized by what is accomplished everytime we get together. Keep it rollin' boys, there is another station right around the corner.
A Proud Dad
August 28, 2006
10:18:29 PM

Entry ID: 920681
I just wanted to echo some of the recent commentary, "...I am very proud of the boys on the team...". They simply do not quit. Moreover, the reason that they win is that there is a different contributor each game. WOW! One last thing, the winning recipe from Baltimore's Manager, Earl Weaver, included, "one part pitching, one part defense, and one three-run homer". I tip my hat to Coach Tom for putting together a winning team. Lastly, but not forgotten are all the Coaches. You guys also deserve much credit. CONGRATS! We will discuss the parents another time, as these headlines are about the incredible accomplishents of a bunch of kids that play good ball. GO EXPRESS!

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