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ash z
August 31, 2009
2:29:06 PM

Entry ID: 1689785
good game girls lol looking back on how loud we were on the bus....we shuld be as loud as possible lol c u tonite (: <3
August 31, 2009
12:52:35 PM

Entry ID: 1689676
Is anybody else feeling ickky today? Or is it just me? Last night it got soo cold on that bus ride home. I can see that when we get overly tired were really loud. LOL. See you all tonight<3! First day of school tomorrow! Woohoo!
August 30, 2009
11:46:51 PM

Entry ID: 1689190
great job at thee game tonighttt ladies<3333
Kim T. (sam's mom)
August 28, 2009
11:22:14 PM

Entry ID: 1688294
Hi Dianne, I have this great stuff at work that I used on my regular sneakers that got out grass stains It is a commercial strength clorox wipe. I have some and will bring it for anyone who needs it or wants to try it on sunday before the game.
ash z
August 28, 2009
4:05:02 PM

Entry ID: 1687408
mr. clean is the bomb! it worked so good lol thnx (: <33
August 28, 2009
3:59:27 PM

Entry ID: 1687406
Hey Ashley you can try the Mr Clean Magic eraser. that is what I use on Brianna's sneakers.
ash z
August 28, 2009
12:11:20 PM

Entry ID: 1687269
the scrapes i kno wont come clean but the dirt stains are tough i mixed baking soda n water and made a paste and left it on the spots for a few minutes and when i washes it off it worked better than the comet lol ill kerp scrubbing tho thank for the suggestion (: c u sunday <33
Coach Dianne
August 28, 2009
12:03:25 PM

Entry ID: 1687259
What kind of dirt is it Ashley? Is it scraped or just dirt? Soft scrub with bleach works great or you can throw them in the washing machine with some towels. I usually loosen the shoelaces and put sneakers right into washing machine. I wash them with towels so they don't scrape against the inside of the machine.
ash z
August 28, 2009
11:41:57 AM

Entry ID: 1687241
anyone have any suggestions on wat will get the dirt off my sneakers? ive tried greased lightning ajax comet ect n it wont come off! lol gimmi some ideas.. c u sunday <33
August 28, 2009
10:56:49 AM

Entry ID: 1687213
Dianne, were these sheep wearing uniforms too? LOL. Also, we have a practice on the first game of the highschool if any of the girls were planning on going, change your plans because we have a practice! Love you girlies<333 see you sunday!
Coach Dianne
August 28, 2009
12:41:29 AM

Entry ID: 1686801
Girls, GO TO BED....LOL!!!! You all need to rest...You are going to be working extremely hard over the next 5 weeks...Now close your eyes and count some sheep...Ready, I'll start 5 - 6 - 7 - 8....LOL
ashley z
August 27, 2009
11:59:39 PM

Entry ID: 1686792
great practice today girls! that went so well! lets all remember to keep our promises to keeping mine right now!( im stretching while im writing this (im a multi-tasker) ahaha lets give it our all at the game. if anyone wants to come practice anything with me this weekend ask around and get my cell #..txt me im always home n always lookin for somethin to do haha c u sunday! <33
August 27, 2009
11:54:07 PM

Entry ID: 1686790
hey ladies. im so sorry i wasnt there tonight. my plan was to come late, but my meeting with my counselar ended alot later than i thought it would. i'm so sorry. i understand that me missing may have hurt the team. i wish i could have been there. i hope practice went well though and i will see you all on sunday for our first game! lets make it a good one girls<3
Coach Elaine
August 27, 2009
9:51:33 PM

Entry ID: 1686734
Hey Girls, I have someone on my team that's looking for an Adult Medium unifit. If you have one that you are no longer using and would like to sell it, please let me know... Thanks:)
August 27, 2009
4:38:44 PM

Entry ID: 1686451
See you all tonight.. lets make it GREATTTT!
August 27, 2009
1:05:08 AM

Entry ID: 1686060
heyy girlss...great practice at our stunting instructor sed..we're deffinatly improving lets keep it upp!! see all of u at practice 2moro nitee<333
August 26, 2009
11:34:13 PM

Entry ID: 1686035
alright, soorry about that comment earlier, i was just going over board. no body get offended about what i said. i love you girls, we just really gotta show what we are really made out of
August 26, 2009
10:36:12 PM

Entry ID: 1686006
heyy i finally found the website... yea im that special [ im just cekin everything nd i learned he cheer.. finally... tonight we got a lot of positive cmmnts form the stunting coach nd on previous nights have gotten some not so positive cmmnts from the coaches dont focus on the best or the worst cmmnts the team still has A LOT of work to do.. hopefully we can pull it together nd start workin as a team. practice hard to win big <3
August 26, 2009
9:53:07 PM

Entry ID: 1685989
heyy i finally found the website... yea im that special [ im just cekin everything nd i learned he cheer.. finally... tonight we got a lot of positive cmmnts form cordelle nd on previous nights have gotten some not so positive cmmnts from the coaches dont focus on the best or the worst cmmnts the team still has A LOT of work to do.. hopefully we can pull it together nd start workin as a team. practice hard to win big <3
christine (:
August 26, 2009
5:20:46 PM

Entry ID: 1685677
hey girls, dianne your right (: but ladies, we dont need to tell people waht to do because that just causes problems with the enitre teamm.. i love you all to death, one team one dream ladies<3 i love youss<3 see you tonight (
Coach Dianne
August 26, 2009
1:23:23 PM

Entry ID: 1685482
Girls, I understand that you might be frustrated all need to stop telling each other what to do. Leave that job to your coaches. You must all work together as a team and have a positive attitude at all times. Conditioning is tough, there is no doubt about it but you are all more than capable of doing it but only if you believe in yourselves and each other.
ashley z
August 26, 2009
12:06:34 PM

Entry ID: 1685414
girls PLEASE do what dianne says! if she fixes you dont get out of it, if she tells you to cheer...CHEER, and when we're doing splits or planks PLEASE do not get out of them! if you drop youll just have to stay in it longer...i have a condition in my knee and its very painful to jump, stretch, and run but i push through it. dianne even told me that most girls quit because they cant take the pain but im not a quitter. even with my knee i stay up the whole time and push through the pain. if you just cheer and dont get out of your splits or planks...u wont have to do them ten times. think about everyone else on your team...just because you dropped they have to suffer through it even more. so PLEASE cheer and dont drop and you wont suffer.
Coach Dianne
August 26, 2009
1:38:20 AM

Entry ID: 1685073
Girls, you were all asked to learn the words to the cheer so we could teach the motions to it. Only three girls from the entire team took the time to learn it. This is extremely disappointing. Everyone needs to do their part at home and give 100% effort at practice. Please take the time to learn the cheer so that we can move forward.
August 25, 2009
10:24:03 PM

Entry ID: 1684910
hey girls. tonight's practice wasnt our best. we need to work together. make sure you practice and stretch at home. see you all tomorrow at jag! :)
chrisstine (:
August 25, 2009
9:26:08 PM

Entry ID: 1684844
practtttiiiiiicceee (: see you all tomorrow night <3

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