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Posted By Comments
August 25, 2009
4:56:45 PM

Entry ID: 1684748
Hi cannt wait for pratice tonight!!
Coach Dianne
August 25, 2009
4:23:10 PM

Entry ID: 1684723
Girls, don't forget to wear your practice t-shirt tonight. Head shots will be taken.
August 25, 2009
9:19:31 AM

Entry ID: 1684393
woohoo! (: freshman orientation :P ahah. well cant wait too see you girls toniggght. hope were all remember our cheer <33
Coach Dianne
August 25, 2009
2:39:25 AM

Entry ID: 1684323
The cheer is now online...please learn it.
christine (:<3
August 24, 2009
9:25:34 PM

Entry ID: 1684192
hey girls, tonights practice was well you could say. and even though we have practice tomorrow, stretch at home in the morning, its all going to pay off, thats what dianne t old us last year and look where it brought the team. were a team girls, not individuals. love yous <3 see you tomorrow (:
August 24, 2009
8:46:11 PM

Entry ID: 1684072
hey girls. our routine is coming together. lets make sure we are all practicing really hard and also practicing and stretching at home. i cant wait to learn the rest of the routine. see you all tomorrow!
alllyyyssssaaaa v.
August 24, 2009
12:44:35 PM

Entry ID: 1683738
can't waaaiit to see youhss at practice tonight :)
ashley z
August 23, 2009
3:43:00 PM

Entry ID: 1683175
heyy i got a brace for my knee and it feels a lot better and it just so happens that i am sitting in my split right now hahaha see you all monday :]
ashley z :]
August 22, 2009
6:25:32 PM

Entry ID: 1682840
heyy evry1 my knee feels a lot better but it still hurts ill take it easy at practice monday and hope i can get back into the swing of things haha c u all monday :]
ashley z :]
August 22, 2009
6:25:31 PM

Entry ID: 1682839
heyy evry1 my knee feels a lot better but it still hurts ill take it easy at practice monday and hope i can get back into the swing of things haha c u all monday :]
Coach Dianne
August 20, 2009
9:31:28 PM

Entry ID: 1681894
Girls, everyone needs to practice your motions, jumps, cheers, and voices at home. Everyone should also be stretching each and every day. Practices would be so much easier if everyone did their part at home. Practice at the field is to teach you and to give you instructions. Perfecting your skills only comes from the practice you do at home. So please PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!!
Coach Dianne
August 20, 2009
1:30:40 PM

Entry ID: 1681607
You girls are really starting to work together as a team. Lets stay focused and accomplish alot tonight. I hope you have been practicing and stretching at home.
Coach Dianne
August 20, 2009
1:28:12 PM

Entry ID: 1681606
Girls, please do not use your last names or email addresses on the guestbook. I will remove any entry that contains this information. Thanks :)
Coach Dianne
August 14, 2009
11:46:41 PM

Entry ID: 1678645
Girls, please stretch and practice your jumps and cheers over the weekend. Remember working together as a team only makes you stronger!!!
Coach Dianne
August 13, 2009
4:51:33 PM

Entry ID: 1677930
Practice is still on even though it's raining. Dress appropriately. See you there.
Alyssaaaa V :)
August 13, 2009
3:35:47 PM

Entry ID: 1677839
Heyy erybodyyy :) can't wait to see you all tonight at practiceee possibly in the rain!!! Let'ss do this righttt :)
August 11, 2009
10:03:30 AM

Entry ID: 1676002
Hey girls last night was tough but believe me when I say it will all be worth it. Please continue to stretch and drink plenty of fluids throught the day. Like Christine said let's show everyone what National Champions look like. Let's make sure we are listening to the coaches and really trying to correct what they are asking you to. Remember to SNAP those motions!!!!!!!! See you all tonight :) GO INDIANS 2009
August 10, 2009
10:35:39 PM

Entry ID: 1675824
Heyy. practice was hard but fun. cant wait for tomorrroww:P
August 10, 2009
2:32:41 PM

Entry ID: 1675542
heeey girls, sorry i can't be at practice tonight.. i hope everything goes well and i wish i was there. see you all tomorrow<3 love yous.
chrisstine (:
August 10, 2009
1:15:59 PM

Entry ID: 1675495
heyy girls, can't wait too see you all tonihgt. lets get down too bussiness. (: time too show everybody what national champions really look like. don't give up iglr.s and it soo happeneds to be that im stretcching and writing this :P ahaha. well can't wait for tonight. see all your there <33
Coach Dianne
August 8, 2009
8:07:33 AM

Entry ID: 1674437
I hope you girls are stretching and practicing your jumps and cheers. Rest up, see you on Monday.
brianna (:
August 6, 2009
11:05:25 AM

Entry ID: 1672787
hey girls, good job last night (: cant wait to see everyone tonight.
Coach Dianne
August 5, 2009
10:10:51 AM

Entry ID: 1671769
Girls, please try on your new cheering sneakers. If they do not fit, they must be returned to me no later than Tuesday, August 11th. If you are returning them, write your name on a piece of paper and place it inside the box. Sneakers cannot be returned if they have been worn already or if the box is damaged in any way.
Coach Dianne
August 5, 2009
12:32:00 AM

Entry ID: 1671633
Hi Girls, please stretch everday and practice your arm motions, cheers and jumps. See you all at JAG tomorrow night. For those of you who are close to getting your back handspring or need help advancing your tumbling skills arrive to JAG a half hour early at 6:00 pm for extra help.
August 4, 2009
1:38:30 PM

Entry ID: 1671288
Not bad for the first night of practice. Please remember to stretch and practice your motions and jumps at home. Practice makes perfect girls and the more you stretch and practice the better everything will be. Make sure you are drinking enough water through out the day and at practice so you do get dehydrated. See you all tonight :)

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Total Entries: 213