Universal Sports League Lavergne Basketball, Inc is a community based organization in LaVergne with a Board of Directors consisting of a group of volunteers. We strive teach the fundamentals of basketball and promote good sportsmanship. We take pride in our league and try to be fair in our rules and policies.

If at any time anyone has any questions, comments or concerns about any of the rules or policies, please feel free to contact any of our staff. 

We are always available at practices or games.

These policies are subject to change.

Sign up Fee Policy:

Universal Sports League LaVergne basketball, Inc. has in person sign ups at Rock Springs Elementary with a registration fee due at sign ups.  If at the time of sign up additional time is needed with the fee a deposit of $50.00 will be required. Remainder of balance is due before draft. 

Sign up period: October - November 

Draft is Monday after Thanksgiving 
Late Sign up Fee Policy:

Universal Sports League LaVergne Basketball, Inc will add a $25.00 late sign up fee in addition to the original sign up fee if a request to sign up is made after the sign up cut off has passed.

A waiting list may be established to place a late sign up player after cut off in order to maintain fair competition, balance rosters and make determination of player on a team. The player will be placed on a team according to the order of draft and where draft ended.

If unable to make determination, late sign up player will not be accepted. Contact the director for information on late sign ups.

Once the first game of the season has played, USL will end all sign ups and wait list unless a cut off date for sign ups has been determined based on frequency of late sign ups or team sizes.


Refund Policy:

Upon the request of a player's parent or legal guardian, Universal Sports League LaVergne Basketball, Inc will refund:
100% of the sign up fee if the request for a refund is made prior to USL ordering uniforms (or prior to draft).
50% of the sign up fee if the request for a refund is made after USL has ordered uniforms (or after draft).
0% of the sign up fee if the request for a refund is made after the season had played the first season game.


Return Check Policy:

Upon receipt of a return check, USL LaVergne Basketball, Inc will ask that the check be paid for in cash and a return check fee of $25.00 also be paid. The fee is the same fee charged by our bank so it is reimbursement of that bank fee.


Uniform Policy:

All players should arrive at game wearing the uniform issued by USL LaVergne Basketball - this to include the jersey and shorts. A player will not be allowed to play during the game if the correct jersey or shorts are not worn. No sagging of the shorts will be permitted.

If a t-shirt is worn under the jersey it should be the same color as the main color of the uniform, however a t-shirt is NOT required to be worn under the jersey. The decision may be also made to wear white t-shirts or color to match jersey ink. All players should wear the same color determined for game day.
No Exceptions.

No jewelry of any kind is to be worn. Knee pads at players discretion. Tennis shoes also required.


Sibling Discount Policy:

We offer discounts for siblings.
The first child will be full price and each additional child will receive a $10.00 discount.


Returning Player Policy:

If a returning player comes to fall registration and brings a friend who signs up, the returning player will receive a $10.00. The friend must be at sign ups with the returning player.


Inappropriate Behavior Policy:

Universal Sports League LaVergne does not support any inappropriate behavior or behavior that is a threat to the league or kids or behavior that would be involuntarily observed by kids
.   We have a zero tolerance policy and will release all parties involved from the program without warning. No appeals will be granted.  Dismissal from the program for any disciplinary action will be without any form of refund.
