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How to Play Allball

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This Code of Rules: governs the playing of ALLBALL games by professional teams of the NATIONAL ALLBALL ASSOCIATION, as well as any sanctioned ALLBALL League in the youth and amateur divisions.

These rules are property of the National Allball Association and any reproduction is strictly prohibited.


Game Objective

ALLBALL is a game between two teams consisting of 4 players each. The game is played in an enclosed court in accordance with these rules, under jurisdiction of 2 or more referees.

  1. The objective is to score more points than the opponent.
  2. The winner of the game is the team that scores the most points, in accordance with the official rules at the conclusion of a game
  3. ALTERNATE PLAYER OPTIONS: the game can be played with as little as 2 players per team and as many as a game can handle without a safety issue.


Points can be earned by the ball being thrown in, shot in, headed in or kicked into the A-Goal or basket for 2-10 points depending on the location on the court.

  1. The ball must cross the A-Goal line completely to be counted as points. Any ball that is partially in and is knocked out will not count as a score.
  2. Players can not score points by shooting from the sidelines (out of bounds) directly to the basket or goal unless it deflects or touches a teammate or opponent first.
  3. Players can not score points by shooting from their offensive End Zone directly into the goal.
  4. A player can shoot from their offensive End Zone into their scoring basket which would be 2 points. If a ball hits the back of the backboard and enters the goal it will scored as 2 points.
  5. If a shot is deflected by an offensive player on the way to a score, the points awarded will be from the deflected area, not the origination of the shot.
  6. If a shot is deflected by a defensive player on the way to a score, the points will be awarded from the origination of the shot.   
  7. If the player’s foot is impeding into the next scoring area, then it will be credited with that point. If a player has a portion of the foot on a scoring line, they will get credit for the lesser point.
  8. If a player leaps over any scoring line while attempting a shot, points will be awarded from where the shot originated from as long as the shot is released before landing.
  9. End Zone Plays must be passed from anywhere outside the midline to a teammate inside the End Zone. Passes can be kicked, thrown or headed to a teammate. Points will be awarded from the area that they are passed from. At no time can the ball touch the court or any other object. It can be deflected by a defensive player and caught by an offensive player. If it is deflected by an offensive player and caught, no points will be awarded. Pass will be completed as long as the receiving player catches the ball with both feet landing inside the End Zone with possession. No part of the ball may be touching the court or back wall.
  10. 2 point plays are any ball that is headed, shot, or thrown into the basket inside the 3 point line, but outside the Trap. No shots can be taken in the Trap. A shot may not be kicked in the goal or basket from inside the 3 point zone.
  11. 3 point plays are any ball that is kicked, headed, shot, or thrown into the A-Goal or shot into the basket from outside the 3 point zone and inside the midline.
  12. 4 point plays are any ball that is kicked, headed, shot, or thrown into the A-Goal or shot into the basket from outside the 3 point zone and inside the midline.
  13. 5 point plays are any ball that is kicked, headed, shot, or thrown into the A-Goal or shot into the basket from beyond the midline and inside the opposite 6 point zone. Also, End Zone Plays from behind the midline.
  14. 6 point plays are any ball that is kicked, headed, shot, or thrown into the A-Goal or shot into the basket from beyond the midline and outside the opposite 3 point zone. Also, End Zone Plays from behind the 6 line.
  15. 7 point plays are any ball that is kicked, headed, shot, or thrown into the A-Goal or shot into the basket from inside the opposite 3 point zone. Also, End Zone Plays from this zone.
  16. 10 point plays are any ball that is kicked, headed, shot, or thrown into the A-Goal or shot into the basket from the opposite End Zone. Also, End Zone Plays from this zone.
  17. If a player knocks the ball into their own goal or basket, it will be scored as a 2 point shot and credited to the last opposing player to touch the ball.
  18. If a shot hits the rim or backboard and inadvertently enters the goal without being touch by either team, it will be scored a 2 point goal and credited to the shooter.
  19. If a pass or shot hits the back of the backboard and goes in the A-Goal it will be scored as two points.