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 Wickliffe Baseball League Meeting - 8/18/2016

Start time 8:15pm

Roll Call:

Executive Board – Pugh, Novotney, Levon,  Krizner, Pasquino

Excused – Bunn

Trustees - Rossman, Shirer

Excused – Bala


Also present:  Frank Bucar & Kevin Vanetta


Officer Reports:

VP – No report

Treasurer– Novotney announced the income/expense report for August 2016, which is stated below. 

1)      Checking account balance - $7,559.18

2)      Savings account balance - $1,616.77

3)      Cooperstown 2017  (11U) - $8,750.34

4)      Other Savings / Clinics - $840.26

5)      Nationals 2016 (14U) - $1,516.21

6)      Ripken 2016 (12U) - $238.57


Secretary – Plaques for sponsors are being worked on by the photographer. 


Equipment Manager – 7 of the 8 equipment bags have been returned, equipment boxes have been cleaned out at every field, and the fences have been removed from Jindra.


Umpire in Chief – Pasquino expressed his admiration to the board and managers for the lack of complaints by his umpires this year.  On-field behavior of the kids was positive and parents weren’t out of line.


Player Development Manager – No report

President –  The WRBL had to order more trophies for the Pony team that won the league this year.  Apparently, they had 18 kids on their roster.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Nominations for Executive Board positions are as follows:

Player Development

1)      Phil Motta – nominated by Shirer, seconded by Levon

2)      Ed Zivnoska – nominated by Rossman, seconded by Krizner

Vice President

1)      Ed Zivnoska – nominated by Shirer, seconded by Krizner

2)      Jen Gilman – nominated by Novotney, seconded by Pasquino


1)      Kathy Novotney – Nominated by Pugh, seconded by Levon


1)      Keith Brandt – Nominated by Pugh, seconded by Shirer

2)      Rick Bunn – Nominated by Rossman, seconded by Pasquino


Meeting ended at 8:40pm.

Date of next meeting – September 15, 2016 at 8pm