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February 2017 Meeting Minutes


 Wickliffe Baseball League Meeting - 2/9/2017

Start time 7:00pm

Roll Call:

Executive Board – Pugh, Gilman, Novotney, Levon, Krizner, Pasquino

Excused – Motta

Trustees –Rossman, Shirer

Excused – Brandt


Also present:  Dave Stoehr


Levon made a motion to approve the meeting of minutes of both the 12/15 & 1/19 meetings.  Seconded by Shirer.  Motion passed.


Officer Reports:

VP – Gilman sent sponsor letters to 50 businesses, based on who has sponsored our league in the past 5 years.  Will follow up with them in early March if not enough sponsorships have been received.  In the process, she created return address labels which we can use in the future.

Game Show Night – 227 tickets sold so far.  Volunteers needed to set up on Thursday from 5:30-7pm.  Volunteers for Friday’s even need to arrive around 5:15pm.  The winners of games will receive a $20 prize, instead of the $25 they received last year.

Treasurer – Novotney announced the income/expense report for January 2017, which is stated below. 

1)      Checking account balance - $6,645.18

2)      Savings account balance - $1,616.81

3)      Cooperstown 2017  - $4,348.40

4)      Other Savings / Clinics - $840.30

5)      Other - $310.58


Secretary – Levon stated that registration was open, and that we received 10-12 registrations so far.  He also notified the board that he sent our tournament forms to Shirer to upload to the website, which was completed before the meeting.


Equipment Manager – Krizner went through the equipment with Pasquino.   He stated that the equipment wasn’t as bad as they expected. 

Our needs for this year are: equipment bags, balls, fence poles, locks for boxes, and cold presses for First Aid Kits.


Umpire in Chief – No report


Player Development Manager – No report

President – Pugh informed the board of the WRBL meeting that took place at the Provo House.  Items of interest from that meeting:

·         Dropped 3rd strike was removed from the Minors this season, and will be re-evaluated next year

·         WRBL game scheduling meeting will be 4/9 at the Willowick Community Center

·         Mitey Mites will have a best of 3 championship series this year

·         Playoffs will start on 7/10

·         Willoughby will be sending 2 Pony teams to join the WRBL

·         WRBL is working with the Captains to set up a 1-day 3 hour clinic at a rate of $45, which includes a tour, lunch, and a signed ball – Date TBD


Old Business

Pugh mentioned that we should budget $1K-$1,400K for needed equipment this year.

New Business: 


·         Stoehr told the board he was having clinics for Pony eligible players at Borremeo, and he could use more volunteers to help.

·         Krizner asked the board if we were going to provide a basket for the WES Carnival.  The board agreed to provide a $30 budget, and items in the equipment room for Ken to create a basket.

·         Pugh notified the board that Levon, Gilman, Rossman, and himself had a meeting with the Wickliffe Girls Fastpitch League to re-establish a relationship since we share common resources.  The meeting was positive and ideas were discussed to help each other going forward.  One idea for our tournament would be to have a vendor like Scott Schneider sell merchandise, and than we would receive a portion of the proceeds.  This could be an easy way to raise money during the tournament.

·         Shirer stated that he renewed our website.


Meeting ended at 8:02pm.

Date of next meeting – March 16 at 7pm