2020 Playoff Rules - March 4th

Starting March 4th 2020, the last cycle of the season will serve as a round robin to determine which two teams will play for the coveted Golden Pickaxe!

Here are the rules: Congrats to Basnett Plumbing for finishing first in the regular season! For their trouble, they will go into the round robin with one point. The other 4 teams will start with zero points. Just like the rest of the season, it will be 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss. There will not be overtime during the round robin. Each team will have 1 30-second timeout per playoff game. If you need subs, try to use players that are on a bye first, but make sure to clearly mark the score sheets with whatever subs you use. If two or more teams are tied in points at the end of the round robin, the league shall break the tie based on the following criteria:

1. Head-to-head - If two teams are tied in points, but one beat the other in the round robin, then the team who won that game will rank higher.

2. Goal Differential - If two (or more) teams are STILL tied, then whatever team has the higher goals scored/goals against total will rank higher, so score a lot and don't let in goals!

3. Head-to-head Regular Season - If there is STILL a tie, then the head-to-head record of the regular season will break the tie.

4. Rock-paper-scissors - Really?! Still tied?! Enough already!

The Final will include the First and Second place teams after the round robin. This game will follow the same rules, but will go to a 5-minute, 5-on-5 overtime period. Teams will switch ends for overtime. If the game is not decided in overtime, the game will go to a shootout. The first place team will decide which team will shoot first. The shootout will be the best of three attempts and go to extra innings as required. You must use your entire bench before repeating shooters. There will also be a consolation game for 3rd and 4th place. That game will not have overtime. The 5th place team can come and watch if they'd like or get a jump on golf season.

That is all! Good luck to everyone in the Goal Miners Playoffs!