Bulldogs Sweep EP Bombers

The RJF&C Senior squad (12-13 year olds) improved their record to 4-1 with a 30-7 victory over the Elmwood Park Bombers. The game was slow in the beginning as the Bulldogs defense ended up being on the field the entire first quarter. The D-Line of Arthur Costan, Steve Pisciotta, Alejandro Garcia and Chris Lora kept the pressure on the Bombers backfield as Linebackers Cole Goumas, Luke Cerulli, Sal Fernandez and Matt Scheibe did not allow any big gains. Elmwood Park tried putting the ball in the end zone but defensive backs Van Weber, Zach Herninko and Anthony Bonagura stuffed any pass attempts. The Bulldog offense finally saw the field in the second quarter with a 0-0 game. The offense took a little to get their rhythm down as Weber fed the ball to Goumas, Scheibe, Costan and Bonagura. Scheibe put it in the end zone twice and Goumas once in the first half making the score 18-7 Rutheford. The defense held strong the second half with Angel Bido, Yahya Elfeshaw and Michael Oliveros contributing and not allowing any more Elmwood Park scoring. The offensive line buckled down as Dan Carr, Pisciotta, Fernandez, Ernie Bonagura, Garcia, Angel Bido, Cerulli and Ryan Ward pushed the Bombers defense down the field. Scheibe and Goumas each scored again ending the game with a 30-7 final. The Rutherford Junior Bulldogs (10-11 year olds) continued their shut out season with an 18-0 win over the Elmwood Park Bombers. Laudan Henry once again showed his ability to dominate on the field both offensively and defensively. On the Bulldogs first offensive possession, Henry, scored his first of three touchdowns for the night with over 100 rushing yards. Quarterback George Brewton, linebacker Devin Burgos and running back Antonio DeCarlo contributed to the Bulldogs running game with the help of the aggressive blocking of Ryan Hayes, Angelo Pizza, Nick Lora, and Jailen Magai. The Bulldog defense reigned again on the field. David Rojas had two sacks while Jimmy Queli and Devon Burgos wreaked havoc with their blocks.  Marchello Fernandez had a fumble recovery and Laudan Henry and Chris Gioa had an interception each to finish off the defensive crush for the Bulldogs.  The Rutherford Pee Wees (8-9 year olds) increased their win streak to five, winning 31-0 over the Elmwood Park Bombers.  The Bulldogs (5-0) opened the game with a Dmitri Paskas kick-return of 45 yards, to the Bombers 10 yard line. From there, the Dogs ran a couple Paskas sweeps behind the blocking of Quinn Weber, Andrew Ochojski, Jayden Arlauskas, Vin Urgola, Chase Martini and Evan Diaz. The Bulldog defense held the EP offense making several tackles in the backfield. Line backer Emmett Carney and Safety Will Holman were in on every tackle, while the defensive line of Ochojski, Damian Gregory and Diaz didn’t give an inch.. The Bulldogs then followed with a Myles Balchan QB keeper from 15 yards out for a score. After a Will Holman 40 yard score, the lil Dogs went to work with the bruising running game of Matt Bonagura and Carney behind OT Diaz. Bonagura punched in two more scores before calling it a night. The Rutherford Junior Football & Cheering program will be on the road in Wood-Ridge Saturday the 13th. For up to date info, please go to www.leaguelineup.com/rjfbulldogs.