SMBL Playoffs - The Final Four!

April 23, 2019
Hi, all!
It's that time of year again… the SMBL Final Four!
The final standings for the regular season are as follows:
Hardwood    12-6
Knights    10-8
Shuckers    8-9*
Masters    5-12*
*Shuckers and Masters had one game where neither could field a team, so the game was cancelled. As it does not affect the standings, it will not be rescheduled.
The semifinal matchups will, therefore, be the same as they were for last week, but in the opposite gyms:
Hardwood vs. Masters in Gym A
Knights vs. Shuckers in Gym B
Game time is, as usual, 8:15.
The semifinal winners will meet next week for the 2018-19 SMBL Championship.
Good luck to all teams!
For the Committee,