Get a domain name (ie. and have it forwarded to your web site.
Do you have a domain name purchased through another domain name provider?
You can transfer your domain name to our domain services and use URL FORWARDING to point your domain name to your existing LeagueLineup web site. The cost to transfer a domain name is $29.95 which extends your domain name registration 12 months.
Important : Before you start the transfer process, please make sure the status of your domain name is "unlocked" so that it can be transfered.
Did you purchase your domain name through LeagueLineup/DomainPeople?
If you've purchased your domain name from (or already transfered your domain name to our services) you'll need to setup URL FORWARDING to point your domain name to your LeagueLineup web site URL.
How do I setup URL and EMAIL FORWARDING?
You should have received an email when your domain was registered containing your password for this site. Once you've accessed the site, following the steps below to setup URL and EMail Forwarding.
To setup URL forwarding:
- 1. Click the "Additional Services" link (this may be under a "Domains" link)
- 2. Click the "Web Services" link
- 3. Enter your web address (ie. into the URL field under URL Forwarding.
- 4. Click the Enable button
- 5. Note: It may take 24 to 48 hours for URL FORWARDING to take affect
To setup Email forwarding:
- 1. Click the "Additional Services" link (this may be under a "Domains" link)
- 2. Click the "Email Services" link
- 3. Click the Enable button next to the "E-Mail Forwarding" section
- 4. Click the "Mail Control Panel" button at the bottom of the page under E-Mail Forwarding.
- 5. Enter the email address you would like to create in the ALIAS "New Mail Forward Entry" field
- 6. Enter the email address to where you would like this email forwarded in the "Destination" field.
- 7. Click Save/Update
If you have any questions, please let us know.