Dick's Sporting Goods
MVP Sporting Goods
Opdenaker Trash Removal
Pretzel Boy's
Fulginiti Insurance/Aston Auto Tags

Team Parent Information

 Thanks for volunteering to be a team parent this year.  You are a huge help to the league and to the coaches and they appreciate all you do for them. 

 Our team parent meeting is held on Field Maintenance Day in front of the snack stand.  If you are new to the league, it will be a very informative meeting and I encourage you to attend. If you are a new team mom, I highly recommend you attend.  We will cover all things Aston Valley and go over what we need from you as a team parent.   If you have been a team mom in the past and can’t make it, the outline below is pretty self-explanatory.  If you are not attending, give me a call or send me an email with your contact information to let me know what team you are with.  

The forms that will handed out at the meeting and will be required to hand in are located under 'Handouts'.

1. AVBL Team Parent info

2. AVBL Concession Stand schedule

3. AVBL Field Maintenance Schedule

Thank you,

Parents Auxiliary