Dick's Sporting Goods
MVP Sporting Goods
Opdenaker Trash Removal
Pretzel Boy's
Fulginiti Insurance/Aston Auto Tags

  General Membership Meeting





Board: Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, Mark Natale, R.J. Diamond, Tom Wood, Dan Campbell, Mike Calvanese, Aaron Pysher, Jim Buggy

Membership: Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Bill McKee, Gusto, Mike Troyan, Don Gilmour, Joe Pharaoh, B.J. Hefton, Scott Decker, Anthony Marusco, Jen Wylie, Tom Baggio, Walt Campbell, Mike McDermond

Called to Order:

6:31 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $89,461.94

-Sponsorship $1,000 from FlowServe

New Business: 

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: Mark Natale




President’s Report - Steve Burt

Fall Ball is up and running. Everyone is having a great time. Thank you all for the help.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

  • Excited for the new liner
  • Base Cart should be in soon as well as batter box stencil
  • Thank you to everyone that helped clean up the snack stand.
  • 75 kids registered for Fall ball with 6 teams
  • Everything is running smoothly
  • Looking to have Teener committee for next year; if interested please reach out.


Majors-Mark Natale

Thank you to Joe & BJ for everything in Fall Ball 


Minors- Tim Teefy

No Report / Not in attendance


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

Need to look at pitching machine issues


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

Looking to get field maintenance done on field


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Biggest numbers in fall ball. 365 including teeners


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

  • Still waiting on some shirts
  • Uniforms turned out great
  • Looking at new liner/spray for majors field
  • If rookies can resuse baseballs, great
  • Q: Issue with rookie machine - A: Possibly look at investing in a new machine


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

No report - Not in atteendance


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

  • Rookies home plate has new receiver. Thank you to fall ball crew.
  • Hole is filled in majors center field. Thank you Buggy.
  • Thank you to everyone for their help
  • Wasps in minors field reported but could not find. Please let me know if you see anything.
  • Would like to meet at TBall field this week to review what needs to be done.


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Q: Can rules please be updated on the website - Bob not in attendance


Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report





Burt: Recommend that we keep doing fall ball. Just need to find volunteers.


Nominations for 2024-2025 Board:


President: John Mancinelli nominated by Dan Campbell; Tim Teefy nominated by Joe Pharaoh


Treasurer: Aaron Pysher nominated by Mark Natale (Aaron declined) ... B.J. Hefton nominated by Joe Pharaoh


Majors: Mark Natale nominated by Steve Burt; BJ Hefton nominated by Joe Pharaoh


Minors: Scott Decker nominated by BJ Hefton


Rookies: Mike Troyan nomincated by BJ Hefton


T-Ball: Mike Calvanese nominated by R.J. Diamond


Facilities: Joe Pharaoh nominated by R.J. Diamond


Rules: Bob Weeks nominated by Jim Buggy


Parents Auxilary: Jen Wylie nominated by R.J. Diamond


Player Agent: Jim Buggy nominated by R.J. Diamond


Equipment: Steve Burt nominated by Joe Pharaoh; Mark Natale nominated by self


Secretary: R.J. Diamond nominated by Dan Campbell




Adjourn-R.J. Diamond (7:05pm)

Second-Dan Campbell


  General Membership Meeting





Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, 

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Tom Wood, Fran Miles, Dave Gustafson, Joe Pharaoh, Joe Hart, BJ Hefton

Called to Order:

8:32 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $75, 873.34

-Field Maintenance Costs and Tournaments are reflected in the balance

-Tax Exempt certificate is up soon, we have filed all necessary paperwork in order to continue to receive this exemption

New Business: 

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: Dan Campbell




President’s Report - Steve Burt

9U, 10U, 11U, 12 U all qualified for States, 9U and 11U made it out of pool play

-Concerns about too many games in a short period of time during states/districts because of overuse of pitchers and arms. Steve has voiced his concerns to Cal Ripkin




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Teeners League is still playing in tournament play

Senior Mid-County has been eliminated, Junior Mid-County plays tonight

-Legion team is currently playing, 2nd round in playoffs 

-13U select team will be in a tournament in West Chester

-Fall Ball will be held in the Teeners Division


Majors-Mark Natale

No Report



Minors- Tim Teefy

No Report


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

No Report


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

6U played in a tournament in Chichester, still yet to have a win, but they are playing hard


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Fall Ball- Registration over 100 players across all the divisions

-Registration will remain open through August


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-TeamSnap will continued to be sponsored by FlowServe ($2000 donation for Fall Ball) 


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell



Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-General Maintenance

-Field Maintenance 6:00 PM Thursday Nights leading up to Fall Ball. A Sign-Up Genius will be sent out

-Fields have some weeds and will need work

-Tractor is fixed, Williamson has been using it on their fields


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Some 12’s have approached about umpiring, they will be added to the umpire list for the fall


Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report





Issues with Hosts of State Tournament-Times changed on the day of the tournament, which caused a lot of problems. AVBL was asked to host 9, 10, 11, 12 for States. We will consider it, but we are looking for support from another local field (Brookhaven/Chichester) for field usage for 11u and 12u. We have not hosted states in many years. Nether and BYC also expressed interest in hosting if needed.

 Fall Ball- Nether and Chichester will enroll players separately and will help with coaching. We requested that these teams spread out the talent when drafting because we do not know their players.

Majors numbers are lighter hoping to have additional teams from local areas (Brookhaven is planning to host their own Fall Ball)

10U Select team will be recognized at the Wilmington Blue Rocks on July 28th Game.

Wednesday Night Majors Championship (Coach Tom Wood-Giants) will be recognized at the Fire House 

Some corporations offer a bonus for volunteering. Companies like Verizon reward employees for volunteering and then make a donation to our league. Please check to see if your company offers a similar package.



Adjourn-Jim Buggy 9:02 PM

Second-Dan Campbell


  General Membership Meeting






Mike Calvanese, R.J. Diamond, Aaron Physher, Jim Buggy, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Dan Campbell 

Fran Miles, Bill McKee, Joe Hart, Walt Campbell, BJ Hefton, David Gustafron, Michael Troyante, Tim Beckett, Steve Weisand, Mark Constan, James Bowes, Greg Briddell, Dave Griffin, Brittany McCombs, Kevin Hiddemen, Michael Brouses, Craig Burns, Chris Becker, Joe Pharoah

Called to Order:

8:36 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $75,895.84 ($20,000+ in a CD)

-Finance reports have been handed to general membership

-Tom Wood not present

New Business: 

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: R.J. Diamond




President’s Report - Steve Burt (Not Present) /Dan Campbell

-Congrats to all winners of rec divisions.
-Districts teams ongoing. Games/results can be found on website
-Fall ball looks like it will happen. Costs need to be finalized
. Tentative cost is $80 for Rookies-Majors, and $100 for teeners. Mainly due to umpires. Hope to have more info soon.Rumor about why the 11u not playing districts at weir is not true.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Great season this year. Almost 90 players in rec division. 4 teams. Over 90 games between rec season and playoffs. There are 5 post rec teams.
-Snack ball did very well. Special thanks to Bill, Joe, and Fran to help work the stand. Donated their time. Money went back to the league.
-Congrats to Coach Burns 13-15u
champs. 2
nd year in a row.
-Survey to go out soon regarding 12u game.
nd year in a row we had a 12yo game at Buggy field. Kids received shirts.
-Stand will be open at times throughout June/July.
-Looking for a cheap shed for “B Field
-Delco senior teams going well. Legion came out this past week. Jack Abate sung national anthem.
-14u team up and running.
-Working with school district on field maint manual.
-No such thing as “delco rules”
-Motion to approve rules
distributed at meeting that the membership approved of last year: Based on members that have attended 3 meetings or more, motion has passed. 


Majors-Mark Natale (Not Present)

-Very nice season. Attitude/behavior was very well. Nice sportsmanship. Improvement in quality of play. Credit to coaches. Kids feeling like you’re a part of team and having fun. Thanks to all the coaches and families. Congrats to Tom Wood and Giants for winning the championship.


Minors- Tim Teefy (Not Present)

-Successful season. Thank you coaches. Positive response from slugfest – congrats to Joe Pharoah and Padres.


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

-Thanks for coming. Issues with weather/playoffs. Kids had a good time. Thank you again. Congrats to Orioles – Tom Baggio


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

-Season went well. Congrats to Jack McGlone and Angels for winning the championship. 6u tournament team was put together. Learning a lot during the tournaments. Doing very well. Poll was put out for players for the tournament team.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

-Fall Ball registration will open this week.


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-Went great this year.
-Uniforms for
season and district were great.
-White pants should no longer be allowed.
-Looking for coaches/volunteers as well as sponsors for fall ball.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell (Not Present)

No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Ongoing Maintenance
-Plumbing issues with baseballs, debris in pipes
-Need help with field maintenance during summer.

Question: What happened to the original plan with tractors? Why is there now a problem with the tractor? How long are we going to wait for training on tractors? A: There is a problem with the carbureror on the one tractor. Was not an issue on delivery. In the process of getting it fixed. Looking to have Landscapers come out and maintain the fields due to the weed issue that is hard to control, especially on the warning track.



Rules- Bob Weeks

-5 new umpires – mostly rookie division
-equipment has gone missing for umpires … recommendation is to leave equipment in the snack stand that will need to be checked out. They will not get paid until after the equipment is returned.
Q: Can we find cheaper Teener umpires? There are 2 main services in the area-  Tri County and TriState . Both services are $95. - It is difficult to find cheaper umpires ... most leagues pay this amount


Secretary-Missy Huber (Not Present)

No report









Thank you to Kevin Hiddleman for 7u team


Fall Ball: Please submit coaches applications if you are looking to coach for Fall Ball - Snack Stand status will be discussed. Food Trucks were discussed as a possibility but most require a minimum sales amount per day. Help is needed with Field Maintenance. Looking to have Field Maint throughout the summer.




Adjourn-9:58 PM- RJ Diamond

Second-Joe Pharoah


  General Membership Meeting






Missy Huber, RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, 

Dan Campbell, Jim Buggy, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Tom Zebley, Don Gilmour, Joe Pharaoh, BJ Hefton, Chris Backer, Michael Troyan Jr., Fran Miles, Dave Gustafson, Joe Hart, BIll McKee, Mitch Lauver

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $76, 020.62 ($20,000+ in a CD)

-We collected about $6600 at Beef and Beer minus expenses we made about $5300. We had a lower turnout than past years (Morgan Wallen concert, Mother’s Day Weekend)

-Concession Stand has generated about $13,000-$14,000 (sales are good and inline with past years and profits)


New Business: 

Motion to approve: Tim Teefy

Second: Jim Buggy




President’s Report - Steve Burt/Dan Campbell

-Keep in mind playoffs can get tough, keep in mind most people are volunteers and we want to be good role models for our kids.

-We are trying to make this the best league we can with improved equipment and materials. We are in the process of learning how to best use our new tractors….please be patient.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-One of the teeners games will need a continuation game for the playoffs

--Dave Durbano will coach 2010/2011 players, we will also offer a select B team for this age group

-08/09 only 7 players signed up so we will not have a team in this age division, they can play for Mid-County Juniors if interested

-Men’s teams 12th Grade and Plus (Delco League)


Majors-Mark Natale

-Good Regular season…no issues with coaches and children

-June 3rd- Championship Game

-11YO and 12YO select and district teams have been chosen and practices have begun


Minors- Tim Teefy

-Regular season ended on Friday, playoffs have begun

-Appreciate coaches for helping and working through the schedules

-Positive reviews from Slug Fest and the events of the day

-District Teams have been selected and a 9/10 Select team to be coach by BJ Hefton/Bob Weeks


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

-We are in playoff time, championship will be in early June

-Member comment- I saw catchers standing off to the side and umpires were getting hit with the ball. Is this normal? Response- We cannot locate enough players to catch, which is why catchers are not standing behind the plate

-Member comment- The umpire protection shin pads are not the best…if they are there at all. They are rusted and can’t be adjusted. Response- We can look at replacing them, we have extras in the bins. Some Umpires have their own umpire equipment. We also have some equipment that is now missing.


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

-It has been a great season. Everyone enjoyed Slug Fest. We will play until around June 8th.

-We will have a round robin playoff for Junior Rookies…and a championship game on the Rookies field.

-Parents and grandparents have been great with helping

-Looking at developing a 6U tournament team


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

-We did have a few bad days of weather, but the schedules were updated as best we could.

-Weather does not look too bad, so hopefully it would not impact the playoffs too much

-If weather impacts a game, games get shuffled one day


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-Will work on umpire gear

-Will work on getting new uniforms for the district players, they have been ordered. Each head coach will collect money and then money gets sent over at once to Tom. Tom will pay MVP.

-Trophies have been ordered for championship games and sportsmanship trophies


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell



Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Thank you to the coaches for helping get the fields ready

-We will not have field maintenance this weekend for Memorial Day, please help with keeping trash emptied and fields cleaned this week 

-Cameras were not working today, it is an issue with Verizon and they have been contacted

-One of the tractors is not currently working, we are working on getting it fixed (there is a warranty). We are also working on the best way to use the new equipment and attachments. We will have a training session

-Member Question-Is the additional equipment purchased in-line with what was actually purchased? Response- Yes, it was


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Coaches have been helping with umping the bases during the playoffs

-28 total umpires split between the divisions

-Recommend that umpires without equipment get dressed in the snack stands so that we can ensure that all equipment, brushes, and counters are returned.

-We need to utilize older equipment that we have collected in order to make sure that umpires are properly suited for the games.


Secretary-Missy Huber

No report




Member Question- Have we made any rule or by-law changes?  Response- the only change we are considering is that the current by-laws say the league we will be notified about meetings in the newspaper….planning on changing it to on-line, email, social media (not voted on yet). 

-Parents do not really know the basic rules which causes an issue with umpires and coaches

-Please consider running for a board position (need to attend 3 meetings in order to run)





-12YO playing on Buggy Field, game has been pushed to Saturday, June 1st at Buggy Field at 6PM

-We will not have Fall Ball at Weir Park (not enough volunteers), but will at Teeners BJ Hefton and Joe Pharaoh are interested in running Fall Ball at Weir Park….it is critical to help players develop— please email Dan Campbell and Steve Burt Member concern about the fields being torn up 

-Teeners recommendation- any players moving up to Teeners next year should consider playing Fall Ball. We allow all bats in Fall Ball, but players have to purchase specific bats for the spring

-Member Question- Is the league participating in the Memorial Day Parade? Response- No

-Member Question- Legion Teams…when the emails went out about the Legion Team. There were 2 costs- one for AV players, and one for non-AV players. Are there non-AV players? Yes, there are some brookhaven players on the A team

-Member Question- Why is their push to get the playoffs complete and move through at a rapid rate? 2 games per night, one at Buggy and one at B field Response. A large portion of the teams will be eliminated before Memorial Day- it is the same as every other division, we are using 2 fields because the numbers have tripled over the last 2 years, so we have more playoff games. We also have legion, select and Mid-County which are like our “district” teams that will be starting soon. Everything also started earlier this season which is why it is finishing this way. Everyone is still getting in the same amount of games.

Member Comment- This is my son’s first year on the Teeners League and it has went wonderful. So thank you!

Member Comment- Did we award the Tommy Marren Scholarship? Who was on the committee? Response- We had 4 applicants and all 4 have been selected. Bill McKee would like to be on the committee in the future.



Adjourn-9:26 PM- John Mancinelli

Second-RJ Diamond


  Executive Board Meeting





Missy Huber,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy,

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Tom Wood, BJ Hefton, Joe Pharaoh, Scott Decker, Dave Gustafson, Bill McKee, Joe Hart, Fran Miles, Michael Troyan Jr., Chris D’Anjolell, Dan Sinnott, Walt Campbell, Chris Backer, Denny Anastasia, Emily Garvey, Mike Garvey, Anthony Marusco, Tom Baggio, Mitch Lauver, Nico Marusco

Called to Order:

8:33 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $90, 426

-Many supplies were needed to get the fields ready for the season and the concession stand start-up costs

Gus-Thank You for getting the Moose to Sponsor

Thank you to all our sponsors for helping support the league for the 2024 season

-$20,000 cannot be touched at this point because it is in a CD

-5 workers in the snack stand at night, 12 on the weekends

New Business: 

Motion to approve:  John Mancinelli

Second: RJ Diamond




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Parade went well

Thank you Aston Police and Fire Department for assistance on that day

-Thank you to Fran Miles, Bill McKee, Joe Hart for your assistance getting the fields ready

-Thank you to local elected officials for joining us

-Member Comment-Can we get a new flag? That flag was an embarrassment. Response- There is a new one up now




Teeners-Dan Campbell

- 7 teams, around 85 kids for Rec. for this season

-Rec games started tonight

- Concession stand will start to be open as well.

- B field is being worked on currently. They are putting sod down on the first and 3rd base line like Buggy. 

-Uniforms are now in!

-  We will have at least one Jr. Mid county and most likely two Sr. Mid County teams. Sign ups are currently going on

Legion Teams by birth year

2010-2011- Coach Durbano

2008-2009- Will be Coached by Palmore

(Not included in Babe Ruth Insurance-instead it is insurance through the Legion, does not cost the league anything)



Majors-Mark Natale

-Limited practices in March because of weather

-3 games are being made up from rain outs

-Thank You to John Dalton, Kevin Greim, Tom Wood that helped put in the new net for the Majors Cages

-Everything seems to be going well



Minors- Tim Teefy

-4 Make-Up Games (2 played already, 2 are scheduled)

-Good feedback for the umpires


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

No Report

Member  Comment- Can we get a call up list ready? Yes, we will work on that


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

-Opening Games on Saturday, everything went well

-Thank you Joe Hart for getting the fields ready in the morning

-T-Ball is currently practicing, we will have nightly games starting in a few weeks

-We would like to eventually incorporate the pitching machine in addition to coach pitch

-Member Comment- Can we post the schedule? Yes, we will do that soon


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

-Numbers are great this season!

-T-Ball Schedule will be finalized and out soon

-With all of the rain delays, we will have to use Sunday for Make-up games.

-Coaches are doing a nice job using the pitch tracker…do not use the innings category because it incorrectly calculates the totals


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-Uniforms are all in and ordered…but some of the newer players that signed up late are in process and should be in soon

-T-Ball and Junior Rookies late registration can take their blank shirts and hat to MVP for name to be placed on it

-Working on getting a new net for the backstop at the Minors 


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


No report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Field Maintenance Day was a HUGE success

-Rookies Scoreboard is not working correctly

-Rollers for the outfield had new foam delivered

-Looking over quotes for the new backstop on the Minor’s field

-Working with the township to have the Walkway to the T-Ball Field repaired and widened

-Cameras are up and working on the Major’s Field

-Major’s Field outlet on the pitching mound is not working and will need to be repaired

-The roofs of several dugouts will need to be repaired, please let us know if you have any connections or the ability to help with repairing these roofs


Rules- Bob Weeks

Umpire will assess if the game is going too long. Most games in the Rookies will go about 5 innings within the 2 hour time spot on weekends. Weekends the time limit is enforced because of the tight schedule.



Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report






-We had several great applicants for the Tommy Marren Scholarship. We will announce the recipient soon

-A local guy has acquired some machinery and is selling them for cheaper prices than brand new…We might actually be able to afford 2 if the price is right







New Comment- Can Teeners use Team Snap to let them know about canceled games? Response- Coaches are asked to send an alert to the parents

Nico Marusco will be running the Aston Valley Knights camp this summer under the guidance of Bill Wright. Week of June 17th and June 24th. Monday-Thursday, make-up games on Friday if needed. 

-Dates for district tryouts? We have not announced these yet….we are thinking Late April Early May



Meeting Adjourn 9:11 PM (Bill McKee)

Second- John Mancinelli


 General  Membership Meeting





Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Tom Wood, Don Gilmour, Joe Pharaoh, Keith McDevitt, Chris Langille, Rick Owsley, Dave Gustafson, Fran Miles, Chris Gaspari, Bill McKee, Joe Hart, Anthony Marusco, Walt Campbell, Michael Troyan Jr., Chris D’Anjolell, Dan Sinnott, Mitch Lauver, Tom Baggio, Steve Ouimette, Michael Schaefer, Jon Dalton, Jacob Weissenberger, Mike McHugh, Chris Cooper, Denny Anastasia, Ian Scott, Jim Johnston, Mike McDermond, Bill Staiber, Jeff Kessler, Chris Backer Jr., Chris Backer Sr., Mike Garvey, Jason Farrell, Scott Decker

Called to Order:

8:32 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $117, 009.30

-Spring Season Registrations contribute to the high balance

-Sponsorship- 44 have committed, trying to get 6 more to renew (still taking on more sponsors if you know anyone interested)

-FlowServ is sending us $2,000 and PA Dept of Health for $750

-Please complete survey that was sent out via email

-11U did a last minute tournament at Prospect Park (will count towards spring tournament funds for 2024)

-Purchased a new pitching machine for the Rookies Fields

-Replaced nets in the cages for Majors and Rookies

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Mark Natale




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Coaches- Must have background checks completed ASAP! We cannot load students into Cal Ripkin without the clearances being done.

-Opening Day is April 6th…games begin April 1st. We have games leading up to the Opening Day Parade

-Pavillion is now fixed. We are thankful to Joe Hart and the Township for fixing this.

-Joe and Bill did a great job working on the T-Ball Fields to get it up and running

-We have great numbers this season. We have 6-7 teams per division.

-Schedules have been uploaded to TeamSnap

-District Tournaments (preliminary)- We are not set to host a district tournament this Spring




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-7 teams (estimated 90 kids- all time high)

-Draft and evaluations were held last week

-We will play American Legion by birth year for post rec season ball

-Mid County League- by grade level for post rec season ball

-Delco League-AV Knights for post rec season ball

-New scoreboard will be installed later this week (Thank You SV Boosters)

-PDSD working on getting the fields ready for the season

-John Mancinelli and his crew are working on redoing the upstairs room at Buggy Field to make it a more usable space

-Working with the district to clear out the surrounding areas around field so that we do not lose so many baseballs each season

-Board Member Question- Should we post a sign so that people know how to access Buggy Field?


Majors-Mark Natale

-Practices have started…slow because of the weather

-Thank you coaches and parents for helping out on the Major Field to get it ready for the season


Minors- Tim Teefy

-Practices have started

-Plan to meet with coaches to review rules and expectations for the season


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

-Thank you for helping out with Field Maintenance

-Hoping to improve the batter’s box to prevent it from sinking

-New Pitching Machine-set-up and electricity is different from in the past


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

-Thank you to everyone that came out to help on Saturday…especially Joe and Bill

-Cleaned out the shed

-Schedules will be out in the next few days

-T-Ball will not play games on Opening Day

-Thank you for your patience for my  first year


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

-Schedules are loaded

-All players from T-Ball to Teeners have been loaded

-Pitch Tracker is loaded, please update within 24 hours of your game

-431 Total players (2nd highest of 9 years)

-Decline in T-Ball numbers (Aston AA Softball  took several of the girls this season)

-First few weeks for Minors and Rookies will be adjusted time slots because of the daylight


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-Fields look great

-New Rookies Pitching Machine is much lighter to manipulate. Let me know how you like it and thanks to DICKS for the discount

-Jerseys are ordered (hopeful to have everything by Opening Day, but late registrations might not be ready in time for first game)

-We have extra supplies, if you have a player in need…please reach out

-Ordered additional catcher’s mitts and equipment

-Baseballs are ordered and available, books & clickers are on their way

-Now have a sliding mat to practice sliding (helpful for players to learn…some players are getting to Teeners without the ability to slide properly)

-We have extra keys if needed


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

-Thank you to everyone that helped out on Saturday 


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Thank you to everyone that participated in Field Maintenance

-We are having an issue with one of the scoreboards, a number needs to be replaced

-Please make sure cages and bathrooms are locked if you are the last to leave the fields


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Plenty of umpires for the upcoming season- over 30 umpires going into the Spring season

-Jared (long-term umpire) is coming back to ump on Saturdays which is a HUGE help for the Majors

-Umpire clinic this Saturday

-We will have a shared document that posts the scheduled umpires

-Laminated sheet will be in each dug-out with reminders and key rules

-Umpire equipment looks good for season

-Member Question- Is Ben coming back? Yes, Monday-Wednesday


Secretary-Missy Huber

-Snack Stand- We do not need to have coverage anymore. We collected the money during registration to cover this. A schedule will be posted soon.




- -Backstop at the Majors Field will need to be replaced and/or repaired

-Schedules in Team Snap- Make sure the schedule is not doubled in Team Snap

-Have players make sure to write their names on their equipment so that it can be returned

-We are proposing buying a 4-wheeler with a tow behind hook up (dragger too). Will store AED and medical equipment to get it to areas in need fast. This would be to replace the red tractor that is on its last leg. We can purchase certain attachments this year and more in the future. Motion-John Mancinelli, Second- Joe Hart- Requesting no more than $15,000 to purchase this item. Motion passed unanimously. 





Member Question- Has the Legion and fire department been notified about Opening Day- Answer- YES

-Please control all the kids on the trucks so that they are being respectful of the candy being thrown

-Once you park your vehicle, please make sure that all players remain in the truck until all trucks have parked



Motion to Adjourn- 9:16 PM (Rebecca Farrell)

Second- Joe Hart


  February General Membership Meeting






Missy Huber, Steve Burt, Rebecca Farrell, Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Tom Wood, Chris Langille, Steve Stretch, Denny Anastasia, BJ Hefton, Don Gilmour, Joe Pharaoh, Anthony Marusco, Joe Hart, Walt Campbell, Andrea Camac-Mansi, Jeff Kessler, Scott Decker, Brian Alexander, Dan Sinnott, Mitch Lauver, Steve Ouimette, Frank DiCandia, Bill McKee, Michael Truyau Jr., David Gustafson, Jacob Weissenberger, Chris D’Anjolell, Tom Baggio, Bill Staiber, Steve Burns

Called to Order:

8:30 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance-  $97, 651

-15 Sponsors have paid so far…more to come

-Raffle Tickets have been purchased for Opening Day

-Balance will adjust once uniforms are purchased and equipment for opening day

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: John Mancinelli




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Pavillion at Weir Park is condemned and fenced off. This will need to be repaired. We had to pay $500 for township to evaluate the pavilion for structural damage. It looks like the plans the evaluator submitted will be helpful in repairing the existing structure. We are hoping the township will help with repairing this structure. The township was very involved with building the existing pavilion.

-Evaluations- 6-10 PM on Friday, Saturday 7 AM- 1 PM, all day Sunday is available

Friday- Majors (all ages) 6:00-9:00 PM

Saturday- Minors (all ages)- 8:00-10:30 Rookies (all ages) 10:30 AM-1:00 PM

Hats will be fitted this year for all leagues other than T-Ball

-Draft- Gatsby’s- Bob and RJ will help out with entering players because Jim is not available until after 4:00 PM

Rookies- 12:00-1:30 PM

Minors- 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM

Majors- 3:00-4:30 PM

-Enrollment numbers are down this season

-We are not adjusting schedules for travel baseball. 

-Blue Tractor is broken…will need to be replaced (between the tractor and pavilion this will cost the league roughly $20,000)




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-New Scoreboard will be in for Opening Day

-School District has been working on the fields to prepare for the upcoming season

-Around 40 registered for Teeners Rec League

-Hoping 2-3 teams for Juniors and Seniors

-Rec will begin 1st week in April and end in June. Teeners Evaluation will be at Northley or SV on March 8th and 9th (if you played in Teeners last year, you do not need to attend this year’s evaluation). Teeners Draft Date- March 10th

SV Cuts will be around March 6th and Northley will be around March 15th

-Post-Rec Season is TBD. We are leaning toward the American Legion, but the future is not looking that great for that league at this point. 


Majors-Mark Natale

-We are looking at 5-6 teams for this division. Evaluations are Friday Night with the Draft being on Sunday.

-Coaches please hang around after the meeting to discuss this weekend



Minors- Tim Teefy

-Looking at around 7 teams for the Minors this Spring

-Coaches please hang around after the meeting to discuss this weekend

-Good with coaches for this season


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

–5-6 Teams for this Spring Season

-Coaches please hang around after the meeting to discuss this weekend


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

-Numbers are down the most for this division. Registration will remain open longer than the other divisions.

-As of now, 4 teams for T-Ball and 4 teams for Junior Rookies

--Coaches please hang around after the meeting to discuss this season

-No evaluations for TBALL and JR. Rookies



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

307 registered players (drop from previous years) plus 40 players are in process

T-Ball- 43

Junior Rookies- 39

Rookies- 56



Open practice with SV for all age divisions. $15 per child, March 16th at Buggy Field


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-Hats will be available at tryouts to try on

-We are looking for more sponsors to sponsor the league for the upcoming season

-Coaches-please get player numbers ASAP after the draft

-New Pitching Machine for the Rookies field


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


-If you are interested in shadowing to take over for the ‘25 season please let me know


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Red Tractor was Serviced

-Field Maintenance Day- Saturday, March 23rd (9 AM). You will get $20 reimbursed if you attend. We need a great turnout in order to prepare for the upcoming season


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Some of the Majors games will be umped by outside agencies. We are trying to avoid the upfront fee by these organizations.

-Looking at getting Fran that also umps at BYC to assist with the Majors

-Minors and Rookies will be umped by younger kids, we seem to be covered

-We will have laminated sheets with most popular rules displayed in each dugout. Most arguments with umpires are due to people not knowing the rules.

-No word on Coaching Clinics



Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report











 -Will you be doing CPR training? Response-Yes, we will get information out soon

-Field Maintenance Day, what equipment is needed? Response-New Tractor, Bobcat, dirt, dragger

-Minor Field, are you still having drainage issues in left field? Response- we fixed this last year and have not had issues

-Where are you storing dirt this year? Response- We will look for a better location to put the dirt near the fields

**Anyone that is coaching, please do a background check. You need to have this done every 2 years. Please have this completed by March so we can upload this in April (loading these documents takes a lot of time). If a head coach does not have a background check they will not be on the field.

-We have 5-6 board members not returning next year. If you are interested in joining the board or being more involved in the league, please reach out.



Motion to Adjourn-Rebecca Farrell 9:07 PM

General Membership Meeting






Mike Calvanese, Aaron Pysher, John Mancinelli, Steve Burt, Bob Weeks, R.J. Diamond, Rebecca Farrell, Mark Natale, Jim Buggy, Tim Teefy, Dan Campbell, Tom Wood 
Fran Miles, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Anthony Marusco, Ken Millard, Frank DiCandia, Don Gilmour, Mike McDermond, Zach Imburgia, Bill McKee, Mitch Lauver, Steve Ouimette, Scott Egan, Tom Zebley

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $74,235.92

  • Spring season Revenue: $10,985.00 

  • Paid $565 in fees (5% average) – League Lineup, StackPay 

  • Verizon: $85 

  • Q: Did we pay $6k for new teeners scoreboard? A: Yes – in 2023 

  • Denny Anastasia reviewed the books and approved – will pass on to have taxes completed

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Bob Weeks

Second: Rebecca Farrell







President’s Report - Steve Burt

  • Registration closes Feb 21 

  • Evaluations to be held Feb 23 & 24 at Neumann 

  • Draft Feb 25th at Gatsbys 

  • Opening Day April 6 

  • Coaches: Can not load teams into TeamSnap unless background checks are done. Will not be able to draft teams, etc. Assist Coaches need to be done by mid-March. Background checks must be done every two years 

  • Question: Do you have to also register with Babe Ruth? Yes 

  • Question: Can we see who is approved for this year? Yes 

  • Registration is down vs last year – more communication to go out 

  • Majors division – Brookhaven & Chi do not have enough teams. Talks are in place to play with those leagues during regular season, but not during playoffs. Perhaps run a tournament across the 3 fields 

  • Question: Spread apart or one big team? Likely not. 1 for 1 picking for teams. 





Teeners-Dan Campbell


  • E-Mails sent to players from last year 

  • Will be sending e-mail out to 13 year olds 

  • 13-15 Rec division plan for this year; with some 16 year olds 

  • Sign-ups are live 

  • Jerseys: moving away from home/away jersey… Doing one jersey, one hat. Each team will have a different color 

  • Not doing free agents this year 

  • Will put outside team kids on a supplemental draft 

  • Last year had 5 rec teams, 3 from Nether… Nether will join this year. Chi/BYC has asked to join. Waiting on responses 

  • $25 field maintenance fee will be snack stand fee since school district helping with maintenance. Must work stand to recoup fee 

  • Trying to keep snack stand open to help especially with umpire fees 

  • More info to come on American Legion league & post-rec League 

  • Feb 1 – open discussion with anyone interested to see what is best for league 

  • Interested in coaching rec league division, reach out to Dan 

  • Interested in concession stand; need 1 or 2 people to consistently help


Majors-Mark Natale

 Has a few coaches so far. Looking for more.



Minors- Tim Teefy

Looking for more coaches; if any coaches can help with evals/drafts, would greatly be appreciated.


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

Looking for more coaches


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

  • Reaching out to coaches with Aaron and John Mance 

  • Also potentially working with majors kids to help



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

  • 98 Total 

  • 21 TeeBall 

  • 12 Jr Rookies 

  • 20 Rookies 

  • 23 Minors 

  • 17 Majors 

  • 5 Teeners 

  • Teeners just opened registrations 

  • Numbers are down vs last year 

  • Q: Other than website, e-mails, social emails? How are we going to get word out? A: Schools will get flyers Need to have more signs out


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

  • Working on sponsorship – If you know anyone that wants to sponsor, please send my way. 

  • Making big push on social with sponsorship 

  • Tommy Marren scholarship is open – send players our way 

  • Q: Is there criteria for scholarship? A: Yes – will send over 

  • New Business (Below) 

  • TeamSnap: FlowServe will sponsor us for TeamSnap $2k – Will provide signage 

  • Sun Valley scoreboard shipment in beginning of February Up by season 

  • Will say “paid for by boosters” – Home of “Buggy Field – Home of Vanguards and Aston Valley”



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

  • Tractors going in for service 

  • Rookies scoreboard now has power – Thank you to Josh Dawson 

  • Q: What is going on with the pavilion and the press box structurally? A: It’s still in talks with the township engineers




Rules- Bob Weeks

  • January is rules meeting – no new rules to discuss 

  • Thank you to Allyson Miles – Submitted change to by laws Will bring up in February meeting 

  • Shared spreadsheet planned for umpires to share with head coaches, snack stand, etc. 

  • Umpire clinic planned for March; e-mail will go out about this 

  • Q: Would it make sense commissioners meet with coaches to review inside rules?  

  • Q: Are we going to use kids or service for umpires? A: Leaning towards service for majors with a few exceptions 

  • Comment: Let plays finish before umpires make the calls




Secretary-Missy Huber


















  • Field Maintenance: March 24th 

  • Will teams that win championships ride firetrucks this year? Yes 

Motion to adjurn: Rebecca Farrell, John Mancinelli




 General Membership Meeting





Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Tom Wood, Fran Miles, Dave Gustafson, Joe Hart, Bill McKee, Sabrina Hickman, Candy Miaza, Joe Pharaoh, Steve Newnom, Denny Anastasia, Walt Campbell

Called to Order:

8:03 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance-  $71, 615.60 (**$20,000 in CD)

  • Still waiting for a few final bills for field maintenance

  • Tommy Marren scholarship is fully funded for next year

New Business: 

Motion to approve: 





President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Welcome new T-Ball Commissioner- Mike Calvanese

12/4- Registration opens 

TBD- In person registration (Community Center, last day of basketball)

2/1- Additional Late Fee for Registration to be applied

2/21 Registration Closes (Except Tball, Jr. Rookies, and Teeners)

2/23-2/24- Evaluations

2/25- Draft Day (Rookies, Minors, Majors

3/9 Schedule released to Commissioners to Review- (plan is to have TBall through Majors have one game under the lights)

3/12 Last Day for schedule changes

3/15 - Schedule implemented

3/24- Field Maintenance

4/6- Weir Park Games to begin

4/6 Weir Park Opening Day

-A coach or assistant coach needs to be at every meeting to help get more parents involved in our league. Should we make a membership meeting the same day as a board meeting to boost the meeting. President will meet with commissioners and coaches to review that plan

-Would like to see parents sign a code of conduct with the league at registration. Working on updating a version of the example on the Cal Ripkin site

-Will begin to post important dates and events at the concession stand so that everyone is aware. Some T-Ball families were unaware of the monthly general membership meetings.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

Buggy Field

· Concession stand is closed. District is going to turn the water off

· Re-Sodding 3rd base and around pitching mound

· New Scoreboard

· Renovation of concession stand, upstairs, and shed has been approved by the school district

24-25 Spring/Summer Season

· Still need coaches. Let me know if interested

· Rec Season will start the same time as Weir and end approximately same time

· District/tournament teams

· Proposing a 16-18 Sunday Rec league with other leagues

· Mid County Jr’s End of May till mid July

· Mid County Sr’s 19+

· If interested in the planning process of Rec, District, and Mid County contact me


Majors-Mark Natale

-We are going to have a meeting to discuss expectations for Majors. Coaches are in the process of being contacted and notified for next season


Minors- Tim Teefy

-No report


Rookies-Aaron Pysher

-Working on identifying coaches for the Spring Season


Teeball- Mike Calvanese

-Working on identifying coaches for the Spring Season.

-Looking to identify older siblings to assist with coaching as well


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

-No Report


Equipment Manager-John Mancinelli

-No report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

-No report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Field closed down- thanks to all that helped

-Power to the Rookies scoreboard will be done by the spring season

-We have been informed that teens have been coming to the field and damaging various things. We spoke to the township about this.


Rules- Bob Weeks

-We will need to make some small tweaks for the Teeners division (submit requests through the website)

-Rules meeting will be in January, please submit any rule change considerations on-line

-Most likely bringing back an umpire group for the Majors to help with this level


Secretary-Missy Huber

-No report






-Working with SV Boosters, PDSD has approved the board construction for Buggy Field. AV has met as a board to contribute $6,500 to this cause. The board is going to be ordered and the signage will be made and designed soon after. Boosters and AV will write checks and submit them to PDSD and they will keep it in escrow and will handle paying the bills.

Motion to approve $6,500 for scoreboards (John Mancinelli) Second (Aaron Pysher)

-Yes- 15 

-No- 1

3 people ineligible to vote

**Plan is to have the board ready for the spring season

We would like to raise dues about $25 for each player to fund paying a person for the snack bar. This is a safety issue because there are no background checks completed for volunteers and could be an issue with handling money. Training new people each night gets to be a lot of extra work on busy nights. It will also help to get the games started on time for people that did not show up to work in the snack stand. Also would like to consider raising family rates-  

Motion (John Mancinelli) to approve a $25 increase in fees to cover a person to work in the snack stand  as opposed to being assigned a snack stand date and time. Second (Aaron Pysher) Yes-19 No-0

Motion (Tom Wood) Second (Bill McKee) Changing the family discount to be 25% off the second child, 50% of the 3rd child, 75% off the 4th child

Yes-19 No-0



Motion to Adjourn (8:38 PM)- Mark Natale

Second-Mike Calvanese


  General Membership Meeting






Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, John Mancinelli, Tom Wood, Mike McDermond, Mike Calvanese, Joe Pharaoh, Don Gilmour, Anthony Marusco, Fran Miles, Bill McKee, Dave Gustafson, Joe Hart, Candy Miazza, Steve Newnom, Jason Farrell

Called to Order:

8:05 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $70, 974.18

Fall Ball brought in about $10,000, Spring Season LOST about $8,500

Concession Stands made about $6,000

Moose Lodge made a $500 donation, we will be getting them a sign down at the fields

$20,000 has been moved to a CD with a 5% return

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Mark Natale

Member Comment- We have spent a lot of money on tournament teams, shouldn’t we be investing in all the players….maybe we should get a landscaper? Fields need a lot of work, should not just be for RJ.

Response- Capital Improvements on the field benefit all players, a landscaper all year is too expensive unless we raise the fees for players (we lost about $7 per player). We should consider getting a landscaper for certain times throughout the year.




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Tonight is nominations at the end of the meeting

-Fall Ball should be wrapping up within the next week. Season went pretty well, but looking at changes for next season. Perhaps, we should have just a few tournament weekends for A, B and even C teams. We will discuss this more once it is discussed as a board.

-Scoreboards are now up at Weir Park

-We will be dropping prices in the snack stand this weekend to clean it out

-Thank you to Steve Abate for his commitment to the board and help with equipment for several years. His son has aged out and he will be leaving the ball.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Fall Ball is going well. We are looking forward to a great Spring Season.

--Looking for coaches for next season, please reach out and let me know 


Majors-Mark Natale

-Looking for coaches for next season, please reach out and let me know 



Minors- John Mancinelli

-No report


Rookies-Tim Teefy

-No report


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

-Have a few phone calls in with ideas for maintenance



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No Report


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

-No Report 


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Need to get the T-Ball field in better shape

-Peco has been notified about lines that are hanging low near the fields

-Rookies Field scoreboard should have electricity in the next few weeks


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Looking to bring in an outside company for the Major’s Field



Secretary-Missy Huber

-No report










-Member Comment- SV Baseball Booster- You were presented with a request to help with a scoreboard for Buggy Field. Will you be able to help us out? We are looking for $6,000 from AVBL. We are going to raise the remaining $15,000. If you would like your name on the sign it would be an additional $1,000. We are looking to put a really great scoreboard at Buggy Field that says the names of the teams with a 9 inning scoreboard. We would use the same installation company as Weir Park. SV Boosters refuses to move the sign and will donate $0 if it is moved.

Response- We are in favor of a new scoreboard, we still need to vote as a board. The board would like more time to discuss this because we still have some unanswered questions regarding the school’s financial commitment and the interest to move the sign.

**Recommendation for AVBL, PDSD representative, and SV Baseball Boosters to meet together 

We will adjust the board meeting and general membership meeting in November so that we can vote on this and get you an answer.

President- Steve Burt 

Treasurer- Tom Wood 

Teeners- Dan Campbell 

Majors- Mark Natale 

Minors- Tim Teefy

Rookies- Aaron Pysher was nominated by Steve Burt— He accepts

TeeBall- Tom Wood nominates Mike Calvanese- He accepts

Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell 

Player Agent- Jim Buggy 

Secretary- Missy Huber 

Equipment- John Mancinelli 

Field Maintenance- RJ Diamond

Rules- Bob Weeks 

Joe Hart makes a motion to approve $7,100 in order to go towards the scoreboard at Buggy Field. Second- Anthony Marusco…… (Motion was withdrawn)




Motion to adjourn: Fran Miles (9:42 PM)

Second: Mike Calvanese 


General Membership Meeting






Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Aaron Pysher, BJ Hefton, Joe Pharaoh, Mike Calvanese, Anthony Marusco, Dave Gustafson, Bill McKee, Mike McDermond, Joe Hart

Called to Order:

8:31 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $63, 849.35

-Still waiting on an outstanding check from Nether (around $6,000)


New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Dan Campbell





President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Fall Ball is up and running. We had a successful weekend with a few rain outs that will need to be made up. Member question-How many Fall Ball Players? Answer- 2011

-Tonight is nominations for the upcoming season. This will be discussed more in New Business

-Scoreboards are installed. We are looking for an additional sponsor for the signs and would like a lit arch above the scoreboard.

-Netting on the major field has been fixed and installed.

-We had people out to evaluate the condition of the press box and pavillion. Both of these structures will need repairs for the upcoming season. Member Question- What is wrong with the Press box? Answer- Sounds like is more cosmetic, we are looking for final quotes and reports on the condition

-10/7 Community Day




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Fall Ball has started, we have 6 teams. Week one was rained out so that game got moved to the last week of the season

-Already seeking out coaches for the spring season, if you are interested please reach out


Majors-Mark Natale

-Fall Ball is going well, but a few teams are a bit lopsided. We are working on this to accommodate the teams



Minors- John Mancinelli

-We had an issue with a Fall Ball Game that went 19-0. Nether was spoken to about this game and we will be sharing our leagues rules with them so that they are aware of stealing rules going forward


Rookies-Tim Teefy

No Report


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

No Report

-Teeball field is in rough shape, we need to do a lot of work on this field prior to the winter



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

-Uniforms have been ordered for the Fall Ball. We also ordered some addtional equipment for the umpires



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Poles around the Rookies field are leaning, the township and Peco has been contacted to repair these poles. Once completed, Josh Dawson will assist with getting the scoreboard connected.


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Fall Ball umpires need to be made aware of the rules and discuss them with coaches prior to games or during the games if needed

-Member Question-Can we spread out Nether across our in house team? Response- Yes, but then we will have an issue with coaches and will need to give their coaches keys for equipment and batting cages 

Nether is planning on spreading out their players in order to make the teams more fair



Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report











Member Question- Once the concession stand is closed, or games that the stand is closed…can we order a food truck. Response- We would like to keep the stand open as much as possible, but the stand may not have enough supplies by the end of the season and we may want to consider it.

Nominations Meeting- In order to vote you must have attended at least 3 membership meetings

President- Rebecca Farrell nominates Steve Burt (He accepts)

Treasurer- Rebecca Farrell nominates Tom Wood (He accepts)

Teeners- RJ Diamond nominates Dan Campbell (He accepts)

Majors- Rebecca Farrell nominates Mark Natale (He accepts)

Minors- Rebecca Farrell nominates Tim Teefy (He accepts)


TeeBall- Rebecca Farrell nominates Aaron Pysher (He accepts)

Parents Auxiliary-Steve Burt nominates Rebecca Farrell (She accepts)

Player Agent- RJ Diamond nominates Jim Buggy (He accepts)

Secretary- Rebecca Farrell nominates Missy Huber (She accepts)

Equipment- Rebecca Farrell nominates John Mancinelli (He accepts)

Field Maintenance- Dan Campbell nominates RJ Diamond (He accepts)

Rules- Jim Buggy nominates Bob Weeks (He accepts)



Meeting Adjourn (8:57 PM)- Motion Rebecca Farrell, Second RJ Diamond- 


General Membership Meeting






Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Mike Cimabue, Walt Campbell, Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Joe Pharoah, Dave Gustafson

Called to Order:

8:32 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $78, 462.15

-150+ kids registered for Fall Ball

-Teeners Tournament made over $300.00

-Bingo made over $900 

New Business: 

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: RJ Diamond




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Big Congratulations to the 8U district team for getting a bid to the 8U World Series in Cherry Hill, NJ. Great Job to Don Gilmour and his coaching staff.

-Fall Ball is up and running at Wier Park. Games will start the Sunday after Labor Day. Tenners Registration will remain open until Saturday. Minors will play Saturday or Sunday (due to the number of teams). Teeners is still looking for coaches. Nether is bringing 2 teams per division.

-Nominations for board members will be in September and elections will be in October.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

Fall Ball registration for Teeners is going well. We are hoping to have 6 teams registered by the end of the week.

County-Wide Team registration is also available. 

-Possibility for a rising 12 year old tournament at Buggy Field.

-We would like to develop 2 new committees- 1 committee in order to develop the Teeners 2024 program and 1 committee to work on the upstairs at Buggy Field in order to finish the unfinished room–how to finance it and what to do with it


Majors-Mark Natale


No Report



Minors- John Mancinelli

BJ Hefton is covering Minors for Fall Ball. Practices began this week.

**Phillies clinic was canceled due to rain…for a second time. We are hoping for a clinic end of September


Rookies-Tim Teefy

No Report


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

T-Ball Field is currently all grass. We will need to work on it this fall and would love volunteers to help with that.



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Fall Ball numbers are close to 200…which is the highest we have had in 8 years.

Teeners and T-Ball numbers are on the rise which attributes to the large increase in registrations in the fall and spring.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

-Nothing has been ordered

-Steve will be resigning from the board this year, he has done a tremendous job with this board position and we are looking for someone to fill this opening



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

-Concession stand food and drinks will be ordered for the Fall Ball Season 


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-We will have a field maintenance day on Sunday August 27th at 9 AM to get the fields ready for Fall Ball.


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Umpires are looking good for Fall Ball. Many 12’s have expressed interest in umping in the rookies this season.

-We have had several groups at different age levels doing their own fundraising. We will need to discuss this as a board going forward on the best way to address this and manage this.

-We have had donations for a specific age group, but that money was earmarked toward that age division upon request. We are a 501C3 status, so we would need to track fundraising money. 

Member Comment- Can someone seek legal and accounting help? Response- Yes, we are in the process

Member Comment- What team was this? Response- A district team that went to an additional tournament beyond what the league pays for

Joe Hart and Fran Miles would like to assist with Rules




Secretary-Missy Huber

-No Report










-Netting- $1,043 cost of purchase

The netting that was ordered is made lighter and designed to not absorb water. RJ reached out to a metal fabricating company–they propose we replace all the poles by the back stop on the Majors Field, take down existing poles and netting. The cost of this will be $5,000. 

No member comments in regards to this proposal.

Scoreboards- Aerial is working on ordering parts, signs are in. Rookies field will have a scoreboard from either the Majors and Minors.

Member Comment- Can we paint the fences black for Majors and Minors? Response- We will talk to the township about this

Member Comment- Can we replace the padding at the fields? Response- Yes we will look into it

SV Baseball Boosters are looking to upgrade the scoreboard at Buggy Field for the Spring Season.

Community Day- October 7th



Meeting Adjourned- 9:03 PM

Motion- RJ Diamond

Second- Mark Natale


  Executive Board Meeting






Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, BJ Hefton, Tom Zebley, Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Dave Gustafson, William McKee, Mike Calvanese, Anthony Marusco, Walt Campbell, Joe Pharoah, Mitch Lauver

Called to Order:

8:31 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $68, 335.92

Concession made about $20,000 for the year.

Fundraising made about $6,500

Scoreboard is coming in August and will be installed. Everything has been paid for installation and the scoreboards.

Tommy Marren Scholarship has already been funded for next year. 2023 Winners were Ethan Seasock and Cole Sorrento.

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Fran Miles







President’s Report - Steve Burt

-It was nice to see teams that struggled all season do well during the playoffs

-We hosted 10U and 11U districts, other than one weather delay everything went smoothly. Thank you to John Dalton for organizing the district tournament and Rebecca Farrell for doing a great job with the snack stand. We had several parents share how much they liked the facilities and the snack stand. Thanks to all other board members that helped out throughout the week

-4 District Teams are making it to states- 8U, 10U, 11U, and 12 U

-We do not have enough support as of now for Fall Ball. We cannot run a Fall Ball program without more support. We are hoping for 6 teams in each division, 12 on each team and play on Sundays. 

-We are looking for help with fundraising and sponsorship. Steve will meet with Neumann University in order to see if they have any students that would like to assist as part of their Major.

-We had an incident with an 11U player that got out of hand on the field during districts. The board has chosen to suspend the player for the remainder of districts and the next tournament. The player is eligible for States, but that is the coaches decision and it looks like the child will not play during States either. (Member Comment- The cameras caught the incident and it has spread across the district. Will you continue to use the cameras and Youtube in the future as a result? Response- Yes, they have more good than bad uses and the child was disciplined as a result.)

-If you would like to run for a board position, elections are coming up this Fall and members can be nominated at any time.

-We have heard from several parents regarding a concern about playing time for district teams. This is a Cal Ripkin Rule, not an AVBL rule. Unless someone submits a rule change request, we cannot change that as of now, but such a rule would negatively impact our teams (BYC had a similar rule in the past, but it actually hurt their chances). Parents are unhappy with positions in the line-up, positions that they are playing, and playing time. We do have “B” Tournament teams for each division to help with playing time. 




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Mid-County Team is still going on

-Congratulate Coach Steve Burns on his Teener Division Championship

-We will be hosting a tournament at Buggy on July 8th

-Fall Ball information will come out soon and Fall Ball will happen for the Teeners Division-Let Dan know if you want to help

-Survey was sent out for feedback and the results were very favorable.  

-Member Comment- Are we considering having District teams for States? It appears to be pretty easy for teams to get to States at the Teeners Division. Response-Yes, the goal is to have district teams next season.

-Babe Ruth Rules changed, league is now 13-16, we need to further discuss what that means for the TeenersLeague


Majors-Mark Natale

Congrats to the Expos (1st Place) and White Sox (2nd Place). It was nice to see teams do well towards the playoffs.

-Coaches and players behaved well. We had some great call-ups (13 players) from the Minors and it gave many players experience with the Majors.

-We had a mini Slug Fest, but would like to expand on this next year.

-We had a great 12U game at Buggy Field to see what teeners would be like



Minors- John Mancinelli

-We had a great season and great players. Playoffs were fun. Congrats to the Angels (1st Place) and Pirates (2nd Place).

-We will need to discuss a few rules that popped up during the playoffs.

-We had a lot of help getting the fields ready for districts

-I think it is good for players to play within their age and it really helped some players develop even more

-Member Comment-Can we spread out the playoffs to help teams with pitch counts? Response- We would like to, this was an odd year with Spring Break and District Schedules.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

-Thanks to all the coaches and assistant coaches who helped out throughout the season!

-We had solid and even competition throughout the season. Congrats to 1st Place-Phillies and 2nd Place- Blue Jays.

-We have an 8U District team that qualified for states and an 8U select team and a 7U District team. We would like to continue to develop these players year long and we have been reaching out to other leagues to see how we can continue to play throughout the fall.

Member Comment-Can the 7U’s continue to play throughout the Fall? Response- Yes, as long as they are available, the field can be used.

Member Comment- Did we get home plate changed at the Rookies Field? Response- Not yet, but it is on our list to do.


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

Both T-Ball and Junior Rookies went well this year. Thank you to everyone that helped out throughout the year. 


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No Report


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


Thank you to everyone that helped with the Snack Stand during districts. We were very busy, but could not have done it without your support.


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-The Blue tractor needs some repairs. 

-Minors and Majors fields were worked on a lot for districts.

-Billy Wright does a great job getting the fields ready! Thank you to all members that helped getting the stand ready for the camp.

-Press Box has a leak and we cannot allow children to be in the press box without an adult. Press Box has a new speaker and microphone

-Installed a new TV/Digital menu in the snack stand

-Live Streaming at the Majors Game has been a big hit

-Member Comment-We need to clean up the Owsley Memorial


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Used over 20 umpires this season and we are hoping to continue to use these umpires in future seasons. Even had a few 12 year olds umpire Rookies Games and they did a great job….just need to be a little louder.

-If you have an issue with a rule, submit it NOW while it is fresh in your mind. Do not wait until January.

Member Comment-There seems to be a few gentleman's handshake rules instead of Cal Ripkin and AVBL rules. There seems to be situations where rules are followed for some games and not for others. There is an existing rule where if a player takes the ball from the pitcher’s mound, they assume the role as a pitcher. We need to follow the same rules all season, not just in the playoffs.  


Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report







-A schedule will be put up on the website with all of the upcoming games for our tournament teams

-Member Comment- Thank you to all the coaches that worked with Lukas over the years. 

Member Comment-I asked about an audit at the start of the year, did that happen? Response- Yes, we will have that done now that the season is over

Member Comment- What constitutes a good season? Rookies Response- parents, coaches and kids were happy. T-Ball Response- Parents were satisfied, great communication and feedback, players stayed safe. Majors Response- Quality of play, games were competitive, last place team finished 2nd. Good Behavior from coaches and players. Minors Response- Good behavior from coaches and players. Parents were pleased with the season. Made an effort for each player to feel important on the team. Teeners parents perspective- Players that were reluctant to play in the Teeners, decided to play. Teeners Response- Retention rate was high, kids that haven’t played for years chose to come back, positive feedback from parents, survey monkey was sent out to the league- received responses from the 26 were favorable (60% great experience, 38% good experience and only 1 response was a bad experience). We received one parent email with a concern and we will address this at the next board meeting. We also had the highest enrollment in years. We are always up for help and assistance if you want to be a part of it and make something better.

Member Comment- Tball and Junior Rookies did a great job and districts went smoothly. You made Aston Valley proud.




Adjourn- Rebecca Farrell

Second- Bill McKee


  Executive Board Meeting






Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Steve Abate, Don Gilmour, BJ Hefton, Joe Hart, Zach Imburgia, Tom Zebley, Mike Shaeffer, Jon Dalton, Mike McDermond, Anthony Marusco, Dave  Gustafson, Mike Calvanese, Joe Pharoah, Brian Alexander, William McKey, Frankie, De Grand, Jason Farrell, Ken Millard, Eric Hennig

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $96,123.66

  • Concession stand brought in about $6k. 

  • Contributions: $8,270 

  • Forecast: $36,150 (Scoreboard, sink, tournaments, nets, pitching machine) 

  • Forecasted Bal: estimated- $60,000


Member Comment- It took us years to get lights, but did we have to pay for the extra parking lot. Response- No, that was the township

New Business: 

Motion to approve:  John Mancinelli

Second:  RJ Diamond





President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Corn Hole sets are needed (email will be sent out) for the Beef and Beer. If you have a set, please contact Steve.

-Kegs, Keg Buckets, and Taps are needed. If you know anyone that has a connection, please reach out to Rebecca or Steve

-Also looking for Large Ticket Items to be raffled off, please let us know if you have any connections or can donate any items.

-Baskets will be on display on Saturday and tickets can be purchased for the raffles. Winners will be drawn on Saturday night at the beef and beer.

-Playoffs are coming up (Tuesday, May 30th they begin), please be on your best behavior as tensions begin to rise. If you are concerned about a play, call a timeout and discuss it. Do not yell at the umpire.

-As of now, we will not have a Fall Ball season. If you are interested in running the program please reach out to Steve. BJ Hefton has offered to assist with this program because of the importance for transition players. We need more people willing to help. Email will be sent out.

-District Tryouts were last week. Steve was present at all evaluations and all current rules were followed. If you want to see something different, you will need to submit a rule change our website and it will be voted on in January 2024. Steve talked to coaches, this was a very tough decision. We vote on district coaches as a board, all coaches were unopposed. Every team has at least 1 new player, which shows we are looking at new players.

11U District Tournament will be at AVBL this year. Begins on June 16th.

Member Comment-No matter how the rules change, you will always have unhappy people when players do not make it

Member Comment- Tryout was a few pitches, a few ground balls, and a few swings. Should we consider revamping the “tryout” portion. A 10U player was overlooked Response- Yes, we will look at this for next season. The 10U coach is working with the family.

Member Comment-  Can we carry a full 15 roster for district teams. Response- It limits playing time and we don’t want players to sit on the bench the whole time. We would prefer to put them on a “B Team” where they get playing time and can improve their skills. Tri-County is a great opportunity for that.

Member Comment-In the past, the district team was selected in late May…but now we select them earlier to prepare for districts earlier. This is why we have tryouts.

Member Comment-We need to expand the strike zone in the Majors. We had 7 straight walks, when some are actually strikes. Response- We did chat with the umpires to expand the strike zone. Consider meeting up with the other coach and speaking with the umpire together.

Member Comment- The schedule is a struggle this year. If we have 3 games in a week, we do not have time to practice and develop players. Response-We got in trouble for not making up games last year. We started a week later, and districts start earlier.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

Snack bar opening on Wednesday 

  • Announcers & scoreboard to be used the rest of the season 

  • Working on getting 12 year olds a single game at buggy field 

  • Mid-County games starting soon 

  • Added additional senior team 

  • Delco senior men’s team starting soon 

  • 13-14 travel team should have info for tryouts / reg fees by next Monday 

  • 15-16 travel team on hold 

  • Fall ball 12, 13, and 14s – exploring options 

  • Recommended to have 6 runs/inning rule 

*We really do not have a rule book, so we are using Babe Ruth Rules…but are changing some to correspond with Babe Ruth baseball. We had a meeting with Player Agent, President, and Teener's Commissioner in order to re-evaluate the rules to make them better for 13-15 YO.

Motion made by Dan Campbell to accept the new Teeners Rule for this division for the remainder of the season. Second Bob Weeks. Motion passed, the rules are accepted.


Majors-Mark Natale

-We have had 3 rain outs, 2 out 3 have been made up…the remaining one will be made up this week.

-Slugfest, will happen for the Majors this year. Schedule will be out soon.

-We have had about 11 players called up to play in the Majors this season and it went well.

-Hopefully as the playoffs begin, umpires and coaches are aware of the rules. We will have 2 paid umpires for the final few games of the playoffs.

-Mounds will need work on the Majors field and we will need assistance with that.

-Schedule-Players are playing in leagues outside the division, Tri-County league, that is impacting player availability for pitching or even available to play


Minors- John Mancinelli

-We have one make-up game on Saturday, so we will not participate in Slug Fest

-The players that have gotten called up to the Minors and Majors have been going well

-Minors Coaches will have a meeting with John to go over the schedule for playoffs


Rookies-Tim Teefy

-8U district team has been selected, 8 U select team has also been selected

-We have had great feedback for players playing under the lights, they have enjoyed this opportunity

-Member Comment- Can we work on home plate on Sunday? Response- Yes


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

-We have 147 players between T-Ball and Junior Rookies. We have great participation from parents helping out on the fields

Member Comment- Make sure we are teaching the first baseman where to stand in order to prevent collisions.



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Not Present


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate


District Player Uniforms have been ordered


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

- Raffle Baskets can be delivered to the snack stand on Thursday, Friday night at the latest.



Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Sunday Field Maintenance will be at 2:00 PM, Minors Mound will be redone.

-Jason Farrell- Will be rolling the dirt in the fields to pack it down. This would be easier if the dirt was wet. Coaches will need to get down to the fields earlier to rake the fields.

-New scoreboard controller for the majors field

-MuscoVision charges $7 a day or $21 a month. We discussed with them the potential to cheapen the cost of these fees, but that is not an option. We are looking at a FB Stream that would be cheaper.

New Scoreboard project will be $15, 916.70. This stays within our budget of $20,000. We will have a new scoreboard for the Minors and Majors and one of those scoreboards will be moved to the Rookies field



Rules- Bob Weeks

-Top 4 umpires will be used for playoffs

-Umpire Money will be handed out at the snack stand. Rebecca will hold the umpire at the snack stand until a representative from each team is present at the snack stand

-For the last 3 playoff games of each division, 2 paid umpires will be present

Member Comment- What should we do if an umpire does not know a rule? Text Bob Weeks your question during the game




Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report










-2 rule books will be at the snack stand. If you want one, please go and grab it

-There is an off chance we might be hosting the 10U and 11U district tournament. We will know definitely more soon. If that is the case, we will need a lot more help down at the fields.

-Tommy Marren- 2 candidates have been identified, long standing members of the league.



Motion- to adjourn 9:59 PM  Bob Weeks Second-  BJ Hefton


  General Membership Meeting






Tom Wood, Missy Huber, 

RJ Diamond, Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Mike Calvanese, Ian Scott, BJ Hefton, Tom Zebley, Mike McDermond, Zach Imburgia, Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Bill McKee, Dave Gustafson, Jon Dalton, Joe Pharoah, Kris Phillips

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance-  $105, 675.75 (forecasted $52,000 when remaining expenses are deducted)

-Around 460 players registered this year

-We have 2 new sponsors coming in which will bring us to about 49 sponsors and about $15,000 in sponsor money raised

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Bob Weeks

Second: Rebecca Farrell





President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Check on clearances…if they are expired please get the redone

-Opening Day was a success, great turn out and Mother Nature held out

-Thank you for everyone’s help with getting the fields ready for the Opening Day events




Teeners-Dan Campbell

  -5 rec teams (AV), 12 players are free agent, 3 Nether, 1 Chichester 

-Schedule is out through Mid May

-Coaches were given scorebooks, balls, and pitch counts


Majors-Mark Natale

Coaches- We will have a brief meeting after this meeting

-Great first week of games, games have been close, pitchers looked great, even a few Home Runs

-A  few snags with umpires, but they will get even better once they have more reps 


Minors- John Mancinelli

Great first week, games went well, umpires and players are looking good.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

Everything is rolling well, working on getting through the first few innings with kid pitch

-Tim has been meeting with umpires and has been most games


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

-Players have started up. Some Junior Rookies have already been getting hits.



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Schedules are posted for all divisions, Teeners through Mid May


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Equipment Report:

  • Uniforms for all divisions have been received and distributed.

  • We only had (2) uniforms that needed to be corrected.

    • The corrections have been ordered.

  • The new catchers gear was received and distributed to each division’s sheds.

  • Baseball order was received and put in Equipment Closet.

    • Teener baseballs were picked up by Dan Campbell.

  • If anyone notices any equipment that needs to be purchased, please let me know.

  • Began to work on the design for this year’s District Uniforms.

    • Last year we placed the order the 2nd week of May, so we are 1 month out.

  • Will be sending a list of 12’s to Mark Natale to verify shirt sizes for their graduation sweatshirts.

  • Trophy Order will be placed in the beginning of May.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Great few days at the snack stand. We made about $7,000 for the first week


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Rookies and Minors Home plates needed to be replaced

-Working on redoing the backstops for Rookies, Majors, and Minors

-Majors dugout will be repainted to Blue because the yellow was blending in

-Working on getting a new sound system so that we can hear ceremony

--Majors Field scoreboard controller is broken and needs to be replaced

-Meeting will be held to review Field Maintenance, not date set

-Musco Vision rates are a bit high, we are going to work with them to lower the rates for broadcasted games

-We can use help with installing a sink for the snack stand. If you have experience with plumbing it would be great if you can help out the league.

Bill Defeo from the township is working on adding extra lights and reworking the parking lot for parking or re-evaluating the use of the tennis courts

Can we install the lights on the cages on the bullpen as well? Yes, we have extra lights

What time do the lights go out on cages? 9:45 PM

Field Maintenance on Sundays has had limited people showing up….please reinforce to parents that it would be great if they could help


Rules- Bob Weeks

-Umpires have been assigned through April. Even the 9 U, 11, 12 U teams that are playing on Sunday.

-Phone list in the snack stand for umpires (or parents) that do not show. Good feedback from coaches about umpires. They do need to be reminded to wipe the plate.

-Laminated sheets in the shed with the rules for each player to review is needed.

-Only the head coach can discuss a concern with the umpires.

-Please remind players to tuck in shirts.

-Umpires can allow substitute runners so that the catcher can get ready

-Coaches, please make sure that pitch count is being tracked, try to rotate through pitchers

-5:30 Start time for Minors game is helping them get finished on time



Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report






Scoreboards are being looked at…can we approve funds so that they can be ordered, there is a few week wait to get them delivered and installed.

Aerial design is being looked at for this purchase. Owner had children play through the league and is willing to work with us.  It will be about $5,000-$6,000 for the current board style. If we did an inning by inning scoreboard it would be about $12,000. The plan is to move the Minors scoreboard to the rookies, Majors to the minors, and get a new board for the Majors. The Majors Scoreboard has some weakened poles that will also need to be replaced. Township took down the old telephone poles and makes the field look better.

Motion-Make a motion to approve up to $20,000 to purchase new scoreboards and relocate existing boards as needed.

Second- Rebecca Farrell

-Motion has passed 21-0

May 7th for District Evaluations. Ask for nominations by the end of April from coaches.

Member Question- What is the cost of a game under the lights? Can we charge other teams to play under the lights? No, they are Aston Valley Players

Member Question-Do we need to hire a person to work on the fields? Aston Middletown does pay about $35,000 per year for a field maintenance person. The concern would be to increase fees or get more volunteers…..we are a volunteer league with limited volunteers.






-Phillies Training with 2 alumni players- April 30th 12-2 PM in conjunction with Aston AA, will have a training session for 100 kids for Majors and Minors play. The program will be free of charge.

-Looking for people for Tommy Marren Scholarship, it will be posted on FB 



Motion to adjourn (Rebecca Farrell)- 9:30 PM (Second-John Mancinelli)

  Executive Board Meeting






Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt,  

 Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell, Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Joe Pharaoh, Joe Hart, BJ Hefton, Dave Gustafson,, Jason Farrell, Bill McKee, Tom Zebley, Paul Mullen, Ryan Carey, Fran Miles, Mike McDermond, Allyson Garrity, Mike Calvanese, Steve Ouimette, Anthony Marusco, Josh Dawson, Kris Phillips, Mike Cimabue, Jack McGlone

Called to Order:

8:37 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance-  $125, 058

-Met our Sponsorship Goal for the season.

-Fundraising- made $574

-We had several expenses (raffle tickets, Field Maintenance, etc..) for the start of the season

Forecasted Expenses- $69, 300 (nets for cages and majors field, uniforms, raffle winners, food start up, score board, nets for majors fields, etc…)

Forecasted Balance- $55, 758.30

Member Question- Where is the money sitting? Response- right now in our checking account, but will move to savings account once the season is up and running.

New Business: 

Motion to approve:  Rebecca Farrell

Second: Aaron Pysher 





President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Field Maintenance is scheduled for Saturday, March 25th…weather is not looking good, so it will get moved to Sunday if necessary.

Opening Day- Saturday, April 15th

Make sure your team is set-up and ready to go by 8:00 PM. Parade will leave by 8:30 PM

Background Checks

Website is still not working, you must use the link that was sent out. Check the dates for current checks in order to make sure you are good for the season. You will not be able to coach this season if you are not up-to-date on clearances.

CPR Training- Friday 3/31(6:00-9:00 PM)

$25 training being offered at Aston Fire Department. HIGHLY recommend all coaches attend and get certified.

Batting Practice-

Netting on the Majors Field has some holes, if a player is hitting balls over the fence and into the net please make sure to yell heads up for spectators that are in the area. This was dangerous at practice earlier this week. We are working on getting the netting fixed.





Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Evaluations were this Sunday. 

-Numbers are looking good for our recreational league. Nether has 3 teams and wants to be a part of our in-house rec league of 5 teams. 

-We had about 15-16 kids for first open gym

-Evaluations will be this Sunday (either NMS or Buggy Field, depending on the weather)

-Draft is TBD

-Uniforms will have 2 jerseys, home and away (Jersey cost $25 each  and hat $20–same price with or without the names)

Mid County Division (Buggy’s Team, potential for 12+)

League will run from May to July

Field Maintenance will be the responsibility of Penn-Delco, but will need volunteers over Spring Break to clean concession stand

Member Comment- BYC and Chichester would like to join the Teeners Division. Response- we have reached out several times and they did not respond. They cannot participate at this time, but maybe a scrimmage


Majors-Mark Natale

  -Practices have started up, things are rolling along–coaches meeting will immediately follow this board meeting.



Minors- John Mancinelli

  -Practices have started up, things are rolling along–coaches meeting will immediately follow this board meeting.

Member Comment- The sun is a problem on the Minors field. Response- it will get better once the trees have leaves.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

-Practices have started up, things are rolling along Aston Elementary is now open to practices as well–coaches meeting will be tomorrow.

-Hoping to set-up some scrimmages for the week of April 3rd.


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

-Coaches meeting will immediately follow this board meeting. Already had a meeting with some coaches this week.

-T-Ball will not have games on Opening Day. Our game schedule will be out soon.

Member Question- A parent is concerned that they have not heard any information yet. Response- T-Ball and Junior Rookies is always about 2 weeks behind because registration is opened up longer. An email was sent out to all parents that explained all beginning of the season information.  



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Total-460- which is the highest in at least 8 years

Schedules are out for Majors, Minors, and Rookies.

Majors will get 3 games under the lights.

Minors and Rookies will have at least 1 game under the lights. Rookies will have Wednesday Night. Minors will have Friday Nights.

Member Question- Why are the Rookies playing under the lights, their field size is much smaller and can mess up the field? Response- because we want all players to have the opportunity to play under the lights, they are for AV not just the Majors. They will use the minors paths so that the field is not ruined.

We do not have the opportunity to practice because the fields are being used for too many games. Practice fields (i.e. Bridegewater) is not in the best shape. Response- Our plan is to have night practices available once March is over which will give more opportunity to have practices.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

-All New catchers gear is in, and I will be distributing to the sheds this week.


-Our baseball order will be in later this week, and I will be picking them up.


-All Uniform orders for each of the divisions have been placed with MVP. [If we have anymore late sign-ups, please make sure you let me know]


-Scorebooks & pitch counters will be in by the EOW, and I will distribute them to the commissioners.


-If any of the commissioners need any additional equipment for their divisions, please let me know and I will place the order.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

-Coke is coming to swap up a cooler this weekend.

-Harry’s is going to open up early for balloons on Opening Day.

-Team Moms were given all of the information for the start of the season.


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

  • Field maintenance day is this Saturday, rain date is Sunday.  The plan is to have commissioners oversee each field. There will be a list of tasks for each field and overall complex... Josh Dawson to oversee the mound work at minors & majors field. Thank you, Josh! For field maintenance day, looking for someone to remove the bushes at the flagpole & also around the pavilion. We will not be mulching around the pavilion as we have in the past, but instead putting down some topsoil & grass seed. The mulch gets to be a mess every year from the foot traffic and we have had numerous complaints & requests to have the bushes trimmed or removed because it obstructs the views.

  • Red & Blue tractors have both been serviced. There were a few issues with the Blue Tractor that have been fixed – the starter had to be replaced. Battery & choke cable has also been replaced. We are also currently looking for a new dragger to replace the current one that is in bad shape.

  • Ordered new base plugs for the fields. Rubber mushroom type.

  • Ordered new home plate for the TBall field. The current one is destroyed

  • Diamondtex will be delivered on Thursday. Thank you in advance to Joe Hart for meeting them down there.

  • Field white & line paint will be delivered this week as well. I have tried to get drop shipping; however, it seems they will be delivering to MVP. If anyone has a truck and can assist with picking up & transporting to the field before Field Maintenance Day, I would really appreciate it. Likely Thursday or Friday.

  • Going to have a field maintenance training session during 1st or 2nd week of April... Exact date TBD.  Jay Farrell will assist with holding a coaches meeting on how to properly perform field maintenance. Mound, raking, etc. Thank you Jay.

  • Big Thank you to Tom Zebley for volunteering his time. He has replaced all of the lights in the concession stand with brand new LED lights. He is also currently in the process of upgrading the lights in the batting cages.

  • I have ordered signs for the cages. So, we will see "Rookies Cage #1", "Minors Cage #2", "Majors Cage #3" on the outside of the cages.

  • I programmed the major field lights with the game schedule. They will turn on for all scheduled night games for all divisions. Lights will go on before sunset and will go off at exactly 9:45pm. It is important that everyone leaves the field by that time. If for some reason they need to be on until 10pm, please let me know and I'll adjust.

  • I have been in contact with 2 vendors for scoreboards. I'm currently working with them to see if we can get lower numbers. The plan is to move the minors board to rookies, majors to minors, and install a new board at majors... Will have a more detailed update next month. John Mancinelli was working with Aerial signs to do the install.

Member Question- The Majors Scoreboard is crooked and may fall? Response- We are already looking at getting a new scoreboard and new poles for this season.



Rules- Bob Weeks

-March 25th-Field Maintenance Day- Umpires Meeting at 11 AM 

-Already have 8 Majors, 8 Minors, and 8 Rookies Umpires (only 4 are inexperienced). Kids are not allowed to have cell phones out in between innings.

-Goal is to keep the game moving along, have catchers ready before the start of the inning.

-Coaches and the snack stand will have umpires list to call if needed.

-This year the plan is to have more control down at the fields, make sure coaches and assistant coaches know the rules. We will have a 0 tolerance policy this year. Assistant Coach is NOT allowed to confront an umpire…only the head coach. This is an Aston Valley Baseball rule. 

-If a coach is unhappy about a call or a rule, please speak to the umpire off to the side, please do not make a scene.

Member Comment- Uniforms include and Aston Valley hat—not an Aston Middletown hat



Secretary-Missy Huber

-Aston Valley Baseball Fundraising is up and running, please encourage parents to visit the FB page and see what we have to offer.











Tommy Marren

Looking for potential scholarship recipients for the Tommy Marren award. If you know any High School seniors that have been part of Aston Valley Baseball,  please let us know.



Meeting Adjourn- 9:24 PM

Motion- Rebecca Farrell, Second-Bob Weeks


  Executive Board Meeting






Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, Steve Abate (on phone)

RJ Diamond, Rebecca Farrell, Dan Campbell, Jim Buggy, Aaron Pysher, Bob Weeks, John Mancinelli, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Fran Miles, Anthony Marusco, Allyson Garrity, Jon Dalton, Denny Anastasia, Tom Zebley, Jim Johnston, Josh Dawson, Gus Bustafson, Joe Pharaoh, Jen Wiley, Mike McDermond, MItch Lauver, Chris Phillips, Steve Ouimette, Vince Spina, MIke Calvanese

Called to Order:

8:30 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $102,073.89

Sponsorships need to close up in the next few weeks so that we can assign teams by Opening Day. 70-80% have currently renewed for the upcoming season.

Expenses upcoming—uniforms, baseballs, batting cages, field maintenance

Purchased 32,000 raffle tickets for the season.

New Business: 

Motion to approve: RJ Diamond

Second:  John Mancinelli




President’s Report - Steve Burt

Evaluations are this weekend at Neumann

Rookies Division:    February 25th 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm   

  • 7 year Olds- Time Start 6:00 pm------Please arrive by 5:45 pm.

  • 8 Year Olds- Time Start 7:30 pm-----Please arrive by 7:15 pm.

    • 8 Year Olds Trying up for the Minors please arrive for an evaluation at 7:00 PM on Friday, February 24th. You will need to attend the evaluation for both the Rookies and the Minors


Minors Division:    February 24th 7:00-10:00 pm   

  • 9 year Olds-Time Start 7:00 pm-----Please arrive by 6:45 pm.

  • 10 Year Olds-Time Start 8:30 pm-----Please arrive by 8:15 pm.


Majors Division:    February 25th 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm and February 26th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. 

  • 11 year Olds-  February 25th -Time Start 9:00 pm-----Please arrive by 8:45 pm.

  • 12 Year Olds- February 26th -Time Start 10:00 am-----Please arrive by 9:45 am.

We understand these dates and times were sent out late and we will excuse players that cannot make it. Draft is Sunday, February 26th and practices will begin on March 1st (most likely Vinsmith and Bridgewater). Coaches please make sure uniform numbers are different and get your sizes and numbers in ASAP. Coach’s shirts will also be ordered. Please get your background checks complete right away prior to the start of the season.

We would like all head coaches to be CPR certified and AED certified prior to the season to maintain safety for all players.

Any issues with coaches will be addressed by the board. We need to maintain control as a coach on the field and around players. If there are issues, we will be meeting as a board to discuss and discipline as needed.

Member Comment- 4th Grade Boys have a tournament on Friday Night and may miss the evaluations.





Teeners-Dan Campbell

We are excited to begin our Spring Season in the next few months. Based on parent feedback, the AVBL board has decided to take a different direction for the 2023 Spring Teener Season. We are excited to bring back our traditional 13-15 year old recreational division, which will run similarly to what is used for the Rookies, Minors, and Majors Divisions. Additionally, we are joining the Mid-County League for the 9th-11th grade division.  Depending on the number of sign-ups, we are hoping to offer our older players the opportunity to play in the senior division (grades 12+) in the Mid-County league. In addition to these options, there will be an opportunity to try out for a combined 13/14 year old or 15/16 year old travel team. These travel teams will allow for baseball to continue into the summer at a more competitive level. 


Key points for the spring season

13-15 year old Recreational Division

- Cost- $80.00 plus cost of the uniform

- Registration is extended for teeners to Mid March 

- Players that play for a travel team outside of AV, will be placed on a team that allows for the best opportunity to play for both AV and the other travel team. 

- Season will run from April to the playoffs in Mid June

- Bats- drop 3 wood or metal

Mid-County Junior Division- Grades 9-11

- Cost- $80.00 plus cost of the uniform

- Registration is extended for teeners to Mid March

- 13’s-15’s can also play in the Recreational Division. Mid-County will be the priority

Travel Team option- 13-16

- Tryouts will be in Mid to Late May

- 2-3 tournaments plus individual games

- Season- Early June to late July

- Additional fees will be applied


Majors-Mark Natale

  6 coaches are lined up for the season.


Minors- John Mancinelli

7 Coaches lined up for the season. We had a great representation of Minors coaches at the CPR Training.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

7 Coaches lined up for the season…they may actually need an 8th if the numbers continue to rise. Tim will be meeting with the Rookies coaches sometime this week in preparation of the draft.


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

73 signed up for T-Ball and 39 for Junior Rookies. We are still looking for coaches. Right now we only have 5, but we would prefer several more.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Total of 366 players

Tball- 73

Junior Rookies- 39

Rookies- 79

Minors- 70

Majors- 63

Teeners- 42


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

-Ordered New Board Members Coats and Golf Shirts

-Ordered catcher’s equipment for 3 divisions

-Took inventory of baseballs, scorebooks, and pitch counters in the shed

-New equipment (baseballs, scorebooks, pitch counters and umpire clickers) will be ordered this week.

-Working on the design for this year’s jerseys



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

We are always looking for  more more volunteers down at the snack stand. 


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Dirt has been ordered

-Tractors are in for service

-Cameras are being tested this week

-Bobcat has been secured for Field Maintenance Day

-Field Maintenance Day is March 25th

-Currently working on a list for Field Maintenance Day needs


Rules- Bob Weeks

-The January rules meeting did not change or approve any current rules

-Will be meeting with the umpires soon to go over the upcoming season.

-We do not currently know how umpires will be scheduled and paid for the revamped Teeners league. We are going to work on this.

Member Comment- Can a player in the Majors use BBCOR bats in house? Response- Ripken league requires USAA bats


Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report










Head Coaches please stay after the meeting to discuss draft and plan for evaluations



Motion to Adjourn-  Rebecca Farrell

2nd- John Mancinelli


  Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, Steve Abate, Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Aaron Pysher, Jon Dalton, Joe Hart, Walt Campbell, Zach Imburgia, Tom Zebley, Anthony Marusco, Joe Camac, Kris Phillips, Jason Farrell, Denny Anastasia, Joe Pharaoh, Dave Gustafson, Mitch Lauver, Jim Johnston, Mike McDermond, Steve Downs, MIke Cimabue

Called to Order:

8:32 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $75,355.21

Books have been audited by Denny Anastasia- Everything looks good.

The books are going to move over to Quick books going forward because it will help with the auditing process and tax process. Ledger would be kept on-line and more secure.

Member Comment- Are we going to adjust the budget based on what township donates- they are broke this year? Response- Yes

Member Comment- Regarding sponsorship, can we send out the current list of sponsors? Response- Yes

Member Comment- Regarding the cameras…will the league get money back from viewers? Response- Yes about $2.00

Member Comment- Regarding the cameras…will we put up signs about recording in process? Response- Yes, they will go up this season

New Business: 

Motion to approve:  Rebecca Farrell

Second:  Jason Farrell




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-We will be having a CPR Session at the community center in light of what happened recently in the NFL. We do have a defibrillator in the snack stand, but we are looking to have others installed near further fields (i.e. TBall). More details will follow once this is finalized

-Coaches need to complete background checks through Sports Engine (Cal Ripkin), however we are waiting on Cal Ripkin to update the site

- Evaluations will be at Neumann

-Sponsor forms are available for anyone that has any leads or can assist with this




Teeners-Dan Campbell

-Working with BYC, Nether, Chichester about having an intramural teener league. Brookhaven is already interested. Many board meetings are happening this month and we are waiting to hear back from them.

-There will be a hybrid intramural schedule this Spring. Intramural for everyone and higher level competition for those seeking that kind of play.

-There will be a draft and we plan on calling up 12 YO’s so that they know Teeners exists. Plan to have a Major game at Buggy with the appropriate distance so that they get a better understanding of what teeners will be like.

-We are open to suggestions, please reach out to Dan directly

Member Question- Is there a plan for a Senior Division (19 U)? Response- yes, but we are still trying to figure out the logistics. Can’t register online as it is currently.


Majors-Mark Natale

-Looking for about 2 more coaches for the 2023 season


Minors- John Mancinelli

-6 coaches marked for the Minors division


Rookies-Tim Teefy

-Several returning coaches and looking for more coaches with players that are moving up to the Rookies Division


Teeball- Aaron Pysher

-Looking for coaches and volunteers

-Member Question- Can parents request to be together? Response- we will work on that for this division



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Current registrations are well ahead of schedule.

Total- 113





JR. rookes- 8

Tee-Ball- 25


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Tractors were put in for maintenance

-Graffiti was found around the fields, police report was completed, township is going to take care of the problem.

Member Comments- Do we have a report from Metzgar about the underground wiring contractor? Response- Yes

Member Comment- Are we going to improve the lighting for night games around parking lot? Response- Yes, working with the township

Member Comment- Do we have dirt ordered for field maintenance day? Response- We will

Member Comment- Are we going to have a coaches meeting about properly maintaining the fields? Response- Yes, Steve wants to meet with parents and coaches–this will be added to the agenda


Rules- Bob Weeks

-We will be reaching out to umpires this week. We should be good in all divisions, but will keep tri-state on the back burner if needed.

-Cal Ripkin Rule Changes-

  • 8 Year old are on a pitch count (instead of 2 innings), near regulations 8-10 YO

    • Under 40 pitches in a game/day- no rest

    • 41-65 pitches in a game/day- 1 day rest

    • 66+ in a game/day 2 days rest

  • Cal Ripkin fees have increased

-Bylaw revisions will be looked at in February

-Teeners Division rules and bylaws will be updated once the program further develops


Secretary-Missy Huber

Fundraising is starting back up on Facebook- continue to look for great items and opportunities to support our league.










Plan for excess budget–

-We are looking at adding more batting cages and a new scoreboard. We are pricing these out right now.

Member Question- Why the scoreboards for the Majors? Response- They are past their prime (life expectancy of 15 years….they are near 20), hard to get parts, poles are weakening as well

-Also planning to freshen up concessions stands at Buggy and Weir Parks

-Both tractors are in for service…but one tractor is in bad condition and will most likely need to be replaced soon.

Member Question- Does USAA baseball give grants? Response- Yes and the plan is to apply for additional


-We honor past players, teams, coaches, board members etc…if you have a recommendation, please see a board member

-We also have the Tommy Marren scholarship for current students if you have a recommendation, please see a board member

Member Comment- Thank you for putting the audit together. Can we also do an audit of the concession stand? Response- We make on average $1.40 for fryer items that are sold. This is driving the prices and number of items sold. Our yield was 35% last year (some years it has been in the 40’s), 2 years ago it was in the 20’s–which is why prices went up last season. We are still underpriced compared to other leagues. We can do an audit of Weir Park and Buggy Field concession stand. 

A member submitted a Rule Change regarding steals per inning in the Rookies and eliminating steals from 2nd to 3rd base. This rule was shot down by the committee.

A member submitted a request regarding changing a bylaw regarding office positions. We still need to refine the bylaws and will present it in February once the revisions are finalized.



Meeting Adjourn- 9:53 PM

Jason Farrell-

2nd- John Mancinelli


General Membership Meeting






Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli

RJ Diamond,  Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, 

Dan Campbell,  Jim Buggy, Mark Natale, Aaron Pysher

Walt Campbell, Fran Miles, Anthony Marusco, Joe Hart, Jason Farrell, BJ Hefton, Joe Pharaoh, Steve Downs, Mike Calvanese, Tom Zebley, Mike McDermond, David Gustafson,

Called to Order:

8:31 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Tom Wood

Checking Account Balance- $71, 773.04

$19,210 Expenses- October

$11, 159 Expenses- November

2022 Season-

Concession Stand made- $25, 347.98

Fall Season made- $5, 707.65

Fundraising made- $17, 289.81

-Planning out how to use the remaining funds (new tractor, tractor repair, and additional field improvements)

-Accountant (Simpson) is charging us around $2000 to do taxes, we may need to consider getting a new person

Member Question- Can we produce the bills and invoices from the lights and camera installations to show how the money was spent? Answer- Yes, we can have that for the next board meeting. It was a $250,000 project and we are grateful for the grants that we were able to get locally and at the state level because it only cost the league around $60,000.

Member Question- Did we get the Cal Ripkin Grant? Answer- Yes, the money came in and cashed in July.

Member Question- What are we going to do with the remaining balance? Answer- Scoreboards, snack stands need repairs, batting cage repairs, and repairs to buggy fields

Member Question- Can we lock the money in a CD? Answer- We would like to use the  money for this upcoming season, so do not want to lock it up

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: John Mancinelli




President’s Report - Steve Burt

-Need to find people for sponsorship, we lost the 2 people (Amanda and Steph Matteo) that handled sponsorship last season. In the year end thank you letter, send out the application to continue for the next season.

--Fundraising made a lot last year with Allison and we are looking for a person to help with this in the future. Fundraising ideas- Lunch with Santa at Gatsby’s ($5.00 return to the league-12/10), Home Run Derby with coaches (attached to slugfest) and a golf outing.

--If head coaches do not complete the application/background check (through Cal Ripkin) by evaluations, they will not evaluate kids and will not draft a player. WE WILL BE VERY STERN ON THIS FOR THE 2023 SEASON.




Teeners-Dan Campbell

  • Food at buggy was cleared out, but still needs a good cleaning if anyone is available to help please reach out to Dan.

  • Looking to take Teeners in a new direction. All suggestions are encouraged and welcome. If interested in being on the committee please reach out to Dan.

  • We will be surveying parents, teeners, former teeners to take their input in order to build upon the program.

  • Thank you Anthony for coming tonight and I hope you would be part of the committee.


Majors-Mark Natale

-Should be all set for coaches in the Spring. We are hoping to have 6-7 teams.


Minors- John Mancinelli

-We are working on getting coaches for the Spring 2023 season


Rookies-Tim Teefy

-We are working on getting coaches for the Spring 2023 season. We might be light on coaches, so hoping some players that are moving up would be interested in coaching.

-Looking for ways to have the parents and families that are moving up to be more involved and part of the league


T-ball- Aaron Pysher

No Report


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

12/5- Registration opens

2/11- In person registration (Community Center, last day of basketball)

2/15- Additional Late Fee for Registration to be applied

2/22 Registration Closes (Except Tball, Jr. Rookies, and Teeners)

2/24-2/25- Evaluations

2/26- Draft Day (Rookies, Minors, Majors

3/6 Schedule released to Commissioners to Review- (plan is to have TBall through Majors have one game under the lights)

3/13 Last Day for schedule changes

3/14 - Schedule implemented

3/25-3/26 Field Maintenance

4/10- Weir Park Games to begin

4/15 Weir Park Opening Day

Member Question- Can we do an early bird registration? Answer- We have in the past, but the league loses a lot of money. About 5 years ago we did a Black Friday discount and over 100 people registered and the league lost money.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

-Once coaches and teams are set, all information needs to get to Steve quickly for ordering purposes.

-Steve is pricing out new catcher’s equipment for each division. Baseballs are also being ordered.

Member Question- Will uniforms be the same? Answer- yes


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Camera system has been set-up, water has been turned off, fields are being aerated and seeded, stands have been cleaned


Rules- Bob Weeks

-I will be asking former rules committee members to come back. We are planning to have a meeting the first week in December.

-I would like to encourage any rule change requests to be submitted before 1/1/23 because the sooner we have the suggestions the easier it is for us to plan.

Member Question- I have had families that have asked to have waivers to play at Aston Valley? Answer- If you live in Brookhaven, but you do not attend Holy Family or Northley, you are not eligible to play at Aston Valley.



Secretary-Missy Huber

No report









Member Question- What happens to the food that was left in the stand? Answer- It was expired and has been thrown away.

Member Question- Can we do an internal audit? Answer- Yes, Denny Anastasia is going to do this in December.

Member Question- Can we put a net up at Buggy Field because of the amount of lost balls? Answer- There was a cost analysis done by the school district and the cost of the netting is more expensive than the amount of lost balls. We will need to provide coaches with more balls as a result.

A few students from Salesianum painted the room upstairs at the Snack Stand at Buggy Field, but the craftmanship is not the best and will need to be fixed. The plan is to make each of these walls more of a display center for SV, AV, and Knights. Make it more of a nice and functional area.

  Member Question- Can we reach out to Sal, Steve Abate’s neighbor, he has a painting business?

A lady tripped outside the concession stand at night.  We are going to install 2 lights on the concession stand and will  need lights in the parking lot and on the rookies field. We are meeting with the township to see if they will assist with these lights.




General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Rebecca Farrell, Jon Dalton, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, RJ Diamond, 

 Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco,

Allyson Garrity,  Jim Buggy, Joe Hart, Lisa Jennings, Phillip Morelli, Dan Campbell, Aaron Pysher, Joe Pharaoh, Mike Cimabue, Mike Calvanese, Jen Wylie, Lauren Scot, Mike McDermond, Tom Zebley, Josh Dawson, Chris Langille, Kristen Langille, Kara Cimabue, Mike Cimabue, Denny Anastasia, Ian Scott, Fran Miles, Walt Campbell

Called to Order:

8:06 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance-$48, 691.39

This does not reflect recent checks from Nether and BYC. 

New Business: 

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: Rebecca Farrell







President’s Report - Tom Wood

Camera Installation-

John met with Jeff (Metzgar), Jeff will be free in about 2 weeks in order to work on cameras (streaming devices for games).

Tom met with “John” (free installation) he is unable to set-up the cameras for us, but would like to do additional work on the concession stand for free and with free supplies. Board does not have concerns with John doing work on the concession stand.

League LineUp is expiring in a few days. Do we move on to TeamSnap for the schedule, registration, and website? Yes—but we will make this change completed by the next 

Decision- Meet with TeamSnap again in order to see if we can extend the commitment for the year to run parallel to League Line Up until the conversion is complete.

Meeting Time-

We will need to adjust the off season meeting start time to 8:00 PM because the Legion will be closing at 10:00 PM. During the season, meetings will be at 8:30 PM





Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Season is wrapping up. Looking to extend the season out for 2 weeks to make up for missed games due to the weather.





No Report


Minors- Steve Burt

No report


Rookies-Tim Teefy

Looking for coaches for next season because several coaches will be moving up to the minors.


Teeball- John Mancinelli

No report



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registrations Open- 12/5/22, in person registrations.. Date TBD

Close 2/22/23

Late Fee 2/10/23 ($30)

Field Maintenance $25

Family Max $190

TBall- $85

Jr. Rookies- $85

Teeners- $55

Major/Minors/Rookies- $125

Evaluations- 2/24/23-2/25/23  Draft Day 2/26/23…still working on the location for the evaluations

Field Maintenance 3/25/23

Games Begin 4/10/23, Parade will be 4/15/23


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Jen is doing a great job at the snack stand for the Fall


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

Field close down- 11/12/22 at 10:00 AM



Rules- Bob Weeks

Fall Ball created a bunch of new umpires for Rookies and Minors, which will be helpful for the Spring 2023 Season. Rules Committee will hear from Rules Coordinator soon prior to the January Meeting. 



Secretary-Missy Huber

No report











Fall Ball Update- Final Week of the season. We will need more work at the fields next year to help with the concession stand and field prep before and after games.

Majors will play Nether vs. AV Dawson- 4:00 PM Saturday

Minors will play 12:00 PM on Saturday and Championship on Sunday

Rookies will play 12:30 PM and then 4:00 PM on Saturday, Championship Sunday at 12:30 PM

We had a lot of rain one weekend, that did back up the game schedules—but we were able to make them up. Minors had 14 teams, which should be reconsidered for next year. Estimated profit of about $10,000 for the Fall Ball Season.

Recommendations from Members-

  • We need to improve the recruitment of younger parents to be more involved in the league

  • Considering adding additional batting cages and improving scoreboards (looking for sponsors to help with this cost). Minors and Majors Field will be reseeded this Spring. Pitching Machines will need to be improved, they are old and not functioning properly.


President- Steve Burt

Treasurer- Tom Wood

Secretary- Missy Huber

Rookies- Tim Teefy

T-Ball/Jr. Rookies- Aaron Pysher

Minors- John Mancinelli (two nominations- John Mancinelli and Joe Pharaoh)

Majors- Mark Natale

Rules- Bob Weeks

Teeners- Dan Campbell (two nominations- Dan Campbell and Anthony Marusco)

Player Agent- Jim Buggy (two nominations- Jim Buggy and Jon Dalton)

Facilities- RJ Diamond

Equipment- Steve Abate

Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to both Allyson Garrity and Anthony Marusco for serving on the AVBL board and supporting the league!



Rebecca Farrell-Motion to Adjourn-8:56 PM

Second- RJ Diamond


 General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, RJ Diamond, Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco, John Mancinelli

Allyson Garrity, Jim Buggy, Rebecca Farrell

Daniel Gustafson, Joe Hart, Walt Campbell, Kristen Langille, Joe Pharaoh, Dan Campbell, Mike Calvanese, Mike McDermond, Lauren Scott, Jen Wylie, Mark Natale, Ian Scott

Called to Order:

7:31 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance-  $45,169.14

We had a recent fundraiser for former board member Amy Grady that was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The Grady family has already received these funds and they are extremely grateful. Please keep Amy in your prayers.

New Business: 

Motion to approve:  Steve Burt

Second: John Mancinelli




President’s Report - Tom Wood

-Looking for a new person to assist with sponsors now that Amanda Doyle no longer has players in the league

-There is an issue with homes near the creek because AVBL guests are trespassing on private property and using the bathroom behind a tree. If needed, we will have to pay for signs to be placed in this area (we are financially responsible for the signs not the township)

Camera Installation

-Option 1- Jeff has come back with a proposal to install the cameras (estimated $9000). Should we wait for a local connection or just go with Metzgar to install them and get it done? This money is already in an account and ready to be used for this project

-Option 2- Bob knows a guy that is need of community service hours and can dig the trenches and help with install work

Member Comment- Can we just return the lights?  Response- this is not an option

Motion from John Mancinelli for the league to use $9,000 to have the lights installed.

Motion passed unanimously- 22 yes votes, 0- no votes 0- abstain 




Teeners-Anthony Marusco

- 3 AVBL Fall Ball Teams (14 players per team), 4 additional outside teams. This will run through October at Buggy Field.

-Each team will play 8 games, still waiting on the uniforms





No Report


Minors- Steve Burt

No Report


Rookies-Tim Teefy

No Report


Teeball- John Mancinelli

No Report


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

We have about 700 players registered for Fall Ball. This is a really great turn out.


Proposed Schedule for Spring 23 Season-

Registration Opens- 12/5/22

Registration Closes- 2/22/23

Evaluations- 2/24-25/23

Draft Day- 2/26/23

Field Maintenance- 3/25/23

Opening Day 4/1/23


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


Snack Stand is running great for Fall Ball, but consider offering your assistance if possible


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

Thanks John, Tom, Dan Campbell, and John D for helping with the new lights at the cages and concession stand. Lights are flickering at the concession stand and we will need to replace balusters.

Member Comment- Did we get quotes for sodding around Majors and Minors field? It has been several years and needs to be redone near the end of Fall Ball to get this repaired. Right before the winter is the best time to do this repair.

Dan Campbell- Motion of no more than $5000 to have the area around the Majors and Minors field to be resodded and aerated.

Motion passed unanimously- 23 yes votes, 0- no votes 0- abstain 



Rules- Bob Weeks

We are still looking for umpires for the Majors, we will pay $60 a game. Looking for kids that are 15 and older.



Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report




 Fall Ball Update

-Everything is running smoothly, but we are in need of more assistance before games begin and when games conclude. Snack Stand could also use assistance and trash needs to be emptied several times a day. Fall Ball concessions and fields are running like the Spring Season….so we can use your help on weekends.

Community Day- 8:30 AM Saturday October 1st meet at the community center for the parade


AVBL is partnering with Gatsby's for the Month of October. Try your luck with Bingo at 6:30 PM every Wednesday in October at Gatsby's. A portion of the proceeds will go to AVBL, so this could be a WIN for you and the league. Kids are welcome too.


Nominations for 2023 Baseball Season- These nominations will extend to next month

President- Tom Wood is choosing not to run again for President.

Nomination- Steve Burt (by Tom Wood)- Accept

Treasurer- Allyson Garrity will not be running again for Treasurer. Thank you Allyson for everything you have done for the league.

Nomination- Tom Wood (by Steve Burt)- Accept


Nomination- John Mancinelli (by Allyson Garrity) and Anthony Marusco (by Joe Hart)- Accept

Majors Commissioner- 

Nomination- Mark Natale (by Tom Wood)- Accept

Minors Commissioner-

Nomination- Joe Pharaoh (by Steve Burt)- Accept and John Mancinelli (by Tom Wood)

Rookies Commissioner-

Nomination- Tim Teefy (by Steve Burt)- Accept

Tee Ball/Junior Rookies Commissioner

Nomination- Aaron Pysher (by Rebecca Farrell)


Nomination- Missy Huber (by John Mancinelli)- Accept

Player Agent

Nominations- Jim Buggy (by Anthony Marusco )- Accept and John Dalton (by Steve Burt)


Nominations- Steve Abate (by Bob Weeks)


Nominations- Bob Weeks (By Anthony Marusco)-Accept


Nominations- RJ Diamond (by Dan Campbell)- Accept

Parent Auxiliary

Nominations- Rebecca Farrell (by John Mancinelli)- Accept



Motion to Adjourn- Tom Wood- 8:15 PM

Steve Burt Second


 General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, RJ Diamond, Allyson Garrity,  Jim Buggy, Jon Dalton, David Gustafson, Aaron Pysher, Joe Hart, Tom Zebley, Joe Pharaoh, Kristen Langille, Mike McDermond, Dan Campbell, Zach Imburgia, Mike Cimabue, Kara Cimabue, Fran Miles, Alex Royer, Mark Natale

Called to Order:

8:37 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $35, 306.06

Teeners still owes about $600 from the Spring Season

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Fran Miles

Second: RJ Diamond





President’s Report - Tom Wood

-Legion will begin to close the building at 10:00 PM

-Next General Membership Meeting will be nominations for the 22-23 Board

-Next meeting we will be planning ahead for the schedule for Spring ‘23 Season

-In October, we will be having a Bingo Fundraiser at Gatsby’s





Teeners-Anthony Marusco

No Report



Congrats to the 11U for winning the Llanerch Tournament


Minors- Steve Burt

Congrats to John and Joe for winning the Brookhaven Tournament


Rookies-Tim Teefy

No Report


T-ball- John Mancinelli

No Report, there will not be T-ball for the fall



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

146 registered players for the Fall


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Working on getting the snack stand ready to go for Fall Ball


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

Routine Maintenance down at the field, a representative from Metzgar looked at the camera system in order to install it. He will get us an estimate for this installation (Musco Vision).


Rules- Bob Weeks

No Report


Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report




Fall Ball-

Sign-ups close at the end of the day on Saturday. The Draft will be on Sunday. The plan is to begin practices next week. In addition to in-house players, we have several teams from neighboring leagues (BYC, Nether, Brookhaven, Chichester). 

Total Estimated Teams— 6- rookies, 8-10 Minors, 5-7 Majors.

Fall Field Maintenance will be on Sunday at 10 AM.

Bob has been in touch with umpires to prepare for the Fall Season.

The goal is to schedule games after 12 on Saturday and Sunday so that they do not conflict with other Fall Sports.

Grass and weeds are beginning to grow through the fences and the township has been contacted to clean this up.

Concession Stand for Fall Ball will need coverage in order to keep it up and running for the season. Out of town teams will not cover the stand, but the plan is for them to help with Field Maintenance as needed.

Teeners league is still in conversation with local leagues in order to plan for the season.

SEPTBA has folded and is now called Tri-County. USAA Bat is no longer required in this league. 10U and 11U have entered the Tri-County Fall Ball League.

Tommy Marren

2 Finalists have been identified for the scholarship and the board will vote on the recipient..

Community Day is scheduled for October 2nd




Motion to Adjourn- Fran Miles

2nd- Allyson Garrity


  Executive Board Meeting





Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Rebecca Farrell, Jon Dalton, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, RJ Diamond, 

 Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco,

Allyson Garrity,  Jim Buggy, Fran Miles, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Phil Morrelli, Linda Miles, Mike Calvanese, Dave Durbano, Zach Imburgia, Lisa Jennings, Kim Kirk, Brian Matteo, Jeff Douglass, Tom Zebley, John Dalton, , Kara Cimabue, Mike Cimabue, Matt Gualtieri, Todd Kirk

Meg and Steve Peterson, Josh Dawson, Mike ?, Kristen Langille

Called to Order:

8:33 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $49, 954 (some checks have not cleared yet….about $17,000 will come out by the end of the month)

Tommy Marren- $34, 339

Fall Ball makes about $5,000 per year


New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Jim Buggy




President’s Report - Tom Wood

We are doing this on Zoom for the month of July because of vacations and travel plans with several members. We will go back to in-person in August.

Fall Ball questions will be answered in the new business portion of the meeting. We have a Fall Ball Meeting after this meeting. 

8U- 4th in District

9U- 3rd in District, went to states (2-2, beat Upper Dublin and Lower Southampton, lost to Boyertown- tough schedule with late game). Learned that talent is one thing, but players need to also be mentally prepared and strong as well

10U- Tough Schedule (double header day 1)

11U- 3rd in District (option to go to states, but declined-prefered to play in other tournaments and get confidence up)

12U- 4th in District

8U/10U’s won a championship at Brookhaven

11U- were 1-2 in their tournament in Harleysville, playing in the  Llanerch Tournament currently are 3-0 and heading into the championship game tomorrow (7/19)

12U’s won a tournament as well recently…Cameron Douglass was tournament MVP and Matt Digan and Angelo Morrelli also were named to the All Star Team. They also played another tournament in Atlantic City over the weekend and placed 2nd.





Teeners-Anthony Marusco

  18’s-finished 2nd in Junior Division. Season is complete

15U Sophomore Division- Won Championship over Clifton

13U finished 3rd in Division and 14UFreshman Division- Finished 1st in Division, undefeated

15U in Co-Del Division, lost 1-0 in the championship

DELCO league Men’s team AV Knights are still finishing up the season


Majors-Jon Dalton

No Report—register for Fall Ball Season


Minors- Steve Burt

We had a ton of support down at the field during Districts (John, Allyson, Rebecca, RJ, Bob, and Tom)- THANK YOU 


Rookies-Tim Teefy

7U- Played in Middletown, made it to Semi-Finals- Lost to Methacton

Playing now in the Chichester Tournament this week

Competed this past week in Chichester, went 3-1 and lost in the championship game



Teeball- John Mancinelli

Competed in 2 tournaments one in Brookhaven and one at AV. Players did well and it was great to extend the season.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Fall Ball Registration is open–59 registered players as of today. We will be sending out email reminders to register for the season.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Getting excited about Fall Ball, Jen Wiley will handle the day to day for the Fall Ball season. Thank you to everyone that helped during the season at the concession stand. 


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

Working on keeping the field maintained in the off season. Looking for an electrician to assist with the installation of the cameras (possibly Metzgar that installed the lights)


Rules- Bob Weeks

No report

Comment- E. Wunder, A Jennings helped out with Tournament and did a great job…keep them in mind for next season.



Secretary-Missy Huber

No report










Information did go out to all Tommy Marren potential scholarship recipients to submit their paperwork. Deadline is the end of July.

Fall Ball-

-A lot of interest from neighboring leagues to bring in their players or teams to the AV Fall Ball season. We will need some assistance as we get closer to the Fall Season to get the fields ready to play. 

-Question- Did Oxford reach out to play in the Fall Season? Mike Lambert mentioned it at the President’s meeting and potentially might be interested for 8’s and 9’s

Member Question- Can we accommodate players on the same team for Fall Ball- Yes we can, fall ball is pretty flexible.



Motion- Rebecca Farrell

Second- Jim Buggy


  Executive Board Meeting





Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, RJ Diamond, 

 Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco,

Allyson Garrity,  Jim Buggy

Ian Scott, Joe Hart, Gus Bustason, Walt Campbell, Fran Miles, Mike Calvanese, Jason Farrell

Called to Order:

8:39 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $46, 443.99

Spring Sign-ups for Teeners, Concessions, Fundraisers—Income

Umpires, uniforms, field maintenance- Expenses

Member Complaint- Concession Stand costs are too high (Member response- concession stand makes more money than fundraising, we need to keep prices high)

 Further Discussion- Prices have gone up everywhere, concession stand prices are higher at other fields

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Fran Miles

Second: Steve Burt






President’s Report - Tom Wood

-Thank you parents, coaches, and players for another great season

-Plan on adjusting the playoff schedule a little more next season, with less rest in between games

-Bill Wright’s game began this week and Ascent will begin in July. We need to meet with Ascent to review the plan for cleaning up and preparing fields.

- Districts has begun 8U won first game, 9 U starts tomorrow, 10U (eliminated), 11U is in the winners bracket (worst they can finish is 3rd), 12 U won game one

-6U kicks off a tournament on Saturday (scheduled for a triple header, Tom is going to reach out to get this adjusted)




Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Co-Del Season is finished, championship game is Thursday Night at Nether Providence Elementary 

Mid-County, Junior Division– 1-3 (uniforms are in, hats are being made) and will play through July, Sophomore Division-- 6-1-1 and will finish later this month, Freshman Division is 11-0, AV 13’s 5-5…season ends in a few weeks and will then begin playoffs

Hot Water heater blew a fuse at Buggy Field—School District has been notified and will hopefully fix it soon because there is no hot water currently.

AV Knights in Men’s League have also been playing at Buggy Field and they are 4-3 


Majors-Tom Wood

Majors finished up, Zach Imburgia Tigers won the Championship. Congrats Zach Imburgia.

We need to speak with coaches again before next season to ensure that everyone is on the same page with tempers.


Minors- Steve Burt

Minors season finished up, Tom Wood’s Rangers won the Championship. Congrats Tom.

Games were competitive and teams seemed pretty even matched.

Member Question- Will other divisions have a chance to play under the lights more? Response-Hopefully 


Rookies-Tim Teefy

Congrats to the Angels, 7th seeded team ended up winning the Championship.

Thanks to everyone that helped with my first year as commissioner.

We developed a tournament team, but will not host a tournament.


Teeball- John Mancinelli

It was a great season, thank you coaches. We did have a “playoffs” at the end of the season for Junior Rookies, there was some confusion with rules for the playoffs. We did form a 6U tournament team. 

Member Question- When will we have uniforms for the 6/7 tournament teams. Response- Hopefully on Friday.



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Fall registration opens June 27th.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

Thanks to Tom and John for fixing the netting in the cages. New lights were ordered for the walkways for night games. We are looking for an electrician to help with the camera installation on the Majors Field and fixing some existing wires. Press Box now has internet. We had a palette of Field White delivered.

Member Question- Are we required to take the lights down to prevent theft? Response- They will be mounted, not placed in the ground

Member Question- Players enjoyed getting their names announced for the playoffs, can we do that more? Response- Sure, if we have the help

Member Comment- The dragger may need to be replaced it is not working effectively


Rules- Bob Weeks

We had very little complaint about umpires in the Majors. The reliable kid Umpires did a nice job with calling balls and strikes in the Minors. 

Member Question- What dictates our rules? Response- Cal Ripkin and then in-house rules.

Member Question- Why does it appear that we have 3 sets of rules? Regular season, Playoff Rules, Cal Ripkin Rules—Why not have just one set of rules across the board for consistency? 

Discussion- Co-Vid impacted the rules (it impacted schedule and playoff rules) these rules carried over to the season. We will look at fixing this for new season because coaches should not be changing rules or interpreting rules differently in the playoffs because it should be done for the entire season. The problem is even the rules in districts do not completely follow Cal Ripken.

Some rules need to be tweaked and we need to make one rule book from the start of the season through the playoffs. The assistant coaches also need to be aware of the rules as well because many of the issues involved rule confusion with parents and assistant coaches. 

The only rule that was tweaked between the regular season and playoffs involved pitch count.




Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report












Member Complaint- We keep flip flopping with umpires (we had kids, then paid, then kids…..)

Several teeners would like to do wiffle ball teams and games in July/August. They want to continue playing baseball and being involved in Aston Valley. (Member Concern about field conditions worsening)

We had a meeting with the residents that live adjacent to the field. They voiced concerns about the sounds, our league agreed to not cut the grass before 9 AM. In general, we are following the ordinances. 

We have been receiving donations in memory of Tom Luke the founder of AVBL. Our league sent flowers to Mr. Luke and we invited the son to the field. 

Chuck Taylor umpired a few games and donated all the money back to the league.

NELL prices were outrageous at their snack stand. A member recommended we raise prices to non-AV people or tournaments/districts.

NCAA Playoffs had a player that played for AVBL. Possibly advertise former players that are now playing in college, players that are in National Honor Society. Jax Cassamento caught a ball at the Phillies game and made the highlight reel. 

Looking for recommendations for Tommy Marren Scholarship.

Ricky Bottalico is going to come down and run a pitching clinic. 

Fall Ball- We do have volunteers to be commissioners for the leagues and are now just looking for coaches. Still figuring out the registration fees. 

Mike Calvanese- Thank you to the coaches that worked with my daughter Camille, although she is done with baseball we appreciate everything that was done to support her. Even though baseball was not exactly her thing—-she was the first Calvanese to bring home a trophy.



Motion- Jim Buggy

Second- RJ Diamond


General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Rebecca Farrell, Jon Dalton, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, RJ Diamond, Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco, Allyson Garrity, 

Brent Hefton, Denny Anastasia, Frank DiCandia, Fran Miles, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Phil Morelli, Don Gilmour, Tom Zebley, Chris Langille, Joe Pharaoh, Ian Scott, Mike Cimabue, Chris Matsanka, Jason Farrell, Mike Calvanese, David Gustafson, Eric Hennig, Mitch Lauver,

Steve Ouimette, Brian Matteo, Meg Pederson, Mike McDermond

Called to Order:

8:33 PM




Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $219, 889. 71 (Includes money from the grant and will be paid out and reflected in the May report)

$517 was donated back to the Tommy Marren Fund after field maintenance

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Steve Burt



President’s Report - Tom Wood

  • Lights are starting to get installed and they are trying to use Mondays and Tuesdays to put up the lights because Majors are already off on Tuesday. Monday games will get moved. We are hoping to have the lights up and ready to use by early May.

  • Please do not allow kids to use pellet guns or allow them to cross the creek. Part of the creek is on someone else’s personal property and we need to be respectful of their property. 

  • Neumann University will give us the large venue room again for the baseball beef and beer event on May 21st. If anyone has connections for big ticket items that can be used for the silent raffle, please let the board know.




Teeners-Anthony Marusco

-6 total teams at the Teeners Division, will play in Co-Del and Mid-County Leagues

-Juniors and Seniors will not be available to mid-late May.

-2 Salesianum students have been doing repairs on the press box as part of a service project


Majors-Jon Dalton

A few games will need to be made up due to cancellations from rain. We are trying to move them to be under the lights if possible, but need to be cautious because of pitch counts. 

So far the umpires have been working out at the Majors. 

Once the lights are up, we may have 2 games per night on the Majors Fields. 

Member question-How many teams are in the Septa league-  one 11u and 12u, how many in CYO- 2, Are we making our teams a priority for make-ups- Answer– Yes, pitch count is the biggest concern.

Member Question- How does the cost of electricity factor into the lights? Answer- We are waiting to hear from the township.

Member Question- Is there a noise ordinance or time Answer- Games must be over by 9:55 PM


Minors- Steve Burt

-We had a game that got out of control with parents and coaches and it resulted with a  parent having to be removed from the field. This was upsetting for players and needs to be stopped. 

-Parents and coaches need to be in control, Minors Commissioner is going to be more present on the field in order to help control the situation.

-Coaches need to work together and be on the same page in order to help alleviate the problem.

Member Question- Can we form a disciplinary committee (3 people) so that they can address these issues? Answer- We hope that is not needed, we are going to have a coaches meeting to discuss and monitor the incidents.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

6 games have been canceled and will be rescheduled for make-ups. Coaches are doing a great job and the season is moving along.


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Everything is starting off great. A few teams have been consistently rained out which is very unfortunate. If you hear any feedback, please let us know. 

Currently working with TeamSnap in order to figure out how to cancel games through TeamSnap. Junior Rookies will begin to use the pitching machine in May.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

We are on pace with last year’s numbers. 395 total sign-ups for the 2022 Season.

6-Teeners , T-Ball-7, Junior Rookies-4, Rookies-7, Majors- 7 Minors- 7


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

We are waiting on one uniform for a late sign-up. Shirts for the graduating players will be ordered tomorrow.



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


We are overcoming some hiccups in the supply chain, but other than that things are moving along.

Please let me know when tryouts are so that we can have the stand open.

Coaches check-in with the concession stand for the last game of each day for safety reasons.


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Thanks for all the help with rebuilding the mounds (Josh Dawson was instrumental in the project)

-Potential meeting for the weekend in order to go over Field Maintenance

-In 4 weeks, weighted pitching tarps will arrive in order to protect the mounds on the Majors and Minors fields…..this does not include coverage for home plate, but our current tarps should be fine

-Member Question- Can we have a set of keys for the shed available at the concession stand so that we can work on the fields as needed? Answer- We are working on redoing the locks at the shed.

-Member Question- Where is the Fire House sign? Answer- We are not sure, but will need to be replaced

-Member Question- What happened to the old pitching mounds? Answer- They were donated to Northley


Rules- Bob Weeks

  • Have had a pretty great start with the umpires. A few minor hiccups, but they are already being addressed.

  • May Umpire assignments will go out this week.

  • 2 pairs of shin pads have been ordered for umpires on the Minors Fields, because some are missing and need to be replaced.

  • Going to ask umpires to extend strike zone so that we can see more hits and less walks

  • Coaches please help umpires feel supported and if there is a decision that needs to be made—coaches from each side need to be part of the decision



Secretary-Missy Huber

No Report







Bob Weeks- Voting and selection of District Teams- Rule Change- 

-Change- All Coaches will get the chance to pick 9 players (none from their own team), Top 3 vote getters (old rule was 6) will automatically be on the team, and up to 6 ties (old rule was 9). The tournament team coach can pick the final players to complete a 12 player roster.

Players can only commit to one tournament team (can’t play for 2 leagues in districts)

Member Concern- Does this go away from the old rule with the other league coaches being able to pick the team? Answer- We are trying to give the district coach more say in the team they are going to coach.

Motion- Allyson Garrity, Second- Fran Miles

⅔ needed to pass the rule change

Vote Yes- 28

Vote No- 3

Abstain- 1



Motion to Adjourn- Rebecca Farrell

Second- Jason Farrell

Time- 9:42 PM


 General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Rebecca Farrell, Jon Dalton, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, Bob Weeks,  Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco, Allyson Garrity, 

Joe Hart, Fran Miles, Chris Matsanka, Zach Imburgia, Ian Scott, Tom Zebley, Joe Farrell, Denny Anastasia, Frank DiCandia, Brian Matteo, Dave Hale, Steve Stretch, Mike Calvanese, Chris Langile, Aaron Pysher, Joe Camac, Jack McGlone, Chris Phillips, Mark Natale, Brian Wattson, Mike Cimabue, Gus Bustason, Bill Staiber, Jason Farrell, Ron Phillips

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $49, 113.62

-Includes spring season sign-ups and sponsorship funds (but not all funds are transferred at this point)

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Jason Farrell

Second: Steve Burt




President’s Report - Tom Wood

-Broke Ground on Lights

  • Joe Hart- we are ready for PECO to tie in their lights. Metzgar was informed that PECO is not putting in electricity to the end of April. We are ahead of schedule and it looks promising to have some night games in May. Most likely we will see a schedule change in May for night games

-Background Checks need to be completed for all coaches and assistant coaches. All the links are available on AVBL website.

-Opening Day Parade- Trucks needed for each team. Meet at the community center at 7:45 AM, parade gets prepped to leave at 8:15 AM and begins at 8:25 AM, Opening Ceremony to begin at 9:00-9:30 AM. Dollar Store is low on helium, so plan ahead if needed. If your team won last year, they will ride in the fire truck this year.






Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Registration will continue this week. Potential to have up to 6 teams and are planning to play in Co-Del and Mid-County. Will begin in Mid April and continue through Mid June. We have plans to hold the Tommy Marren fundraiser again…information to follow. 


Majors-Jon Dalton


All the teams are picked and practices have already started. The Majors field is still not dry and we are unable to practice on it yet, so stay off the infield until it is ready. Scrimmages are set for next week and look forward to starting the season.


Minors- Steve Burt

We currently have 7 teams, practices have begun and scrimmages are set for next week. Field is in playable condition.

Question- Will parents be required to stay in outfield? Answer- probably not


Rookies-Tim Teefy

We currently have 7 teams, practices have begun and we met with coaches to discuss the plans for the season. Hoping to set-up scrimmages before the games begin.


Teeball- John Mancinelli

We are still accepting sign-ups, teams are set-up and we still need to finalize schedules. Coaches will meet after this meeting to discuss further details.

Thanks to Joe Hart for helping prepare the field by removing leaves.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

We are at 373 kids as of right now, last year we were at 402


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

All the uniforms are ordered. We have found many “old” baseballs that will be ideal for practice. Please see Steve if you need any more supplies.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


Met with vendors for all supplies, prices have went up across the board…so prepare for slight price increases. Hoping to have some supplies in by the weekend to put away for Field Maintenance Day.

The “For Hire” list is set and will be distributed to Team Moms.


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

This weekend we have Field Maintenance Day (8:30 AM- 2:00 PM). The more people we can get on the field, the quicker we get it done. We are going to try to do the Minor’s Pitching Mound this weekend and then will move on to the Major’s mound (infield is too soft at this point).

Commissioners will be in charge of each field. Please bring along any supplies that would assist with Field Maintenance. 


Rules- Bob Weeks

We are going with Tri-State Elite to ump the Majors Games. We have 2 in house umps when needed for Majors games. $72 per game for umpires. Bob met with the umpires to review rules. Prices have went up….possibly because of the price of gas for them to travel to the games.

Rules sheets will be available for coaches and umpires before games, please make sure you are aware of these rules before the game.

SEPTBA coaches, please let us know if you need coaches for games ($60 per game).

Head coaches need to be aware that assistant coaches cannot address the umpire. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach, not the assistant. Head coaches need to support the umpire, we DO NOT want to see confrontation with the umpires. If an umpire comes to the coach to let them know about inappropriate parent behavior….the coach needs to handle it, not the umpire. Have the assistant coaches read the rules before the season.

We will also have 0 Tolerance for inappropriate behavior from players (i.e. slamming helmets).

Question- If a parent is unruly, the current rule is that the head coach gets ejected ….are we going to enforce this?

-This is not in our bylaws (Anthony)

The rules state-If a coach or head coach get ejected - 1 game suspension

We need to consider reinforcing the rules to parents (Code of Conduct)



Secretary-Missy Huber

Reached out to local officials to invite them to Opening Day.






Spiritwear will be on sale March 25th- April 15th, but will not be available after that date…..however we will look into having something available for Slug Fest. Spiritwear will be shipped to your house.

Teamsnap is up and running. Please reach out to John Mancinelli if you are having any issues with it.

Meg Pederson- Equipment exchange will be available at Field Maintenance Day

Gus- $157 was collected from the Lodge on raffle tickets



Motion to Adjourn- Rebecca Farrell

Second- John Mancinelli


 General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Rebecca Farrell, Jon Dalton, Missy Huber, Steve Burt, John Mancinelli, Tim Teefy, Anthony Marusco, Allyson Garrity, 

Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Dan Campbell, Walty Campbell, Jason Farrell, Lauren Scott, Phil Morelli, Zach Imburgia, Tom Zebley, Aaron Pysher, Mike McDermond, Denny Anastasia, Meg Pederson, Mike Calvanese, Josh Dawson, Denny Anastasia, Mark Natale, Joe Farrell, Chris Langile, Frank Dicandia, Chris Phillips, Mike Cimabue, Gus Bustason

Called to Order:

8:33 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $8,505.22

Fundraising will resume soon, first for Tommy Marren scholarship and then the pole barn project.

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second:  Steve Burt




President’s Report - Tom Wood

Evaluations at Ascent- 

Please arrive 15 minutes early

Rookies Division:    February 25th 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm   

  • 8 Year Olds- Time start 6:00 pm------Please arrive by 5:40 pm.

  • 6 Year Olds (tryout)- Time start 6:50 pm-----Please arrive by 6:30 pm.

  • 7 Year Olds- Time Start 7:10 pm-----Please arrive by 6:50 pm.


Minors Division:    February 26th 8:00 am to 11:00 am   

  • 10 Year Olds- Time start 8:00 am-----Please arrive by 7:45 am.

  • 8 Year Olds (tryout)- Time start 9:00 am-----Please arrive by 8:45 am.

  • 9 Year Olds- Time Start 9:30 am-----Please arrive by 9:15 am.


Majors Division:    February 26th 11:30 am to 2:00 pm   

  • 12 Year Olds- Time start 11:30 am-----Please arrive by 11:15 am.

  • 11 Year Olds- Time start 12:30 pm-----Please arrive by 12:15 pm.

Coach’s Applications-

Any interested coaches please get your application in and complete all necessary background checks


New team in the league, only one team per age group. Hoping that Unionville and other local leagues can possibly accommodate their teams. They have one team per age group.


April 2nd will be the Opening Day Parade. We are excited to bring this tradition back this season.

Lights Update-

 Between raising money through raffles and the grant money from the state, we are going to begin the installation of the lights. State Representative- Leann Krueger visited the board on 2/14 and delivered the check. We are going with Metzgar ($145,000) to install the lights and Musco ($106,000) to deliver the lights. We will also have cameras on the Majors fields in order to broadcast the games home (minor fee to watch the games). If all goes well, we are hoping to have the lights installed by late May. Hoping to adjust the schedule a bit to allow Minors to play a few games under the lights. Installation will end by 3:00 PM each day so should not impact games or schedules. Certificate of Insurance will be under Metzgar, not Aston Valley during the install process). Adding the lights evens the playing field with other local leagues. This has been the plan for many years, and we are glad to see this project through. We did try to get the full $250,00 for the grant and complete other projects as well, but we can only afford the lights at this time based on the funds that we received.

Question- Can they do any assembly prior to delivery to speed up the timeline? 

Maybe, hoping to find out this week.

Question- Can we do anything on field maintenance day to help speed up the process? 

Maybe, should find out soon.

Motion (Allyson Garrity) to spend $145,000 to use Metzgar to install the lights. Vote passed unanimously to use Metzgar to install the lights.


If anyone knows someone that would like to sponsor the league, please reach out to Steph Matteo, Amanda Doyle or Tom Wood.





Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Registrations for Teeners runs later because the season runs later. Delco Boys Baseball League we participated in several years ago, possibly rejoin this league depending on numbers. We will have teams playing in Mid-County and Co-Del. Co-Del league (13, 14, 15 year olds) is the recreational league, all players play, more fun and playing other leagues. The travel competitive is more competitive and playing time is not guaranteed. Permits have already been submitted for field usage. We will have a meeting before the season starts to answer any questions with new and/or returning players and parents. Last year we hosted the 14 Year Old Tournament, Babe Ruth wants us to do it again because it was successful. At this point it is a possibility, but it is still too early to decide. Teeners registration is a registration to play. Uniforms are a separate cost because some players inter mix between the teams and it is the same uniform as past years.


Majors-Jon Dalton

We are finalizing our numbers, we have 5 coaches and 6 teams….so we will need an additional coach for the season. We need to figure this out by Wednesday because they will need to be at evaluations.

We have 0 Minors being evaluated for Majors, but some players will play up for a game if needed.


Minors- Steve Burt

We are finalizing numbers. We have 7 teams and the potential for 8 teams and 7 coaches lined up. We have 7-10 Rookies that want to be evaluated to play in the Minors. 

Question- What is being done about the water issues on the Minors Field and pitching mounds?

Pitching mounds are being replaced, RJ is looking into solutions for the water problems. Township is also working on replacing the pipes on Weir Road and this should help fix the issue.

Question- Any plans to improve the lights in the batting cages?

Yes, we are going to fix this issue.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

We have 6 coaches ready to go and we are looking forward to the evaluations this weekend. 


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Registrations will continue a little bit longer and T-Ball will begin a little bit later than the other divisions. Considering bringing older players, HS Players, or College Students to assist with our youngest players. 



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Tom provided an update. We are currently at 270 registered players which is comparable to past years. We are looking at 6-7 teams per division.

Question- Did you have any in person registrations?

We did have plans to do it at the community center, but the community center was closed that weekend because of snow.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

If anyone is interested in helping to open or close that would be helpful. Also please reach out to her if you would like to be added to the for hire list for games.


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

Field Maintenance Day (3/26 8:00 AM- 2:00 PM)- We will need someone to man each field

Pitcher’s mounds for majors and minors- we will need clay bricks to prevent holes in the mound. Minors mound is pretty beat up and the Majors mound is held in by a nail.

Missing a lot of keys….only 2 were returned last year. These keys will be needed for new incoming coaches and board members.

Will need to purchase a lot of Diamond-Tex in order to repair the fields

Would like to improve the drainage near the Majors field, it constantly gets blocked and impacts the dugout.

Looking at repainting and repairing dugouts as needed. 

Question- Can we get a key for the hose to water the fields as needed? Can we put it in the snack stand?

Rookies field got flooded because the hose was left on last Spring Season. We will look into this as a possibility.




Rules- Bob Weeks

Tom reported-

Bob is going to go with internal umpires for the entire league. We are trying to stay away from Tri-County umpires based on problems from past years. Looking at the potential for another outside agency, Fran McGraw, that works for BYC.

Members expressed concerns about in-house umpires not being prepared or experienced enough for this, especially with the Majors. (Potential to have a Minors Coach on the field for the first couple of games). In the past coaches and board members have struggled to maintain their cool with bad calls.

Can we also make sure parents are aware that children are umpiring and should not be communicating or arguing with umpires. 

 Do we have enough umpire gear to outfit all these in-house umpires?

Question- Why did we go with Tri-County to start?

People had concerns with the calls on the field with in-house umpires….but it did not seem to improve with Tri-County Umpires.

There is an umpire shortage even in Middle School and High School. 




Secretary-Missy Huber

No report









Press Box-

Some of the cinder blocks collapsed. We are getting that repaired, but we will also need to look into the gutters and ceiling due to a water drainage issue as well. 


Who is running the evaluations? Board Members

Sock Net-

Can we have a sock net to help with pitching and warm-ups?

Yes, we have 2 sock nets in the maintenance shed and will need to be assembled. These also need to be locked up so they don’t get stolen. They can possibly be stored in the batting cages.


League is purchasing TeamSnap in order to manage schedules and rosters this year. Our website also communicates with TeamSnap and not Game Changer and Commissioners will have access to all teams in the league and can communicate that way.



Gus from the Moose would like Raffle Tickets to sell for the league

To Dismiss (9:46 PM)

Motion- Steve Burt

Second- Allyson Garrity

 General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Joe Hart, Missy Huber, John Mancinelli, Chris Langille, RJ Diamond, Denny Anastasia, Brian Morris, Joe Pharaoh, Walter Campbell, Mark Natale, Michele Amoss, Lisa Jennings, Brian Matteo, Lauren Scott, Dan Campbell, Jen Morris, Mike Calvanese, Jim Buggy, Bob Weeks, Allyson Garrity, Anthony Marusco, Tim Teefy, Stephen Burt, Steve Abate, Mike McDermond, Mike Cimabue, Meghan and Steve Peterson, Ian Scott, Jeff Douglass, Frank DiCandia, Jon Dalton

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance-$10, 089.49

2022 Budget-

Revenue- $147, 6725

Expenses- $157, 714

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Walter Campbell

Second: Steve Burt







President’s Report - Tom Wood


 -We did earn the grant money of around $160,000. Thank you to all involved in helping with this process. We are going to use Musco Lighting–local provider, well known in the township and they can order the lights pre-manufactured. We will have cameras for the Majors Field to stream the games. One camera in the outfield and one camera behind home plate. We are working with PECO to survey the area and bring power to the fields. We are in the process of locating a vendor to put the lights up.


-Offering discounted rates for AVBL. Facility has greatly changed– Go check it out!


  • If you know someone that wants to sponsor…reach out to Amanda Doyle or Steph Matteo

  • We are always looking to renew past sponsors and get new ones

Background Checks

  • Once we know the head coaches and assistant coaches, they need a background check within 2 weeks of draft (must be done by March 15th or they will not be able to coach or assist on a team)

  • I know it is tough to get coaches, but we need to be compliant


-February 26th, Draft February 27th







Teeners-Anthony Marusco

No Report


Majors-Jon Dalton

Get your background checks in so you can coach


Minors- Steve Burt

No Report


Rookies-Tim Teefy

No Report


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Reach out to neighbors with little kids… let them know to sign up for T-Ball


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

74 total sign-ups….a little behind the numbers from last year.

Keep the communication going so people can get signed-up


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


No Report


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

No Report


Rules- Bob Weeks

Rules committee got together in early December 2021. Last year’s committee did a great job eliminating some of the grey areas in the rules. 

Thanks to the committee for all your help with looking through the current rules and discussing any needs or concerns.

Eventually we will need new policies with the lights….more to follow on that.


-Confident with current team of umpires, but will reach out to BYC umpires to see availability for Saturday games because BYC does not play on Saturday.




Secretary-Missy Huber

Reached out to commissioners and local politicians to join us for opening day.

Working on permits for parade and field usage.








Tom Wood- 4 outfielders in the outfield for minor league games

  • Rule Change- Would like to see it go from 4 outfielders to 3 outfielders, maximum 9 players on the field.

  • Rationale- Prepping for the Majors, not teaching the kids much because they are not learning how to properly defend the outfield. Playing time rule- Minors players must play 3 consecutive innings in the field. Possibly adjust rosters from 12 players to 10-11 players, so that less will be sitting on the bench.

  • Discussion- Possibly create more teams because of this rule and call kids up from the rookies if needed if a team is short players one day. Last season coaches decided that rookies would play 3 in the outfield because of small rosters.  (Rule says- 4 outfielders are permitted). Players will get better at fielding with 3.

Do we need a rule change, because the Minors says the same as Rookies?

Cal Ripkin has it in the national plan for 4 players in the Minors fields. We do not know the rosters yet, so the teams may end up with 12 players and more kids are sitting. An outfielder might not be able to get the ball thrown in if it goes over their head and there are only 3 in the outfield.

  • Vote- Yes=11  No= 16 Abstain= 4

  • Decision- This rule change has been rejected

  • Jon Dalton- Balk Rule- no balks in the majors with advancements

    • Rule Change- 2 warnings, 3rd balk runners can advance–per pitcher

    • Rationale- Children in the majors need to learn what a balk is so that they can learn this rule. They need to learn about balks and change their pitching as a result

    • Discussion- Cal Ripkin rule is no balks with advancements, however in tournament play balks with advancements come into play.

    • Vote- Yes- 23  No- 6 Abstain- 2 

    • Decision- Balk rule change has passed

  • Steve Burt- Stealing home in the minors- limits the numbers of steal in the minors (1 per inning)

    • Rule Change- Allows 2 runners per inning to steal home

    • Rationale- Teaches more players to steal home, speeds the game up a little bit

    • Discussion- It does increase the chance of more kids getting hurt and home plate

    • Vote- Yes-20  No-11 Abstain-0

    • Decision- Stealing rule change has passed

  •  Jon Dalton- Players in the rookies need to thrown the ball into the infield in order for play to stop

    • Rule Change- Player should have possession in the infield to end the play 

    • Rationale- Calls were off in order to simultaneously see the ball coming to the infield and position of runners. Kids are just throwing the ball anywhere in the infield, not necessarily to a player. This will help players learn what to do with the ball and stop the play.

    • Discussion- This rule was put into place because of the talent level of these players–they are Rookies and not Minors. This was the number 1 complaint by parents last year because the umpire missed a lot of calls. We will see a lot of triples now in the rookies because the players may not get the ball in and to the right place. A rule was changed last year allowing triples (previous rule was double)....so what’s next in the park homeruns. The kids are going to still throw the ball in any way, they may not be able to get the ball to the right person. The coaches should be coaching the players to throw the ball to the right person. Can a 6 year old really throw the ball from the warning track to the 2nd baseman? If the ball goes to the pitching mound it is a dead ball so that will be confusing to an umpire. If a parent is complaining to the umpires, they should be thrown out. ⅔ of the players coming up from the junior rookies to rookies will not be able to make that throw to the infield. 

    • Vote- Yes- 8  No- 20 Abstain- 2

    • Decision- This rule change has been rejected



Meeting ended- 9:44 PM

Motion- RJ Diamond

Second- Steve Abate


 General Membership Meeting





Tom Wood, Missy Huber, Joe Hart, Steve Abate, RJ Diamond, Jamie Sands, Frank DiCandia, Brian Morris, Bob Weeks, Fran Miles, Dave and Chrissy Durbano, Allyson Garrity, Rebecca and Jason Farrell, Lisa Jennings, Dan Campbell, John Mancinelli, Jon Dalton, Mike Cimabue, Meg and Steve Peterson, Mike Calvanese, Mike McDermond, Anthony Marusco, Brain Matteo, Phil Morelli, Steve Burt, Tim Teefy, Jim Buggy

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:




Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Checking Account Balance- $31,836.38

Income- $5,000 Fall Ball, $6,000 Concession Stand, $2,800 Fundraising

Although the number looks large in the account, the money is already slated for the capital improvements

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Steve Abate

Second: Rebecca Farrell







President’s Report - Tom Wood

-Recognize the volunteers that have left the board, Dave Durbano, Dan Campbell, Amy Grady- Thank you for everything you have done to support our league over the years.

-Current Positions- Tom Wood- President, Treasurer- Allyson Garrity, Secretary-Missy Huber, Teeners- Anthony Marusco, Majors- John Dalton, Minors- Steve Burt, Rookies- Tim Teefy, T-Ball- John Mancinelli, Player Agent- Jim Buggy, Equipment Manager- Steve Abate, Parent’s Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell, Facilities- RJ Diamond, Rules- Bob Weeks

-Fall Ball has come to a close-Congrats to BYC Rookies and Minors Champions and Phil Morelli’s Team for the Majors. Great turnout and will like to continue to grow next year.

-Lights- We are in talks with PECO to make this happen. A few board members are working with PECO to get this project underway because PECO needs to do some work prior to the installation. A company came out last week to look at the field and give an estimate to install the lights. We are also in communication with Musco Lighting. We will know tomorrow (11/16) about the status of the grant. Goal is to have them installed by the spring. We have township approval, we are in good shape financially and hope to have this finished up soon.

-Newsletter- Used to be a fixture of the league in the past. This used to be done monthly in the past, the plan is to bring this back in order to provide clear communication to the league. Look for the first one in April 2022.

-Background Checks, if you did a background check last year….you do not need one this year. They are only valid for 2 years. Please get them done ASAP, we want all background checks submitted by March, because they need to get submitted to Babe Ruth. You cannot coach if these are not submitted. 

-Fees will be touched on for new business










Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Teener Fall Ball finished up on Halloween. Each team played 8 games over 8 weeks. Great exposure for incoming 13 year olds joining Teeners this Spring. 

Thank you to Brian Morris and Ken Mallard for helping coach Fall Ball Teener teams.


Majors-Jon Dalton

Congrats to Phil Morelli’s Fall Ball winning team. Interested Coaches please fill out the necessary forms soon and reach out if you would like to coach in the Spring.


Minors- Steve Burt

Interested Coaches please fill out the necessary forms soon and reach out if you would like to coach in the Spring.


Rookies-Tim Teefy

Interested Coaches please fill out the necessary forms soon and reach out if you would like to coach in the Spring.


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Did not have a Fall Ball League, but we look forward to beginning clinics this Spring. 

Interested Coaches please fill out the necessary forms soon and reach out if you would like to coach in the Spring.

T-Ball numbers were great last year….spread the word to families with young kids. We had great numbers last year and want to continue that success this season.



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

-Registration begins December 4th….the earlier the better for registration so that we can get coaches in place. Most of registration will be on-line, but we will try to have an in-person registration at AA Basketball. Also we would like to put up signs around the town informing residents of the registration.

(Registration Cut-off- February 23rd). 

Upcoming Dates-Evaluations- February 25th Majors, February 26th- Other Divisions, Draft- February 27th, March 26th- Field Maintenance Day, April 2nd- Opening Day


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No Report



Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

-Thank you to everyone that helped out to clean out the stand. We will be looking for people to help open up the stand this season.


Facilities- R.J. Diamond

-Thanks to all who came to help with cleaning up the facilities this weekend. Sunday (11/21) at noon, feel free to come to the fields for a walkthrough...if you have suggestions or feedback that would improve the fields please come and share.

-Plan is to repair the pitching mound on the Majors Field

Suggestion- Can we install cameras behind home plate to be able to stream the games.

RJ-Internet has been installed in the concession stand---hope is to be able to stream games




Rules- Bob Weeks

Rules Change Link on the AVBL website, please fill out form for any rules that you would like to be changed. Please use the exact wording that you want to be revised (saves time in the long run). Will be forming a committee in the next few weeks to look at the possible rule changes. January meeting is the rules meeting. We are planning to go in house for umpires and will be recruiting kids to umpire both new umps and ones from last year. We will have 3-4 clinics to train and help improve their confidence.These umpires will be used for Minors, Jr. Rookies, and Rookies….possibly for the Majors too. 

Comment- Cal Ripkin League will also be adding in new rules for this season as well




Secretary-Missy Huber

No report





Bob Weeks- State Finance committee is meeting tomorrow (11/16) to decide the state budget for next year, our lights are part of the budget.





Tom Wood- 

Fundraising money ($41,000) is high because of the aggressive fundraising on Facebook to generate money for the lights. This level of money will most likely not be seen in future years. 

We are losing about $2.00 per player based on all of the numbers from the 2021 season. 

Looking ahead to the 2022 Season- Costs of uniforms have went up from 2019-2022, costs of baseballs have went up significantly over the last few years, and lights on field will incur an electric bill (we do not know the exact cost of this bill).

Additional Projects Ideas for 2022 Season to help Aston Valley become the premier league-

With the rising costs, we would like to propose an increase of 1 player from $105 to $115 and family fee from $165 to $190. Families with 3 and 4 kids- $45 additional per kid, for uniforms. Teeball and Teenners fees will stay the same.

Public Comments-

- Is $10 enough, have we compared our fees to the other leagues? We give raffle tickets to help offset the cost of registration.

Response- Yes, but we still want to keep it at an affordable cost for our families. Let’s raise it a little this year and re-evaluate next year as needed. 

-Why the decision to exclude certain age brackets in cost increase?

Response- Teeners fee is a little different because uniforms are not included in the cost. T-Ball- does not have umpire fee, so that fee can stay lower and reevaluate next year as needed. T-Ball and Jr. Rookie uniforms are cheaper than other divisions.

-Do we lose a lot of money with Teeners because of lost baseballs?

Response- Teeners is making money even though we lose baseballs. We are looking to add netting around parts of the field to save the loss of the foul balls. Tommy Marren and State Tournament included a lot of outside teams and we incurred a lot of costs because of these tournaments, but then made the money back from the tournaments. Game Balls are only being used for ½ the games (home games only). We do have baseballs leftover from last year that can be used this season.

-Can we add a fee to cover cost of the uniform for families with 3 and 4 players?

Response- Fear this won’t be well received by community. $47 spent per kid on uniforms, so we are losing money for families with 3 and 4 kids.

- For raffle tickets, do families get a complete set per kid? Can we increase the number of raffles to offset the cost of the increase in fees? Our operating expenses are increasing as well, so we should cover this. Idea- $125 per kid, Families $225, kids 3 and 4 are an additional fee per uniform.

Response- 8 packets per kid (Tball), Rookies, minors, majors- 10 packets, families get 18 packets.

- Families should be responsible to at least cover the cost of uniforms. 

- Other organizations do not offer such a significant discount for families. We have to at least cover the uniform costs, it is consistent and gets more expensive each year. Is there a different rate for different leagues (i.e. teener uniforms are more than minors?). 

- Instead of calling it a “uniform cost” can we call it a “surcharge?”

- Initially uniforms were past down to different generations….we only had to purchase socks and hats. These are excessive costs that we are adding on.

Discussion- We are trying to keep up with the times and other leagues. It is branding, they wear them to school and advertise our league to other kids. 

- Our expenses are going up, we are putting that cost on parents….put it in perspective because all of the parents' costs are going up to play as well (cleats, pants, baseball bats, etc…). I can’t see why we need to increase fee, when we have so much money in savings.

- We should just add checked boxes to the registration that denotes each child and fee. Each additional child adds a new fee to the shopping cart. 

- We should communicate all of this to the league, it would come off better than just posting new fees

Motion- Dave Durbano- 2022 league we would like to propose an increase of 1 player to $125 and family fee to $190. Families with 3 and 4 kids- $45 additional per kid, for uniforms. Supply these families with increased raffles 2nd- John Mancinelli 3rd- Jason Farrell

1 abstain, 1 no, 26 Yes………..Motion passes to increase fees for 2022 season



Motion to Adjourn- Rebecca Farrell


2nd- Steve Abate


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

  Board Meeting






RJ Diamond, John Mancinelli, Tom Wood, Steve Burt, Rebecca Farrell, Allyson Garrity, Lisa Jennings, Steve Abate, Jim Buggy, Jon Dalton, Joe Hart, Anthony Marusco, Brian Matteo, Mike McDermond, Joe Pharoah, Mike Calvanese, Zach Imburgia, Mark Natale, Jamie Sands, Tim Teefy, Bob Weeks, Walk Campbell, Tom Zebley, Anthony Barone, Missy Huber, Lauren Scott, Chris Darpino, Frank Dicandia.

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity


Ending Checking Regular account 32,672.05


New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Steve Abate






Teeners-Anthony Marusco


a)       Still practicing at Buggy.  Fall ball last week in Oct


Majors-Jon Dalton


Some teams are still in the Septa league.  Looking forward to being prepared for the Spring


Minors- Steve Burt on Behalf of Dave Durbano

a)     Not Present

      Playoffs (2 AVBL teams, 1 BYC and 1 Neither)

b)     Will be putting together a committee for fall ball next year


Rookies-Steve Burt

Now entering the Semi finals for Fall Ball


Teeball- John Mancinelli

  )     May still have a tball clinic


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell


a)         Thank you for everyone helping

    Looking for help to close the stand the 1st or 2nd week of November


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Not present.   No Report


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

a)       2022 Schedule

i)        12/4 through 2/23- Registrations

ii)       2/5 through 2/6- Evaluations

iii)     2/7 Draft

iv)     3/26 Field Maintenance

v)       4/2 Opening Day

b)      Teeners schedule – TBD

c)       Background checks will be reviewed at the first meeting in 2022

d)      Reminder there is no meeting in December


Rules- RJ Diamond

a)    If you are or know anyone looking to become an umpire, please reach out.



Secretary-Amy Grady

No Report


President’s Report - Tom Wood

  Fall Ball going well.  Will be ending on Oct 24th.

  Waiting for word on the Grant in Nov.  Searching for a vendor to install the lights.









a)       Tom Zebley- Is there a plan to fix the pitching mound?  YES

b)      Tom Wood- we will also look at the lighting in the Bullpen

c)       Mike Calvarence- Can we get signs “no smoking” or “designated smoking area”

i)        The township prohibits smoking on all township property

ii)       We will need to work with the township for additional signage

iii)     Joe Hart to find out the rules on vaping

d)      Mike Calverance- Arrows are helping in the parking lot, however maybe signs of where you cannot park

e)      Tom Wood- Need to address illegal dumping

f)        Allyson Garrity – Dog Poop Stations have been installed





Motion By:


9:05 PM




Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

  Board Meeting






Tom Wood, Allison White, Jamie Sands, Jennifer LEtts, Joe Pharaoh, Kim Kirk, Todd Kirk, Lauren Scott, Linda Miles, Fran Miles, Lisa Jennings, Mark Fifer, Melissa Huber, Phil Morelli, Rebecca Farrell, Jason Farrell, Allyson Garrity, Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Michael Grady, Steve Abate, Tom zebley, Zach Imburgia, RJ Diamond, Walt Campbell, John Mancinelli, Jon Dalton, Mike McDermond, Phil Morelli, Stephen Burt, Steph Morelli, Jen Wiley, Steve Peterson, Mike Cimabue

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Tommy Marren 1684.00


Regular account 

21045.00 beginning balance

21344.00 ending balance

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Anthony Marusco






Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Everything is done at Buggy.  

The men played against Upper Darby lost in a series of 5.  We lost.  That concludes all the play for the summer. 

Would like to organize all of our stuff at Buggy field and help close up and clean up at Buggy Field. 

Fall ball will be at BYC probably only on Sunday after LaborDay.  


Majors-Jon Dalton

Not too much to report.  Fall ball will be coming soon.  Few of the SEPTA teams are starting in the next week or so.  


Minors- Dave Durbano

Not present- No report. 



Rookies-Steve Burt

Getting Fall ball ready.  SEPTA league is starting for them as well.  8U was actually invited to the Cal Ripken World Series.  Were not able to field a team due to vacations, etc.  


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Not much update.  No fall ball for this session.  Might offer a clinic or two.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

I will be putting in all of her orders this week.  She will confirm the hire list for the fall season.  Other than that she doesn’t have much!!  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Not present.  

We are going to hold a field maintenance before Fall Ball.   We will pick a date and send it out.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Not present.  

138 kids signed up for fall ball as of this morning.  

Minors 4-5

Majors 3-4

Rookies 3-4



Rules- RJ Diamond

Looking for 1-2 more umpires for the rookie division.  Have them reach out to rules@avbl.org



Secretary-Amy Grady

Didn’t ask me.  


President’s Report - Tom Wood



Update from the state about the grant about 250,000.  They asked for more information that we did have matching funds, tightened up the budget and also provide more information about the details and the okay from the township.  We will not know from the state until October or November.  

Fall ball will start September 11 and end in the of October.  If you signed up you should hear next week about what team you are on.  






Allyson Garrity stated that Aston Township invited us to Community Day and asked us to walk in the parade….

Unionville sent us a very nice thank you note for Districts and donated 100.00 to the league.  





Motion By:


9:05 PM

RJ Diamond

Allyson Garrity



Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

  Board Meeting






Tom Wood, Allyson Garrity, Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Michael Grady, Lisa Jennings, Walt Campbell, Jon Dalton, Jim Buggy, John Mancinelli, Joe Hart, Kim Kirk, Fran Miles, Linda Miles, Mike McDermond, Phil Morelli, RJ Dimond, Rebecca Farrell, Stephen Burt, Steve Abate, Todd Kirk, Steph Morelli, 

Called to Order:

8:36 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Tommy Marren 3684.00 


Regular account 

59171.00  Concession stand 8300 6800 from the raffles.  

Expenses 6000 for tournaments.  3700 for trophies.  967.00 for field maintenance.  Umpires for 1300.  Uniforms 14515.00  660.00 for misspelled names. 

Sponsorships for fall.

Concession stand was 7300 for Buggy and Weir.  

Misc is paypal

21041.89 left 

Field Maind

56238.00 in the three accounts. 

Flux in the concession stand with Coke and Water Ice

All star uniforms should come through for couple thousand.  Steve thanks for keeping track of that!!

Anthony did a great job for the tournament.  

Our bonds remain the same.  

New Business: 

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Todd Kirk






Teeners-Anthony Marusco

14U were in the championship.  One the first and lost the next two.  

18U are in the semifinals.

13U has thawed out They were 5-2 with teams dropping out.  Trying to get a championship series.  More to come.

This past week Aston Valley hosted 14U States.  The winner was Altoona and runner up was West End.  

Our 14U team went 1-3.  The first game we lost but unfortunately had a kid get hurt in that game.  Played Altoona and they blew our doors off.  Lost to Broomall by one and then we beat Ridley.  We ended 6th or 7th.  Pitching is a big deal.  Good experience.  The kids ended up playing about 25 games.

The overall tournament started last Saturday through Friday.  From 9:00 AM and then played til 8:30 every night.  Very successful tournamtne.  They loved everything about the tournament and Aston Valley did a great job.

Vicki Hittle ran the concession stand the entire season and made sure that we had everything that we needed.  Special thanks to Joe Hart “chef Joe”.  

We had games during the day thanks to Fran  Miles, Linda Miles, Jess Locklear, Lauren O’Boyle, Kim Kirk, Amy Grady.  Coulnt’t ask for a better group of people.

Special helper Anthony Miles was terrific, Sonny Marusco, and Jacob Hittle did a great job in the press box.  

The team parents did a great job helping the entire week.  The success to this tournament was due to the dedication.  

We made over 2100.00 for the week.  Gross was about 8000.00.  Umpires and baseballs were the largest expense.  

John Mancinelli and his helpers made the complex look great.  Dave Durbano helped unclog the drain system.  Penn Delco School District helped get the fields ready.  They redid the B field.  

Dan Campbell wants someone to come to the game at Brookhaven to help retain the kids.  


Majors-Jon Dalton

Looking forward to next season.  

12U’s finished tournament at NELL last weekend and started a tournament at Brookhaven tonight and won their first game.  


Minors- Dave Durbano

Having phone trouble

SEPTA in the fall.  


Rookies-Steve Burt

No real update.   Getting ready for fall ball.  

8U team did SEPTA played an age higher.  Went into districts limping.  Won first two games and finished third in districts.  They went to states and made it to the semi-final game.  We lost to EBYA in the game 9-8.  The experience to watch them grow over 2-3 months, but they grew so much!!  People didn’t want to play us.  The kids represented Aston Valley very well.  Every game our crowd grew and that was wonderful  

7’s did very well as runner up at NELL.

6’s did well also.  


Teeball- John Mancinelli

6U every game got better.  Looking forward to fall ball.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Just wanted to thank everyone for making this an awesome season.  Thanks for all the help for everyone who helped.  Everything is buttoned up til fall ball and we are looking forward to fall ball.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Thanks for the volunteers.  Without you we will not have the league.  Anyone who wants to help Dan get a project or two done let him know.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

We have the fall ball numbers.  

54 kids total with 6 in process. 

At about half of two years ago. 

WE should send a reminder.  Amy will send.

Tom will reach out to townships.



Rules- RJ Diamond

No report



Secretary-Amy Grady

Didn’t ask me.  


President’s Report - Tom Wood

Fall ball if you want to coach reach out to Tom Wood.  If you are looking to be a head coach we usually get three to four teams in each division.  IF you want to umpire reach out to RJ.  


Lights for Weir Park

WE had a quote for 59,000.00  in Januaary.  When we went back to the vendor it went up to 76,000.00  it has come down to 66,000.00. For 4 poles and a light kit.  We are working to find a vendor to install the lights.  

We are asking to spend no more than 70,000.00 for the general membership to approve this expense.  

Questions or concerns about spending money:

Bob Weeks: do we have to go back to the township and get preapproved?  WE may have to but we will work with the commissioners to get reapproved.  

Phil Morelli mentioned McDonald Electric.  

Dan Campbell: Do we have a cement guy?  Does anyone know anyone with old light poles?  They could be donated.  We will need to put lights on the pathways and bridge, etc.  

Once we get the specs and then see if we can get a checklist together to see if we can get a plan in place.  

Proposal Asking to spend no more than 70,000.00.  If we are spending more we will caall a special meeting if needed.  

Motion from Tom Wood

Dan Campbell seconded the motion


17- Yes

Abstain- Steve Abate

Commitee together to work different areas to make it all happen.  








Joe Hart: Anthony MArusco did a great job!!  He has been working very hard down at Buggy and with the SChool district



Motion By:


9:37 PM

Fran Miles

Dan Campbell


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

  Board Meeting






Brian Matteo, Amy Grady, Tom Wood, John Mancinelli, Steve Burt, Fran Miles, Michael Grady, Jim Buggy, Dan Campbell, Bob Weeks, Phil Morelli, Abby Younger, Todd Younger, Allyson Garrity, Aaron Pysher, Brian Cassidy, Dave Durbano, Jamie Sands, Jeff Douglass, Joe Pharoah, Lisa Jennings, Matt Gualtieri, Mike Calvanese, Kim Kirk, Peterson Family, RJ. Diamond, Alex Jennings, Todd Kirk

Called to Order:

8:49 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Tommy Marren 3103.83 

Capital  31,325.68 

Regular account 59171.37

Certificates for the lights.  

Moving 25,000.00 for the lights.  

Concession 24155.00

Expense 11445.00 for concession stand


For beef and beer 5271.00

Expenses 2964.00 for drainage and fan in concession stand.  

B teams and districts teams will be about 8000.00

New Business: 

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: Fran Miles





Teeners-Anthony Marusco

14U played tonight and won 15-0.  Next game is tomorrow.  

This weekend the Tommy Marren tournament is Friday to Sunday.  5 teams. 

Buggy Field will hold States starting on July 9.  


Majors-Jon Dalton

Phillies won the championship and then were recognized by the township.  Start of a new tradition.  


Minors- Dave Durbano

Royals took the championship and the padres took the 2nd.


10U Districts start Monday next week 21-26

10U is hosting here at Weir Park.  If you have some time that would be greatly appreciated.  All help and any help is appreciated.  Please sign up on Sign up genius.   


Rookies-Steve Burt

Winners of the Rookie Championships was 6 seed and 2 seed went to the championship.  8U opens tomorrow night at Chi

7U played 5 games in 24 hours.  Came in 2nd place at NELL.  

8B is in a couple tournaments and really cool the coaches jumped on it…

Lots of fun.  The games were very competitive.  


Teeball- John Mancinelli

JR Rookies White Sox won the championship.  Had a pretty good year down there.  We hosted 6U last week. Nice tournament for the win.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report 


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Thank you to Rebecca and all the people who work the concession stand.  Thanks, Kim and RJ you were a big help.  With everyones help 6U tournament was good.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Thank everyone for all of their help at Weir and Buggy.  We are a volunteer organization.  There are a whole bunch who help but thanks to Jason Farrell for cutting the grass.  RJ Diamond for fixing the minor and major score boards.  The complex looks great!  The 10U parents did a great job.  Joe Hart is a huge thank you!  

Bill Wright has his camp and Joe is there at 3:01 pm to help with the fields get ready.  I am phasing out.  This is my last year.  I will also help who takes over next year.  We got three dog poop stations so the facility is safer and cleaner for everyone.  Sponsor a bench.  They are similar to the ones at the beach.  More information is forthcoming.  That is all he has.  

Tom Wood aka Spiderman.  Cleaning off the batting cages.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

We will be opening up Fall Ball registration tomorrow.  Start a week after labor day and ends at the end of October…



Rules- RJ Diamond

We are looking for three people to be at the field every night this week.  If you can help out please reach out to RJ.  



Secretary-Amy Grady

Nothing at this point.  


President’s Report - Tom Wood

7U team came in 2nd place out of 14 teams in NELL.  11U won the lanerach tournament.  Tournaments through the beginning of July.  Top three teams in Districts will head to states.  The only other thing on the plate Thanks to the 10U parents for the district tournament.  6U tournament hosted at AV last week.  







Everyone out there think about running for the board.  There will be some open spots.  There will be some big shoes to fill.  Elections are held in October.  





Motion By:


9:33 PM

RJ Diamond

Todd Younger


  • GMM 2020

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Tom Wood, Bob Weeks, Brian Matteo, John Mancinelli, Zach Imburgia, Aaron Pysher, Brian Morris, Lisa Jennings, Mike Cimabue, Dana Abate, Jason Farrell, Rebecca Farrell, Jim Buggy, Jon Dalton, Joe HArt, Kevin Raport, Mike McDermond, Rj Diamond, Steve Abate, Steve Burt, Tim Teefy, Mark Natale, Joe Carobine, Dan Campbell, Allyson Garrity, Tony Dioriso, Anthony Marusco, Tom Zebley, Fran Miles, Denny Anastasia, 

Called to Order:

8:37 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Allyson Garrity

Tommy Marren  3101.57

Capital  1849.39

Regular account 50020.99


New Business: None

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Bob weeks





Teeners-Anthony Marusco

Teeners is in full swing.  Co-Del will end weekend of Memorial Day and then start playoffs.  Our freshman team played tonight at interboro.  Lots of activity going on at Buggy Field.  18 U plays til July.  We are awarded to host the 14U state tournament.  Starts July 9.  Looking to bring back the Tommy Marren tournament with 13U and 14U last weekend of June.  5 teams playing at this time.  The scoreboard is working fine   


Majors-Jon Dalton

We just added 2 extra games so that everyone has 16 games.  Playoffs start right after Memorial Day.  Looking to do a B team to combine the 11 and 12’s.  Everything has been going pretty well.  


Minors- Dave Durbano


Not present.  Anyone who is willing to help for the 10U districts at AV please reach out to him.  


Rookies-Steve Burt

Rookie season will be ending on Friday.  We are going to join with JR. Rookies for the the Sluggfest. Coaches have done a great job.  8U has been chosen.  There will be a 8U select team.  7U team has been put together.


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Everything has been going well at Tee-ball and Jr. Rookies.  We have had some call ups that have done well.  6U tournament June 19 the team is being put together as we speak.  Clinics we are working on getting outs.  Get those Beef and Beer tickets now!  We need to get this sold out.  Jr. Rookies has hit 3 homeruns.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Good Evening all district uniforms have been ordered.  Batting helmets all trophies have been ordered.  District trophies will be ordered tomorrow.  B teams need information into Steve to get ordered.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Sluggfest  Thanks for the new fryer.  2 out of 4 completely died.  It was pronounced dead.  The new fryer is amazing.  Specials have been selling well.  The playoffs the fee goes up to 30.00 for coverage.  Anyone working the stand must wear a mask, and be 18 years old.  We are super excited to do the beef and beer on Saturday at Gatsbys from 7-10.  We will have skills competition for the younger kids. Anyone who has some time to sign up to help throughout the day.  Sell raffle tickets and 50/50 at field and Gatsbys.  We will do a cornhole tournament at Gatsbys.  50.00 per team.  We will blind pick teams.  Still looking for raffle items.  Great amazing raffle prizes.  Hope everyone can make it.  We need 6/7 cornhole boards.  Tickets are limited.  Please get your tickets ahead of time.  The Ticket price will have to increase due to giving a headcount.  We will send out a signup genius,  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  This is a 21 and over event.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

The drainage project at the Major field went really well.  The major field is higher than the outside of the field.  Through the seed and hay down.  Lots of help and that was a huge success.  There is a little more grading to do.  We help to take the knowledge that we got from the major field and we will try to do it with the other fields.  The fundraising that has been done this year.  We are getting dog pooping stations that has a dispenser for the trashbags, sign and place your poop here.  We thought that it was important to keep the poop away from the kids playing areas.  We are trying to promote sponsoring benches.  The Northley Volleyball Marathon is donating a bench in memory of Coach Jim.  More information to come on this.  Want to divide the cages up to be a dual purpose cage.  Make a soft toss and still have the batting cages.  Thanks to McKay cleaning group he donated 3 new toilet paper dispensers.  Thanks to Coach Burt for running Field Maintenance on Sunday.  We have had very few games cancelled this season and I need to thank the coaches and parents for helping get fields cleaned up after games and practices.  Pull dirt from grass and never push out.  

Districts tournament is Billy Wright having the camp?? From Joe Hart


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.  


Rules- RJ Diamond

Just one thing some feedback from coaches about the Tri-/county umpires and strike zone.  Talked to Gorgoan and we will decide after season to stay with them or look for others.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report. 


President’s Report - Tom Wood

Thanks so much for the assistance throughout the season.  Thanks to everyone and we have gotten through it.  Thanks from Aston Valley to all of the coaches and the parents. Playoffs start next week. 

District teams have been formed.  



10U Aston Valley 



All help that is available we will take as much help as we can get!!  Contact Dave Durbano at minors@avbl.org

We will be hosting a 6U June 14-19

7U tournament June 21-26

June 21-27 at Weir Park

CDC has lifted restrictions but the board at AVBL has agreed for the coaches to wear the masks through June. We would like to get through the season.  Masks need to be worn when speaking to the players.  We will revisit at the beginning of June.  

The Grant is still in the works for the lights.  We are hoping to hear from the state by the end of the year.  Bob Weeks will share news that have come to light in the last few days.  Leanne Kruger is submitting a letter on our behalf to support AVBL.  Senator Scavello will also be writing a letter on our behalf and they will ask Senator Kane to write a letter to support us as well.  We have submitted the files and they will add the letters to the submission.  Ton





We are two weeks away from the playoffs and we know that things that get elevated during the playoffs.  Review the rules.  Can we talk to the parents as well?  

We have people inquiring for the fall ball.  Fall ball is huge for those kids to make the jump to the next field.  We will try to get it out early for the community.  

Hoping to get back to in person general membership meetings in the near future.  We will follow what the Legion and CDC have to say.  



For the 18U team Luke DePasquale put the team back together.  



Motion By:


9:34 PM

John Mancinelli

RJ Diamond


  • GMM 2021

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Tom Wood, Dan Campbell, Joe Hart, Rebecca Farrell, Jason Farrell, Aaron Pysher, Kevin O’Dowd, Allyson Garrity, Amanda Doyle, Amy Grady, Anthony Marusco, Lisa Jennings, Bill Staiber, Brian Matteo, Brian Morris, Chris Miller, Mike Cimabue, Colleen Beck, Denny Anastasia, Diana Twister, Don Gilmour, Eric Hennig, Fran Miles,  Ed Pearson,  Vicki Hittle, Jeff Douglas, Jenn McHugh, Jim Buggy, Joe Pharaoh, Joe , John Mancinelli, Jon Dalton, Joe Camac, J Sands, Kevin Raport, Michele Amoss, Mark Natale, Mike Calvanese, Mike McDermond, Mitch Lauver, RJ Diamond, Scott Egan, Shannon Cantu, Stephen Burt, Steve Abate, Tim Teefy, Todd Younger, Abby Younger, Tony Diorioso, Kevin Swainson, Susie Swainson, 

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Tommy Marren 2100.53 

Capital  1759.09

Regular account    47275.60

Bond #1

Bond #2


New Business: None

Motion to approve: John Mancinelli

Second: Amy Grady





Anthony Marusco

Looking at three teams.  Two competitive and one recreational.  Nothing will be starting in late April.  

Buggy Field just opened this week.  


Majors-Jon Dalton

Coaches need to get clearances done ASAP.  


Minors- Dave Durbano

Not present, but need coaches to get applications and clearances to get finished.  


Rookies-Steve Burt

Need Coaches to get the applications and clearances to get finished.  


Teeball- John Mancininelli

Coaches should be reaching out in the next few days. Fields just open for us in the last few days.  Teeball will start the first week of April.  Clinics will start April 6/8.  Field space dependent.  We have 5 JR. Rookie teams.  We do not do a hard close for the little guys.  We have 8 teams for teeball with 11 on each team.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

From an equipment stand point all rookies, minors, majors ordered on MArch 5th.  Scorebooks and counters have been ordered.  Ordered additional tees and bow nets.  If there is any equipment that coaches need please reach out to your commissioners.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Preliminary orders are in for the season.  Waiting on a few team moms.  Looking for anyone who is willing to open or close.  We will train you on anything that you need. Need to be at field to open before games start.  Bill Staiber said he would talk about it at field maintenance day.   


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Field maintenance Day is MArch 27th. THis is a volunteer organization.  We will go till we finish.  Usually by 12 or 1 in the afternoon.  We always need rakes, leaf blowers, etc.  Friday April 9th the fields will  be closed.  To prep field for opening day.  This is tentative. Fields are open.  We need people to rake foot marks out from kids who hopped fences.  We need people to hand rake the imprints out.  This is for the safety of the kids.  There are lights at the cages.  The light switch is on a timer and you can access it through the rookie pitching room.  The gold key works for all sheds.  The silver key opens bathrooms and pitching machine room. When you rake it helps the field in the long run.  If the coaches and parents rake and clean up the night before it will be easier in the long run.  On 2nd, 3rd and home we have lots of dirt where the kids slide.  IF you pull the dirt back it will prevent divoting.  Do not push water and dirt to grass.  The infield dirt needs to stay in the infield.  There have been several improvements in the last couple weeks.  Lots of fundraising and by the cages there is a practice pitching area.  Soft toss area will be done soon.  The pitching area will be done soon.  You will also notice the plastic blue trashcans are going and mesh trashcans with inserts with lids.  We got 1400.00 of trashcans for 200.00.  The Durbano family installed arrows at the field.  Looking for people who specialize in certain trades.  Chris Miller is Dan’s new best friend.  Looking for someone to do siding.  Need someone to replace a tile 10 inch by 10 inch in the ice cream stand.  10 pavers need to be reset.  Lock your shed,  Clean up the dugout.  Make sure bathrooms are locked.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registrations are a little light.  We are 365 overall with 11 kids in process.  There are 6 kids in teeners.  There are 4 in teeball.  Long term average is 375 down about 2%.  We seem to be maintaining.  Numbers are good.  First draft of schedules will go out this week.  


Rules- RJ Diamond


Had our first umpire clinic yesterday from3-4.  It went well. 



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report. 


President’s Report - Tom Wood

Thanks to everyone for helping with evaluations, draft and we are finally playing baseball again.  





No new business.





Motion By:


9:24 PM

John Mancinelli

Fran Miles







  • GMM 2019

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Fran Miles, Dan Campbell, Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Steve Burt, Amy Grady, Anthony Marusco, John Mancinelli, Dave Durbano, Rebecca Farrell, Bernie Seasock, Jon Dalton, Michael Grady, Joe Hart, Denny Anastasia, RJ Diamond,  Lisa Jennings, Vicki Hittle, Mike McDermond, Domenic Nardini, Frank Miles, Tom Zebley, Chris Darpino, Keith McDevitt, Greg Clark, Brian Morris, Joe Pharaoh, Jason Farrell, Phil Morelli,Mark Fifer, Zach Imbrugia, Brett Ostroff, Ivan Plachuta, Brian Cassidy, Mike Calvanese, Steve Downs, Steve STretch, Mark Natale, Tony Dioriosio, Ryan Smith, Greg Clark, Amanda Doyle, Michael Brouses, Michael Cimabue, Beth McClure 

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:Tom Wood

Second:Steve Abate

Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Improvement Account: Capital 386.32

Marren Account: Marren Account 2101.07

General Budget: 10,811.17

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Bernie Seasock






Teeners-Bernie Seasock

We will do the Delco Wood Bat League.  We start in May so there is no conflict with school ball.  Games start in May. We will get together in April for evaluations and practices.  We met with BYC, Brookhaven, and local teams for some local games. All surrounding communities have been dealing with the same things.  Delco games are played on the MacDade Boulevard Corridor. Any kids 13-16 can play. We had two 13-14 teams and one 16U team.  

It is zero in house games.  It is basically a travel team in Delco.  

There will be a parent/player meeting to explain how that will go.  


Majors-Jon Dalton

Right now he has 5 committed coaches.  All committed need to complete application and background check


Minors- Dave Durbano

He has a handful of people interested in being coaches and all interested coaches need to complete the application and background check.  


Rookies-Steve Burt

He has a handful of people interested in being coaches and all interested coaches need to complete the application and background check.  


Teeball- John Mancinelli

Same boat.  Anyone want to hang out with four year olds reach out to John.  Looking for drills and welcome advice for the betterment of the program.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Pretty light.  We are going out for pricing for uniforms and equipment.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Happy hour - we need help with raffle baskets

We’ll be looking for consistent helpers (for hire and to open and close) at both weir and buggy, if anyone is interested please contact me ASAP.


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Gutters are done.  Thank you John. Gutters were put on the pavillion and the snack bar.  

If anyone does brickwork or knows anyone who does reach out to Dan Campbell.  

The Blue tractor is back.  It was just over 1800.00.  

Speaking of lights.  We have been speaking to local senators to work with lights.  More to come. Any questions?

If you know anyone who can help with this project please reach out to us.  

Field Maintence


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Update on Current Registration Numbers:

19 - Tball

3 - Jr Rookies 

14 - Rookies

20 - Minors 

16 - Majors

5 - Teeners

77 - Overall

There are additional 31 "in-process" that haven't been submitted. 

Ahead of schedule. Not including any walk-ins from last Saturday. There were 25 walk ins on Saturday.  

Evaluation Dates:

Feb 28-29

Draft Date:

March 1

Update on Winter Clinic:

37 kids total, slightly lower than last year (i.e. 42). MSI said it's going well, haven't heard anything otherwise.


Rules- Tom Wood

Update for the Rules:

We are going with TRI-County umpires again. 

$40.00 for minors

$50.00 for majors

Kids will do the rookies for the umpires.  He is looking to do some sort of training for the umpires.  

New Cal Ripken Rules:

Mandatory Reporter Training for all our volunteers.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report. 


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Coaches applications need to be filled in to be a coach, manager, and volunteer applications.  WE are not allowing anyone on the field unless you have been approved to be a coach, head coach, assistant coach or helper.  

We want all of our Coaches to be certified for CPR.  If you were certified last year you are good for this year.  If it has been two years we need to renew the certification process. If you have your certification from elsewhere we need proof of the current certification.  

WE will have coaches clinics late February and Early March.  

Opening date is April 4, 2020.






    1. No Intentional Walks are permitted in minors or major division during playoffs or regular season play.  Board did approve. General Membership vote  


No- 2

Abstain- 0

    1. A player cannot reenter a game once removed for non-injury.  At the time of removal, both coaches must be notified. Player position in lineup will be recorded as an out.   Just for Playoffs.  

Board did not approve

General Membership voting




This was tabled by Joe Hart and Seconded by Fran Miles.

  1. Yes- 

    1. Rookie rule -A maximum of 10 batters may come to bat in one inning with the exception of the last inning.  Unlimited batters may bat in the last inning until the 3rd out is recorded. Board did not approve of the rule.

General membership voting

  1. Yes- 22

  2. No-18

  3. Abstain-3

    1. Rookies rule-Pitching machine will only be used (no kid pitch) for first 2 weeks of the season, or date set forth by division commissioner and agreed upon by the head coaches.

The board did not approve

Vote by the general membership




    1.   Pitching machine will be set to 39mph at the start of the season and increased throughout the month of April not to exceed 41 mph.  41 mph must be in effect by May 1st.

  1.  Was not board approved

General Membership Vote




    1. 10 run rule after 4 complete innings per Cal Ripken does not apply to Aston Valley league.

Board did approve it




    1. Managers must ensure all pitchers adhere to the pitching guidelines surrounding pitch count and innings specified in the local rules.  A Manager should be aware of a player that has reached or has come close to the restricted pitching limits by not allowing them to catch the in the same game.  If the recommendation of the catcher is not followed, player agent will be notified if this becomes a concern.

Placed under Manager responsibilities

General Membership Voting




    1. Eliminate Standings in Rookie Division Board did not recommend for this to go through. 

  1. Yes-19

  2. No-22

  3. Abstain- 2

    1. Change Max Pitch Count per game from 70 to 60 and must have 2 Calendar days rest (Minors Division) 

Board Recommended to approve

General Membership voting




    1. Change Max Pitch Count per game of 70 must have 2 calendar days rest  (Majors Division)

Board approved

General Membership voting




  1. Allow the 10 year olds for the majors.  The board did approve.

General Membership Voting

Yes- 44



New Business:

Vicki Hittle: Is proposing that we put out to the evaluations turn in pants, cleats, approved bats?  She would run the table. We could donate if we have a surplus. She will man the table.  

We are working on facebook so we can try a swap site for the facebook.  

Equipment/spiritwear We have ordered coaches shirts as a fundraiser.  Would you be interested in buying a shirt for $20.00.  

Brian Cassidy-Would you be interested in new designs for spiritwear?  

Amanda has sent out sponsorship paperwork.  She sees lots of new faces if anyone wants to donate please contact Amanda Doyle. 

If you work for a big Company see if they will give money back to the league.  





Motion By:


      10:10 PM

Bernie Seasock

Vicki Hittle

October General Membership Meeting 2019

October 21, 2019
  • October GMM 2019

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Michael Grady, Vicki Hittle, Rebecca Farrell, Steve Abate, Fran Miles, Bob Weeks, Amy Grady, Jim Buggy, Tom Wood, Anthony Marusco, Joe Hart, Bernie Seasock, John Howe, Walt Campbell, Zach Imbrugia, Jason Farrell, Mike Cimabue, RJ Diamond, Henry Hittle, Lisa Jennings, Alex Jennings, Dave Durbano, Phil Morelli, John Mancinelli, Chris Darpino, Brian Cassidy, Tom Zebley, Steve Burt, Keith McDevitt,  Joe Pharoah, Brian Matteo, Dan Campbell

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Improvement Account: 7250.17

Marren Account: Marren Account 500.68

General Budget: 18,466.81

New Business: None

Motion to approve: Bob Weeks

Second: Rebecca Farrell






Two teams at BYC.  Both doing well. Jim Buggy has one and Todd Kirk has the other.  Both teams are 4 and 1. 

AED needs to be brought in for the winter per 


Majors-Michael Grady

No report.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

No report.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Not present


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Any coaches have bags please make arrangements to drop them off to Steve Abate.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

We will be closing the concession stand in the next couple weeks.  WE will be sending an email for volunteers. 


Facilities-Dan Campbell

We have some outside work being done in the offseason.  

Minor field pitcher mound circumference is too large. Need it sodded in.   Infield aerating, topdressing ,seeding.  

Major field- in front of home plate.  Homeplate to grass should be 9 feet currently it is 16 feet.  Infield aerating, topdressing ,seeding. 

On minor and major field the outside of the fence is higher than the inside of the fence.  It is causing a swelling. We need to fix and grade the area better.  

Started gutter work on the concession stand.

Vinsmith is up and running.  

Looking for pricing for a teeball cage.  He has not been successful as of right now.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Spring Registration will begin November 29, 2019.  Registration link is up for Winter Clinic. Starts January 6, 2019.  

Question about pitching clinics.  


Rules- Tom Wood

We had a bylaw change last month that ran in the newspaper for five days.  

PUBLIC NOTICE By-Law change for Aston Valley Baseball League

Old Version:

Membership is limited to persons living within the geographic boundaries of Aston Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

New Version:

Membership is limited to person living or attending school within the geographic boundaries of Aston Township. As defined by AVBL & Cal Ripken

DCT, Oct 11,12,13,14,15 

Any questions? 

1 abstention and the rest are all yes.



Secretary- Amy Grady




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Update for fall ball:

We have four major games to finish.  2 Saturday and 2 on Sunday. Heard some reviews.  Other townships seemed to enjoy our fall ball program.

Any questions?

Steve Burt thought that it went well.  

John Mancinelli said that everyone seemed to enjoy it.  He appreciated the guys that stepped up and coached. Thanks to Tom for all of his time and effort for fall ball.  

Questions for Fall ball?

Next year did you think about whole teams enter and play against each other?  We are willing to open anything that can improve fall ball and boost the numbers for fall ball.  

Aston Community Day.

We had roughly 30 some kids who walked and participated.  Thanks to everyone who helped and participated. 

Preliminary dates for next year are set and we will push out ASAP.  


We met with Brian Moore from BYC he is in the middle of doing a project.  He is looking in to having poles donated. He was working on it and said that he will put out several bids for the lights.  

John Howe stated that Paul Mullen is providing the labor for the lights.  

Any other questions?





Bernie Seasock: 


RJ Diamond

Jon Dalton


Bob Weeks

Dave Durbano


Tom Wood

Jon Dalton

Steve Burt


John Manceinelli 


Dan Campbell


Fran Miles


Amy Grady 

Player Agent:

Jim Buggy


Steve Abate


Steve Burt

Parents Auxiliary:

Rebecca Farrell


Dan Campbell

Outgoing board members: Michael Grady, Vicki Hittle, and Bob Weeks.  Thank you all for all your time and devotion to all the kids in the community.  




Announcing the new board for 2019-2020

President: Anthony Marusco

Teeners: Bernie Seasock

Majors:Jon Dalton 

Minors: Dave Durbano

Rookies: Steve Burt

Tee-Ball: John Mancinelli

Treasurer: Fran Miles

Secretary: Amy Grady

Player Agent: Jim Buggy

Equipment: Steve Abate

Rules: Tom Wood

Parents Auxilary: Rebecca Farrell

Facilities: Dan Campbell





Motion By:


9:20 PM

Fran Miles

Tom Wood







September 2019 GMM Meeting

September 16, 2019
  • September GMM 2019

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Fran Miles, Bob Weeks, Tom Wood, Steve Abate, Michael Grady, Amy Grady, Anthony Marusco, Jon Dalton, Brian Cassidy, Bernie Seasock, Joe Hart, RJ Diamond, Alex Jennings,  John Mancinelli, Steve Burt, Lisa Jennings, Mike McDermond, Dave Durbano, Tom Zebley, Chris Darpino, Keith McDevitt, Greg Clark, Brian Morris, Joe Pharaoh, Zach Imbrugia,  Rebecca Farrell, Phil Morelli, 

Late:Dan Campbell

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Improvement Account: Capital 6704.60

Marren Account: Marren Account 500.60

General Budget: 16,687.75

New Business: None

Motion to approve: Rebecca Farrell

Second: Bernie Seasock






Not much other than two teams playing over at BYC for Fall Ball,  Our 15 year old team was the champion in the Delco League. Paul Mullen’s team.  


Majors-Michael Grady

No report. 


Minors- Bob Weeks

The only thing that I have is looking ahead that we only have three head coaches probably need 3 or 4 head coaches.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

No report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Not present. She is sick.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Any coaches that still have bags please return them to your commisioners or Tom.   Can we look for the left handed catchers mitt at the minor level.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

No report.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Supposedly late….thanks to everyone who came down to 

We need gutters.  Any suggestions please let him know.  

John Manceinelli- Tee Ball batting cage.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report. 


Rules- Tom Wood

We do need to address a bylaw change.  John Manceinelli will read the old one and what the new one will be.  The school is missing in the bylaw. Any questions? Does that apply to fall ball?  It does not because it is not sanctioned by Cal Ripken.  

Fall Ball 

Rookies- Steve Burt says it is going well.

Minors- John Manceinelli said Minors and Majors have gone off without a hitch.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report. 


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


AED is on the fritz at Weir Park.  We need a new battery and new pads.  We will get a replacement by Friday or Saturday.  Dave Durbano will report later.  

The Aston Community Parade on Saturday, October 5, 2019.  We will be walking from Neumann in the morning.  

Fall Ball is going very well, concession stand is doing well. Nothing that we could not handle.  

Any updates on the lights: Question by Chris Darpino

Stouch Lighting did the layout and estimated costs.  They are looking for grants and assistance from the state.  Fundraising has been discussed at the last board meeting. Rough estimate.  160,000.00.  

RJ Diamond: Can we do anything to keep the dogs off the fields?  It is a neighborhood park.  

Dan Campbell perhaps if we put springs on the gates.  








Bernie Seasock: 


RJ Diamond


Bob Weeks


Tom Wood:Can I think about it?

Jon Dalton


John Manceinelli 


Dan Campbell


Fran Miles


Amy Grady 

Player Agent:

Jim Buggy


Steve Abate


Steve Burt

Parents Auxiliary:

Rebecca Farrell





Motion By:











July GMM 2019

July 15, 2019
  • July GMM 2019

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Steve Abate, Bob Weeks, Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Bernie Seasock, RJ Diamond, Dave Durbano, Mike McDermond, Tom Zebley, Joe Pharaoh, Tony Diorioso, Steve Downs, Dan Campbell, Jim Buggy, Steve Burt, Jon Dalton, Lisa Jennings, Zach Imbrugia, Michael Cimabue

Called to Order:

8:37 PM



Motion to approve:Dan


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Improvement Account:5863.60

Marren Account:500.56

General Budget: 6,706.92

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran







Bernie stated that he was on vacation.  The team beat 2 out of 3 and the 16U won the championship.  

14U teams missed the cutoff for playoffs.  All three teams are concluded.


Majors-Michael Grady

Not present

11’s played in a tournament this weekend.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

10’s are finished.

9’s are still playing this week. 

10’s made it to states.  We won one game.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

No real report.

8’s won one game.

7’s lost.

6’s won the championship at Chichester.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Not present


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Commisioner needs to reach out to their coaches and collect their equipment bags.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Thanks to everyone who made this season a huge success.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Major press box has been rehabbed.  New roof, expanded windows. Hoping to finished tomorrow, if not then Wednesday.  We got a lot of compliments on our facility. We need to thank everyone who helped out .  It can not be done without all of the help.  

Joe Hart and Todd Kirk helped everyday and they bleed Aston Valley.

Lisa Jennings- helped every day!  We have accomplished a lot at the complex this year.  The next two months nothing is really going on at the complex so if you have suggestions please let him know.  Joe will talk to the township about the 3rd base line fence and fix the two drains.  

One tire on 


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Fall ball registration is trickling in.  


Rules- Tom Wood



Secretary- Amy Grady



President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Not present. 





Discussed Fall ball, looking for someone to run a division for the teeballers.  It would be the 5 year olds.   





Motion By:


9:02 PM









June GMM 2019

June 17, 2019


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting




June 17, 2019


Anthony Marusco, Jim Buggy, Rebecca Farrell, Michael Grady, Amy Grady, Jason Farrell, Scott Sexton, Joe Hart, Zach Imbrugia, Brian Morris, John Mancineli, Lisa Jennings, RJ Diamond, Mike Cimabue, Bob Weeks,

Late: Denny Anastasia(8:44 PM),

Called to Order:

8:42 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Marren Account 500.55

Capital  5818.12

Regular account 21,245.37


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca Farrell

Second:Michael Grady







16’s are rolling along.  14’s battling along with foul weather, we have called up some graduating 12’s to play the season out.  

Joe Hart- Has asked to see if a sign has been taken down.  Sun Valley would like to paint the sign. It is faded. It is basically Aston Valley blue.  

Bob Weeks- Could the 12’s use it for practice?  


Majors-Michael Grady

The Majors have closed out their season.  The Nationals came back and won the title.  The Dodgers came in second.

12’s played this past weekend in Egg Harbor.  They had a very good showing.


Minors- Bob Weeks

Minors finished the season.  

Mariners defeated the Phillies and Red Sox came in third.

10u played Egg Harbor tournament.  Great showing.

17 Minor kids play up in the majors.  

18 kids played tonight in a end of season game.  Went well.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Late- 8:52PM


1st Pirates

2nd Dodgers

3rd A’s

Umpires were good.  All in all pretty good season.  

7’s start in Chi next week.

2 6 u teams   One plays in Brookhaven.  Both playing Aston Valley. One playing in Chichester.  June 19-25



Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Not present.  

Marlins won the junior rookie championship.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

All district uniforms should have been handed out.  District tournaments uniforms need to be paid.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Thank you for Todd Kirk for fixing the fryer at Weir.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

Press Box will be pushed off until July.  Supplies will be delivered tomorrow to field and Joe will meet them tomorrow at 8:30 AM.  

Joe acquired extra turf for the bull pens.  So far they have done the major and minors on the concrete so far.  

The 6 and 7 parents are meeting this Wednesday. So that everyone is in the same boat for the responsiblity.

One person to hook up the electric.  

Donovan and Kelly are going to do that for us.  

Scoreboard wire connectors were loose.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.


Rules- Tom Wood



Secretary- Amy Grady

Noone is ever


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Feels like yesterday we were on the field for opening day.  The regular season thanks so much to Rebecca and her people.  Lots of great specials all season long from cheesesteaks, fried pickles, breakfast sandwiches.

It was a successful season from teeball through majors.  They seem to improve throughout the season.

There were a few issues at the park itself,  The bike riders seemed to be an issue with wheelies and erratic and one rookie player was hurt by a bike rider recently.  Spoke with Fred Prendergast about the issue.

The township is looking for funding from the electrical union for the lights on the major field.  The talking is on-going.

Thanks to all of our volunteers for this season, Head coaches, assistant coaches and all parents.

Questions?- Joe Hart-Playoffs this year.  What rules do we follow for the playoffs? All Inhouse rules with the exception of:  Each division decided which rules would change? Pitching rules (Major) with max of 85 pitches.  

, intentional walk(major), (Minor)pitching rolling 6 with max of 70 pitches.  The exception of was left up to the commisioners.

Why did we have so many controversies?  What about the teams that were home or away?  This was the first year that we had standings.  Rookies used the seeding. Minors followed it to a tee.  Why are we making seperate rules for seasons? Is it fair to the kids to never be the home team?  President and player agent has been talking.

Denny Anastasia thinks that we should get rid of standings.  He is worried about the kids not getting chances playing other positions.  We are supposed to be developing the kids. Some of those kids, were in the outfield all season and never played 2nd base.  I think coaches should have to sign a code of conduct every year.

Joe Hart thinks the standing have failed.  When it effected kids we need to step in.

Rebecca- Remember we discussed that we did this to try to be competitive.  

Michael Grady- I hate standings.  During regular season I finished in 6th position.  I apologize to the board. I would like to say that as a board we have talked about this amongst ourselves.  We will talk more about this and make this right. It is hard for us to get people to coach, we are looking for ways to stop the antics of the coaches.  

Bob Weeks- We went into it as an experiment.  It was a bullying tactic.

Jason Farrell- Why was the coach not disciplined?  It was addressed.

Anthony- We will look for check who will be coaches or not the following year.  In regards to the volunteers. It is a mindset. We used to have to sign up in person.  When you signup on line then you don’t interact with the new families. Is everything right, no?  We will do our best to try to fix it. Let’s settle down.





Jason Farrell- I have a huge issue when coaches do not shake hands after a game.  I don’t care how much they do not like another person you should be a leader and show them sportsmanship.  It is unsportsman like conduct. John Howe refused to shake hands after the championship game.

Michael- Asking..Should they not coach next year.  No they should not coach next year.

Brian Morris- Should headcoaches let the commisioners know about issues?  YES!!





Motion By:


9:42 PM

Fran Miles

Rebecca Farrell







May 2019 GMM Meeting

May 20, 2019


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Rebecca Farrell,Jon Dalton, Tom Wood, Bob Weeks, Michael Grady, Jim Buggy, Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Anthony Marusco, Jason Farrell, Joe Hart, Bernie Seasock, Lisa Jennings, Dave Durbano, Tom Zebley, Frank Miles, RJ Diamond, Greg Clark, Ed Pearson, Mike McDermond, Steve Downs, Steve Burt, Zach Imburgia, Bret Ostroff, Brian Morris, Chris Matsanka, Mike Cimabue

Late: Dan Campbell, Ralph Carotenuto, Phil Morrelli

Called to Order:

8:38 PM



Motion to approve:Bob Weeks

Second:Jim Buggy

Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Fund: 19,462.50

Capital Account:5772.63

Fundraising(Tommy Marren Scholarship Account): 100.55


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca Farrell

Second:Jon Dalton






3 teams in Teeners.  Paul Mullen has played 4 games 3-1.  

No issues with teeners.

We asked the school to replace the sign on the field.  Can we have the Rotary sign replaced with Home of Aston Valley Baseball.  President Marusco is on it.


Majors-Michael Grady

Thanks to the player agent.  We do not have any games to make up.  We have wiggle room to make up any last minute rainouts.  We should be ready to start playoffs on June 1st.

Tournament teams will be playing at NELL this weekend!  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Six more minor games and a temporary suspended game will need to be made up.  

Minor Coaches would like to meet after this meeting to go over playoff rules.

15 call ups so far for the majors.  We have done pretty well with it.

Both tournament teams are at NELL will be there this weekend.  It is located at Bishop Hollow Road.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Rookies did Sluggfest.  

8U is practicing and playing at NELL

7U is picked.

6U is bie

Mason Wandsor took 1st.

Josh Dawson took 2nd.

Jackson Zebley took 3rd

Pirates came in 1st.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Not present.   Given by Tom Wood: Update we are going to axe the clinics.  And just play games from here on out in teeball. The Junior Rookies are going to end May 31st and then start playoffs on June 1st.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Not present.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Update from the Sluggfest:  Everyone had a lot of fun. It was a success all the way around.  

Since there is no Saturday game we will be doing a special on Thursday.  Sundae Funday for make your own sundaes for $3.00.


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

Thanks to Farrell for cutting the grass. Jim Buggy pushes the lawnmower.  

Buggy Field is looking pretty good.  Looking to do a field maintenance.

Local carpenter’s union is going to be doing the Press Box.  Hopefully the first week in June.

Getting two new picnic tables

No field maintenance this Sunday.  

Mr. Hart said we will need twenty big men to lift extra turf.  Mr. Campbell and Mr. Hart had the School district donate them to Aston Valley.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

District Binders will be ready in a week or two.  All rosters are in and teams look good.

We have 6 NELL teams


Rules- Tom Wood

First off is the Tommy Marren Award.  There are a couple candidates that are receiving emails tomorrow and information needs to be back by June 3rd.  

John and Tom had a meeting with the umpires to discuss strike zone.

Umpires asked to have the full rules for each division in the sheds.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

Please make sure that you are mindful of where you park.  Please tell people not to park in the blue lined spot. That is not a parking spot.  


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Aston Valley will be hosting the 10 year old districts this year.  We will be starting June 17 and continuing until July 3rd.

Head Coaches should be checking at the snack bar and checking on the stand once games are over in case they need any help.  

Received a letter from the Legion they are doing a Memorial Day Parade this Monday.  An email will go out to the masses.





Teeball:  Batting cages??  A parent thought that it was a good idea.  Communication was falling down. Have a meeting at the beginning of the season, to help the beginning coaches.  Have a clinic for just teeball.

Teams in teeball and junior rookies are a little behind of games.  Bret told the parents we will get rid of the make ups and just have playoffs.  

Camp will coincide with Districts.

Fall Ball will run this fall.  We will need volunteers for all divisions.  





Motion By:



Bob Weeks

Fran Miles







April GMM Meeting 2019

April 17, 2019


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Michael Grady, Dan Campbell, Amy Grady, Fran Miles, Jon Dalton, Rebecca Farrell, Bob Weeks, Michael Cimabue, Brian Morris, John Mancinelli, Denny Anastasia,Lisa Jennings, Alex Jennings, Jason Farrell, Ralph Papa, Tony Diorisio,Tom Zebley, Tina Nickerson, Chris Matsanka, Greg Clark, Chuck Taylor, Steve Burt, Amanda Doyle, Scott Sexton, Ed Pearson, Jim Buggy

Called to Order:

8:33 PM



Motion to approve:Rebecca

Second: Bob

Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Account 5623.75

Fundraiser Account 100.53

General Account 36,493.55

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Jon Dalton

Second: Dan Campbell






Top Lumber Bat Demo

  1. Date will be pushed out ASAP.


Majors-Michael Grady

  1. Would like to thank Dan Campbell, for his excellent work getting the fields ready after we

Mr. Farrell and Chris Digan thanks for helping out.

2. Umpires seem to be running smoothly.

3. Kicked off games at Brookhaven and seems to be going well.


Minors- Bob Weeks

We kicked off the season.

There have been no cancelled games as of late.

Tri-State seems to be okay.  

Bob- Umpires do not seem to be speeding the games up like we thought they would.  During ground rules the managers can remind the umpires to keep moving the games along.  

Questions- Are we declaring the last inning before dark?  The umpire seemed to cut off the games if it is getting dark.  

We need the consistency with the rules.  

The fields have been great thanks to Dan Campbell.

Bob will assign the call ups for the majors.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

We had a good week.

Trying to keep games moving with the umpires,

Umpires need to be louder.  

Want to thank everybody for keeping the pitchers in on the site.

Dan and Jason thanks for getting the field ready.  


Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle

Not Present


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Not present- Report sent to Michael Grady

All uniforms are out.  If there are any problems or concerns with the uniforms.

If anybody only got three let them know.  Bob Weeks- Angel, pirates


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Thanks to Lisa Jennings who was able to get the sign donated by Kit Spayd.  Super Cool!!

I need anyone needs retakes for pictures so that we can get them scheduled.  

May 18 is Slugfest.  

Coach Scoop at Rita's.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

There are alot of people to thank!!

Joe Hart is our connection to the township!   We really appreciate him.

John Mancinelli has donated tons to our league and we are very appreciative.

Dave Durbano has done a ton to the tee ball field.

Jason Farrell my partner in crime.  

Pretzel Boy has been helping quite a bit as well.  Buy your pretzels at Pretzel Boys.

We are going to purchase an additional hand dragger for each field.

Press Box: Local Carpenter Union is going to be fixing it.  

This Sunday is Easter so there is not 9:00 clean up at the field this Sunday.  News to come.

Tee  Ball Shed has no shelves.  

Sheds need to be straighten up every day.  If it is raining Friday night, I would hope every head coach would be at the field early on Saturday Morning!  If you as the Manager can not come ask your assistants to go!! If it is a week night we will need you there at least an hour early to get fields ready.  It should not be up to a few people. It is a necessity. WE need all hands on deck. We should have a representative from each team at each division.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registrations are up 8%,  All registrations are closed.  Commissioners stressed this. Pitch count and scores should be

Arms are hurting.  Please be conscious of the kids arms.  Please do not have them throwing 70+ pitches at this point or really at all.  Understand that it doesn’t matter if they win at this level we want the kids to love baseball and continue after they leave us.  Please don’t have your kids pitch and catch in the same game if possible.


Rules- Tom Wood

Umps seem to be covered.  Headfirst slides are illegal.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

Parking is still an issue at the field.  There is illegal cars parking at handicapped spots, making their own spots.   Cars will be reported to the police if parked illegally.


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Not present no report was sent.  

We talked about summer ball.  But nothing is definite.


Still needs sponsors for teeners.  Amanda needs 3 sponsors for teams. She got a new sign.  

Luke Matthews Mom has volunteered her cleaning business to clean the bathrooms on Monday and Fridays.  








Motion By:


9:04 PM

Bob Weeks

Fran Miles







March GMM Meeting 2019

March 18, 2019


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Vicki Hittle, Steve Abate, Michael Grady, Dan Campbell, Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Fran Miles, Jon Dalton, Rebecca Farrell, Bob Weeks, Jim Buggy, Jeremy O’Boyle, RJ DIamond, Jason Herman, Tina Nickerson, John Mancinelli, Frank Miles, Lisa Jennings, Keith McDevitt, Brian Morris, Domenic Nardini, Ivan Placuta, Ed Pearson, Chris Darpino, Bret  Ostroff, Denny Anastasia, Mike McDermond, Dave Durbano, Jason Farrell, Brian Allison, Greg Clark, John Howe, Jeremy Russo, Joe Campbell, Ralph Carotenuto, Bernie Seasock, Amanda Doyle, Tony Diorisio, Spiros Hartas, Steve Burt, Brian Matteo, Steve Downs, Ralph Papa

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

  1. Treasurer Report –Capital Account 5669.18, Fundraising- 100.54, General account 33,302.12


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca Farrell

Second:Vicki Hittle






Given by Anthony- New Player meeting last Monday.  2 14 U team in Delco league

16U team will be in delco league.  18u team is looking iffy right now.  Top Lumber Bat Demo will be scheduled in the near future.  


Majors-Michael Grady

After the first week of practice we have decided the Dodgers are going to win the championship.  We have 6 teams 2 teams with 12 and 4 with 11.

Looking forward to Field Maintenance Day.


Minors- Bob Weeks

7 teams 1 team has 12 others have 11.  Each team will be playing 15 games. We will be playing once a week in Brookhaven.  Been practicing at Northley. Probably will not use the minor field until the first week of April.  

Questions-Will you play the 10’s on the major field?  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

7 teams 5 teams of 12 and 2 teams of 11.  Practice schedule is out.

Lock box is over at Aston Elementary to have a full practice.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

    1. Tball 4U Rosters update, 5&6U Rosters update  5 teams at jr rookie and 6 teams for teeball with 2 coaches.  Modified teeball games.

  1. Practice schedules will go out in the next day or two.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

All the equipment bags have been dispersed.  Just email Steve at equipment@avbl.org if you need something.  All uniforms for teeball -majors have been ordered.  Pitch counters, scorebooks have been given out.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Emails went out to all the team mom’s.  Please keep telling everyone about the Season Kickoff.  Please fill out the paper on line.


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

This Saturday at 9:00 AM is Field Maintenance.

Bring rakes, wheelbarrows, gloves, etc for helping get ready.

Buggy field was redone last fall and it is still not done.  It will be useable functional and safe.

Field Maintenance needs to be done but a date has not been picked.

Press Box date will be determined.  Township still needs to go back and do some work at Weir.  Water should be turned on this week. We will have a new teeball shed.  Vinsmith has not been finished yet. No practicing on the basketball courts at Vinsmith.  As far as keys go the commisioners were given keys. Gold opens all cages and silver opens the bathroom.  

If you are the last person at the complex please make sure everything will be locked up.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Not present.  


Rules- Tom Wood

2 propsed to the bylaws.  

Change to the bylaws: Geographical Boundaries.  Living or attending school in the boundaries.  The highlighted section is the proposed changes.  Adjust the bylaws. John Howe would like to second the motion made by John Mancinelli and they will discuss to amend the bylaw and add a one time only switch.  

John Mancinelli is proposing to take out verbage about a child must play two consecutive innings seconded by Bob Weeks.

Rules are ready to present to Frank Gorgone.  

Rookie field- Hits yellow tubing comes back into field. Not a homerun

Minor field -Hits yellow tubing comes back into field. Not a homerun

Major Field- Hits the yellow tubing it is a Homerun.  

Umpires will be all Tri-county for Majors.

Tricounty during the week for Minors and on the weekends it will be Jared, Benjamin and Paul Malatesta



Secretary- Amy Grady


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

First coaches clinic last weekend.  We had 40+ coaches show up for us.

Opening Day will be Saturday April 6, 2019

Wawa will be at the community center.  Handing out coffee, donuts, etc.

We are looking for a DJ for Opening Day.  


Lights at Weir Park- Ballot closed March 11th and we are getting lights down at Weir Park.  We will be looking at working with engineers and getting financing, etc. We were approved.

CPR Clinics have been scheduled for this Thursday from 7-9:30.  Second Wednesday March 27, 2019 from 7:00-9:30

Coaching Clinic this Sunday March 26, 2019 from 6:00-8:00 at the Aston Community Center.  All Head coaches for teeball and rookies and any other parents, coaches should come if they would like to.  

Audit- Not seeing any loop holes.  It is great that they are sharing updates every month.  A letter was written by Denny Anastasia about the

We are not going with Quick Ball.  We will be sticking with out clinic.  

MSI Coaching Clinic- Will be tabled to next month.  

Teeball Committee- If you are interested please see Vicki

Facilities Committee- Contact Dan Campbell.  Email him at dcampbell@pdsd.org.

Tommy Marren Scholarship- Resurrecting the scholarship.  Over 10 years we gave out over 20,000. Good to have representation.  There will be a committee involved.

Walk of Fame Inductee for the 2019 Opening Day will be Tommy Marren.


Need 2 Tee Ball Sponsors

Need 2 Jr. Rookie Sponsors

Please see Amanda Doyle for information.  




The Umpire Association spoke about the rules for the new umpires for the new season.  

Lightning Rules- 30 minutes delay if you see any lightning.

All Umpires are trained.

All Umpires have clearances.

They will follow Babe Ruth Rules for our games.

They are hoping to a long standing relationship with Aston Valley.  They work with 50 different clubs.

NEW Business

Can we put a bucket out for field maintenance to see if people want to donate it back for the Aston Valley Scholarship?  

Can we make sure that we do not block driveways for the residents who live by Weir Park?  

Supposedly players are urinating on the fences.  Please address it with the kids.

Tee ball has an entrance to get to the teeball.  Please do not walk through residences to get to the field.  





Motion By:


9:45 PM

Fran Miles

Chris Darpino







February 2019 GMM Meeting

February 18, 2019
  • February 2019

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Michael Grady, Steve Abate, Anthony Marusco, Jim Buggy, Amy Grady, Jon Dalton, Tom Wood, Joe Hart, Jason Farrell, Frank Miles, Fran Miles, Raplh Papa, RJ Diamond, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Rebecca Farrell, Keith McDevitt, Domenic Nardini, Lisa Jennings, Ivan Plachuta, Scott Sexton, Michael Cimabue, Brian Morris, Tom Zebley, John Mancinelli, Dave Durbano,  Tony Diorisio, Bernie Seasock, Mark Natale, Tim Teefy, Mike Calvanese, Ryan Hall, Spiro Hartas, Amanda Doyle, Mike McDermond, Brian Allison, Chris Matsanka, Chris Darpino, Jeremy O’Boyle, Chuck Taylor, Steve Burt, Bret Ostroff, Late: Denny Anastasia, Jeremy Russo, John Dill, Henry Hittle

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:Jon Dalton

Second: Bob Weeks

Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Account 5623.75

Fundraiser: 100.53

General Fund: 27,313.05

Any update on the Audit.  Denny Anastasia stated let him know and he and Fran will get together.

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Amy Grady

Second: Dan Campbell






                    Delco League participation 13-18.  There are three divisions 14U, 16U and 18U divisions.  They are adding a fourth division for 26U. Looking to see if there is interest.  

                        Player Meeting Scheduled There is an informational meeting which will be MArch 11, 2019 here at the American Legion. So that the information can get out to them.

Top Lumber Bat Demo  This will be scheduled.  



Majors-Michael Grady

    1. Coach Application status

    2. We have 59 players.  

    3. Thank all of the prospective coaches for being here at the meeting.

    4. Projecting 6 teams.  

    5. Tryouts are Friday, March 1, 2019 from 7:30-9:30 at the Chaos Facility on


Minors- Bob Weeks

    1. Coach Application status

    2. Minimum of 11 players on each team.  Right now there are 6 teams, but there may be 7.  There are 3 students that are baseball 8 that would like to play up.  

    3. Practice Schedules


Rookies-Jon Dalton

    1. Coach Application status

    2. Thanks for coming out coaches, prospective coaches.  Would like to meet for 5 minutes after the general meeting.  

    3. Probably 7 teams.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

    1. Coach Application status

    2. Overview of potential structure

    3. 4’s will be together with the 5’s that are new to baseball.  Returning 5’s and 6’s will be playing.

  1. Could be 7-10 teams.

  2. All coaches that have put in to be a coach have been approved as of February 11, 2019.


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

    1. Uniform update

    2. Status of equipment bags from last year coaches

    3. Got all bags back that he needed.  Anyone who kept their bag, please check that you don’t need anything.

He would like to order the uniforms by March 8, 2019.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

    1. Jack and Jill Bingo event change-Season Kick off Happy Hour on March 29, 2019 at Barnaby’s $30.00 a person and 2 for 50.00.  

    2. Picture Day will be April 13, 2019 with Bishop Photography.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

    1. Buggy Field update Great conversation with the new Sun Valley Coach.  Sees lots of collaboration with the Sun Valley and Aston Valley groups.  Grass needs to grow in and it needs to be safe.

    2. Weir Park update

      1. Painting, Sal Ochilini, Netting, Drainage, Fencing, Piping

    3. Vinsmith update waiting on the township. As to when they are going to skin the infield.  

    4. Lights at Weir Park Status - Anthony  Last Monday they met with three residents that showed up.  Went through everything. A vote will go out by the end of this month.  There are 35 residents that received a letter. 50% must be returned and we need 60% to pass.  A neighbor that is going to vote no stated that the kids are peeing on his fences.

    5. Redoing the press box with Rob Smith and  the local carpenter’s union.

    6. Wants to thank Tom Wood and Steve Abate for putting the yellow piping for the major field.

    7. Gang box is being replaced at Tee Ball by a shed from Stoltzfus for 350.00

    8. Signed a  weed contract for all the fields for spring, summer and fall.  

Question: Have we looked into doors in the womans room?  

Facitilities committee to plan for the future.  Looking for additional help cutting grass, line fields, etc.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

    1. Update on Current Registration Numbers

    2. 274 Total

    3. 25 in process.

Ahead of where we were last year.

Teebal 74

Rookies 54

Minors 62

Majors 58

Teeners 25

Mostly teeballers in the process loop.  

Sign ups are ending on February 28, 2019 for Rookies, Minors, and Majors

    1. Additional in person sign ups:

    2. Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at the Community Center 6:00-8:00.

    3. Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the Aston Municipal Building from 9:00-12:00.

    4. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at the Community Center 6:00-8:00.

    5. Evaluation Dates

Majors Friday March 1, 2019 7:30- 9:30



    1. Update on Winter Clinic  Generally big sucess. 52 kids signed up.  5-7, 8-10, and 11-12 groups.

                            Coaches Clinic in April.



Rules- Tom Wood

    1. Umpire Service for Minors and Majors- Check going into the mail tonight for Tri-County.  He has 10 umpires on call.

    2. Looking to do a clinic with the umpires.  Summarize the rules in the sheds for the kids.  

    3. Update on Rules Committee formed planning another meeting.  

    4. New Rule Change submitted for vote

      1. 50% league participation to be eligible for District Rosters The board did approve it at board meeting.  Vote No- 0 Abstain- Mike Cimabue The rule was approved under the condition of a medical, religious reason or school ball  being accepted.



Secretary- Amy Grady


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

    1. Initiating 2 committees

    2. Tee Ball Committee- reach out to Vicki Hittle and Anthony

    3. Facilities committee- Reach out to Dan Campbell.

    4. Modell’s has reached out to AVBL to do a Team Week.  It will be the month of March. We will receive the coupons.  Just mention it to the cashier that you are from Aston Valley.  Helps both parents and the league.

    5. All Coaches and prospective coaches should have gotten an email.  Please make sure you have the background check, coaches app are complete.  

    6. If you have not applied please do so ASAP.  Head Coaches: Commissioners will be having a meeting after the general membership meetings.  

  1. Questions:

How are you going to enforce if the coaches don’t come to meetings?  Anthony said it is still under review as to how we will deal with it.  


  1. Last Call for Registrations – Jim Buggy

  2. Coach Applications and Background Checks Due – Anthony Marusco

  3. Coach Clinics Scheduled – Anthony Marusco  There will be two clinics. Rookies, Majors and Minors on Sunday March 10 at the Aston Community Center from 6:00-9:00.  Rookies and Tee Ball March 24, 2019 at the Aston Community Center from 6:00-8:00 PM.

  4. CPR Clinic update – Dave Durbano  March 21st and 27th here at the American Legion.  




Additional in person sign ups:

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at the Community Center 6:00-8:00.

Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the Aston Municipal Building from 9:00-12:00.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at the Community Center 6:00-8:00.





Motion By:


9:29 PM

Rebecca Farrell

Dan Campbell







January GMM 2019

January 21, 2019


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Fran Miles, Michael Grady, Steve Abate, Tom Wood, Vicki Hittle, Amy Grady, Dan Campbell, Bob Weeks, Jon Dalton, Rebecca Farrell, Jim Buggy,Domenic Nardini, Joe Hart, John Mancinelli, Brian Matteo, Alex Jennings, Michael Calvanese, Scott Sexton, Dave Durbano, Keith McDevitt, Brian Cassidy, Andy Mai, Ralph Papa, Jason Herman, Jennifer Herman, Bernie Seasock, Paul Mullen, Colin Mullen, Tony Diorisio, Phil Morelli, Steve Downs, Amanda Doyle, Vicki Lovecchio, Tom Zebley, Ralph Carotenusto, Jason Farrell, Mike Cimabue, Mike McDermond, Chris Digan, Steve Burt, Chuck Taylor, Bret Ostroff, John Howe, Pete DePasquale.

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:Rebecca


Dan Campbell

Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Accoint 5553.28

Fundraising 100.53

General Fund   7,731.12

Annual Audit with Denny Anastasia.  He will do it again this year for the league.  

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca

Second: Dan Campbell






This past year our 14 year old team went undefeated.  Paul Mullen was the head coach from that team. He brought his assitants to the meeting tonight.  Last year we had 3 teams.

14, 16.18 we hope to have 4 teams and maybe even 5 teams.  There will be a player meeting in February about expectations and how teams will be formed.  Top Lumber we have partnered up with since it is a wood bat league. We will have a night to meet with Top Lumber.

Questions:  None


Majors-Michael Grady

Thanks for some of the major coaches for coming out.  Looking for coaches at the major level. If you have been down the field the fences have been lowered.  All black fences. Looks nice. Hoping to be ready to go come March.

Questions: None


Minors- Bob Weeks

So far we have 7 coaches signed up.  The minor field has been worked on them this off season.  He will send email with important dates.

Questions:  None


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Coaches make sure you have your background checks and applications in on time.

Questions: None


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

We are looking at changing tee ball looking at revamping it a little bit more.  USA Quick ball for tee ball. If you would like to look at it talk to Vicki after the meeting.  


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

Update: Uniforms.  All uniforms will need to be ordered by the first Friday of March 8, 2019.  

If you are still coaching and need something in your bag please email Steve.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Beth and I are looking through some new spirit wear and hoping to present the items to the board this week.  

Vicki and I are working on

Anyone want to help open and close let her know.


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

  1. Buggy Field update  

  2. Weir Park update

    1. Painting, Netting, Drainage, Fencing, misc

    2. Township is adding drains and touch up some little items.  

    3. All new fencing for the major field.  Fence was lowered for viewing

  3. Vinsmith update- painted and come spring they will do the skinned infield

  4. Field Mntc Day and Rain Date- March 23 with 30th as a rain date.

    1. Alternate day for Vinsmith and Bridgewater  Looking to schedule a different day

  5. Lights at Weir Park Status- letters have gone out to the community to get lights installed at the major field.  Meeting has been set up on January 29, 2019 at 7:30 PM with the township and AVBL. Lighting technology today is so focused that it is a specific area of the field so that back lighting is almost none existant.  

Questions: None


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Current Registration :96 right now.  On pace from last year. In-person sign ups this Saturday, January 26, 2019 from 9:00-3:00 PM.  Wednesday, January 30, 2019 from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM

Evaluations Saturday March 2, 2019 at a location TBD

Draft Day Sunday, March 3, 2019

Winter Clinic Numbers are higher this year then last year.  Added younger kids this year.

Questions: What about late signups for families that just moved into the area?  They would need to be able to prove they just moved into the area.


Rules- Tom Wood

We are using out sourced umpires for the minor and majors as a trial run for the season.  

Frank Gorgone will set up a coaches clinic.

Rookies will still be our in house


Will they be prepaid?  No they will still need to come get the money.

Created a rules committee:

This year it is required by Cal Ripken need to go through a training to be a coach this year.  

SafeSports Act talks about background check and a coaches certificate.  All coaches must have both parts. Anyone that already has the certificate is done.  

Jason Farrell: It is making coaches Mandated Reporters for suspected child abuse and child assault.  This is from the feds.

He is the background coordinator for the league.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

Did ask me???


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Thank you everyone for attending.

Coaches applications and background checks.  You must do both and then all coaches will be approved by the board in the next month.  We do this every year. Just because you were a coach last year does not mean that you will coach again this year.  We would like all of our coaches to be CPR certified. Must be renewed every year. We are in the process to set up the Billy Wright Coaches clinic usually late February and early March.  Looking to set several other clinics up as well.


Regarding background checks.  Protect Youth Sports. It is a third party background check.  The email for the state is just verifiying that you requested the check.


Neumann Univeristy may make the playoffs but may not.  Michael will you reach out to Jermone for the facility from last year?  Michael said yes.

Board recommended to hold the fees stable $90.00 for the Teeners.  Any objections. None




    1. Allow all baseball 6 ages to be evaluated to play up in Rookie Division and allow all baseball 8 ages to be evaluated to play up in Minors

    2. 6 and 8 years.  6 can try out for the rookies and 8’s can try out for the minors.

    3. Questions: How is the tryout?  Are you going to make them work a little harder?  Is it the evaluation for the draft? Anthony...that will need to be worked on.  Last year 4- 8 year olds moved up. What does it do for callups? Will there be enough kids in Junior Rookies?  You are not going to have any good kids left that will be able to pull up? Could you eliminate it if you just did it by their grade?  What if you put it on their birthday? Think the evaluation needs to be more involved

    4. Vote with the general membership Yes- 45       No 1 Joe Hart Abstain-0

    1. Redraft Rookies, Minor and Majors every year

    2. Suggested for a redraft every season

    3. Questions: What constitues a redraft?  If all teams have 3 or more players and no new teams you keep your team.  If you have less than 3 players or teams are added or removed and redrafted.

    4. Vote with the general membership Yes-45         No- 1 Abstain-0

    1. Standings recorded during regular season and will determine Playoff Seeding

    2. Maintain standings.  Both team managers will send email to player agent and commisioners.  All teams will make the playoffs. Basically no more picking out of a hat

    3. Vote with the general membership Yes-  44 No 2 Abstain-0

    1. Practice fields location change for TBall, Rookie and Majors

    2. Majors move to Bridgewater and Tee Ball and Rookies move to Aston.

    3. Vote with the general membership Yes-  45 No Abstain-1

    1. Playoff teams must be within 2 players of each other in lineup for all three divisions

    2. If you don’t have within two.  Mandatory call up or an out.

    3. Vote with the general membership Yes-  45 No 1 Abstain-0

    1. No double steals in Rookies

    2. If you have a kid on first and second, Tom thinks that it is very difficult.  Board said that we do this during the regular season.

    3. Questions: What is the overthrow rule

    4. Vote with the general membership Yes- 40       No 4 Abstain-2

    1. Minor run limit per inning from 7 to 5

    2. Except the last inning that it was unlimited

    3. Vote with the general membership Yes-  44 No 1 Abstain-1

    1. Wording change for league playoffs

    2. Extension in the local rules For in house playoffs all in house rules will be followed with the exception of:  

    3. Questions: None

    4. Vote with the general membership Yes- 41        No 1 Abstain-4

    1. Tball to use tee, then coach pitch then pitching machine

    2. Question: What do you see as the time line?  Couple practices with the tee, coach pitch and then the pitching machine.  Duplicate question what is the timeline?

    3. Vote with the general membership Yes-  39 No 2 Abstain-5

    1. Allow baseball 7’s to tryout for 8U District Team

    2. Propose that 7 year olds can try out for the 8 year old tournament team at time.  He envisioned it just for this one year.

    3. Questions: John would that 7 year old take the spot of an 8 year old?  Potentially How are you going to do the tryouts? We did them last year.  

    4. Vote with the general membership Yes-20        No-12 Abstain-14

    5. 43% said yes.  Not passed.

    1. Delete all rules associated with Teeners

    2. Revise all rules since teener league has been losing kids due to lack of competition.  Rules need to be adjusted. Since they will be playing in the Delco League.

    3. Vote with the general membership Yes-  44 No Abstain-2

  1. Any player may be intentionally walked only once a game.  During the playoffs.

    1. Background of this was last year’s playoffs where players out of 21 plate appearances where a player was walked 18 times.

    2. Vote with the general membership Yes- 40       No- 1 Abstain-5

We as a league do not dictate the ages of the kids.  May 1st is the cutoff for Cal Ripken.

Anyone: Raffle tickets?  They are in the mail.





Motion By:


10:10 PM

Fran Miles

Dan Campbell







November GMM Meeting 2018

November 19, 2018


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Fran Miles, Michael Grady, Steve Abate, Tom Wood, Vicki Hittle, Amy Grady, Bob Weeks, Lisa Jennings, Joe Hart, Chuck Taylor, Denny Anastasia, Dan Campbell, Jon Dalton, Michael Grady, Jim Buggy

Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Accoint 5462.36

Fundraising 100.52

General Fund   13,598.49

3000.00 spent on the field that is not on the report

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran

Second:Bob Weeks








Majors-Michael Grady

Field Construction is going on at this time.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

No report.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

No report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report


Equipment Manager-Steve Abate

No report

Email list of all coaches so he can check on bag returns.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Not present


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

Electric installed at major and minor fields

Fields are closed- Thanks for all of your help.

Dirt laid at the teeball field The contractor is doing it for free.

Township removed fence-painted posts back.  Contractor coming in tomorrow to install fence.

Left field fence replaced at minors by township because it fell in the creek.

Sod work was done by a contractor

Resodding ⅓ of infield.

Majors cut out runway- fixing pitcher mound

Sod being delivered 11/20

3252.00 sod on all 3 fields.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registration will open on 11/23 and close on 2/28/2019.  There will be no late registrations after the date of close in the Rookie, Minor, and Majors.  

Cut off will be 4/30/2019 for teeball and teeners.

1/7/2019-2/20/2019 Winter Ball Registration is open and cost is $120.00

Three age groups





Rules- Tom Wood

Read all rules

Wants to go over all rules

Review with commisioners before the rules meeting

Going to email to all previous umps looking to return



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Looking at making a change at teeball.  Quick Ball.

Annual Rules meeting is in January 2019 meeting.





No new business.  



Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.  



Motion By:


8:51 PM



October General Membership Meeting 2018

October 15, 2018
  • October 2018

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Walt Campbell,  Joe Hart, Lisa Jennings. John Mancinelli, Bernie Seasock, Fran Miiles, Jon Dalton, Tom Wood, Rebecca Farrell, Mike Cimabue, Chris Darpino, Scott Sexton, Steve Abate, Michael Grady, Tony Diorioso, Vicki Lovechio, Dan Campbell, Ralph Papa, Keith McDevitt, RJ Diamond, Vicki Hittle

Late Jason Farrell

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 100.51

Capital 5391.90

Regular account 14,126.70


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca Farrell

Second:Bernie Seasock






We have teeners playing at BYC.  One team 14 and 15’s and other mostly 12’s and a few 14 and 15’s.

14’s went undefeated during fall ball.  Went to states.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

No report for Majors.  This is his final run as a commisioner in the league.  He wanted to recognize the board and thank them for all of the years in the league.  

President who held his hand from day one.  Mr. Joe Hart and Fran Miles yelled at him like a father.

Mike Grady and Dan Campbell really care about the kids and he was floored how well they have done.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Away on business.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

No report


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report


Equipment Manager-Empty


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Getting ready to close up.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

French Drain has been installed at Buggy Field.  Hoping for the best.

While the township is there we are going to hopefully resolve some drainage issues.  Township will put two water grates in.

Locals carpenter’s union will come in and repair the press box.  Either the fall or spring.

Can we put up gutters for the gazebo?  

Met with a landscaper today.  About the pitching mounds.

November 4th for closing down the snack bar. OCtober 27 and 28 taking all signs down and aerating the grass.  

Please give any extra tools to Dan Campbell.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy



Rules- Michael Grady

Would like to thank Tom Wood for fall ball.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report.


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Not much to say.  Mention our fall ball.  Playing since the second week of September.  Fall ball was improved with the number of teams from last year.  


The Nether teams have been supportive about how our fields looked.  Struggling with a catcher for those teams.

JR. Rookies played the Rookies

That went over pretty well.


Kids looked pretty impressive.


Wanted to send a feeler out to see if there is anything that we can do to improve,

Tom has worked his rear end off!  Thanks for everything!!

Community Day Parade

Aston Valley participated in Aston Community Day

About 30 kids and parents in the parade.  Township appreciated us for being there.

Coaches Clinics

In order to improve our kids going forward we would like to put together additional coaches clinics to help our coaches as well.




Anthony Marusco- accepted


Bernie Seascock-respectfully declined again



Mike Grady- Will Accept

RJ Diamond


Bob Weeks


Jon Dalton


Vicki Hittle


Dan Campbell


Tom Wood


Amy Grady


Fran Miles


Steve Abate

Parents Auxilary

Rebecca Farrell

Player Agent

Jim Buggy

Michael Grady won the run off elections for Major Commisioner.  




Have we looked at changing the tee Ball to 4’s and rookie ball 5 and 6’s? -Tom Wood

Refresher course on the rules.

One big thing to consider that I have kids in other sports.  Talking to other sports to schedule different activities. Get in touch with Brian Palmore about Basketball.  





Motion By:


9:21 PM

Dan Campbell

Fran Miles







  • October 2018

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Walt Campbell,  Joe Hart, Lisa Jennings. John Mancinelli, Bernie Seasock, Fran Miiles, Jon Dalton, Tom Wood, Rebecca Farrell, Mike Cimabue, Chris Darpino, Scott Sexton, Steve Abate, Michael Grady, Tony Diorioso, Vicki Lovechio, Dan Campbell, Ralph Papa, Keith McDevitt, RJ Diamond, Vicki Hittle

Late Jason Farrell

Called to Order:

8:34 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 100.51

Capital 5391.90

Regular account 14,126.70


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Rebecca Farrell

Second:Bernie Seasock






We have teeners playing at BYC.  One team 14 and 15’s and other mostly 12’s and a few 14 and 15’s.

14’s went undefeated during fall ball.  Went to states.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

No report for Majors.  This is his final run as a commisioner in the league.  He wanted to recognize the board and thank them for all of the years in the league.  

President who held his hand from day one.  Mr. Joe Hart and Fran Miles yelled at him like a father.

Mike Grady and Dan Campbell really care about the kids and he was floored how well they have done.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Away on business.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

No report


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report


Equipment Manager-Empty


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Getting ready to close up.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

French Drain has been installed at Buggy Field.  Hoping for the best.

While the township is there we are going to hopefully resolve some drainage issues.  Township will put two water grates in.

Locals carpenter’s union will come in and repair the press box.  Either the fall or spring.

Can we put up gutters for the gazebo?  

Met with a landscaper today.  About the pitching mounds.

November 4th for closing down the snack bar. OCtober 27 and 28 taking all signs down and aerating the grass.  

Please give any extra tools to Dan Campbell.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy



Rules- Michael Grady

Would like to thank Tom Wood for fall ball.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report.


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Not much to say.  Mention our fall ball.  Playing since the second week of September.  Fall ball was improved with the number of teams from last year.  


The Nether teams have been supportive about how our fields looked.  Struggling with a catcher for those teams.

JR. Rookies played the Rookies

That went over pretty well.


Kids looked pretty impressive.


Wanted to send a feeler out to see if there is anything that we can do to improve,

Tom has worked his rear end off!  Thanks for everything!!

Community Day Parade

Aston Valley participated in Aston Community Day

About 30 kids and parents in the parade.  Township appreciated us for being there.

Coaches Clinics

In order to improve our kids going forward we would like to put together additional coaches clinics to help our coaches as well.




Anthony Marusco- accepted


Bernie Seascock-respectfully declined again



Mike Grady- Will Accept

RJ Diamond


Bob Weeks


Jon Dalton


Vicki Hittle


Dan Campbell


Tom Wood


Amy Grady


Fran Miles


Steve Abate

Parents Auxilary

Rebecca Farrell

Player Agent

Jim Buggy

Michael Grady won the run off elections for Major Commisioner.  




Have we looked at changing the tee Ball to 4’s and rookie ball 5 and 6’s? -Tom Wood

Refresher course on the rules.

One big thing to consider that I have kids in other sports.  Talking to other sports to schedule different activities. Get in touch with Brian Palmore about Basketball.  





Motion By:


9:21 PM

Dan Campbell

Fran Miles







September GMM Meeting 2018

October 8, 2018
  • September 2018

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Amy Grady. Fran Miles, Bernie Seasock, Jimmy Buggy, Dan Campbell, Jon Dalton, Bob Weeks, Vicki Hittle, Rebecca Farrell, Michael Grady, Lisa Jennings, Tom Wood, RJ Diamond, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Brian Morris, Mike Cimabue, Steve Abate, Ralph Papa

Called to Order:



8:31 PM

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 100.51

Capital 100.51 5346.46

Regular account 13,955.08

Thanks from the McGinn Family.

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Bernie Seasock

Second: Jim Buggy






Two AV teams playing at BYC.  The Seasock Team beat the Marusco boys 12-1.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

No Report


Minors- Bob Weeks

No Report


Rookies-Jon Dalton

No report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report


Equipment Manager-Empty

There is no one.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Coaches please make sure that any body in the snack bar.  

Someone needs to cook on Saturday.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

August was terrible for rain.  Sprayed the infield three times.  Hired Weeds Inc for the fields and within a week everything was dead.  There were no weeks. Thank Tom Wood for helping getting the fields ready.  I apologize for it not being perfect, but this weekend it looked pretty good.  

This Wednesday, September 19 please come to the field at 6:00 PM to meet about sprucing the place up.  We are having the field and backstop replaced. Hoping to do some excavation and fix drainage issues while the equipment is down there.  We have a very large complex. He would love ideas about what we can do either next year or ten years from now.

Possibly replace foul poles for the minor and majors field.  He did apply for two grants.

Update for Buggy field:  They have done a lot of work over there.  It looks like they are addressing the drainage issue.  It looks like they put drainage in. The facilities director for Penn Delco Dan will meet with to see if we can do something similar with the Minor Field.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Dates: For Next Year

We are mapping out until Opening Dates.  

Registration will open November 23, 2018 until evaluations.

Winter Clinic January 7th -February 20th.  Probably Monday or Wednesdays.

In Person registration

At the Municipal Building

January 19

January 26

Evaluations   March 2, 2019

Draft Day March 3, 2019

Opening Day April 6, 2019


Rules- Michael Grady

No report I got nothing for you.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

Lines in the parking lot.  


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Aston Community Day will be October 6, 2018

We will be walking in the parade.

Junior Rookies

Making adjustments along the way.  

Sunday at 12:00


Need to order 13 more items between hats and shirts.

Need to have the pitching machine at 41 mph.


Looking for Umpires.  







Anthony Marusco


Bernie Seasock-Respectfully declined



Mike Grady-No thank you



Bob Weeks


Jon Dalton


Vicki Hittle


Dan Campbell


Mike Grady-No

Tom Wood


Amy Grady


Fran Miles


Mike Grady-No thank you

Steve Abate

Parents Auxilary

Rebecca Farrell

Player Agent

Jim Buggy

Closed for now.  Next Month will add more hopefully.  





Motion By:



Fran Miles

Dan Campbell



June 2018 GMM

June 18, 2018


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Jon Dalton, Dan Campbell, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Michael Grady, Rebecca Farrell, Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Lisa Jennings, Joe Hart, Tony Dioriosio, Brian Morris, Henry Hittle, Scott Sexton, Ralph Carotenuto, Jason Farrell, RJ Diamond, Todd Kirk, Kim Kirk, John Howe, Bill Mckee, John Mancinelli,

Late: Bernie Seasock

Called to Order:

8:41 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 2850.36

Capital 5172.63

Regular account 15,847.85


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Amy Grady

Second:Dan Campbell





Teeners-Currently Vacant

Playoffs will start at the beginning of July.  Good seasons for both teams. Playoffs from both divisions.  We are hoping to add another team for teeners for next year.

Todd Kirk- Telling them to keep the fields better.  16u team needs to be addressed. They took Legion’s field dry.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Very good playoff series.  Won by the Phillies. Came back to beat the Rays two times.  Best defensive 11 and 12’s. The winter workouts were helpful.  The 12’s received sweatshirts. 12’s are looking forward to the teeners next year.  

Bill McKee-  How is it in the best interest of a child to be intentionally walked 4 times in a game?  He feels that we should be embarrassed as a league.

During the playoffs we follow Ripken playoff rules.  We treat it as a district tournament. We are playing to win.  It is strategy for baseball.

A rule was resubmitted.  To review the rule before the next season.  It should be fun for all kids. Bill McKee watches his grand-nephew.  He was a embarrassed to be a part of the the league.

Anthony Marusco-When it comes to our playoffs we need to revisit what needs to be done.  We will revisit the rules for playoffs.


Minors- Bob Weeks

Congratulate the Mariners for the Championship.  The playoffs were fabulous. It was great baseball.  The parents were mostly well behaved. Callups-there were 21 call ups in over 40 games this year.  The experience was great.

Tomorrow night is the All-Star Game for the kids that are not on the district teams.  

Are we still giving the kids the opportunity to try out for the minors?  

Question about Minor League rules:

#20 Says Playoffs- all tournament games follow playoffs rules.  

We as a league play for the 2 players hit by a pitcher then the player is pulled.  John Howe disagrees with the way that rules are being broken.

Dan Campbell- Spirit of the Law and the Letter of the Law.  

As a group, John Howe opposes what we are doing as an organization.  

Anthony states that the rule that has been referring to the pitching for the kids.  Everything was the same.

John Howe feels that the organization is following apart.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Congratulations to the Angels.  Won the Championships. The pirates came in second and Cardinals came in third. Very competitive this year.


Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle

Jr Rookies had 3 teams this year.  Nationals, Diamondbacks and Phillies.  6 way tie for first place for the Tee Ball.  


Equipment Manager-

Not present.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

 Not much to report.  We have had lots of positive reports from the parents at the tournament.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

We put the call out for more help after the rains.  It was great to see them. There were times when it was questionable.  Joe Hart thanks for getting water off the fields. Thanks to Jason Farrell for cutting the grass.  

Looking at Late July early August.  We would like to see if when the township is down there with heavy machinery.  If you have interest or suggestions to be on a committee. Please contact Dan Campbell.  

Question- What happened to lights on the field?  We are getting the fence first and then moving on...


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.  Not present.


Rules- Michael Grady

No Report.



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report.


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Want to thank all the parents, coaches, team moms, kids and volunteers for another successful season.

6’s- Started on Saturday.  Runs til this Saturday. 6u is going to Chichester.

7’s-Start this Saturday.  

8’s-Started Saturday.  We are hosting. The 8’s lost 10-7.  Won 16-7. Play tomorrow night against Brookhaven.  We need help.

8 select team- East Norriton on Thursday.  

9’s- Played in the Egg Harbor over the weekend.  

10’s-Opened tonight.  Lost to East Brandywine.  

11’s- Unionville start Wednesday

12’s- Lost to BYC 9-2.  Lost to Unionville. Kids have been battling and since they have been 6.  Brookhaven and Chi Tournaments.

We will be holding Fall Ball.  Anthony will be working with Tom Wood and then sending this information out in the next week.  Including Fall Ball for Teeball.

Knights camp from Tuesday to Friday.  

Next week camp will be Monday to Thursday.

Thanks to Joe Hart , Franny and Kim Kirk.  


Joe Hart- Buggy Screening on the outfield.  Needs to be replaced. Do we need to go through the district.? No?







Motion By:


9:42 PM

Todd Kirk

Dan Campbell







July 2018 General Membership Meeting

July 16, 2018


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Amy Grady, Jim Buggy, Bernie Seasock, Anthony Marusco, Vicki Hittle, Rebecca Farrell, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Jason Farrell, Henry Hittle, Tom Wood, Domenic Nardini, Michael Cimabue, Alex Jennings, Fran Miles

Called to Order:

8:40 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Account 5218.06

Parking Account Fundraiser 100.50

Regular Account  6,745.06

New Business: None

Motion to approve: Jim Buggy

Second:Amy Grady






18U made it to the semifinals in the Delco League.  Ended up losing in the semifinals.

16U they were 6-5-1.  They lost in the semifinals

14U went undefeated 12-0 in regular season.  Won to be district Champs. Played in Roxborough.  Went 1-3 in that state tournament. Will play for the delco league championship in the next few days at Father Nall.  

Looking to build on this for the upcoming season.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Majors Report,  12u team all done for season as of July 1st  played at Chi and Brookhaven after districts.  A lot of games in a short period.

11u team has long break between districts and 2 tournaments,  Sacred Heart 7/20 and Chichester 7/28


Minors- Bob Weeks

Not present.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Not present.

8U B team won the championship at Drexel Hill.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report

6U’s seemed to really be coming into their own.  


Equipment Manager-Empty


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Looking for volunteers for fall ball.  Looking to get down there for a deep clean.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

Not present.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Fall ball we are at 21.  Just opened registration.

Winter clinics 6-7, 8-10 and 11-12.  Once a week for an hour. Had 43 kids at clinics 23 made the district teams.  

Anthony would like to talk to Jim about the details and the instructors.  It will cost more for more MSI instructors.


Rules- Michael Grady

Not present.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

Waiting on my lines….


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Fall Ball-Going for 6 weeks.  Weekend of September 21, 2018.  Would like to use our fields for a tournament.  Major and Minor fields that weekend. Nether, Brookhaven, Hilltop, Chichester and Unionville have inquired to bring the kids into the fall ball league.  

Aston Valley View Park is done today.  

Buggy Field is getting redone starting Monday.  




Open the floor.

We are hoping for 10 teams in each division.

Looking for volunteers to help out with the majors.  We have volunteers for the rookies, minors and jr rookie division and teeball.  

We will need umpires for the fall ball league.  Games will be either Saturday or Sunday.

Board did vote on the Gomer Family.  We are donating a portion of our proceeds from the Denim and Diamond fundraiser.  We are donating 10% of our proceeds.





Motion By:


9:06 PM

Bernie Seasock

Fran Miles







June 2018 GMM Meeting

July 16, 2018


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Jon Dalton, Dan Campbell, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Michael Grady, Rebecca Farrell, Anthony Marusco, Amy Grady, Lisa Jennings, Joe Hart, Tony Dioriosio, Brian Morris, Henry Hittle, Scott Sexton, Ralph Carotenuto, Jason Farrell, RJ Diamond, Todd Kirk, Kim Kirk, John Howe, Bill Mckee, John Mancinelli,

Late: Bernie Seasock

Called to Order:

8:41 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 2850.36

Capital 5172.63

Regular account 15,847.85


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Amy Grady

Second:Dan Campbell





Teeners-Currently Vacant

Playoffs will start at the beginning of July.  Good seasons for both teams. Playoffs from both divisions.  We are hoping to add another team for teeners for next year.

Todd Kirk- Telling them to keep the fields better.  16u team needs to be addressed. They took Legion’s field dry.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Very good playoff series.  Won by the Phillies. Came back to beat the Rays two times.  Best defensive 11 and 12’s. The winter workouts were helpful.  The 12’s received sweatshirts. 12’s are looking forward to the teeners next year.  

Bill McKee-  How is it in the best interest of a child to be intentionally walked 4 times in a game?  He feels that we should be embarrassed as a league.

During the playoffs we follow Ripken playoff rules.  We treat it as a district tournament. We are playing to win.  It is strategy for baseball.

A rule was resubmitted.  To review the rule before the next season.  It should be fun for all kids. Bill McKee watches his grand-nephew.  He was a embarrassed to be a part of the the league.

Anthony Marusco-When it comes to our playoffs we need to revisit what needs to be done.  We will revisit the rules for playoffs.


Minors- Bob Weeks

Congratulate the Mariners for the Championship.  The playoffs were fabulous. It was great baseball.  The parents were mostly well behaved. Callups-there were 21 call ups in over 40 games this year.  The experience was great.

Tomorrow night is the All-Star Game for the kids that are not on the district teams.  

Are we still giving the kids the opportunity to try out for the minors?  

Question about Minor League rules:

#20 Says Playoffs- all tournament games follow playoffs rules.  

We as a league play for the 2 players hit by a pitcher then the player is pulled.  John Howe disagrees with the way that rules are being broken.

Dan Campbell- Spirit of the Law and the Letter of the Law.  

As a group, John Howe opposes what we are doing as an organization.  

Anthony states that the rule that has been referring to the pitching for the kids.  Everything was the same.

John Howe feels that the organization is following apart.


Rookies-Jon Dalton

Congratulations to the Angels.  Won the Championships. The pirates came in second and Cardinals came in third. Very competitive this year.


Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle

Jr Rookies had 3 teams this year.  Nationals, Diamondbacks and Phillies.  6 way tie for first place for the Tee Ball.  


Equipment Manager-

Not present.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

 Not much to report.  We have had lots of positive reports from the parents at the tournament.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

We put the call out for more help after the rains.  It was great to see them. There were times when it was questionable.  Joe Hart thanks for getting water off the fields. Thanks to Jason Farrell for cutting the grass.  

Looking at Late July early August.  We would like to see if when the township is down there with heavy machinery.  If you have interest or suggestions to be on a committee. Please contact Dan Campbell.  

Question- What happened to lights on the field?  We are getting the fence first and then moving on...


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.  Not present.


Rules- Michael Grady

No Report.



Secretary- Amy Grady

No report.


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Want to thank all the parents, coaches, team moms, kids and volunteers for another successful season.

6’s- Started on Saturday.  Runs til this Saturday. 6u is going to Chichester.

7’s-Start this Saturday.  

8’s-Started Saturday.  We are hosting. The 8’s lost 10-7.  Won 16-7. Play tomorrow night against Brookhaven.  We need help.

8 select team- East Norriton on Thursday.  

9’s- Played in the Egg Harbor over the weekend.  

10’s-Opened tonight.  Lost to East Brandywine.  

11’s- Unionville start Wednesday

12’s- Lost to BYC 9-2.  Lost to Unionville. Kids have been battling and since they have been 6.  Brookhaven and Chi Tournaments.

We will be holding Fall Ball.  Anthony will be working with Tom Wood and then sending this information out in the next week.  Including Fall Ball for Teeball.

Knights camp from Tuesday to Friday.  

Next week camp will be Monday to Thursday.

Thanks to Joe Hart , Franny and Kim Kirk.  


Joe Hart- Buggy Screening on the outfield.  Needs to be replaced. Do we need to go through the district.? No?







Motion By:


9:42 PM

Todd Kirk

Dan Campbell








Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Jim Buggy, Jon Dalton, Dan Campbell, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Bernie Seasock, Michael Grady, Amanda Doyle, Lisa Jennings, Vicki Lovecchio, Jason Michael, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Tony Dioriosio, Brian Morris, Jake Garrity, Henry Hittle, Michael Cimabue, Tom Wood, Denny Anastasia, John Manceilli, Scott Sexton, Ralph Papa, Phil Morelli, Jason Farrell

Called to Order:

8:42 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 1975.26-Golf

Capital 5127.21

Regular account 8,828.31


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran Miles

Second:Bernie Seasock





Teeners-Currently Vacant

14U are 2-0.  Couple rainouts.  16U is 2-0-1. Couple rainouts.  14u are playing in the Washington Township Tournament this weekend.  18U is in the Delco League starting this week. Anyone in the Majors we have a very competitive teener league now.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Both 11U and 12U teams have practiced a couple times.  They are playing this weekend in the Washington Township.  Starting playoffs on June 2nd and 3rd. June 16th for 12U start.  Jason Michael is the head coach. 11U districts are in Unionville.  Head Coach is Jim Buggy. Interleagues gave us extra games and it was competitive.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Minors will be pulling seeding for playoffs.  9U and 10U are playing in Washington Township.  Thanks to Dan Campbell for having the fields ready.  Parents need to give the coaches the heads up if the kids are not going to be there.  Last 10U clinic will be this Wednesday. Fielding, throwing, balance and base running.  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

8U district team was chosen, we have had a practice.  They will be playing in the Washington Township Tournament. The 8U select team will be coached by Ralph Papa.  7U team will be coached by Steve Abate.


Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle

6U will run from June 16-23.  Looking for a head coach.


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

No Report.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

WE had a great time on Saturday.  It was wonderful during the day with the kids and the parents had a ball on Saturday night.  Special thanks to Vicki Lovecchio, Lisa Jennings, Amanda Doyle and all the volunteers to make it so successful.  


Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell

My new toy is a 60 inch zero turn tractor.  We got a grant for the fence and backstop on the major field.  It will be done in July. Looking for free tools. This past Sunday we had a week of rain and a lot of rain.  We had three people show up to get the fields ready. We are a volunteer organization. We need help to get the fields ready.  

Coaches if you have a game please help the day of your games.  If you can not help please ask other parents. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Dan Campbell needs help. There seems to be 5-6 people doing a lot of work for the fields.  When it does rain, field dry is 25.00 a bag. Let’s use it wisely. Vacuum the water first, then rake it, let the air and sun get to it.  Leave it alone, Then throw some field dry on it. Let’s make our fields the best that they can.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

8-12 year old binders give him some time.  Winter clinic 40 kids 21 made a district team.  We will repeat it in January 2019. We will group the 10’s with the 11’s and 12’s.  Maybe a Columbus Day clinic.


Rules- Michael Grady

No Report.

Ralph Papa- Each team needs to be within 1 player during playoffs.  Do we need to have call-ups?

Umpires- Had two or three games with no umpires.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

No arrows, people still parking illegally.  


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Thanks so much to the Vicki, Rebecca, Lisa, Amanda, Alicia, Stephanie and all the additional volunteers.  We could not have done it without you.

Thanks so much to John Mancinelli for donating the food for the beef and beer.

Golf Outing is postponed until the 31st.  1:00 PM Golf at Paxon Hollow and Dinner at Tom’s in Aston to follow after golfing.

Looking to host an 8U B tournament, machine pitch tournament.  

Playoff starting soon.  We are trying still teach and coach the kids.  They are still all kids and they are watching. Remember the kids are watching.  

8U district tournament will be hosted at Aston Valley.  Best of Luck to all the age brackets. 8-12U. We may put in a district team for teeners.  





314.60 from the Manbroso’s.

Minor Phillies won the pizza party for the most attendees.  

When do we need to have the fall ball sponsors.

Can we look into hiring an umpire service for next season?  Our young umpires have not been up to par. We need to find whether it is paid umpires or instructing our umpires, better.  

Fall Ball- Tom Wood will run the fall ball tee ball.  WE would like to include more age groups in fall ball.  We need to have people help us to run the divisions. We would like the teeners to be involved.  Trying to get kids playing baseball.

We talked about summer baseball.  It is exploratory. We have done it one year.  It was immensely popular. Perhaps pool play??





Motion By:


9:31 PM

Amy Grady

Jim Buggy








Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

Board meeting Membership Meeting






Tony Diorisio, Brian Morris, Vicki Lovecchio, Amanda Doyle, John Mancinelli, Denny Anastasia, Tom Wood, Mike Cimabue, Jason Farrell, Jake Garrity, Jason Hickman, Jim Buggy,  Rebecca Farrell, Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Vicki Hittle, Bernie Seasock, Bob Weeks, Dan Campbell, Jon Dalton, Anthony Marusco

Called to Order:

8:41 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 100.26

Capital 4581.44

Regular account 29,964.27


Motion to approve:Fran Miles

Second: Jim Buggy






Teeners have been entered into the Delco League.  Starts May 7. 14 U and 16 U. Aston Valley Knights.  Both teams will be in Memorial Day Tournament. Maria Pedrick will run the snack bar down there.  More players are signing up to play.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Good first week.  2 games to make up.  One from yesterday and one from today.  Cancelled Clinics yesterday, but it was too cold and rainy.  Start next Sunday. Primarily focus on defensive skills. Defense has grown tremendously.  We will work on pitching. We were signing out the bats as needed. Umpires are checking for the USA label.  Parents and coaches have been fabulous. Thanks for all of the help.


Minors- Bob Weeks

Minors is running really smooth.  One rainout tonight. That will be rescheduled.  No issues with bats. Umpires are not cleaning off the home plate.  First 9U clinic is from 6-8. It is for any 9 year olds that are not playing at Brookhaven.  Every other week alternating with the 10’s. Would like the Saturday games to go 6 innings?


Rookies-Jon Dalton

We have one game to make up.  We did have a homerun. Angelo Morelli hit it over the creek.  Starting the clinics this Sunday. Umpires are looking to see if you have the right bats.  


Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle

The clinic tonight needed to be rescheduled.  The machine needs to be set lower for the junior rookies at the Rookie field.  Everything is going okay.


Equipment Manager-Jay Hickman

Jerseys were all handed out.  MVP did a good job!! A couple of hiccups.  Still need to put the rack in the back room for the bats.  Second mitt for the rookie shed.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

 We have to reschedule picture make ups.  We will have them tomorrow at 6:00 PM. Vicki Lovecchio is giving an update for the Denim and Diamond.  2 Eagles tickets. Getting deals for diamonds. Corn Hole. We have 6 boards. If we can get 2-4 more sets.  Tickets will be $35.00 for one or 2/60.00. May 19, 2018


Facilities-Dan Campbell

Field Maintenance Day went well.  Township took down three trees. The fence for the majors field.  Everything has been approved. It will be done at the end of July.  Vinsmith update. They are putting a brand new mega playground. Special Needs playground.  They are going to redo the baseball field there. Sheds, Boxes, and the only field that does not have a Shed is teeball.  Please remember to hang the stuff up. Teeball we are going to work on in the fall. Rookie Field we have a new shed and it turned out really nice.  Tom Wood and Company did a great job with the monuments. Minors looks great. Majors was huge. Someday he will show us a picture and the after picture.  Our next big project will be the outfield for the major field. The locks for the majors. We have new locks coming in hopefully this week. In the cages, lights were installed thanks that to the Hittle Family.  Lights should be turned off by 9:00 PM. Concession Stand had lots of outlets replaced. Shawn Donovan and Brian Kelly did a lot of work. Need tools down at the field. Need ladders, tools, etc. Needs a favor. If anyone can cut the grass let him know.    Anyone want to roll the fields???

Stokarski will be doing


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.  


Rules- Michael Grady

As usual.  We have a mishmash of good and bad.  Any feedback is appreciated. We are getting it all worked out.  We all make the playoffs. Still looking for older kids for umpires.  




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

We are doing the homerun pizzas.  Thanks to Andy Omiridis for fixing our ice machine and saving us $2000.00.  

Amanda Doyle  

Opening Day was a little cold.  Thanks to WAWA for giving out the coffee.  They reached out to thank us for having them.  

Coaches remember a the younger levels please make sure you are moving kids around.  Remember everyone makes the playoffs. We want all kids to learn and grow. They all need to learn how to play different positions.  

Breaking news.  American Legion is inviting Aston Valley to walk in the parade at 9:15 AM-9:45 AM on Monday May 28, 2018.

Thanks to everyone on the board for all of your hard work.  







Golf outing May 17th.  Paxon Hollow and then at Tom’s.  

Problems with kids with bikes.  Younger kid with dirt bikes. Older kids are riding by the batting cages and very disrespectful.  





Motion By:


9:30 PM

Anthony Marusco

Fran Miles








Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General  Membership Meeting






Amy Grady, Fran Miles, Jim Buggy, Bernie Seasock, Anthony Marusco, Jon Dalton, Vicki Hittle, Rebecca Farrell, Bob Weeks, Michael Grady, Dan Campbell, Jason Hickman, Jason Michael, Ivan Plachuta, Alex Jennings, John Mancinelli, Mark Natale, Ryan Smith, Jake Garrity, Tony Diorisio, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Scott Sexton, Ralph Carotenuto, John Howe, Ralph Papa, Denny Anastasia, Mike Cimabue, STeve Ouimette, Brian Morris Frank Miles, Chris Darpino, Bret Ostroff, Domenic Nardini, Amanda Doyle

Called to Order:

8:36 Pm



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 100.25

Capital 4536.44

Regular account 36,390.84


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran Miles

Second: Bernie Seasock





Teeners-Empty Resigned as of last month.  

We have 22 kids signed up for teeners.  Email went out to all signed up teeners.  Entering into a league playing other teams. Carrying 12-15 on each teener team.  . Closing registration this week. 2 teams will be placed in a tournament during the season.  Looking to play more competitive at the teeners.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

We got out on the fields this weekend.  We have 6 teams in the Majors still have a couple of openings.  4 teams have 11 and 2 have 10. 15-17 game schedule. We will have Sunday Clinics starting on April 8th.  This will be a four week clinic. Bernie spoke to Sun Valley Baseball Team to see if 5-6 of them will help out.  Field just opened today, but probably closed tomorrow. We will play 6 weeks with Brookhaven starting on the 11th and the teams will travel from one to the other.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

We were able to get on the field tonight as well tonight.  Field Maintenance this Saturday, the field looks great, but still work to do.  There are 72 players in the minors for this year. Working on call ups for the Minor  Bob would like clinics on Saturday and Sundays. Thinking to invite some 7 year olds. More time for the kids to practice.  

Question:  At what time do you call a kid up from Rookies?  Is it okay for us to play with 9? Is is more fun for the kids that have to play with the call-ups?

Bob: If we know ahead of time we will be able to call up kids.  We do not want 2 or three on each team. You can start with nine players.  

Anthony: It is a balancing act.  If head coach knows then you should be asking for a call up or two.  

Michael: It has not been a problem in the past.  I am wondering why it will be an issue this year.  

Chris Darpino:  When will the schedule be out?  


Rookies-Jon Dalton

WE finally got on the field yesterday and then it will be closed again tomorrow.  There are 6 teams. One has 12 everyone else has 11. We will be running clinics with the Commissioners.  Rookies will be working with Brookhaven. 8’s will play Brookhaven.

Ralph Papa: Any indoor facilities to use?


Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle

For tee ball we have 6 teams.  2 teams with 10 players each. 4 teams have 9 players each.  Each team has a head coach. 2 returning coaches 4 new coaches.  3 teams for Junior Rookies with 10 in each team. We have one coach for three teams.  We have 4 assistants for that team. No practice schedule yet, but it will be coming. She will not make schedule until after rookies are finished.  Schedule will be out early next week. All rules will be emailed to the coaches.


Equipment Manager-Jay Hickman

We did equipment pick up last week.  IF we didn’t hook up shoot him an email.  Bats were ordered for each division. Three bats for each division.  Jerseys are ordered. The away team will be in charge of picking up the bats.  Bats need to be returned at the end of every game.


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

We are pretty much all set up for Opening Day.  We will have a makeup day for Pictures on the 15.  

Parents want to know if there is an option to pay to work the stand.  The list will be out soon.


Facilities-Dan Campbell

This weekend is a huge weekend for his department.  We are starting at 9:00. Each commissioner has a to-do list.  Rookies is getting rocks off the fields. Minor field is in pretty good shape.  Majors field needs the most work. We felt it was better to resod the Major field in the fall.  We will need to pull people from other fields. IF you have a wheelbarrow please bring it. We are doing Weir park and Buggy Field.  John Howe will take the lead on the Teener field. If mother nature fights us we may need to push the field maintenance to Sunday.

The Hittle Family will hang the lights in the batting cages.  Hoping before the end of this month.

The fence is waiting for the grant for the Major Field.  They will take the existing fence down and then put up the new stuff.  

We are now using both double doors for all the equipment.  If you do not have those keys please see Dan Campbell.

We have purchased a shed for the rookie field.  We need to do some prep work. The township is going to do the prep work.  

If you rake the field and drag the field it makes it much easier for the next day a lot better.  

Please close the gates.  Weir park is a dog park. We do not want our kids playing with the dog poop.  

John Howe- Fence will not happen before opening day, but it will happen this year.  

We are allowed to put the dog signs up on the fields.  

Mr. Morelli- Are you taking care of the tree branch on the rookie field?  



Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Schedules will be out tomorrow or Wednesday for Minors and Rookies.  Bernie is doing his own schedule. All players have been assigned.

Pitch counts.  We are monitoring pitch counts.  All coaches monitor the pitch counts for all leagues.  Rookies are for innings. Jim will email the coaches the log in for the website.  


Rules- Michael Grady

Currently assembling all umpires for all divisions.  Doing really well for lower divisions. If you know any older kids that want to ump please contact Michael Grady.  Any problems questions please see Michael FIRST!!!




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Wanted to thank John Howe for the time.  We appreciate all of his time and dedication over the past years.  

Amanda Doyle handles our sponsorships.  We are looking for three more sponsors. The number is up from last year.  She has brought more sponsors this year.

Field Maintenance Day we will let you know either Friday night or Saturday morning at the latest.  

Received a donation from Bank of America thanks to Bernie Seasock

AED is malfunctioned at Buggy Field.  Joe Hart went to Moose Lodge and requested money.

CPR class is still being scheduled.  Dave Bucci is now scheduling it. We will inform you for the classes.  

One of our prior members, Neil Davis was diagnosed with cancer.  His wife broke her leg. We are donating to the beef and beer for his time and need.  

We donated to Aston Elementary for the Designer Bag Bingo.  

Opening Day is coming up.

Kids that were Champions last year

The kids will ride the fire trucks.

WAWA will be giving away coffee on opening day.  

If weather affects the parade we will not make a decision until late Friday night.  

Aston Valley Registration signs need to be collected.  

John Stokarski is helping to fix the press box..

Any head coaches that need raffle tickets for parents that signed up online.  Please see Anthony.

Indoor practices:

Parents will have to pay money….

Top Lumber

Ultimate Sports Academy


If you want to use the school district facilities you need to go through a specific board member.  

Background Checks

The board at one point decided to continue doing yearly checks.  As we continue we will continue to change we will let you know.

John Howe-Sun Valley baseball will be helping field maintenance and opening day.  






Fran Miles- Right now our CPA who was doing our taxes retired.  We are willing to pay, but we are looking a new person who is willing to do our taxes.  

This Thursday night, Mr. Jim Buggy will be inducted in to Aston Sports Hall of Fame.  

Do they call Balks in the MAjors??  





Motion By:


9:47 PM

Fran Miles

Bernie Seasock






Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting Date: 1/15/2018 Present: Anthony Marusco, John Howe, Fran Miles, Bob Weeks, Jon Dalton, Rebecca Farrell, Amy Grady, Michael Grady, Jason Hickman, Jim Buggy, Bernie Seasock, Walt Campbell, Joe Hart, Jason Farrell, Alex Jennings, Jake Garrity, Dominic Nardini, Tony Diorisio, Tom Wood, Chuck Taylor, Craig Stokarski, Jason Michael, Brian Morris, Chris Darpino, Henry Hittle, Mark Fifer, Phil Morelli, Mike Cimabue, Mike McDermott, Ralph Caratenuto, Scott Sexton, Amanda Doyle, Dan Campbell, John Mancinelli Called to Order: 8:34 PM Minutes: Motion to approve: Second: Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles Fundraising 100.24 Capital 4445.72 Regular account 8,706.51 CD’s: 20174.58 Fran makes a motion, Rebecca seconds last year’s budget. Jim makes motion to accept proposed budget. Rebecca seconds the new budget. New Business: None Motion to approve: Second: LEAGUE REPORTS Teeners-John Howe 3 players signed up and we are looking for coaches and someone to run the concession stand. Majors-Bernie Seasock Majors have 18 and we are leading the league. Winter training right now. We have 20 11 and 12 year olds. Hitting Fielding and bunting. Anyone who would like to be a majors manager and assistants please let Bernie know tonight. Minors- Bob Weeks Minors have 15 sign ups. Clinic is Wednesdays 19-20. Minor coaches looks like there are 5 here. If you would like to coach please let Bob know. We are looking for more managers. Rookies-Jon Dalton Right now we have 17 signed up. We are looking for coaches. Looking for managers as well. Tee Ball- Vicki Hittle Not present. Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman If anyone still has bags please shoot him an email at equipment@avbl.org. We can work with the bags and equipment. Please let him know if you have one. Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell Bishop Photo locked in for April 14th. Field Maintenance-Dan Campbell Plans are upcoming. Storage shed we are going to change how to access the shed. For the rookies you will go through the shed to get to the tunnel. We are working on getting a new shed for the rookie field. Major field we are trying to reclaim some of the pitchers mound and bring it back to where it should be. He would like to add an outlet on the mound. We need a cement person for the dugouts and press box that need to be pointed. Please contact for Player Agent- Jim Buggy We have 67 total. We will start seeing a big rise. We should end up at about 400 kids. Hoping to see teeners increase. We have 45 kids for winter training. Next year we will advertise for that earlier and hope to get a different time. Rules- Michael Grady New rules suggestions: Affects all divisions All star rosters be picked earlier. “As of May 1st, nominations will be submitted for All-Star Rosters.” 11- Yes and 1-Abstention General membership 29 Yes, 1- No and 1 Abstention. 2. Changing dates for managers/coaches to a late April Time frame for district teams. None issue, lets move on… May 1st. General Membership 30- Yes, 1- Abstention Secretary- Amy Grady None. PRESIDENT’S REPORTS President’s Report - Anthony Marusco New bats. We are having a bat demo. At C and M Sports on January 28. Most likely another later in February. Fencing is in the Aston Township Budget. We are hoping the fencing is done before the season. Township will send letters to the surrounding houses for the lighting. They may start during the season, but it will not be finished. Walk in sign ups Aston Municipal Building Saturday, January 20, 2018 9:00 AM-3:00 PM All Managers and Coaches will need to be CPR certified. There will be a mandatory Coaches Clinic in February. Questions: Will there be a discount at the bat demo? Will there be a discount coupon for Modells or Dick’s? Are the kids allowed to tryout to play up? 8 year olds will be able to try out. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Can the board consider purchasing a couple bats? Craig Stokarski We decided that we will be purchasing 2 bats for each division for the 3 leagues. We will make the managers responsible for signing in and out the bats. Neumann will come help get field ready ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Adjourned: Motion By: Second: 9:08 Fran Rebecca

November GMM Meeting 2017

November 20, 2017


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Amy Grady, Anthony Marusco, Jason Hickman, Dan Campbell, Rebecca Farrell, Bob Weeks, Jim Buggy, Fran Miles, Jason Farrell, Joe Hart, Lisa Jennings, Vicki Hittle, John Howe, Denny Anastasia,  

Paul Miazza, Bernie Seasock, Mike McDermott

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 100.23

Capital 4354.99

Regular account 19,189.82


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Amy  Grady

Second:Jim Buggy





Teeners-John Howe

No report.

Question from Joe Hart- Speakers that Penn Delco took down do we have them?  Horn looking speakers.  Their PA system is out and the microphone is missing.  We (Aston Valley Baseball League) did not take it.  Joe Hart cleaned up the scoreboard case.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

One thing,  I do not see a large contingency of majors parents here, but we would like any parents that are interested in coaching please email, call, or text Bernie.  All potential coaches need to be at the January meeting.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Quote Majors.  





Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report.   


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

Little bit of rules, little bit of equipment.  New bats, we have to buy them.  They are available for $30-40 dollars.  


Parents Auxiliary- Rebecca Farrell

Snack bar is buttoned up for winter and we are waiting for the new season.  


Facilities-Dan Campbell

WAter is turned off.  Fields are locked up.  We are in desperate need of someone doing the cement work for the press box on the major field.  Hoping to do some improvements in the new year.  

Pricing for Sodding for the major fields. And parts of the rookie field.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registrations are live 11-24.  Midnight...


Rules- Michael Grady

Not present.  



Secretary- Amy Grady

Nothing to report.


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Couple quick things.

Update on the fencing.  Fence and backstop will be $12,000.00 Township filed  a grant for 6,000.000 and township will pick up the rest.  After thanksgiving we will start on the lighting.  

We will most likely not going with Barksdale.  Looking for a new photographer.  

Cal Ripken site has all the bat regulations.  

Last month someone requested to put a committee together to talk about why kids were leaving out league.  

All Star Baseball League is offering a free clinic for 5-7 year olds on December 3, 2017.  

The board approved for 8 year olds to tryout to play up in the minors for this year.  If they go to tryouts and they are not deemed to be a good fit they will stay in the rookies.  

Starting the Bull-Pen again.  

Doing a Teams week with Modells from now until December 31, 2017.  Email coming out.  





Opened floor at 8:49.  What Modell’s are taking the coupons?  We think all of them are taking the coupons.  

New bats need to be broken in.  



Happy Thanksgiving!!   



Motion By:


8:54 PM

Bob Weeks

Vicki Hittle







Aston Valley Baseball

Board meeting Membership Meeting






Jason Hickman, Fran Miles, Vicki Hittle, Dan Campbell, Amy Grady, Mark Gauzza, Bernie Seasock, Anthony Marusco, Jim Buggy, John Howe, Laura Brooks, Lisa Jennings, Haunani Cabalo, Joe Hart,Rebecca Farrell, Jason Farrell, Jen Gauzza, Mark Korenkiewicz, Jim McKenna, Brian Morris,,Amanda Doyle, Vicki Lovecchio, Jake Garrity, Phillip Morelli, Walt Campbell, Craig Stokarski, John Dalton, Mike Cimabue,  Scott Sexton

Called to Order:

8:43 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Account:4307.50


Capital Account :100.23

Fundraising Account: 19,839.04


Motion to approve: Fran

Second: Mark Gauzza





Teeners-John Howe

No report.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Couple more weeks of fall ball.  Field Maintenance whomever wins if they could cut the grass.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Not present.


Rookies-Dan Campbell

No report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report.


Equipment Manager-Jay Hickman

No report.


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

No report.





Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registration will go live November 24, 2017.  


Rules- Mark Gauzza

The consensus among the board members was to enforce the new bat rules at the beginning of next season.  We also decided that we would purchase two differently weighted bats that both teams could share.  

Question from Craig Stokarski: Will the league send out information about the new bats?  When registration will open we will make sure to have flyers for sign ups.  

Mark put copies of bylaws and constitutions on the back table.  He stated that if a nonprofit organization all board positions can only run for one year.  Article 5 section A states current president if challenged by someone else then the current president cannot run.



Secretary-Amy Grady

No report.  


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


We have only had one rainout.  Out of the five requests to make up we have already made up four of them.  Last year was a trifecta.  BYC, Tri-county, and Aston Valley.  It was nice to have two facilities.  Snack bar has been good, pizza is good, hotdogs are a little expensive.  If you see that it is raining out please come down and help get the fields ready.  

John Howe stated “Dan Campbell has done a great job with fall ball.”

Anthony asked Amanda Doyle for an update for sponsorship.  She updated the form and it will be placed on the website.  

As soon as fall ball is done we would like to fix the pitching mounds on minor and major leagues.  An email will come out.  Probably first weekend of November.  

John Howe is talking to the township about fencing, and lights at the field.  Township commissioners have a meeting next week to see what might happen.  


President:  Anthony Marusco

Teeners: John Howe

Majors: Bernie Seasock

Minors: Bob Weeks

Rookies: No nominations.

TeeBall: Vicki Hittle

Secretary: Amy Grady

Treasurer: Fran Miles- Accept

Parents Auxiliary:Rebecca Farrell

Rules:Mark Gauzza

Player Agent: Jim Buggy

Equipment: Jason Hickman-Declined

Facilities: Dan Campbell-Declined




The board has discussed our registration fees for the past two months.  

Teeball- $85.00



Family $165.00


Yes 26


Abstain 4

Calendar for 2018

11/24/17 - Online registrations open

12/31/17 - Discount period ends



In person registration at municipal building



In person at community center

02/24/18 - Player Evaluations

02/25/18 - Player draft

03/24/18 - Field maintenance day

04/07/18 - Opening Day

06/17/18 - Fall Ball registration opens

Sponsorship- Could we put the sponsors before the name of the team?  Good idea.  

Is there a committee to try to retain our kids?  Question from Craig Stokarski.  Can the kids play both districts? He thinks you take a chance with the kids that are so committed.  

Elections 2017:


President:  Anthony Marusco,  Mike Grady-Declined Yes-1

Teeners: John Howe  Yes-1

Majors: Bernie Seasock Yes-1

Minors: Bob Weeks Yes-1

Rookies: Mike Cimabue-declined,  Jon Dalton-declined, OPEN Yes-1

TeeBall: Vicki Hittle Yes-1

Secretary: Amy Grady, Mike Cimabue-declined Yes-1

Treasurer: Fran Miles, Craig Stokarski-declined Yes-1

Parents Auxiliary:Rebecca Farrell Yes-1

Rules:Mark Gauzza (Withdrawn) Mike Grady (accept) Yes-1

Player Agent: Jim Buggy  Yes-1

Equipment: Jason Hickman Yes-1

Facilities: Dan Campbell Yes-1

Fran Miles made a motion for the secretary to cast one vote for each board member.  Seconded by John Howe.  

Anthony thanked Laura Brooks for her two years of service to the board and all of her help down at the snack bar.


Thanks to Mark Gauzza for his time on the board.






Motion By:


9:36 PM

John Howe

Vicki Hittle


Aston Valley Baseball

Board meeting Membership Meeting






Jason Hickman, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Dan Campbell, Amy Grady, Michael Grady, Lisa Jennings, Anthony Marusco, Haunani Cabalo, Bernie Seasock,Joe Hart,Rebecca Farrell, Jason Farrell,  Mark Gauzza, Jen Gauzza, Mike McDermott, Jake Garrity, Mark Korenkiewicz, Jim McKenna, Fran Miles, Brian Morris, Sue Ashton, Jim Buggy, Amanda Doyle, Vicki Lovecchio  Late: Billy Wright

Called to Order:

8:33 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Account: 22, 969.33

Capital Account :4262.15

Fundraising Account 100.22

In the last couple minutes we received a check from Billy Wright for his camp this summer.  Billy thanked us “Aston Valley Baseball League” for letting him use our facilities for two weeks every summer.  


Motion to approve: Vicki Hittle

Second: Dan Campbell





Teeners-John Howe

 Not present.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Going pretty well.  There are 2 AV teams. Both are undefeated.  3-0.  Two Nether teams and two BYC teams.  REally competitive.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

No report.


Rookies-Dan Campbell

No report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report.


Equipment Manager-Jay Hickman

No report


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Not present.





Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Online registrations will open on November 24, 2017.  


Rules- Mark Gauzza

The new bat restrictions go into effect on January 1, 2018.  The new rules as far as we know only apply to 12 and under.



Secretary-Amy Grady

No report.  


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Aston Valley Fall Ball

7 Rookie teams

9 Minor teams

7 Major teams

Thanks for all the help getting the fields ready for play.  

There are a few games where there are a few games where no Aston Valley team is playing so he will need help with those.  One sponsor was spelled wrong on

Kids First Swim needs a sign .  

Couple minor hiccups.  Nether has CCD/Sunday school so all Sunday games start at 12:30 and 3:00 instead of 12:00 and 2:30.  

Aston Valley will be walking in the Aston Community Day Parade on Saturday October 7, 2017.  

Can we have a head count for parade?  

We were going to remove the pea stones and it should be on the list to have done for field maintenance day.    

Gift Card for Ron Corrento.

Gift Card for Joe Hart for donating his time to our league. Especially for all of his assistance with the Minor League field this spring.  

The new bat rule goes into effect.  We as a league will have to be prepared for the stance that some parents may not be able to afford the new bats.  






President:  Anthony Marusco

Teeners: John Howe

Majors: Bernie Seasock

Minors: Bob Weeks

Rookies: No nominations.

TeeBall: Vicki Hittle

Secretary: Amy Grady

Treasurer: Fran Miles- Accept

Parents Auxiliary:Rebecca Farrell

Rules:Mark Gauzza

Player Agent: Jim Buggy

Equipment: Jason Hickman-Declined

Facilities: Dan Campbell-Declined

Discussion about which positions are elected.  This is a closed topic.  







Motion By:


9:10 PM

Amy Grady

Dan Campbell







August 2017 GMM Meeting

August 21, 2017


Aston Valley Baseball

Board meeting Membership Meeting






Amy Grady, Michael Grady, Benjamin Grady, Laura Brooks, Lisa Jennings, Anthony Marusco, Scott Sexton, John Howe, Haunani Cabalo, Bernie Seasock, Vicki Hittle, Mark Gauzza, Jim McKenna, Fran Miles, Kara Cimabue, Michael Cimabue, Jason Hickman

Called to Order:

8:32 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Account: 17,236.09

Capital Account :4216.79

Fundraising Account 100.22


New Business: Jim McKenna asked if the capital money is allocated for something specific.  We get an anonymous $45.00 a month

Motion to approve: Amy Grady

Second:Fran Miles





Teeners-John Howe

 Aston Intermediate EDCO won the championship this year.  Fabulous article about the game and the story about GiGi.  

Is the batting cage staying up during the winter?  Yes and anyone can use it.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock


No report


Minors- Bob Weeks

No report/ not present.  


Rookies-Dan Campbell

Not present.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report.  


Equipment Manager-Jay Hickman

No report.


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

No report





Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report on vacation


Rules- Mark Gauzza

Fall ball umpires.  If you were 12 you are eligible to ump rookies.  New bat restrictions go into effect in January 2018.  




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Dan Campbell for fall ball.  We are not doing teeners.  Only one person signed up.  BYC said they will let them play for BYC.  Three divisions.  5 teams for each division.  

This Thursday from 5-? There will be clean up at the fields.  

Spring Bingo.  





What time will the fall ball games be?






Motion By:



Bernie Seasock

Vicki Hittle


Minutes from the GMM May 2017 meeting

May 15, 2017


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






John Howe, Amy Grady, Jason Hickman, Anthony Marusco, Bernie Seasock, Bob Weeks, Mark Gauzza, Dan Campbell, Steve Chapman, Vicki Hittle, Jim Buggy, Fran Miles, Laura Brooks, Vicki Lovecchio, Chris Darpino, Jake Garrity, Kevin Clark, Jen Gauzza, Bob Chambers, John Mancinelli, Brian Morris, Alex Jennings, JEremy Brown, Jim McKenna, Mike McDermott, Scott Sexton, Craig Stokarski, Ron Corrento, Amanda Doyle, Jason Farrell, Tom Wood, Jon Dalton, Mike Cimabue, Ralph Carotenuto, Tony Diorisio, Michael Grady

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Fund 22,768.78

Other two accounts:

Fundraising Account- 100.17

Capital Fund- 4067.96


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran






Teeners-John Howe

6 games to make up.  Going to play a double header.  One tournament team.  15’s coached by John McLaughlin.  Two draggers down at the field.  

Jim McKenna asked about an email that was sent to the parents but not the coaches.  Why were the coaches excluded.  John Howe sent the email. Districts would be the first tournament that they play.  The team is not being chosen at the worst is next week.  The parents want to know if they are playing in a tournament during Memorial Day.  John Howe said no.  

We have had two instances where deserving kids did not see the email or did not know about it.  Mark Gauzza wants a list of nominees to be sent to the coaches. Anthony would like to look at the official list.  

Can we make up games on the “B”Field?  Can we find out if we can play on the “B” field?  Mark is asking if we can make up games on the field.  We can play if there is no one else scheduled on the field.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

One game to make up .  This will be the fourth attempt.  11’s and 12’s will play in Delran.  11’s will be managed by Bernie Seasock and 12’s will be managed by Ron Corrento.


Minors- Bob Weeks

5 games to be made up.  Already scheduled.  9’s and 10’s are scheduled for Delran.  9’s will be managed by Jake Garrity and the 10’s will be managed by Bob Weeks.  

9’s Around June 16 BYC

10’s June 16 Brookhaven

Noticed Kids are yelling at umpires.  We can not have this.  


Rookies-Dan Campbell

All games have been made up for the games except two which we are not sure if they will be made up.

Clinic has gone really well.  

7 and 8 tournament

Aston Valley is hosting the 8 year old tournament.

7’s John Dalton

8’s Anthony Marusco

Before the meeting a potential secondary team for the 8 year olds.  We will see if the numbers allow a team.  

30 kids asked to play on Thursdays.  21 out of 30 have played.  

Clinic time will be released by Wednesday.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

2 games to be made up in the rookie division.  

Mike Cimabue is taking the 6 year old team.  June 17th-25th.  Our 6 year old tournament.  Every team is guaranteed 3 games.  


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

Only thing is coaches that are here.  The coaches that are here.  You will be able to get all star rosters.  $12.00 a piece.  


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

The only thing she wanted to tell Bernie.  There were two dingers.  Bobbo Chambers and Chase Thompson.  


Facilities-Steve Chapman

Sundays we have had between 11-15 out of the 25.  June 4th we will have the community service crew again.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.


Rules- Mark Gauzza

I have heard that the umpiring has improved.  Thanks to the coaches for working with them.  We will have field umpires in the playoffs.  On the minors and rookies it will be coaches.  On the majors field it will be two umpires.  


Stokarski is asking if the umpires are being asked to move from home plate for plays?   He does not recall the kid coming out for plays.



Secretary- Amy Grady

Illegal parking.  


President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

The 8’s will be hosting districts at Weir Park.  The big thing on everyone’s mind is Slugfest.  The festivities will take place at the field from 8:00-2:00.  The DJ will be there, Dunk tank, so there is no Airbrush guy.  

Beef and beer will be this Saturday.

Mark Gauzza thanked Vicki for all of her help.  

The unfortunate loss of Rich Sharrer.  Thanks for making sure that the moment of silence took place during all of our games.  

We had a light turnout for our CPR and AED sessions.  We will schedule one more session for the coaches and anyone who wants it.  The first two sessions the cards are in route.  

The AED was dead at Buggy.  The battery was replaced.  






Can you change the sign up form for next year to ask if they would commit to an all star at the time of sign ups?

Jim McKenna asked if there were going to put up nets.  The school has talked about it.  Losing 8-10 balls a game.  You can ask at a School Board meeting.  

Fall Ball- Dan Campbell  The board approved doing fall ball this year.  IF you are interested and able to help please contact him.  We will advertise soon.    

Are you doing outside teams?  Advertise during districts.  

Bob Weeks he brought up that he wants to make sure that our kids are having fun.  Check ourselves as coaches.  

It could be that it is more competitive so that is more fun.  

Suggestion: They have practice, practice, practice.  Use the cages, auxiliary fields  

Difference is coach driven by all the kids.  

We are about all the kids.  Every kid in the league.  We recognize that we need to work on getting all kids more time to play baseball.  Please bring it to us so that we can make Aston Valley one of the best leagues around.  





Motion By:











Minutes for April 2017

April 17, 2017


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Bob Weeks, Laura Brooks, Dan Campbell, Jason Hickman, Mark Gauzza, Steve Chapman, Amy Grady, Scott Sexton, Jen Gauzza, Michael Grady, Jim McKenna, Joe Hart, Tony Diorioso, Jim Johnston, Brian Morris, Dave Durbano, John Howe, Bernie Seasock, Mike Cimabue, Chris Darpino, Tom Wood, Chuck Taylor, John Mancinelli, Rich Keller, Fran Miles, Jim Buggy, Amanda Doyle, Mike McDermond

Called to Order:

8:36 PM


On line

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Account:4022.63

Fundraising Account: 351.12

General Account: 41266.41


New Business: None

Motion to approve: John Howe

Second:Jim Buggy





Teeners-John Howe

We have not had any games cancelled.  Everything is going well.  John has never worked with a more fabulous group of coaches.  Start BYC this Tuesday.  Light is on in the Press Box.  


John McKenna is Penn Delco responsible for the field.  Joe Hart met with Mr. Miller today and retrieved the dragger.  If something is missing please let someone know.  Are we purchasing the dragger for the field?  One kid got hurt at a game.  We can not get into the ice machine.  Need parents to commit to the snack bar.  Put ice packs in the equipment room.  In the back closet there is a first aid kit.  That will be moved to the equipment room.  Can we get a batter’s box template?  WE can look into it.  Who stocks the chalk for the teeners?  John Howe does...


Majors-Bernie Seasock

All is well in the majors first time in 23 years there was no rain in 10 days in ASton.  Brookhaven we go to on Saturdays.  Starting up 11 and 12 year old clinics.  11 year olds this Sunday at 4:00 p.m.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

79 kids in the Minors.  Got off to a rough start due to sod issues.  Thanks to Joe Hart and Steve Chapman for babysitting the sod.  Call-ups have been pretty robust.  We have sent 5 to majors and we have gotten 10 kids as call ups.  He does appreciate advance notice.  One of the things he has noticed.  Kids are standing on first base and kids are hitting doubles so kids are having to run around them.  A group of 10 year olds will be playing on Thursdays at Brookhaven.  All ten year olds are invited to play.  


Rookies-Dan Campbell

The day of the golf outing.  The one game was rescheduled.  The weather has been great.  WE are going to have a clinic on Sundays for 8 year olds.  Any 8 year old is invited.  1st hour stations and second hour will be a scrimmage.  All rookie coaches need to make sure everything is locked up.  The field white shed was unlocked on Saturday night.  Middle cage is missing its lock.  Rookie coaches could meet after the meeting for a few minutes.  Hope is to use the Minor league field is open we will use that or if Major Field is available they can use that as well.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Unable to attend.  


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

Everyone got their uniforms.  Some cosmetic issues.  They are redoing the Giants uniforms.  We do not want to have to go through this again.  Got tees, nets, etc.  Seems like everyone is using the equipment.  Just let him know if you need anything.  


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks








Rookies - Redsox


Tball - Pirates

Tball - A's



Minors - A's


Minors - Pirates

Majors - Redsox



Tball - Angels



Tball - Phillies



Jr.Rookies - A's


Jr. Rookies - Redsox

Jr. Rookies - Pirates


Jr. Rookies - Phillies

Rookies - Rockies


Rookies - A's



Minors - Indians




Rookies - Cubs








Majors - Braves

Majors - Phillies



Field Maintenance-Steve Chapman

Paid 74 people for Field Maintenance.  We will cut grass on minor field in a day or two.  We will roll the field again.  Every field has a hand dragger.  We will order one for teeners.  Sunday Field Maintenance First week we had 15.  We should have 25.  Mound at the minors.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report


Rules- Mark Gauzza

Thanks to Bob Weeks for getting us in touch with some umpires from Ridley.  We are still looking for guys to umpire minor and major games.  Please get in touch with rules@avbl.org.  We have umpires with 0-1 year experience in the rookies.  Once the call is made and please just drop it.  No parents or coaches should be harping on the kids (umpires).  Questions or comments about umpires.  Can you go over the rules with the umpires?  We need to remember that they are kids and they learn from their mistakes.  If a coach cheat on pitches for kids pitching. 1st offense is a one game suspension and second offense coach is kicked out of the position.  The pitch tracking page.   




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Golf Outing coming up on May 1, 2017.  So far 28 players playing starting at 1:00 PM.  $30.00 for the open bar at Toms from 7:00- 9:00.  

Fundraising perspective:

Beef and Beer on Saturday May 20, 2017 from 7:00 PM-11:00 PM

Raffles Big Screen TV

Corn Hole Tournament

Buy tickets online

Cancelling the Blue Rocks Game

Pictures on this Saturday.  







Sports – Online Ordering






Aston Valley Baseball League








Click to go to




and place your order on our secure website.


password: 0042561SP






Coaches clinic:  We had poor representation at the coaches clinic.  

As coaches we should have more in attendance for our meetings.  There should be people at least three meetings to be able to vote.  





At the rookie field the cage is not large enough to hold all of our equipment.  Went to Ricks shed’s to look for a shed.  They wanted $1200.  We could call some local contractor.

Select team for 8’s?  It is something that we can think about.  

At the teeball field they had an issue with smoking/vaping.  You can call the police if you notice.  





Motion By:


9:45 PM

Amy Grady

Fran Miles

March GMM Meeting 3/20/17

March 20, 2017


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Jason Hickman, Steve Chapman, Mark Gauzza, Bob Weeks, Vicki Hittle, Fran Miles, Jim Buggy, Laura Brooks, John Howe, Amy Grady, Dan Campbell,

Todd Kirk, Joe Hart, Bob Chambers, Jim Johnston, Tony Diorisio, Rich Keller, Steve Abate, Scott Sexton, Brian Morris, Jon Dalton, Chuck Taylor, Ron Corrento, Vicki Lovecchio, Lisa Jennings, John Mancinelli, Tom Wood, Amanda Doyle, Denny Anastasia, Dave Durbano, Mike Cimabue, Ryan Smith, Cory Sheridan, Mike McDermond, Steve Downs,

Called to Order:

8:33 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Regular checking account 34,905.95

Capital account 3975.94

Fundraising- 101.11


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Bernie

Second:Vicki Hittle





Teeners-John Howe

Saturday is field maintenance day.  There is a lot to do at the concession stand.

Playing BYC twice a week.

Practice and Team schedules are out.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

No practicing outside, yet.

March 10 the schedule was sent out.  Some teams have been out at maple zone, etc.  Game schedule will be out this week.  Three games a week.  Games with Brookhaven.

Coaches Clinic Sunday March 26, 6:00-9:00 at the Community Center.  

Major coaches meeting after this meeting.


Minors- Bob Weeks

77 players signed up

15 game schedules

Teams will be playing Brookhaven.

Minor field finally does not have snow on it.  

All Coaches have keys except Ralph who is not here.


Rookies-Dan Campbell

87 player

8 teams

2 late sign ups

We had 10 kids who moved over the winter/area.

Practice schedule has been sent out.  

Game schedule will be sent out soon.

Coaches clinic  March 26, 2017 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm at Community Center.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

95 kids total

12-13 for t ball

8-9 for super rookies

Working out days for clinics

Coaches clinic on Sunday for all coaches


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

Uniforms have been ordered.  If you have a very late sign up.  Parent will have to bring Jersey and hat to the MVP.  Ordered heavy control balls.  New Tees.  Put all equipment back after using them in the cages.  


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Sending email soon.  

Need team mom information

Look out for email about Opening Day,


Field Maintenance-Steve Chapman

Henry Hittle bought portable pitching mounds.  Not level.  Fields are a mess. They are off limits until at least Saturday.  Need the water turned on for Saturday.  Need keys see your commissioner.  

Coaches Clinic this Sunday from 6:00-9:00 PM

Ridley Excavating will hopefully starting next Monday for the Minor Field renovations.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Total amount 372.  Last year 407   Down about 8.5%.  Lost last years 12’s. Everyone is assigned.  Rookie schedule should be done in about 3 days.


Rules- Mark Gauzza

Still looking for umpires that are 13 years old and up.  Meeting at 3:00 at Weir Park.  If interested email rules@avbl.or




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


This weekend at Neumann University on Saturday, March 25 at noon.  There will be a double header at against Gwynedd Mercy.

Kids will go on the field.

Kids in dugouts.

Concession Stand that Aston Valley will be running.

Let kids watch the game from behind the home plate.

Aston Valley will be very well represented.

April 1 at Weir Park is Field Maintenance.

Starting at 9:00

April 8 Opening Day Parade.  Starting at 8:30


White Sox-Minors


Trucks at Community Center at 7:30 AM

Please have kids there and ready at 7:30

Wawa will be there giving coffee to those at the

May 1, 2017  Golf Outing

April 23, 2017 Blue Rocks Game

May 20, 2017 is our beef and beverage.  

Coaches Clinic Sunday March 26, 2017 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm  All new Coaches it is mandatory and all coaches are welcome.  

Thank Henry Hittle for building two pitching mounds.  Turned out hitting tunnels into pitching tunnels as well.  




Are we putting lights in the tunnels?  We are looking for a company to sponsor the lights.  It would be there for a benefit, but they will not be allowed to keep the lights on after 9:00 PM.  

Judge Holefelder is willing to do the homerun tickets again.  As soon as Joe Hart gets them Joe will give to someone on the board.  





Motion By:


9:00 PM

Steve Chapman

Jason Hickman


February GMM Minutes 2017

February 20, 2017

February 2017

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting







Anthony Marusco, John Howe, Bernie Seasock, Bob Weeks, Vicki Hittle, Dan Campbell, Amy Grady, Mark Gauzza, Jay Hickman, Steve Chapman, Fran Miles,Jim Buggy

Not Present: Laura Brooks,

Tony Dioriosio, Jeremy Brown, Brian Morris, Cory Sheridan, Scott Sexton, Jason Farrell, Ron Corrento, Denny Anastasia, Joe HArt, Michael Grady, Jen Gauzza, Sue Ashton,Ivan  Plachuta, Ralph Carotenuto, Bob Chambers, Michael Cimabue, Brian Seleyo, Ralph Papa, Alex Jennings, Chris Darpino, Amanda Doyle, Mike McDermott,

Called to Order:

8:36 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

23871.23 General budget

General Fundraising 101.11

Capital Improvement Account 3853.65

New Business: None

Motion to approve:John Howe

Second:Jim Buggy





Teeners-John Howe

March  25 is field Maintenance Day.  He got in touch with the Sun Valley Baseball team and community service will be there.  We have 44 players signed up.  We are playing BYC twice a week.  Saturdays at Buggy.  Tuesday or Wednesday at BYC.  Have three coaches at this time and need 4.  Questions… are you redrafting


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Majors will be redrafting.  We are going from 6 teams to 5 teams.  Every thursday we will play Brookhaven.  Major evaluations will be this Saturday at 11:30.   All new and returning players must attend or let the commisioner know.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

We have 69 players returning to the Minors.  We are going from 7-6 teams.  We will need to move one kid.  Looking for a 15 games this season.  We have Community Day at Neumann on MArch 25.  We will be putting some portion of our snack bar over there.  Kids will be able to be batboys/girls for an inning or two.  Neumann baseball team would like to more involved with the Aston Valley Baseball League


Rookies-Dan Campbell

As of today we have 82 kids signed up.  One team has 3 kids so those kids will go back into the draft.  Rookie evaluations will be on Saturday at 8:30 a.m.  Only new players need to attend.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

87 between Jr Rookies.  5 teams for teeball and 3 teams of super rookies.  Rich June 18 year old team is going to help out with clinics


Equipment Manager-Jay Hickman

Minors and Majors.  Putting two equipment bags in the shed for the season.  Junior Rookies and Rookies will still get bags automatically.  Book for shirts, hats, colors, etc.  


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Not here.  


Field Maintenance-Steve Chapman

Lawn Mower was sent in to Tom’s for repair.  One quote is in for the minor field.  Waiting for the second quote.  March 11 and 18 we have community service personnel coming in.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Total for the season - 334.  We are down about 18%.  Evaluations are on Saturday.

Evaluations will be 8:00-3:00

Rookies- 8:30-10:00

Minors- 10:15-11:15



Draft Day is February 26.  

Teeners 12:00-

Majors 1:15-

Minors 2:30-

Rookies 3:45-


Rules- Mark Gauzza

New bat requirements will be on the website.  

New pitching rules have gone into effect.  

There was a new rule submitted.  

Rule submitted by Jason Farrell has been board approved, but requires ⅔ approval by the general membership.  

“6 year olds would be allowed to catch live pitching” Passes with majority.  



                                                 Secretary- Amy Grady



President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Our numbers are down slightly from last year.  Looking to make sure that kids are learning and having fun.  Has anyone heard any reasons why?  Is there something that we could do to increase numbers?  We need to go back to the coaches that coach the teeners and ask if the kids can help.  Let’s continue this conversation later.  

Evaluations this Saturday at the Community Gym at Neumann

Evaluations will be 8:00-3:00

Rookies- 8:30-10:00

Minors- 10:15-11:15



Draft Day-

Teeners 12:00-

Majors 1:15-

Minors 2:30-

Rookies 3:45-

This Wednesday CPR Training at Sun Valley High School at 6:00 PM at the MIC

March 25, 2017

Neumann Day

Umpire Meeting at 3:00

Blue Rocks Tickets

April 23, 2017











Motion By:


9:24 PM

Anthony M.


January General Membership Meeting 1/21/17

January 21, 2017


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Anthony Marusco, Bernie Seasock, Laura Brooks, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Fran Miles, Dan Campbell, Steve Chapman, Jason Hickman, Amy Grady, Jim Buggy, Michael Grady, Mark Fifer, Mark Korenkiewicz, Amanda Doyle, Scott Sexton, Brian Morris, Tony Diorisio, Ralph Carotenuto, Jason Farrell,  Henry Hittle, Mike McDermott, Ralph Papa, Denny Anastasia, Earl Derrickson, Cory Sheridan, Mike Cimabue, Clilff Thompson, Mike Volturo, Rob Locklear, Joe Hart, Joe Fiorelli, Jon Dalton, Steve Downs, Vicki Lovecchio, Pat Dever, Walt Campbell, Chris Darpino, Craig Stokarski

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Fundraising 101.10

Capital Improvement Account 3808.33

General Account: 12,853.26

New Business: None

Motion to approve:Steve Chapman

Second:Anthony Marusco





Teeners-John Howe(Not Present)

This upcoming season we are looking to do an interleague with BYC.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Looking to play two games at Brookhaven on Thursdays.  Gave the kids two extra teams for the year.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Minors will also be playing in Brookhaven.  Looks like 7 teams in the Minors.  Gives our kids an opportunity to play different positions.


Rookies-Dan Campbell

No report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

We are going to have clinic on a week-night.  The games will be on Saturdays.  Keep teams small to make it easier to manage.  


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

Coaches- If anyone has a bag please get in touch with him to return it.  


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

We are currently in the process of looking for new vendor to keep the costs down.  Looking to decide on pictures.  


Facilities-Steve Chapman

Got a few hand draggers.  The tractor and lawn mower are going out for repair.  March 11 and 18 will be using Community Service help and then on the 25 at Buggy Field.  We have had one quote, but waiting on two others for the minor field.  Looking to fix the field and keep it fixed.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Registration Dates-Walk in

Municipal Building

1/20 from 6-9

1/21 from 9-3

1/27 from 6-9

1/28 from 9-3

February 1st is the late registration.  

We do not know at this time if we will be having a redraft.  


Rules- Mark Gauzza

Rules that are proposed for the playoffs/ tournament being passed around.  

2018- The adoption of wood-like bats.  All bats that we have at this time will be illegal.  




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

We did have a quote for the minor field, but that fell through.  Once the field is fixed it will be the coaches job to maintain them.  

Fundraising Items:

Blue Rocks April 23, 2017

$10.00 a piece.  

Top 9 sellers will be announced on the field.

Beef and Beverage- May 2017

Up to 300 people.  


Golf Tournament-May 1

Paxon Hollow

Pictures for the Season-

We will be using Joe McGinn’s company to honor Kelly.  

2018- Will be a new photographer.







Rules Meeting

We have two proposed rules.  One we discussed.  The second will be discussed after the board discusses.  

Cliff Thompson wanted the rookies to get a warning for the coach pitch third strike.  


3                                          Alot                                               1

Yes                                       No                                               Abstain

Allow the 6 year olds to pitch and catch?  Rule Change for Jason Hickman.  

Discussion ensued for 20 minutes or more.  


16                                                18                                                        3

Yes                                              No                                                   Abstain




Motion By:


9:39 PM

Fran Miles

Mark Gauzza







Board Minutes 11/21/16

November 21, 2016

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Laura Brooks, Dan Campbell, Vicki Hittle, Anthony Marusco, Bernie Seasock, Bob Weeks, Fran Miles, Amy Grady, Steve Chapman, Mark Gauzza,Missing:Jason Hickman, Jim Buggy


Henry Hittle, Joe Hart, Michael Grady, Brian Matteo, Jen Gauzza, Chris Darpino, Tony DiOrisio, Michael Cimabue,

Cliff Thompson,


Called to Order:

8:35 PM



Motion to approve:



Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Regular Checking 4579.29


Capital Fundraising-3717.70


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Bob Weeks

Second:Amy Grady





Teeners-John Howe

Not present.


Majors-Bernie Seasock

No report. All quiet.  



Minors- Bob Weeks


Neumann College came down and helped get the minor field ready.  Good involvement with us and them.  March 25, 2017 we will do a fundraiser at Neumann.  Double header for baseball at Neumann.  Sundays for camps at Neumann for December, January, and February.  Ages 6-13.  


Rookies-Dan Campbell

No report.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report


Equipment Manager-Jason Hickman

Not present.  



Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Concession is stand and water shut off.  All Good.


Facilities-Steve Chapman

Look at what needs to be repaired


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Not present.


Rules- Mark Gauzza

High School Umpires for Majors.  January General Meeting is the Rules meeting.  Please submit rules on the website.  Present the rules at the next meeting.  Do you have the rules that are proposed?  Could we get them on the website so we can see them before the January meeting?


Bats as of right now will be illegal as of 2018.  Making bats that react like wood bats.  New bats are considered big barrel.  Do not spend a ton of money on a bat since it will not be able to use anywhere else.  


Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth are doing away with innings pitched and it will be based off of pitch count.  As a league we will need to focus on developing more pitchers throwing strikes.  




Secretary- Amy Grady

No report.




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Open registrations starts this Friday November 25, 2016.  There is a discount of $20.00 if registered by Sunday November 27.  We have not raised the rates.  Please pass the word around.  Sign ups will be in person January 20 from 6-9, January 21 9-3, January 27 from 6-9, January 28 9-3, and February 26 from 12-4.Opening Day will be April 8, 2017.  Field Maintenance is April 1, 2017.  Fundraising for this year: Blue Rocks Game, Golf Outing, etc.  


Looking to re-sod the minor field.  We are looking to extend the major field.  


Regrade and level field is $675.00 per field.  Looking to confirm price of 2300.00, if that is a go we need to move forward.  


Thanks to Vicki Lovecchio, Nicole Sheridan and Sue Ashton for all of their help this year with raising money and helping the leagues.  



Fix Chris Darpino from last month’s minutes.  He ran for an position but was omitted from  the minutes.  


Jason Hickman will be the Equipment person.





Is the information up on the Babe Ruth website?  Babe Ruth is transferring to a new website.  


Babe Ruth/ Cal Ripken raising the state entrance fee.  Host fee is $1000.00 12 teams $400.00.  





Motion By:


9:04 pm











October General Membership Meeting 2016

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting




October 17, 2016


Fran Miles, Anthony Marusco, Joe Hart, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Bernie Seasock, Amy Grady, Jim Buggy, John Howe, Todd Kirk, Laura Brooks, Brian Morris, Mark Korenkiewicz, Scott Sexton, Cliff Thompson, Mike McDermott, Jennifer Gauza, Sue Ashton, Ron Sorrento, Alex Jennings, Steve Chapman, Chris Darwin, Jason Hickman, Mark Gauza, Mike Cimabue, Jason Farrell, Dan Campbell, Vicki Lovecchio,

Called to Order:

8:34 pm


Posted online

Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising Account 101.09

Capital Fund Account 2172.47

Regular Account 5629.08


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran

Second:John Howe





Teeners-John Howe

No Report


Majors-Bernie Seasock

Fall Ball at the Majors.  Mark Gauzza and Dan Campbell .  Thanks for all of your help for fall Ball.


Minors- Bob Weeks

No present


Rookies-Michael Grady

No present


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No present


Equipment Manager-Todd Kirk

No report.


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

We are going to close up the stand on November 5.  Give it a good scrub down.  All the candy can go to the Boosters club.  


Field Maintenance-Cory Sheridan

Not present.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Opening registrations in early December.  


Rules- Joe Hart

Thanked everyone. For being in the club for 25 years. Push volunteerism.  Gather your friends to come help out.




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Last month we had designer bag bingo.  It was very successful event.  All tickets were sold.  Captured $2500.00.  

Fall Ball Update: Makeup rainouts.  We would like to play the games on Saturdays. Difficult to play when kids are on the football teams and soccer.  Lots of compromising.  Umpires have been fine.  One coach has been difficult during games.  

CPR- looking for an early spring session.  Board and coaches.  Feb/March Timeframe.  

Babe Ruth have started in 2018.  It will be a wood type bat.  A list will be put out relatively soon.  Bat may only be allowed for this upcoming season.  Think about the bat before buying them.  

Looking to correct our Minor field.  Met with the Blue rocks maintenance guy.  Looking to get the fields leveled.  



Thank Michael, Todd, Joe and Cory for their time and hard work.  Anthony wishes you the best.





Results of the 2016 Election

President   Anthony Marusco
Teeners     John Howe
Majors     Bernie Seasock
Minors    Bob Weeks
Rookies  Dan Campbell   
Teeball   Vicki Hittle
Rules   Mark Gauzza
Facilities -Open
Equipment- Open
Parents Auxiliary   Laura Brooks
Player Agent   Jim Buggy
Treasurer    Fran Miles
Secretary   Amy Grady





Motion By:


9:15 p.m.

John Howe

Fran Miles



Minutes for September 2016

September 19, 2016


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Amy Grady, Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Vicki Hittle, Laura Brooks, Anthony Marusco, Bernie Seasock, Jim Buggy, Michael Grady, John Howe, Ron Corrento, Jason Farrell, Scott Sexton, Vicki Lovecchio, Mark Korenkiewcz, Amanda Doyle, Mark Gauzza, Jen Gauzza, Jason Hickman, Steve Chapman, Mike Cimabue,

Called to Order:

8:31 pm


Are on line

Motion to approve:Fran


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Account 2121.59

Fundraising: 101.08

Regular Account: 3479.93


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Fran

Second:Joe Hart





Teeners-John Howe

No Report


Majors-Bernie Seasock

No report


Minors- Bob Weeks

Not here.  No report


Rookies-Michael Grady

No Report.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

No report


Equipment Manager-Todd Kirk


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Giving old candy to booster club to sell.


Field Maintenance-Cory Sheridan

Not here. No report.


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No Report.


Rules- Joe Hart

No report




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Fall Ball this weekend- BYC, CountyWide Fall Ball, are involved with both.  3 teams showed up to play at one field.  CountyWide did not want to play at 3:00 on the fields on Sunday.  It went okay.  We had a team from Ridley show up. We let them practice on our Tee ball field.  

One Minor.

One Major.

2 Rookies.

Designer bag bingo this Saturday at Aston Beechwood.  52 Tickets sold as of tonight.    We might sell out.  Can the board be there at 5:00?

Sue is giving us a basket for raffle.  Can we give a voucher for a free player?  Yes the board agrees.  

Thanks for running both of these ventures.  





President:Anthony Marusco

Teeners:John Howe, Mark Gauzza

Majors:Bernie Seasock,

Minors:Bob Weeks

Rookies:Steve Chapman,Dan Campbell

Tee Ball:Vicki Hittle,

Parents Auxiliary:Laura Brooks

Rules: Open

Secretary:Amy Grady,

Treasurer:Fran Miles


Equipment: Todd Kirk,

Player Agent: Jim Buggy,

Nominations are open for the rest of the month.  In order to vote you must have been present at three meeting throughout the year.  

Reminder for the parade:

Aston Community Day

Parents and Kids usually walk.  The more representation the better.  Please





Motion By:


8:54 pm


Vicki Hittle


Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting






Fran Miles. Bernie Seasock, Vicki Hittle, Bob Weeks, Cory Sheridan, Laura Brooks, Amy Grady, Mike Grady,  Jim Johnston, Steve Chapman, Jason Farrell, Vicki Lovecchio, Dan Campbell, Mike McDermott, Mark Gauzza, Walt Campbell, John Marantino, Kara Cimabue, Mike Cimabue

Called to Order:

8:35 pm



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Fund 2076.42

Fundraising 101.08

New Business: None

Motion to approve:  Fran Miles

Second: Joe Hart





Teeners-John Howe

No report


Majors-Bernie Seasock

12’s and 12 select.  Played tons of baseball.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Not too much going on.  No one faired great in districts.  10’s lost in semi’s in tournnament ball.  9’s got it together at Aston Middletown and played in playoffs.

Minor field needs work done.  Need done and let it set.


Rookies-Michael Grady

No report.  Finally done, John Howe won the championship


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

6 year old tournament went well.  Fall ball email went out today to let teams know.


Equipment Manager-Todd Kirk

No report.


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

No report


Field Maintenance-Cory Sheridan

2 bids made phone calls to have the fields redone.  Should be done this year.  


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report.  Black Friday signups.  Get your discount.  


Rules- Joe Hart

Remind everyone to get their three meetings in to vote.




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Venue is up in the air.  September 24 is the Designer Bag Bingo.  Hoping to have it at Aston Beechwood Fire House.  

Fall Ball will be run by Mark Gauzza and Dan Campbell.  Email went out today, and individuals will be allowed to sign up.  Ages 6-11.  $40.00 a player.  

Discussion about having other organizations sharing the Fall Ball responsibilities.  




Fall Ball

12 Select team.  They did well, the kids had fun.  

Aston Community Day October 1, 2016.  Raindate Octoeb





Motion By:


8:55 pm

Joe Hart

Fran Miles



Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

July 2016 General Membership Meeting






Todd Kirk, Michael Grady, Vicki Hittle, John Howe, Joe Hart, Fran Miles. Amy Grady, Bob Weeks

Late: Jim Buggy, Bernie Seasock

Absent: Anthony Marusco, Laura Brooks.  

Dan Campbell, Brian Morris, Henry Hittle, Steve Chapman

Called to Order:

8:32 p.m.


On Website

Motion to approve:Fran


Joe Hart

Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

General Account has 1391.33 as of 7/09/2016

Total 101.07 in other account


New Business: None

Motion to approve:John Howe

Second: Bob Weeks






Teeners-John Howe

No report

16 year old EDCO season is now over.  17 year olds are still playing.  


Majors-Bernie Seasock

11 yr old team is in Newtown Edgmont.  Won a game in districts and Brookhaven.  

12 year olds won a Norwood Tournament.  Did very well.  In the midst of the Drexel Hill tournament.  They are 1-1.

12u select team  won the first tournament.  0-2 in Medford.  Playing in Chichester now.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Both teams are in last tournaments as of right now.  


Rookies-Michael Grady

No report.  


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

6 yr old tournament finished.  Work on bringing out field in.


Equipment Manager-Todd Kirk

No report


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Not present


Field Maintenance-Cory Sheridan

Not present


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

No report


Rules- Joe Hart

No report




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco


Not having fall ball this upcoming season.  

Minor field needs to be repaired.  

The fields need to rest.  

Looking into getting them fixed.  Need to have more bids and get them fixed.  

Questioned as to why we are not having the fall ball league.  









Motion By:


8:42 p.m.

John Howe

Fran Miles



Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting




March 21, 2016



Called to Order:

8:37 PM



Motion to approve:


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Fundraising 101.65

Capital Fund 3336.02

General Account 36,432.60

New Business: None

Motion to approve:John Howe

Second: Joe Hart





Teeners-John Howe

9:00 Am on April 2, 2016 is Field Maintenance

Room for two more players

Have checks for umpires


Majors-Bernie Seasock

12 game schedule should be out by this week. 6 teams 2 games against brookhaven.  

Field Maintenance Day is April 2, 2016 at 9:00 am  If you love your kid, please come help spruce it up.   

Managers stick around for 5 minutes after meeting.  


Minors- Bob Weeks

Field Maintance day April 2, 2016 at 9:00

7 teams

79 players

5 teams with 11

2 with 12

Coaches keys for the managers

14 game schedule and playing Brookhaven


Rookies-Michael Grady

9 teams

104 kids

5 teams of 12

4 with 11

Couple minutes after meeting for keys, schedule

Field Maintenance April 2, 2016

Dugout benches


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Running wiht 5 tee ball

Junior rookies Friday and Sunday

9:15 and 10:15 for teeball

Schedules by this weekend.

Meeting for coaches after

April 2, 2016 Field Maintenance


Equipment Manager-Todd Kirk

No report

2 bags to give out


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

Sent email to team parents

Opening Day, Field Maintenance

Schedule for Games and Field Maintenance

Meeting on April 2, 2016 at 1:30

Thank Bernie for stripping the floor and waxing the floors

Cocacola Machine

New Freezer on the 29th

Anyone who wants to work the snackbar that must 18 contact Laura Brooks?


Field Maintenance-Cory Sheridan

Field Maintenance April 2, 2016


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Shade over 400 kids.  Slightly lower than last year.  Schedules will be done tomorrow morning.  


Rules- Joe Hart

Reminder Babe Ruth rule and Aston Valley must keep book in ink.  




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Thank you to Bernie for stripping the concession stand floor and waxing it for us.  Last night we had a coaches clinic level.

Great turnout for the teeball and rookie division.

Take what you learned and develop it further with your team.

Opening Day is April 9, 2016

All hands on deck for the field maintenance day.  

Volunteer league.  Thanks for all of your help.

Opening day

Trucks need to be at community center by 7:30.

Kids need to arrive at 7:45.

Leave at 8:15 and then arrive at

Red Sox

White Sox


Those kids who won will be the kids who ride the truck.

Majors any returning kids will be on the fire truck.  Any kids who went to teeners are invited back.  

Teams usually get balloons from Harry at the Dollar Store.  He will take our orders April 4-April 7.  Minimum of 14 balloons.   12 latex and 2 mylar.

Decorate the trucks for the parade.

Ceremonies will begin roughly.  

All of Fame inductee is Jim O’Sullivan

Monroe Energy donated an AED last year and we are giving them a plaque for their donation.

Second Coaches clinic.  Sometime in the month of April on the field.  On a  Sunday.

Our annual Slugfest is going to be May 14, 2016 looking at having Philadelphia Phillies come in and run the event.

Monday May 16, 2016 will be our second annual golf outing.

Blue Rocks Aston Valley Day at the Blue Rocks Stadium on Sunday April 10, 2016.  Top nine sellers will be announced with the players.  Tickets are $10.00.  

Two meetings ago we brought up that we were going to have an auditing committee.  Denny has said that everything that was in good order with our books.  Thanks Denny for taking time to review for us.


Signs we have 20-25 sponsors this year.  We have at least 9 new this year.  They are still coming in.  

Team Sponsor- We were over for our team sponsors this year by 4.  

Hole Sponsors instead of team or fall ball teams.  

Vicki Lovecchio-Blue Rocks

93 tickets are reserved.

To get there by 12:30.  No cleats.  Kids who win should wear their uniforms

Swiss Farms

Chick Fil A


Where is the second AED going to be placed?  

Weir Park

CPR Course. $25.00 a person

We need to give them 2 dates and then we will get that out to all of the coaches.

Fundraiser day.

No baskets of Cheer- Youth organization

Anyone who was certified two years ago it is now expired.  

Sue Ashton- Ordered inventory

Introduced two new items last year.

Nothing new for adults

For kids a new digi print

Knitted Beanie

Travel Mug

Thanks for everyone who helped out with evaluations.  Thank you.




Can I address the board please?  Jeff Vickers

You should be ashamed of yourselves.  I just want to help finish my sons last year as an assistant coach.  I was thrown out of a game.  I was reinstated.  I have heard rumors.  I will sit on that bench unless the police pull me off the bench.  As a board you have taken away for my kids last year.  It is hearsay and lies.  Three pages of violations.  I haven’t slept in two weeks.  I care about the kids.  I teach them winter, spring, and summer.  Leave me alone and leave my kid out of this.  I am a baseball guy.  I want one year.  20 parents called him up and said what can we do?  I just want to coach my sons last year.  When Ken is off being a TV superstar.  I appreciate the parents that stand behind me.  I want to be remembered.  I am going to do it.  I will coach.  The stuff I heard I would lose my job if those this were true.  The lies that followed me here are lies.

Paul Mullen, Vickers was my kids coach last year.

I have been involved for the last 19 years.

He is a great coach.

They know the routine and respect the game.

I feel like that a lot of kids have learned a lot from him.  What he did with those 12 kids it has benefited all of them.  

Ed Vitale:

I have coached beside this man since our kids have been five years old.  He has the most knowledge.  It is about the kids and not about him.  That man has done nothing but that.  I don’t know what rumors that you have heard.  I have known him for 7 years.  Tossed out of game for asking a question.  I don’t know why asking a question is wrong.

Colleen Smith:

My son has been on his team for 2 years.  When her son heard that he could not coach any longer he cried.  Her son wanted to come and talk.


I played under Jeff for 4 years at Penn State and he has done a lot for me.

Gary Dougherty:

I had the pleasure of being taught by Jeff.  He has taught me to be a better coach.  By the time they get to the majors they should be able to throw a ball.  Who on the board was there for the two games?  Todd Kirk raised his hand.  If that is what you are holding over this guy then you should reconsider.

Dave Locke:

Last year was the first year that my son was coached.  I am dumbfounded that we are standing here having this conversation.  I was there and saw the call.  I would love for the board to tell you why they were saying no.  I think it is totally obsurd.  If it was about the kids you would put the guys here.  

Bruce Hemingway:

Last season was my first season here at Aston Valley and we had parents who verbally assaulted and got a slap on the wrist.  Coaches were convicted felons.  You guys make me sick.  You guys are sick.  

Anthony Marusco:

Based on the issues that were faced last year.  As the new incoming president I am trying to put procedures into place to make it better.  I am and the board are trying to start over.  No one has been thrown out of our league.  He is a member and his kid is playing at Aston Valley.  The decision that was made was based on events that have occured only at Aston Valley.  

Jeff Vickers:  Am I the first person to be voted down as an assistant?   The umpire threw the money in the air.  I walked to my car.  

Joe Hart: I was at the game at Weir Park. And the way that you spoke to the umpire.  You were within 8 inches of the umpire’s face.  You backed down the third base line.  “What did you say to the kids the next day to explain what happened?”  You were ejected from the game and you wouldn’t leave the game.  

Anthony Marusco:

I think what Joe Hart is trying to get across is what did you tell your kids.  

Gary Dougherty:

Did anyone address the Angels coaches for the kids?  

Jeff Vickers:

I am coaching my last year with my son.  It is our father son time.  For people who don’t know me.  I want this to end.  I want to sit on the bench and keep the book.  Not enough votes.  Lots of problems with the board.  

Husband and Wife

Here is a little nugget to remember me by.  There was a board member that had an umpire throw me out to take over my district team that won states.  

This is so important to me.  I haven’t slept, haven’t eaten.  I am sitting on that bench to be with my son on that first game.  If all of these people who spoke up about me it should mean something.  I am coaching on the field next time.  The lies will stop tonight.  The things that I heard that is personal.  I am a man of my word.  I don’t want you to revote.  I am looking forward to being an assistant.  

John Marantino: I was the head coach of the team against you and I thought that it was a very quick ejection.  I am not here for him or against him.  He did help in the winter clinic.  

John Howe: A guy gets thrown out in the MLB. If you argue

Jeff Vickers: I am not threatening you.  Nowhere in your bylaws does it say that you vote on assistant coaches.  I want one year with my son.  He is having a hard time.  

Anthony Marusco:  How many times were you throw out over your career?  

Jeff Vickers: Three times.  Once in a district game, once in college and once in Aston Middletown.  The inhouse game was overturned by Bob Clarke.  


Colleen Smith: He asked to speak to his pitcher and then he got kicked out.  And he got kicked out for raising his hand.  

Jeff Vickers

Joe Hart: What did the kids learn from him getting thrown out?

Bruce Hemingway: The kids were explained that the call was made wrong.  He explains throughly to each and every kids what they did right and what they did wrong and what he did right and what he did wrong.  In regards to Angels were they explained to by the coaches.

Jeff Vickers: Teachers teach.  They teach life lessons not just baseball lessons.   Do you think I like being thrown out of the game.  I want this done. I don’t want to bad mouth you.  I will be keeping the books.  If you need to call the police.  

Michael Grady:  You have coached twenty games.  You have been thrown out twice  I Districts you were thrown out again.  I have not looked at any results.  I am looking at what is happening while you were wearing our colors.  

Jeff Vickers: Let me enjoy my son’s last year.  

Steve Chapman:  I don’t agree with the decisions the board makes and I address it with people individually.  When you are told you are If we voted the board and don’t then we are nothing as an organization.  That is not the right way to do it.  

Anthony Marusco: I am going to have the board having a discussion about it and we will discuss what was discussed here tonight and I will bring to you about what takes place.  I will contact you personally.  

Fran Miles: Everything is negativity.  Let us discuss it and if we were wrong we were wrong.  





Motion By:


10:01 pm

John Howe

Mike Cimabue

February 2016 GMM Minutes

February 15, 2016

Aston Valley Baseball Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting




February 15, 2016


Fran Miles, Joe Hart, Laura Brooks, Anthony Marusco, Cory Sheridan, Bob Weeks, Todd Kirk, Jim Buggy, Vicki Hittle, Amy Grady, Bernie Seasock  Michael Grady, John Howe

Called to Order:




Motion to approve:Joe Hart


Treasurer’s Report - Fran Miles

Capital Account  3290.48

General Account

Beautification Account

Fundraising Account


New Business: None

Motion to approve:Joe Hart

Second:Bernie Seasock





Teeners-John Howe

Evaluations this Saturday from 12-1at Neumann University


Majors-Bernie Seasock


64 kid total right now.

6 teams down from 7 last

Evaluations 10:00-12:00 p.m. at Neumann University

All returning players need to let


Minors- Bob Weeks

75 players right now.

7 teams

No redraft

Evaluations 8:30 a.m. at Neumann University


Rookies-Michael Grady

92 kids

Expanding to 9 teams.


Evaluations will be 1:00 p.m. at Neumann University

Draft on Sunday.


Teeball- Vicki Hittle

Between both 85 kids.

Standing at 5 teams in teeball

4 teams in Jr. Rookies


Equipment Manager-Todd Kirk

No report.


Parents Auxiliary- Laura Brooks

No report


Field Maintenance-Cory Sheridan

No report


Player Agent- Jim Buggy

Update on registration

365 kids total

50 Teeners



90 Rookies

37Jr. Rookies

48 Tee Ball

Rookies adding 2 teams

Losing Major team

Tee ball will remain open


Rules- Joe Hart

Geek squad has his computer.  New Rules will be on the website when it is fixed.   




President’s Report - Anthony Marusco

Evaluations are this Saturday at Neumann University

Draft is this Sunday at Municipal Building.

Coaches applications


Vicki Lovecchio-Met with the Blue Rocks about family night.  Talked about beefing up round the horn, just need dates.  

Sue Ashton-Merchandising/Spirit Wear.  Raindate for opening day???  

Anybody who registered online, but did not get their raffle tickets they will be at evaluations.  If you do not pick them up they will be given to the head coaches to give to individual kids.  

Coaches have been approved.  Assistant coaches are being worked through.  



New Gym on Saturday for Tryouts.  At the Mirenda Center  Community Hall behind the new gym.  

JR Rookie/Rookie Coaches please let the coaches to send out a reminder about tryouts.  





Motion By:



Fran Miles

Todd Kirk

January GMM 2016

February 15, 2016
January General Membership Meeting 

Capital Improvement 245.48

Motion Fran Miles  Second Joe Hart
Not many changes for 2016 Budget
Motion to accept budget Fran second Joe Hart
Player agent 
122 kids signed up so far for 2016
35 Coaches need to fill out the coaches application
Any coach needs application and background check.
Looking in to playing surrounding leagues.  Chi, Brookhaven, 
13, 14, 15 tournament team.  
Looking for help at concession stand
Someone to run it and then help out.
Playing Brookhaven teams.  Their field and ours.
Coaches applications in, by the 31st.  
Major parents touch base with tonight
 Playing brookhaven also
7 Head coaches 
Most likely 8th team.  
Jim will set up season schedule.  
Anticipating at least four teams
Commissioners have sent email.  Hoping for 6 teams for each division
Get the word out for 4 year olds.  
Please get backs back to Todd Kirk
Parents Auxiliary
Background check for Parents Auxiliary and Team Parents
Field Maintenance
Keys were given out to board members.
All new keys will be given to head coaches. 
Rules meeting
Old Business:
Since Christmas
Online late fee February 6th.  
1/4 of the way there for full signups.
Background Coordinator
Jason Farrell
Making sure the background checks that are necessary.  Looking to make sure that they are all cleared.  Working with the executive board.
Auditing committee:
Denny Anastasia
Saturday January 23, 2016
Sponsorship Committee:
Nicole Sheridan
Individuals underneath the coordinator.  
Fundraising Committee:
Vicki Lovecchio
Main Contact
Spirit wear
Sue Ashton
Coaches Application:
Everyone must submit them and background checks. Due by January 31, 2016.  
Criminal and ProtectYouthSports
State of Pennsylvania and Child Abuse background Check 
E-patch is free
Child Abuse is free the first time in 57 months.
CPR/AED  Need certifications
Head Coaches and 
Coaches Clinic
March 5, 2016 
Mandatory for all new coaches and returning coaches.  
There are no true changes, but the wording has changed.  How do you address the other all-stars from other leagues.  
What is accomplished that kids are not chosen to the end?  
Rules were approved with more than 2/3 vote.  
Could the Jr. Rookies draft?
New Business: None
Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 
Fran made a motion
Joe seconded the motion.  

January GMM 2016

January 18, 2016 – 10:00 PM

January General Membership Meeting


Capital Improvement 245.48



Motion Fran Miles  Second Joe Hart

Not many changes for 2016 Budget


Motion to accept budget Fran second Joe Hart

Player agent


122 kids signed up so far for 2016

35 Coaches need to fill out the coaches application

Any coach needs application and background check.


Looking in to playing surrounding leagues.  Chi, Brookhaven,


13, 14, 15 tournament team.  


Looking for help at concession stand

Someone to run it and then help out.




Playing Brookhaven teams.  Their field and ours.

Coaches applications in, by the 31st.  

Major parents touch base with tonight


Playing brookhaven also

7 Head coaches

Most likely 8th team.  

Jim will set up season schedule.  





Anticipating at least four teams


Commissioners have sent email.  Hoping for 6 teams for each division


Get the word out for 4 year olds.  


Please get backs back to Todd Kirk


Parents Auxiliary

Background check for Parents Auxiliary and Team Parents


Field Maintenance


Keys were given out to board members.


All new keys will be given to head coaches.




Rules meeting





Old Business:



Since Christmas

Online late fee February 6th.  

1/4 of the way there for full signups.



Background Coordinator

Jason Farrell

Making sure the background checks that are necessary.  Looking to make sure that they are all cleared.  Working with the executive board.


Auditing committee:

Denny Anastasia

Saturday January 23, 2016


Sponsorship Committee:

Nicole Sheridan

Individuals underneath the coordinator.  

Fundraising Committee:

Vicki Lovecchio

Main Contact

Spirit wear

Sue Ashton


Coaches Application:

Everyone must submit them and background checks. Due by January 31, 2016.  


Criminal and ProtectYouthSports

State of Pennsylvania and Child Abuse background Check


E-patch is free

Child Abuse is free the first time in 57 months.

CPR/AED  Need certifications

Head Coaches and


Coaches Clinic

March 5, 2016


Mandatory for all new coaches and returning coaches.  

There are no true changes, but the wording has changed.  How do you address the other all-stars from other leagues.  


What is accomplished that kids are not chosen to the end?  

Rules were approved with more than 2/3 vote.  


Could the Jr. Rookies draft?

New Business: None


Meeting Adjourned at 9:45

Fran made a motion

Joe seconded the motion.  

August 2015 GM Meeting Minutes

August 17, 2015

Monday August 17th, 2015 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP


TREASURER: Budget read and approved. Tickets-$2,421>53

Beautification $3,018.08


TEENERS: no report


PARENTS AUX>no report

MAJORS: no report

RULES: a few updates and adjustments from the rules committee.

ROOKIES: successful 7&8 yr old tourney teams.

FIELD MAINT>: no report

TBALL: no report

New: fall ball. Individual registrations are closed. Rookies have 3 teams

Minors have 3 teams

Majors have 2 teams

Coaches are set. Many individuals have offered to help. Nicole Sheridan is gatheringsponsors for fall ball,

Sponsorship fee is $100. Todd has been tinkering with the field prep. Sept. meeting is nominations., October is elections. Questions about participation in Community day.

Winners of the sports raffle drawing are:

Ivan Plachuta

Donna Lizut

Linda Pascale

Chuck Bolgunas

July 2015 GM Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2015

July 20th, 2015 General Membership


TREASURER; budget read and approved. $6,500.84 with most outstanding bills paid.

TEENER: no report

MAJORS: no report

MINORS: 9's and 10;s are still playing in one more tourney.

ROOKIES: 8's,econd place in Bensalem

TBALL: no report.

PLAYER AGENT: no report

Parents aux Thanks for all of the help during the tourneys.

RULES: rules committee is meeting this week. Working on re-doing them this week.

FIELD MAINT.: no report

NEW: request for audit services.

Fall ball_ need a 6 person committee. Sept. 7th_ Oct.

A,J, Kellar, Ron Corrento, Cory Sheridan

Last call for Raffle Tickets. 2 $100 prizes to local sellers.

AED-Penn Delco signed off for one at Buggy, Monroe Corp paying for an additional league AED.

League re-alignment_ decision now for moving of age groups up to next level or stay the same. It will be decided by the New board with a recommendation from the current board.

Around the horn may be replaced in the 1st week of May to a Phillies sponsored event.

April 2015 GM Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2015

Monday April 20th, 2015


TREASURER: Beautification Fund, $3003.07

Fundraiser Fund: $1,300.96

General Fund: $26,247.93

Budget read and approved

TEENERS: rainout. Hopefully all for the week. Thanks for showing up for field maintenance.

MAJORS: rain out

MINORS: field main. Sunday@10. there will be a 9u team going to BYC for a game. Take a look at the kids now. Evaluations for the ALL STAR selections are coming soon. Push the sports raffle and golf outing.

ROOKIES: running smoothly.6's had first game on the rookie field. It went well. 3 games are scheduled for Saturday. Requesting the stand to be opened.

TBALL:Clinic is going well. Play a game during the week. Jr. Rookies are also going well.

SECRETARY: minutes waived.

RULES: umpires are doing well. There needs to be rules committee to go over all rules and get them together.

PARENTS AUX.: things are going well. Picture day went smoothly. Clinic people are dismissed from concession duty.

PLAYER AGENT: not in attendance

FIELD MAINT: not in attendance.

EQUIPMENT: no report

NEW: parade starts at 8:30.Get kids there at 7:30. There has been no work done at Weir Park by the construction company. Aston Valley is FED UP. Engineer is meeting with Joe at 8:30. The river rock is gone. Rain water is breeching upon the batting cages and the bleachers on the minor field. Check out the last Township meeting on Public TV. Joe is giving a great performance. Please blast our public officials about readiness of park on Saturday.

Cliff Thompson discussed the AED and certifications.

March 2015 GM Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2015

Monday March 16th,2015 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP

Monday, March 30, 2015

2:24 PM

SECRETARY-motion to waive minutes because they are on the website.

TREASURER-Fundraising fund has a balance of $800.89

Beautification fund has a balance of $3,373.67

General Fund has a balance of $38,833.83

The budget was read and approved.

TEENERS-draft went well. Cut off registrations. There is a waiting list. All Penn Delco

fields are closed until further notice.

MAJORS- the draft gave us 7 teams with 12 players per team. Field practices are

cancelled until further notice.

MINORS-not in attendance. Fields are closed. There is room for 3 more registrations.

ROOKIES-there 88 kids registered. We have 7 teams with room for 2 more registrations.

T-BALL-for the 4&5 yr. old teams, there are 6 teams. Can possibly accommodate a few more registrations.

JR. Rookies have 6 teams.

PLAYER AGENT- 456 kids have registered. Only room for a few more registrations.

RULES-15 kids interested. Rule change #1, any runners who run over catcher will be out.

#2, can't fake bunt,

EQUIPMENT-all is ready. Bags are all labeled

FIELD MAINTENANCE-.fields are closed. Field maintenance is cancelled till the 28th. May open to practices this


Commissioners need to let Todd know what is needed for the fields.

PARENTS AUXILLARY- new hot dog roller. Team parent meeting March 29th. Please do not leave at the end of

the night without checking in at the concession stand. Make sure the closer gets to their car.

NEW BUSINESS- Golf outing is May 18th. Please get your 4-somes in as soon as possible.



General Membership Meeting Minutes for August 18th 2014

8/18/14 General membership

Monday, August 25, 2014

12:31 PM


Meeting start at 8:31

SECRETARY- minutes waived


TREASURER-Pavilion account $1,427.80 The inside of the roof was finished.

Sports raffle balance,$4,951.30

General fund read and approved with the league sitting on a balance of $13,192.70.


TEENERS- Season is over. The 15's went to states. They were knoced out but had fun. Fields will be closed in 2wks. Hopefully get new carpeting in the press box.


MAJORS- not in attendance. 11's and 12's had fun.


MINORS- no report


ROOKIES- not in attendance, no report


TBALL- not in attendance


PLAYER AGENT- no report


PARENTS AUX>- stand is closed. Getting ready for the picnic.


FIELD MAINT.- Thanks to all who showed up to help finish the pavilion.


RULES- no report


EQUIPMENT- no report


NEW BUSINESS- Bridge is being replaced. It is outdated. They will be restoring the wall near Blackthorne. Also may be building walls near the parking lot.

Rookie field and minor field need a lot of work. We will be not hosting fall ball for these reasons. The project is being funded by grant money from the government.

The end of the year picnic will be @ 5;00 on September 6th. Sportsmanship awards and the AVBL portion of the raffle will be chosen that day.

Community day picnic is October 4th. Aston valley has been requested by all who would like to participate.

Board nominations will be held at the September meeting.

Voting during the October meeting.

BYC is holding spots for all AV players who are interested. You can enter as a team or individual. Registration includes a clinic being held on Saturday Sept. 27th. The clinic is given by All Star Baseball Academy.

Rookies (spring) 6u& 7u $85

Minors (spring) 8u& 9u $95

Majors 46/60 (spring) 10u & 11U $105

Teeners (spring) 12u-14u $105

Register online at https://www.youthleaguesusa.com/byc/2014/Weelcome.html

During registration enter (999)999-1234.

Remember to enter this number or you will be charged an additional $50.

In The "special requests" field enter Aston Valley.

Discussion of a division alignment was discussed.

    1. Possibly shift age divisions

    2. force a structural change in Tball with a 4yr. Clinic and a strict 5 with 5 and 6 with 6 age separation

    3. Leave it and have a 8yr. Clinic on the minor field.

 Nothing was decided, only discussed.

Need to recommend to the new incoming board to form a board approved committee to sort through the rules, governance and by laws to bring up to date.

9:55 dismissal


In attendance:

Terri Nearey                       Joe Hart                                 Fran Miles

Bob Bunner                        Luigi Villa                               Mike Elia

Laura Brooks                      John Marantino                   Ron Corrento

Mark Brong                        Scott Sexton                         Vicki Hittle

Dan Campbell                    Walt Campbell                     Jeremy Brown

Bob Clark                            Todd Kirk                              Don Gilmour

Jim McKenna                     Anthony Marusco               Arden Keller

Cory Sheridan                    Sabrina Hickman                 Doug Johnston

Jason Hickman                  Chris Darpino                       Mark Gauzza

Daniel Nearey                   Steve Chapman                    Mike Grady.


August 18th 2014 Agenda (Minutes to follow)

General Membership Meeting – August 18th, 2014



  1. Meeting Agenda Overview
    1. Regular Updates of the Executive Board with Q&A
    2. New Business will address topic of ages and divisions and other new business
  2. Executive Board Regular Updates
    1. Secretary; Treasurer; Teeners; Majors; Minors; Rookies; T-ball; Player Agents; Parent’s Aux.; Field Maintenance; Rules; Equipment.
  3. New Business Items
    1. Pavilion improvements this weekend.  Great turnout and thanks to John Stokarski and JJ Greenhall for assistance and time.  Installed ceiling and lighting for pavilion and cages.
    2. Anticipated township improvements.  (Joe Hart / Fran Miles will provide update.)
    3. Upcoming Events:

                                                              i.      Year-end Picnic: Saturday, September 6th at 5:00 followed by movie night

1.      Free hot dogs, drinks, popcorn

2.      Sportsmanship awards will be handed out

3.      Drawing for AVBL winners in Sports Raffle

                                                            ii.      Community Day Picnic – October 4th

                                                          iii.      Board nominations are during September meeting

                                                          iv.      Voting is during October meeting

    1. Fall Ball – See section below.
    2. Division alignment

                                                              i.      Board observation: AVBL wants to improve the capabilities of our foundational players (T-ball through Rookies) with focus on making T-ball more interesting and helping our 8 year olds be more prepared for pitching and playing conditions on larger field.

                                                            ii.      Action to date: Board and GM approved only further discussion and investigation.

                                                          iii.      Proposed solutions     

1.      Division age shifts

2.      Force more structure in T-ball with 4yr. old clinic and then very strict separation of 5 and 6 yr olds.

3.      8 yr. old Sunday clinics on the minors/majors

    1. Managers and Coaches

                                                              i.      The board will be providing all 2015 managers with a hard copy of our Coaches manual with expectations of our managers and coaching staffs; suggestions for practice schedules; recommended drills, etc…

    1. Rules, Constitution and By-laws

                                                              i.      Board observation: A recurring challenge proposed by our membership has been a thorough review of our rules and governance.

                                                            ii.      Proposed solution

1.      Formally appoint a committee to review all governance and rules.  Head of the committee should be Rules commissioner.

2.      Need agreed upon dates for review and completion.

3.      Consideration of board composition will/should be included.


2014 Fall Ball

  • AVBL will not be hosting a fall ball league this year due to field maintenance and facility availability.
  • BYC has offered to take individual players from Aston Valley and/or teams.  Note they will not take a full tournament team.  They will pool the AV players and AV will be allowed to nominate a coaching staff for that team.
  • Costs are below and include: shirt, hat and a baseball skills clinic on Saturday September 27. This clinic will be given by All Star Baseball Academy. Games will be played primarily on Sunday and will begin on September 7 and last till the end of October.
    • Rookies – spring 6U & 7U: $85
    • Minors – spring 8U & 9U: $95
    • Major 46/60 – spring 10U & 11U: $105
    • Teeners – spring 12U-14U: $105
  • They are holding 24 spots for each division for Aston Valley.
  • Teams should contact the email below to ensure availability.
  • Individual players follow the below instructions:



1. Player parents register on-line at https://www.youthleaguesusa.com/byc/2014/Welcome.html

2. During registration, enter (999) 999-1234 as the phone number to waive the capital fee (MUST USE THIS AS YOUR PHONE NUMBER OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED AN ADDITIONAL $50!)

3. In the "Special Requests" field enter "Aston Valley"


Registration is expected to close in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Of course, the earlier players register, the less risk of a division becoming full. Teams will form in late August with the first game scheduled for Sunday 9/7.


If folks have questions about the sign-up process, they can email us at baseball@brandywineyouthclub.com


June 2014 GM Minutes

June 16, 2014




Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2:08 PM


SECRETARY, minutes waived

TEENERS, Season is finished. The Braves are the champs with the Phillies as the runner ups. Work needs to be done in the fall. It was a good season. There is only a 15 yr. old all-star team.

MAJORS, season ended tonite. It was a very good season with the Angels winning the championship and the Dodgers as the runner ups. Bob Clark is the manager of the 12 yr. old all-stars and Steve Davidson as the manager of the 11's.

MINORS, Dodgers vs. the Diamondbacks in the championship tomorrow night.

ROOKIES, getting ready for the tourneys. The games are starting soon.

TBALL, season is done. First tourney starts Wed, @ Brookhaven. The 6's start at our tourney next week.

EQUIP., Please turn in your equipment bags.

RULES, Need to find an umpire for tomorrow night's championship game.

FIELD MAINT., need help from the 6's.

, 7's, and 10's to help get the fields ready. Fence work is starting soon. Will be borrowing Ron Corrento machine to move dirt on Saturday.

PARENTS AUX., 1 game left of the regular season then on to districts. Will need lots of help.

PLAYER AGENT, all-star teams have all be rostered with Cal Ripken.

New business, July 20th will be the picnic date. Please get in your sportsmanship awards. 11:30-12 will be the start time.

The sports raffle AV drawing will happen at the picnic.

TREASURER, $2,35565 Pavilion

$8,410 Sports raffle

$22,011.36 ending balance. Budget read and approved.

Dave Vogehel will fix the press box.

Possibly re-schedule the picnic until the 19th to accommodate the radio station.


Terri Nearey Sabrina Hickman Hayford Irvin

Anthony Marusco Joe Hart MichaelGrady

Ron Corrento Amy Grady Vicki Hittle

Bob Weeks Jim Buggy Todd Kirk

Bob Clark Kristi Marantino JohnMarantino

Ken Cage Fran Miles


General Membership minutes Page 1

May 2014 General Membership Meeting

June 3, 2014

May 19th, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

9:24 PM

Meeting is brought to order at 8:34

Thank you Beef & Beer Committee

Round the Horn, thanks Todd & commissioners and the parents who gave donations.


SECRETARY, minutes waived.


TREASURER, pavilion, $2336.29

tickets, $700.10

Beef & Beverage, $2873.78

sitting on a balance of $24,754.72

Budget read and approved. Saturdays ROUND THE HORN made over $2,500in concessions alone.

50/50- $203

Alumni game, $115

Raffles, $1,831.00 with the expense for awards being about $500.


TEENERS, playoff positions and all-star selections tonight.


MAJORS, 11's & 12's will be selected and playoff brackets will be selected. Ken cage not in attendance.


MINORS, 2 wks. Left of regular season. Playoffs begin June 2nd.. All-star selections tonight. Coaches doing a great job

Maintaining the fields. Play special attention to getting the trash out of the dug outs.


ROOKIES, Rob Denney not in attendance.


TBALL, great turn out for the round robin


RULES, minors and rookies are having a problem with coaches and parents harassing the umpires. Need to talk to the coaches for all-star selections. Maybe use Magraw for major playoffs.


EQUIPMENT, no report.


FIELD MAINTANENCE, no report. There is $2,400 to re-do the batting cages.


PARENTS AUXILLARY, thanks for the help Saturday at the ROUND THE HORN. Great baskets. Raffle was a huge success. The sports raffle is due by June 7th. There will be an Aston Valley prize. Please try to sell all three.


NEW BUSINESS, Jim McKenna said 150 people were in attendance at the Beef and Beverage.

Thanks to the Volt DJ's and Van the Airbrush man. Districts start around June 21st. No fall ball because the creek will need work done. American Legion would like Aston Valley kids to walk in the Memorial Day parade.

Meeting ends 8:57


In attendance:

Terri Nearey Joe Hart A.J. Keller

Ron Corrento Joe Hue? Bernie Seasock

Don Gilmour Tony Giampietro Bob Kihly?

Denny Anastasia Rich June Jim Buggy

Hayf Irvin Jason Hickman Mike Elia

Bob Weeks Vicki Hittle Jim Mc Kenna

Todd Kirk John Mc Laughlin Tony Valente

Doug Johnston Anthony Marusco Adam Draggish

Michael Grady Amy Grady Daniel Nearey

B.J. Barlow Michelle Ziviello Dan Campbell


Created with Microsoft OneNote 2013.

General Membership Meeting Minutes April 2014

April 21, 2014 – 08:30 PM


Monday, April 21, 2014

9:34 PM


Meeting starts at 8:35

Presidents greeting. A great opening day with no rain! It went very well.


TEENERS: All games are made up from rain dates.


MAJORS: There are two rainouts to make up. Considering the terrible winter the field looks great. Todd is doing a great job. PLEASE push the BEEF and BEVERAGE.


MINORS: There are two make up games to re schedule, Please clean out the dug outs after all games. If minor coaches can hang out to discuss pith count rules. A.J. Keller not in attendance. Report given by Anthony Marusco.


ROOKIES, Rob Denney  is not in attendance. No report.


TBALL, Hayf Irvin is not in attendance. No report.


PARENTS AUX., Great opening day. Over $3,000 was made that day. There have no problems yet with parents not showing up. Thanks to Sue Ashton for selling $500 of spirit wear on Saturday. PLEASE push the BEEF and BEVERAGE.


PLAYER AGENT: Please buy your BEEF and BEVERAGE tickets at the stand or online.


SECRETARY: Please buy bricks. No report.


FIELD MAINT.: No report.


EQUIPMENT: no report. Just a quick note to let Todd and AJ know that first base need more dirt.


RULES: need umpires. Thanks to the umpires who were able to help out when there were scheduling problems. Considering hiring umpires. There was a question about strike zones for umpires by Jim Mc Kenna. Anthony addressed them.


TREASURER: Pavilion fund, $2336.10

Philly sports raffle, $700.05

General fund read and approved with a balance of $7,361.37

 Please push the BEEF and BEVERAGE.

Philly sports raffle tickets going out soon.

Event formally known as Slugfest is now going to be called the ROUND THE HORN.


Adjurned 9:01


In Attendance:


Terri Nearey                                                    Fran Miles                                            Luigi Villa

Joe Hart                                                           Don Gilmour                                        Bernie Seasock

Steve Chapman                                              Jason Hickman                                     Clay Gaskill

Bob Weeks                                                      Mark Korenkiewicz                             Sabrina Hickman

Sue Nolek                                                        Michael Brouses                                  Ken Cage

Bob Clark                                                         Jim Mc Kenna                                       John Marantino

Todd Kirk                                                         Ron Corrento                                       Anthony Marusco

John Mc Laughlin                                           Michael Grady                                     Mark Gauzza

Jim Buggy



General Membership Meeting Minutes Feb 17, 2014

February 17, 2014

General Membership meeting 2/17/2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

9:50 PM


8:35 meeting called to order


PRESIDENTS NOTES: Still going through registrations. All returning managers, if you can please email your roster from last year to remind that registrations are happening now and that they can register on line and that with a small service fee, we are using PAY PAL.  Would like the registrations completed as soon as possible because try outs and draft are happening soon.


Secretary: Minutes waived


Treasurer: Budget read and approved with a balance of $29,109.67 to date.

 The pavilion fund has a current balance of $2,149.80.


Teeners: a current total of 44 registrations with a possible re-draft of 4 teams.


Majors: 55 kids are registered at this time.  Looking to end up with 7 teams so please email your previous years players to remind them to sign up.


Minors: 58 players are registered as of now. There are currently 5 teams with a strong possibility of 6. May possibly need a re-draft. Will notify the coaches if this becomes the reality.


Rookies: 74 players are registered to date. Waiting on the weather to co-operate to do the work on the back stop.


Tball: 106 registered so far. A few may try out for the rookies. We are looking good for managers at this time.


Player Agent: 338 registered so far. Expecting some late registrations to bring our numbers up.


Equipment: No report


Field Maintenance: No report.


Rules: Umpires: 14 rookies, 12 minors & 8 majors. Please email if you know anyone who is interested.


Parents Auxiliary: Ordered one new fryer. Going to try to have a portable stand up on the tball field to sell snacks and

Drinks. Having a committee meeting to discuss the event previously known as slugfest Want to make it more of a skills challenge.


New Business: Philly Sports raffle; It does not just involve Aston Valley but many other organizations. We will receive

1/2 of the money we sell on these tickets. GRAND PRIZE: season tickets to all Philly teams home games.

                                                                           2nd.: Spring training package

                                                                           3rd. Super bowl party package including lg. screen TV

See any board member if you are interested in buying or selling the chances.

 Please brainstorm on ideas on how we want to handle the ticket sales. Possibly use an order form? Strongly suggest

That each FAMILY sell 3? Possibly offer people on field maintenance day to use their returned fee to use it to purchase a ticket?

 Important dates:  February 26th Oasis night for AV. 1/2 the proceeds come back to AV

                                 March 1st.: try outs in the Miranda Center @ Neumann University

                                March 9th., coaches clinic

                                 March 16th CPR training and recertification

9:08 Meeting adjourned.

In attendance:   Terri Nearey                                                 Todd Kirk                                   Jim Buggy

                             Fran Miles                                                     Hayford Irving                          Mark Korenkiewicz

                             A.J. Keller                                                       Ken Cage                                  Steve Greco

                             Michael Grady                                              Joe Hart                                    Mark Fifer

                             Sabrina Hickman                                          John Marantino                       John Mancinelli

                             Bob Clark                                                       Anthony Marusco                   Paul Mullen

                             Don Gilmour                                                 Henry Hittle                              John Carney

                             Victoria Hittle                                               Doug Johnston                        Steve Chapman

                             Rob Widmaier                                              Clay Gaskill                               Mike Cimabue

                             Denny Anastasia                                           Bob Weeks                               Ron Corrento

                             Jim McKenna                                                mike Elia                                     Rob Denny

                             Dan Campbell                                               Bernie Seasock                           Danny Burns

                             Walt Campbell                                              Tom Kenvin                                Mark Garrett?

                             Jeremy Brown                                              John McLaughlin



General Membership Monday November 18, 2013


Meeting starts at 9:01 due to special UNEQUAL presentation.

President, Bob Clark welcomes all to his first meeting as president.

Secretary, Terri Nearey: October minutes are waived.

Treasurer, Fran Miles: budget read and approved. Pavilion fund: $2092.38 for maintenance and beautification.

General fund sitting in $13,012.38

Teeners, Joe Hart: fields are closed, some work needs to be done, fall ball is finished.

Majors, Ken Cage: Ken not in attendance. Field is aerated and seeded and officially closed.

Minors, AJ Keller: No report.

Rookies, Rob Denney: Rob not in attendance. Looking to expand back stop. Getting quotes. First quote is for $5,600. Also need to grade the hump between the infield and outfield.

T-ball, Hayf Irvin: looking for fundraising ideas.

Equipment, Mike Grady: had no report but is interested in looking into UNEQUAL as potential supplier.

Field Maintenance, Todd Kirk: getting quote for minor field fence. First quote, $150.00. Possibly grade outside of minor field fence?

Parents Aux, John Marantino: cleaned up for end of the year. Have parent volunteers to possibly form a committee.

Player agent, Sabrina Hickman: wants to re-vamp the registration form and include a fee for uniforms. Hoping to have plenty of info available for parents during registration

Rules, Anthony Marusco: not in attendance. Next meeting is a rules meeting.

New business:

  • Everyone in the league with contact with the children will need back ground checks.
  • Need committees for fund-raising and sponsors.
  • Looking for people to help with a Five K, beef & beer, and a golf outing.
  • Also need to form a new public committee to update the by-laws and constitution.
  • Need a person to do souvenirs and possibly hang them at sign ups.
  • Need people to help on the field committee.


Important dates: sign ups

  • Fri.Jan.17, 5:30-9
  • Sat. Jan 18, 9:00-3:00?
  • Fri. Jan 24, 5:30-9
  • Sat. Jan 25, 9:00-3:00?
  • Try outs are possibly March 1st, with the draft being on March 2nd.
  • Parade and opening day: Sat. April 12th




In attendance:

Terri Nearey

Fran Miles

Bob Clark

T. Kirk

Kate Denney

Arden Keller

Ernie Ellis

Michael Grady

John Marantino

Jim Mckenna

Hayford Irvin

Cliff Thompson

Mike Kester

Dan Nearey

Joe Hart

Henry Hittle

Mark Korenkiewicz

Jim Johnston

Jim Buggy

Sabrina Hickman


Minutes from our Monthly General Membership Meetings in the Handouts

November 16, 2015