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Author TOPIC: League Rules

September 2, 2019
10:29:26 AM

Entry #: 4266821
How many teams are going to be in violation of this rule for the playoffs??

13. Players must participate in 10 regular season games to be eligible to play in the playoffs. This rule is waived if the player has a serious injury or illness that caused the non-participation. If a player has a serious injury, he must show proof within 2 weeks after the start of the injury with an estimated return date. This rule is enforced on a team-by-team basis at the team’s discretion. Any attendance tracking for purposes of this Rule is to be done by the team. Any team decision to exclude a player from playing in the playoffs must be confirmed by the League Executive.


September 2, 2019
12:58:14 PM

Entry #: 4266823
Starks only shows up with ten every game.


September 2, 2019
4:25:55 PM

Entry #: 4266830
The main line in that rule is

This rule is enforced on a team-by-team basis at the team’s discretion.


September 3, 2019
2:02:15 AM

Entry #: 4266835
24suited.. u need a new hobby brotha


September 3, 2019
4:01:12 PM

Entry #: 4266858
Who keeps track of this stat?


September 7, 2019
5:08:17 AM

Entry #: 4267964
This whole rule does not make any sense. Reread it a few times.


September 8, 2019
10:05:38 PM

Entry #: 4267991
Only three players would be eligible from Starks.


September 9, 2019
11:47:49 AM

Entry #: 4268000
why cant we play the games & not worry about how many players are on the field

Empress Ruler

September 10, 2019
1:07:39 AM

Entry #: 4268032
We should all be celebrating the demise of the old Arms team. They will be playing in the lower division in 2020. Truly amazing.


September 10, 2019
9:02:42 AM

Entry #: 4269037
It will be a hell of a lot quieter.


September 10, 2019
11:00:30 AM

Entry #: 4269040
Dreams come true.


September 11, 2019
7:41:05 AM

Entry #: 4269060
This team shows a complete lack of respect for the umpires as most games.


September 11, 2019
8:22:30 PM

Entry #: 4269084
I say The School make some noise in the playoffs and win a few games

Bud Wiser

September 12, 2019
10:24:50 PM

Entry #: 4269113
The noise statement will be accurate.


September 13, 2019
4:08:14 PM

Entry #: 4269141
They will be playing in the minors next year, so it may be quieter.


September 15, 2019
8:04:11 AM

Entry #: 4269167
It is truly sad to witness them play.... a few bad apples definitely ruins the team..... most of the players are decent characters


September 16, 2019
4:20:30 PM

Entry #: 4269200
Come on man!

HR Leader

September 17, 2019
8:20:34 AM

Entry #: 4269208
-Hate your leader?!
-Buddies have unrealistic expectations?!
-Have annoying teammates?!
There are so many people that can suck the joy & excitement right out of the game for you! Find a way to stay joyful & don't let anyone ruin your love for the game!!


September 18, 2019
2:02:17 PM

Entry #: 4270243
Are we still on topic, the same team.


September 19, 2019
11:07:36 AM

Entry #: 4270268
After a loss (most teams will have them) this weekend.Glass half empy or half full?

How about you just have a drink & enjoy that you are capable of playing recreational ball.

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