AUBL Miami has COVID-19 safety guidelines used in association with CDC requirements and follow all local and state guidelines. We will also continue to monitor the news releases to update our policies. We will continue to update this document as needed to accommodate the current local, state and national climate. We are using these guidelines in association with municipalities, high schools, and anywhere AUBL Miami plays baseball. These guidelines will also appear in the AUBL Miami league rules of our website

AUBL Miami Policies and Procedures for returning to league play are as follows:

CVID-19 Policies and Procedures

AUBL Miami Policies and Procedures for returning to league play are as follows:

13.1 NEW! MASKS ARE NOT REQUIRED WHILE ON THE FIELD. When not on the field, players, coaches and umpires will wear masks at all times and maintain social distancing when possible. Players are discouraged from touching shared surfaces such as dugout poles, fencing, etc…. 

13.2 Prior to a game, players will remain in their vehicles while other players from a previous game are still on the field. Players are not permitted to wait at the field while waiting for a prior game to finish. 

13.3 All players will be encouraged to participate ONLY if fully healthy. Any players who are sick or have a fever will be told they cannot participate and must stay home.

13.4 Players, coaches and umpires are discouraged from bringing friends and family to the games. The players will not be able to spend time together before and after the games. Once the game is finished, everyone goes home.

13.5 Teams will provide proper sanitizers and wipes for the players.

13.6 Players, coaches and umpires will not share any equipment. All players will provide their own gloves, helmets, etc…

13.7 Players and coaches may not engage in the typical behavior of high fives or touching each other in any way. Players are not permitted to have post game handshakes or any celebration that involves physical contact.

13.8 Players and officials will follow the current CDC guidelines for group gathering size.

13.9 Team rosters and lineups will be retained by each team in order to comply with mandatory contact tracing.

13.10      Any players, coaches or umpires that show any symptoms of COVID-19, have a positive COVID-19 test, or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19 within the last 14 days must report to the league office immediately.

13.11      Players and coaches only may use the dugouts.

13.12      Game balls will remain in the original packaging until the game starts.

13.13      No spitting, eating sunflower seeds, or chewing tobacco permitted at any time.

13.14      No group celebrations are permitted.

13.15      Players, coaches and umpires must stay at home if they are sick, not feeling well, or show any symptoms.

13.16      Players, coaches and umpires must wash hands thoroughly before and after each game. Each player is encouraged to bring hand sanitizer to each game.

13.17      Players, coaches and umpires may not share any equipment or drinks.

13.18      Players, coaches and umpires must wash / sanitize their own equipment before and after each game.

13.19      Players, coaches and umpires are not permitted to leave any trash or items at the field.

13.20      Players, coaches and umpires must follow all local health and CDC guidelines at all times.

13.21      Umpires will assist in helping the managers and players follow all new COVID-19 related guidelines