Pitching CLINIC Update!!   We are adjusting and extending the remaining Pitching Clinics which will still be at Stratford Field but will now start at 5:30 - 7:00 PM   We will ask for all 3rd -4th Grade from 5:30 - 6:00 PM and 5th-6th-7th Graders from 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Dates adjusted Below


PITCHING CLINICS Begin in April!!!!

WHO: All 3rd grade and up Pitchers and those that wish to learn to Pitch

WHEN:  Wednesdays (and two Tuesdays) in April and May from **5:30 PM-7PM

WHERE: Stratford Elementary School Ball Fields

WHAT to Bring:  Gloves, One Ball, and Water.  No BATS!

Clinics will begin April 11th and Continue through June.  Current Schedule (Subject to Change):


4/11 Wed, 4/18 Wed, 4/25 Wed


5/2 Wed,

5/10 THURSDAY (at Tullamore Park)

5/16 Wed, 5:30 Start time (as per above)

5/22 TUES, 5:30 Start Time (as per above) 

5/30 Wed, 5:30 Start Time (as per above)


6/6 Wed, 5:30 Start Time (as per above)

6/13 Wed. 5:30 Start Time (as per above)