Event Information:
Troop 318 - Hike 10 mile - Waterfall Glen
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Start Time:
8:00 AM
End Time:
1:00 PM
Waterfall Glen
From I-55, take Cass Avenue 0.5 mile south, to Northgate Road, Darien, Ill
0-mile Hiking Merit Badge

Please keep the request for the emergency info and comments box.
Come join us for a 10-mile hike at Waterfall Glen!

**IMPORTANT** We are still in need of an older Scout to lead this hike**
Contact Angela Yudt (alndj@live.com) as soon as possible if you are interested and available.

The sign-up is posted on the T318 homepage.

WHERE: Waterfall Glen, Darien, Il.
The main entrance is on Northgate Road.
From I-55, take Cass Avenue 0.5 mile south to Northgate Road. Turn right on Northgate, and go 400 feet to the lot.
WHEN: Saturday, June 24th, no later than 8:00 a.m. We will leave at 8:00 a.m. SHARP
WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT WATERFALL GLEN? http://dupageforest.com/Conservation/Forest_Preserves/Waterfall_Glen.aspx
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This is a ten-mile (loop) hike for one of the options below:
OPTION A: 10-mile hiking MB requirement. Reminder: hikes must be taken in order of length beginning with a 5-mile hike. Please contact us if you want to hike and are not sure if you have completed a 5-mile previously.
OPTION B: conditioning for Ransburg

Preparation for the 10-Mile Hike
It is VERY important that everyone be on time for the hike. You MUST Sign-Up on-line BY WEDNESDAY, June 21st.

We will hike as a group, so when we are done, please don't head to your cars and leave. We will all gather at the end before leaving and you must sign out. If you are hiking for the merit badge, you will need to have reviewed the merit badge worksheet. Remember there are pre- and post- requirements for each hike.

A copy of the map is posted to the T318 Hiking page. Remember to print a copy of the map before the hike on Saturday. You are responsible for bringing your own map and taking care of it.

What You Need
A GOOD ATTITUDE! Activity Uniform (Class B shirt). A Daypack with WATER (do not bring disposable plastic water bottles...you should have a reusable water bottle), an orienteering COMPASS, a FIRST AID KIT, your BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK, RAINGEAR and appropriate clothing. You should bring a SNACK and a light lunch. A 10-mile hike will likely take between 4-5 hours depending on the number of stops. Since this is a paved path, lightweight hiking shoes or good supportive gym shoes are recommended for this trail. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Check emails the night before to see if the hike is cancelled.

Important: Refer to the T318 Hiking Page for additional details on what you need, should consider having, and need to know here: http://my.llfiles.com/00096605/HIKING_What-You-Need-to-Know.pdf

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at the emails below.

Yours in Scouting,

Mr. Fornek (mjf9572001@yahoo.com)
Mr. Scoigletti (davescoigletti@gmail.com)
Mrs. Yudt (alndj@live.com)

Click here to get directions