When I first decided to take on summer teams I was quite hesitant as it is a big endeavor and you never know how players/parents will react especially since most are clients and I did have tryouts and most importantly since I was not able to be everywhere all the time I needed to secure coaches who I felt were there for all the same reasons and passions I have for this game - namely FUN and DEVELOPMENT.

As our first season for my 2003 team ended I sent my personal emails to each player/parent on the team and I would like to share with you some of the replies I received which say it all - 


Hi Stan -

Thank you so much for your email and your encouraging words about Cole.  He had a fantastic time, both on and off the ice, and was very proud to be a part of the PS101 team.  Spring hockey was a great opportunity for Cole to get his feet wet playing at a higher level.  He learned a lot from yourself, Royal and the rest of the bench staff and really enjoyed playing with his new friends and teammates.  All of the Prospects -- kids, parents and coaches -- were a positive, optimistic, friendly group and we felt privileged to be a part of it.

We wish the team the best of luck at the King of the Rings tournament and will be anxiously checking the website to see how they do.  Go Prospects!!! 

Please keep in touch.  We can't wait to do this again next Spring.
All the best!

The Patey's


Royal and Stan,
We just want to say a very big thank you for having Xander be a part of the PS101 team this year. It was an experience he soon won't forget and he enjoyed every minute. 
You both brought FUN back to the game for him, it wasn't about wins/losses, it wasn't about goals let in, it wasn't about how many shots he had- it was all about FUN.  We can't tell you how much that impacted him, so thank you.  In his words, he said to us last tournament "this team just gets me, they really just get me".  He felt so appreciated and a part of the team, something he has not experienced for a very long time in hockey.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was an absolute thrill this spring and if you ever need a goalie, you know where to find one! He will be there with bells on, and goalie pads!
All the best, The Brennan's
Thanks Stan for taking the time to write us. He had a wonderful time playing with the team...he was always happy to go and play with his friends. All the kids had a great time. He will be ready for KOR if it goes ahead. Thanks for asking, and keep us updated for next year. 
Thanks for everything.
Cori and Orlando. 
Hello Stan,
I would just like to say thank you so much for the wonderful comments about our son. We are very pleased with his hockey skills as well, but even more pleased to hear it from someone that has your skills. 
I would so like to say how pleased my wife and I were with the program you ran. This was the first time Nathan has been a part of a spring /summer team. I thank you so much for starting a program like this, and hope you will continue to do in the future.  
I could go on and on, but in a quick summary it's just a huge thank you!
Thanks again
Ryan Gainer



Hey Stan 
Another great skate. Man I wish I'd been bringing Liam this past year. We've been to
so many clinics over the years. This one is the best. 
Do you have any more planned. 


John R. Beadle

Re Liam Beadle PS101 Prospects 2001 

Hey Curtis and Stan,

Thank you once again for a great experience and a lot of fun. I know Liam really appreciated the opportunity and we both appreciated the opportunity to meet some great new people/teammates.

I always like to hear when Liam says he really likes his coaches and the way they treat him, that’s most important to me.

Have a great season and I’m sure we will see you around the rinks…

Enjoy the rest of the summer.


Take care!




John R. Beadle



Hi Stan - You taught my daughter (Jenna) at the East Gwillimbury Ringette camp last week. She absolutely LOVED the camp. She'll be playing with the Newmarket Rays U10 this fall and we were wondering if you would recommend any powerskating programs you have - we may be able to get additional players for a semi-private weekly lessons. Thanks, Melanie

Hey Stan,
  Thanks for putting this team together and arranging the two tournys as I know it is a difficult age to find tournements to play in. As you say this is a great group of players & parents and it has really been a blast the last couple of years being involved with PS101. Not only has Carson bettered his game through your skills training he has made some great friends that he will hopefuly be in contact with for years to come.
 Regards, Dave
 Carson Gandy - 98 AAA

Hi Stan, my son Morgan took your course during a xmas holiday in Bradford. He improved dramatically. You made a speech at the end of the week about how they all worked hard, but one worked extra hard and then gave Morgan a t-shirt. You motivated him and he loved your training. The t-shirt was way to big for him, but he kept it because it obviously means a great deal to him and now 5 years later he wears it. Thank you. Natali Baird

Hey Stan,
Thanks so much for mentioning Jordi's Trinity Pawling recruitment and acceptance on your website.  Jordi is very excited.  Jordi will get a great education at TP and play the sport he loves on a team that competes in the Founder's League - the top prep school league in the US.  It's all because of PS 101 and you Stan - your hockey development program, your guidance and your Chowder Cup team.  Thank-you PS 101.
The Jeffersons

Nick Chaykowsky 14th round Owen Sound Attack


Hi Stan,

Just wanted to say thanks for all your help over the past 4 years, my skating and edging has really improved and help me get to where I am today. Looking forward to more training with you and your staff as well as helping with the next crop of PS101 Graduates.

Nicholas Chaykowsky 2012 OHL Priority Draft

14th Round – Owen Sound Attack RD

Connor Whiteside


It's been about 5 seasons now since I began skating with PS-101, and I could not be more greatful to Stan for what he has helped me to accomplish. Before his sessions I was an average 'A' player trying to make it to the next level. After months and months of fundamental training wih Stan I was able to earn a spot with AAA! To this day, all of my skating styles and abilities go back to learning the basics with PS-101. From perfecting your forward stride to unleashing a rocket slapper, PS-101 teaches it all, and Stan's training is bettter than any other!


Connor Whiteside 96 Marlies AAA - 2012/2013 AP with Aurora Tigers Jr A



Dylan Yip-Chuck


I have been attending Stan's power skating sessions to improve my skating for the past 4 seasons. When I went to Stan's on ice power skating session for the first time I had many fundamental problems with my skating. Right off the bat I realized that Stan was a great coach and a very approachable person. He made me feel welcome and I felt comfortable to ask him questions and seek advice. Stan had me doing drills I had never seen before. They appeared to be simple but when I tried them I was shocked by the difficulty in balance and edge work I had never used before. Stan had me doing quick feet work, and explosive acceleration exercises. My backwards and frontwards stride was broken down fundamentally and after many early morning sessions and trips to Bradford the improvement was substantial. When I first went to Stan's power skating, for most of my game I relied on my hockey sense and puck movement. Now I, and scouts agree, that skating is the best part of my game. For the past 4 seasons I was the captain for the York Simcoe Express AAA hockey club and look now to make a Tier 2 Junior Team. I truly believe Stan transformed my skating and my overall game as a hockey player and I continue to work with him today. 
Dylan Yip-Chuck

YSE Express AAA


Dylan Wallace Aurora Tigers Jr A


Hi Stan

The Power Skating 101 sessions with you and JR have helped my edgework and balance a lot. They also helped me improve my speed and endurance during the off-season. Thanks for all the help.

Dylan Wallace
Aurora Tigers Jr A

Kyle Yip-Chuck


Stan’s Power Skating 101 has been amazing for my skating style, quick feet, balance and endurance. Some of the power skating drills you find with PS101 are very unique and force you to come out your comfort zone on skates. It has made, and continues to help me become an all around better and more powerful skater. The other great thing about PS101 is that it’s a great workout. I find it perfect for getting into hockey shape. PS101 has also helped me become a much better skater with the puck.

Kyle Yip-Chuck - YSE AAA



On behalf of the Coaching Staff and Parents of the Innisfil Minor Midget ' A ' Hockey Club , we would like to thank Stan Kondrotas of PS101 for volunteering 4 and a half hours of his time to run all 3 of our tryouts . We had many people come forward to express how well they were run. VERY PROFESSIONAL! The drills made the coaches and evaluators job easier as they showed all aspects of what needs to be seen in a try out from skating, to shooting to passing to strategic play and specific position play. Thanks again Stan ..

Head Coach Keith Hilson


After being in the clinic provided I would highly recommend your development program. Every child came off the ice knowing that they worked so hard and soaked with exhaustion!!!

Thank You so much for allowing My son to participate and we look forward to coming back for all the sessions.

John is a committed player(Goalie) and was intimidated by the size and was a little scared but it was his first ever session playing in an extreme environment with the versatile ages.I believe that this will strengthen his character along with his skill!!!

Next session you will notice a difference his abilities. He is an amazing child and a little out of his normal environment, yet has so much potential, and this is why I give him every opportunity available for him to find his way and comfort zone. John is entering his minor atom year coming for 2012 -2013 for the GMHA Blaze AA

Thank You from the Delaney’s

Cyril Delaney


Once again your hockey camp was incredible! You and James compliment each other very well. It was very organized and well run. Braydon is very lucky to have these opportunities so close to home. There is no better time than at his age of nine to teach these skills, and for me as an assistant coach and hopefully as head coach someday, I also learn a lot from watching you and James.

Doug Lloyd—son Braydon 00 TNT AA

Nick had a great time and told me that he enjoyed all the drills and that the level of competition really helped to push of all he was pretty beat everyday so there was no back talk when I said bed time!

Tyson Chaykowsky—son Nick 96 Barrie AAA/Owen Sound Attack 2012 draft pick

Hi Stan

It was really good go out this morning. Dylan felt that your mix of skating and stick handling / shooting was very good for him. I thought your use of the two nets was unique and productive. In fact, all three fathers watching commented on how good it was the way you used the nets. A friend has asked Dylan to be a mentor to her son and to teach him how to skate. I am sure Dylan will emulate your teaching style

Richard Yip -Chuck – son Dylan 96 York Simcoe Express AAA

Hey Stan,

It's Jaime I had Brendan out this morning and just wanted to let you know that was the best 30 bucks on power skating that I have spent and I have had Brendan at a few different places, Brendan really enjoyed it and I can see that your drills will help him improve. I am going to start bringing him out Wednesday mornings so you can add him to your roster of kids. Thanks,

Jaime Firlotte—son Brendan 01 York Simcoe Express AAA

Bradford AA Peewee.

PS101 has made a huge difference in the teams ability to be able to perform. There skating has and game agility and balance has seen immense improvement. Thanks Stan for keeping it fun and training technique that makes game day difference.

Mike Beadle – Head Coach

Elite Training Program Summer 2012 Feedback

PS101 2012 Elite Training Program with Mind to Muscle Feedback

" Our son has participated in many different hockey camps over the years. Stan's camp has been the one that has actually made a marked difference in our son's skills. The combination of ice and dryland has been an excellent opportunity for our son to excel in his physical performance. We can't wait to see how Stan plans to expand this camp next year. Keep us a spot !!"

The Rawn's - Curtis Rawn 98 Barrie AAA

I have talked to Mike about the camp each day and he has always said he liked it. The skating camp is great and I know he was always looking forward to going.

The M2M was a great motivator as Mike was doing push ups at home and running 40-45 minutes in the evening. Something must have motivated him along the way. Wasn't me.

Great camp if there was another skate at the end of the week it would be great.

Once again thanks so much"

Brian McGuire father of Mike McGuire 98 Toronto Red Wings AAA

Jeremy LOVED it and he is really seeing the results on the ice with his team. His coach as well as a few parents have noticed his improvement and his confidence has soared. He started last season injured and had to really fight to come back. This year, he is starting at the top of his game!

Thank so much! he will be signed up next summer for sure so save him a spot!!

Jen and Jeremy - 98 Barrie A

Elite Training Program a Giant Success!!!!!!!!!!

The PS101/M2M Elite Summer Training Program came to a completion today and the reviews are excellent. Here is what M2M head instructor had to say -

Beginning in July 2012. Power Skating 101 and Mind to Muscle partnered to provide an elite training environment to a group of PS101 's elite atheletes, Over the course of July and August, these players entered an expertly designed strength and conditioning program that focused on improving agility, power and conditioning through functional ( hockey specific) training. Each player's flexibility, strength and power was tested at the start and end of the program in order to assess the effectiveness of the training program - and the results were astounding!

As far as on ice each sessions the players were put through a fast paced environment that featured considerable edgework, working on balance while emphasizing body and stick position. Most every session ended in a hard skate leaving something to remember for the next time on ice. I was very pleased with the progress of the players, the new found strength and conditioning has shown in all areas.

PS101 offers continued training with M2M so if interested please contact me and I can put a training program together for your group, team or individual.

Bradford Peewee AE starts M2M September/October sessions

Coach Bayne Smith believed the program offered by PS101 at M2M would benefit his team in many ways. These many first year to Rep players would now be introduced to not only a great team bonding excercise at a purposed facility and being instructed by experts in strength and conditioining but allow them to experience the commitment and discipline of what it takes to become a better athelete.

Tonight was the first of seven sessions for the first group of 10 players and instructor Ryan worked them hard. All left showing the evidence of a rigorous hard work out.

Initial reaction was it was hard but when asked about it on the ride back to Bradford from Barrie coach Bayne said "they were all excited and were carrying on about the different activities they liked" A great start.

Your team or group can benefit too and this can be expanded to all atheletes. There are other nights to take advantage of this special program brought to you by PS101 and M2M something every athelete can benefit from at all ages.

Contact PS101 for more information.