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Author TOPIC: Barrie at Creemore Braves DH
Perk 29

June 28, 2015
9:21:51 AM

Entry #: 4171535
First Game
Creemore 0
Barrie 12
Lp Baldry
Wp Tippin
Hr's Barrie - Recon solo, Grootveld 3 run

Second game
Creemore 6
Barrie 6
Creemore Pitcher Henry
Barrie Pitcher Cook
Hr Creemore Henry 3 run
Game called after 5 innings due to rain
Barrie player ejected (Tomlinson I think?)

Perk 29

June 28, 2015
9:23:59 AM

Entry #: 4171536
Tippin throws 2 hitter in first game

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