20170117 - Midget A & B Teams Announced

January 17, 2017


Congratulations to the following players on being selected to play for our Midget A & B teams that will compete in the 2017 Steele Hotels Provincial Tournaments being held April 17-19th, 2017.  If you have any other questions/concerns, please contact Steve Kelly our Midget Coordinator through the contact us section.

Coaches, Players & Parents are reminded that players must continue to participate with their house league or DMHL teams in order to play on our provincial teams. Teams will receive practice hours within our CBR scheduled ice time. Dates/times/location will be announced at a later date.

Player registration fees do apply and the cost with deadline to pay will be announced at a later date.

NOTE - please remember:  Players selected to a Developmental Team must participate in this Provincial Tournament held at Easter. Failure to do so may result in the player not being eligible to try out for  in the following season as stated in the By-Laws.


MIDGET  A                                           MIDGET  B

Jordan Coish                                       Joel Briffett
Aaron Clarke                                       Luke Budden
Austin Dawe                                        Alexander Butler
Tyrus Fagan                                        Devan Coates
Spencer Finley                                     Michael Hawco
Jacob Gill                                             Grady Mercer
Noah Greenham                                   Matthew Mueller
Aaron Mahon                                        Jordan Petten
Nicholas O'Brien                                   Brady Power
Cory Porter                                           Ethan Pretty
Logan Power                                        Justin Reid
Kyle Rogers                                          Scott Roberts
Ryan Smith                                           Cameron Spencer
Mitchell Sutton                                      Brandon Warren
Matt Vincent
Kristian Waslh
Tanner Whitty

Head Coach: Jeff Fagan                        Head Coach: Wayne Power
Asst. Coach: Loyola Power                     Asst. Coach: Kent Budden

Asst. Coach: TBD                                    Asst. Coach: TBD