Novice Evaluation Groups & Schedule

October 2, 2017


Below are the 'REVISED' NOVICE EVALUATION GROUPS AS OF OCTOBER 2ND. Evaluations will continue for the next sessions this weekend October 7 &8th.

If you have registered and your child's name is not listed please contact our office or our Registrar Tracey Bennett-Parsons through the contact us section. If you have registered your child after Sept 23rd please allow 48 hours for your registration to be processed and to be assigned to a group for evaluations.

Our main line of communication to parents is our website, please check it frequently for updates. If you haven't done so already, like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter for all hockey news.

Your child will start off the season being assigned to an evaluation try-out group. The group they are assigned may switch several times over the first few weeks as our players are assessed on skating/hockey ability. These group changes will be listed on our website and should be checked prior to the showing up to the following week’s practice. These assessments are completed by our technical staff and are based on several factors. Our technical staff has final say over team placement.  

After the assessments are complete, each player will be assigned a team. At this point – each team will be given a name and a set of jerseys. You can expect your player to have about 40 hours of ice-time from the beginning of assessments to the last hockey practice (usually before Easter).  This typically runs over 24-28 weeks.  This means that you will see weeks where your child will have only one practice and other weeks where they will have two. As our ice time fluctuates weekly – due to the need for tournaments (for all divisions), Hockey NL league games, Town requirements and other ice rental groups – the location and times of practice will vary week-to-week.  We operate out of the CBS Arena and the RFM (Robert French Memorial) Stadium, always check the rink location when looking at the schedule. We will post all practice times on our website in a timely manner. 


Safety First!

Please make sure your player is on the ice with full hockey attire — helmet, mouth and neck guards, elbow and shin pads, athletic support, hockey pants, shoulder pads, socks and jersey.  Helmet with full face protection, neck & mouth guards are mandatory.

If your child has any medical issues (i.e. asthma, allergies, attention/behavioural issues, etc.) inform your team’s coach to ensure the proper attention is given to this child.  Please ensure that you have any and all required medical devices/medicine available with you for each practice (i.e. inhaler, epipen etc.).

No player is permitted on the ice while the Zamboni is on and the Zamboni gate is open.  

All players must wait for a coach prior to going onto the ice.

Please use assigned dressing rooms.  Each team is designated a dressing room and it is usually incorporated into the schedule.  Please follow your assigned dressing room to ensure smooth hourly transitions and to prevent overcrowding

When you arrive at the rink on your scheduled day:

  1. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your session
  2. Check for your Groups dressing room assignment
  3. Check in with Stephanie 

If you have any questions about the program please contact our Novice Coordinator Stephanie Walsh through the contact us section.



Group 1   Group 2   Group 3
Schedule   Schedule   Schedule
Sat Oct 7 @12pm at CBS Arena   Sat Oct 7 @12:50 pm at CBS Arena   Sat Oct 7 @1:50pm at CBS Arena
Sun Oct 8 @1:00pm at RFM   Sun Oct 8 @1:50pm at RFM   Sun Oct 8 @2:50pm at RFM
Brody Andrews   Cole Azizan   Jonathan Andersen
Kayleigh Beckett   Chase Chaytor   Landon Baird
Jesse Carroll   James  Bartlett   Molly Bartlett
Landen Clarke   Brayden Bishop   Liam Bartlett
Cash Coates   Jessica Beaton   Tucker Blundon
Aidan Croke   Thomas Breen   Aaden Buckle
Carson Dalton   Ethan Button   Jacob Caines
Erin Doody   Braydon Collins   Camren Campbell
Dominic Dyke   Joseph Dalton   Sam Carroll
Max Eason   Dakota Gorman   Jagger Chubbs
Johnny George   Liam Guy   Graham Cleary
Ryder Greenslade   Ethan Hedges   Carson Connors
Zeanna  Hallingham   Mylee Hickey   Jonathan Flynn
Jayson Mcgie   Lewis Holwell   Cameron Haye
Niko Jones   Kyle Jordan   Cullen Hynes
Liam Keating   Loghan Lake   Ethan Hynes
Sam Kent   Jaden Lawlor   Reign Jacobs-Lambe
Ava Reid   Reid McHugh   Jaxson Knee
Logan Seward   Drake Parsons   Quinn Marshall
Bradley Morgan   Logan Patey   Thomas Mccarthy
Regan Nash   Benjamin Hiscock   Luke Mcguire
Chesley Penney   Brendan Rideout   Frankie Menecola
Roland Russell   Jonathan Day   Drew Moores
Sarah Russell   Alli Stacey   Quinn Norman
Leah Slaney   Nathan Stead   Ryan O'Toole
Ethan Winters   Avery Strong   Jonathan Pardy
Pacey Stoyles   Ryan Suter   Grayson  Powell
Amy Synyard   Wyatt Matchem   Jayden Pridham
      Liam Whelan   Grady Radcliffe
      Andrew Woodford   Will Rossiter
      Jesse Mcgrath   Keegan Rowe
      Zack Porter   Alex Skinner
      Joshua Sheppard   Samuel Tucker
      Parker Smith   Jackson Vaters
      Brianna Tobin   Ally Walsh
      Jaden Wade   Carter Williams
      Colby Walsh      
      Creighton Williams      
      Joey Winsor      
      Michael Young