Female Under 12 Team Rosters 2018-19

October 9, 2018


Female Under 12 team rosters are listed below, please locate your child's name below and follow the schedule for your new team.

Registration:  If you have registered and your child's name is not listed please contact our office or our Registrar Tina Patey through the contact us section. 

Communication:  Our main line of communication to parents is our website, please check it frequently for updates. If you haven't done so already, like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter for all hockey news. If you have any questions regarding the Female Program please contact our Female Rep Tony Lambert through the contact us section.

Practice:  As our ice time fluctuates weekly – due to the need for tournaments (for all divisions), Hockey NL league games, Town requirements and other ice rental groups – the location and times of practice may vary week-to-week.  We operate out of the CBS Arena and the RFM (Robert French Memorial) Stadium, always check the rink location when looking at the schedule.

Dressing rooms   Each team is designated a dressing room and it is usually incorporated into the schedule.  Please follow your assigned dressing room to ensure smooth hourly transitions and to prevent overcrowding


Safety First!

Please make sure your player is on the ice with full hockey attire — helmet, mouth and neck guards, elbow and shin pads, athletic support, hockey pants, shoulder pads, socks and jersey.  (helmet with full face protection and neck guard is mandatory, mouth guards are optional but recommended)

If your child has any medical issues (i.e. asthma, allergies, attention/behavioural issues, etc.) inform your team’s coach to ensure the proper attention is given to this child.  Please ensure that you have any and all required medical devices/medicine available with you for each practice (i.e. inhaler, epipen etc.).

No player is permitted on the ice while the Zamboni is on and the Zamboni gate is open.  

All players must wait for a coach prior to going onto the ice.

Got Questions?:  
If you have any questions about the program please contact our Female Rep Tony Lambert through the contact us section.


Team 1


Gabrielle Tucker (G)

Teiana Lambert

Kennedy Gosse

Brooklyn Evans

Alana Parsley

Katarina Smith

Erika Williams

Mia Hickey

Kate Tippett

Kylie Percy

Lydia Warren

Audrey Young

Peyton Fewer


Team 2


Sarah Hillier (G)

Abby Woodford

Kiera Heath

Ella Devereaux

Alliegh Fraser

Anastasia Penney

Brianna Tobin

Natalie Stead

Victoria Hawco

Sophie McGrath

Makenzie Martin

Sarah Power

Sophia Power