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Author TOPIC: cheering versus chatting

May 6, 2011
12:03:38 PM

Entry #: 3719224
We had a scrimmage last night and our team was cheering on our player that was up to bat when a coach from the other team told the umpire to say something to us because we were not allowed to cheer. Is this seriously against the rules? Are we not allowed to cheer on our team? Could you please help us understand this rule a little better because I think it is being blown out of proportion. Thanks!


May 6, 2011
1:18:55 PM

Entry #: 3719301
As a coach i never had a problem with cheering by my girls or other teams ,for there players. Unless they use the volume to try to mess with a pitchers release or a hitters swing, then it would be the same as a chant. We played in on league where a female coach would start the chants for the girls.It was very a real pain.


May 6, 2011
2:08:48 PM

Entry #: 3719345
A few years back the cheering in the dugouts got to the point where it was totally annoying to everyone involved in the game. Most teams were not using it to cheer their team or players on it was used to distract and annoy the opposing teams players especially the pitchers and batters. Many of the cheers got totally out of hand and the games got to be more of a cheerleading camp than a ball game. Cheers got to the point where they were quite often insulting to other players or teams and the tactics for using them were very unsportsmanlike. Players couldn't hear coaches, coaches and players couldn't hear the umpires and the umpires had difficulty making calls while stuck between two teams trying to outscream each other.

In an attempt get everything back to playing ball and allowing everyone involved to do their job, the league ruled that there would be no more organized cheers or chants allowed. The rule book states the following:

Players, coaches, managers or other members will not make disparaging or insulting remarks to or about opposing players, officials or spectators, or commit other acts that could be considered unsportsmanlike conduct.

Can you root your teammates on? Yes.
Can you chatter to your pitcher? Yes.

It just cannot be done as a group chant or cheer and nothing can be directed toward anyone from the opposing team. The umpire has the right to stop the game and warn the offending team or teams. If the warning is ignored, the umpire has the right to end the game and award a forfeit.

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