Week 9 Recap





Strap in folks....we've got a lot to cover this week!  As is normally the case at this time of year, the Help The Kids Play tournament, continues to be a focal point for our league.  And as you should know by now, Friday July 8th is going to be an action packed and fun filled night of baseball & music. 

The baseball component will be the supplied by the 7th edition of the all star game between the Oldtimers and the Young Men's league.  Currently we trail 4-2 in the series, but year after year the games come down to the wire.  If this were broadcast, it would be "Must See TV".  As it is, you'll have to come and watch it and enjoy some compelling & competitive ball. 

Here's who will be representing us this year:

Your 2016 All Stars!

Brad doesn't just have a potent bat and rocket arm.  He has a gun slinger mentality when it comes to games that count.  He wants the ball with the game on the line.  Doesn't it look like he's walking into an old west gun fight?


 Brian was built for the all star game.  Being a superior defender and fearless base runner are only two of the qualities that have caused the young-times fits over several appearances.  

I believe the only game that Chuck didn't play in was the one he coached.  The Legion debate of "who's the best player in the league" always boils down to comparing players to Chuck.  I guess that's your answer.   

 David Potocki! Personally, I love this pick. David gives you defensive flexibility in that he plays everywhere at a high level.  He's a slash hitter and may very well be the best base runner on the team. 

In 2012 the Young Timers graciously allowed us to create a new roster spot for this game so that we could recognize some key contributors to our league.  This is a non-batting position and will catch every other inning.  

Eric takes one of these spots this season.  Red has been a significant contributor to the league, as a player, as volunteer, as a captain and as a champion for the legion. Congrats Red! 

Playing the alternate innings to Red will by Jimmy Mac.  Jim has also contributed significantly to the league including the role of captain.  Jim's steady and calming influence will be most appreciated in a high-anxiety game like this one.   

I generally try not to say too much nice about Beechey because it goes to his head.  

Keith has probably handled this game better than anyone else on the roster.  He adjusts his own game and abandons his towering blasts (which are majestic!) for consistent line drives.  His glove is gold. Infield or out.  Doesn't matter.  And his blend of taking the game seriously mixed with his sense of humour will keep the team loose. 

I'll pay for this....but....follow Beechey and you'll do great!

 Radar has been as invested in this league as anyone I've known.  And most of it in ways you don't see.  While he's been gaining experience in the infield, I don't think he'll have a lot of opportunity to play on the dirt with this roster.  This means Radar will be patrolling in his natural habitat, on the grass, where he can hunt down unsuspecting fly balls.  Radar too, is a bat build for this game, line drive with power.  

I don't know if Kevin has stopped smiling since he was asked to play.  His genuine boyish enthusiasm will be good for the squad.  

Ya....this Clouthier kid can ball.  Fist of all there's the DNA and if Billy's your old-man then you're born with proper footwork on a 5-6-3 double play pre-wired in your brain.  

Kevin has 'one of those arms' that is never playing too deep to make the throw, yet he never looks hurried.  People can throw harder.  People may have faster releases.  No one makes it look easier and makes few mistakes.  Kevin, Chuck, Young on the infield?  Good lord.   

The first of our coaches.....

The coaches are determined from the previous season's playoff champions.  And last year the Champs were the Dog Catchers.  Larry, sadly, had to resign from the remainder of this season due to an ACL issue.  He will be back. It'll be interesting to watch LT only coach.  As a captain / player, Larry has a very casual approach.  I think that will be positive on this team.   

Welcome Laurier!  Some pretty big shoes to fill my friend, but you have the right kind of make up for this job.  Both the way you carry yourself and your game.

I would describe Laurier as one of the quieter players (like me) in the game, but his pitching and batting generally does the talking.  Laurier joins a long line of carefully chosen line drive hitters and he'll be hitting the plate consistently and getting the bats of the Young Timers shoulders.   

Neil is the self-described "best looking" of all the all stars.  

There's no surprises with Neil.  He's like Boba Fett....he can track anything.  His flat home - to - 2nd base speed is unequaled.  This isn't Neil's first rodeo either, he knows how to play this game and his experience will be crucial.  

Randal Hipkin.  Randy's captaining in the league actually pre-dates his term with Larry, when he used to captain with his brother Eric.  In addition to the Dog Catchers being among the longest running teams (Hot Tub Woody's, Rusty Rebels, Grisslies), I believe that Randy is also the longest serving captain.  

The Dog Catchers or 0-10-3 this season.  If you play long enough you'll have "one of those years".   That being said, the DC's in the history of the league have more wins that any other team!  Both Randy and Larry have run excellent programs for us and will do well in this game. 

So that infield is starting to shape up, eh?  As an infielder Lahey is the very definition of fearless.  He will creep inside the baseline on respected power hitters.  And the bat is ridiculous.  Lahey knows these kids well and can be a good coach on the field too.   

 William will do a fantastic job patrolling the outfield.  He is one of the few players to have played on both sides of the diamond in this game, but there is no doubt were his loyalties lay.  In addition to his glove, Will has tapped into his line drive power and has deceptive base running speed that catches opponents unaware.   


The week that was in baseball.  

There are only 4 teams in the league that are more than 1 game over .500.  There are 5 teams that are more than 1 game under .500.  That means the biggest pool (6 teams) is within a game of .500

My initial reaction to that is that the draft worked.


But what a log jam this is!   Which should make for a great second half.  

And of all the close to .500 teams, the Grisslies are the 500est.  Literally.  6-6-1 and a minus 4 on the run differential?  Doesn't get much closer.    


Rounding up the week, your teams that had a:

4 point week:  Sons Of Pitches (2-0), Gruesome Devils (2-0)

3 point week:  NONE

2 point week:  Dusty Cleats (1-0), Rusty Rebels (1-0), Hurtin' Units (1-0), Grisslies (1-0), Draft Kings (1-1)

1 point week: NONE

0 point week: Dodge City Rounders (0-1), Master Batters (0-1), Sliders (0-1), Dog Catchers (0-1), Beer Bros. (0-1), Hot Tub Woody's (0-1), Tap Masters (0-1), Inglorious Batsters (0-2)

Beer Cup..........

And down go the Woody's in the Dusty Cleats 5th title defense.  This streak is approaching epic numbers!   

Up next are the Inglorious Batsters on Tuesday at Coventry.    

Beer Cup Games Defended. 

2  Rusty Rebels

5  Dusty Cleats

Beer Cup Games Played. 

1  Grisslies

1  Dog Catchers

2  Gruesome Devils

2  Sons Of Pitches

2 Dodge City Rounders

2 Hurtin' Units

3 Tap Masters

6 Dusty Cleats

6 Rusty Rebels