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May 28, 2007
9:37:35 AM

Entry ID: 1131201
Boys I want to tell you ALL, I am thrilled we won the Championship for the second straight year but I am MORE proud of the way you played the game !! The ball movement was outstanding, not all the time but for a vast majority of the time. Parents from all the teams we faced, either immediately following the game, the next day or when they sought me out in the parking lot going to the car. They all had 2 things to say, " Coach you have a great group of boys there, the way they play and move the ball was awesome to see at this age." Other parents on the team told me that during our games people not involved with either ourselves of our opponents would stop and ask who we were, where we were from and they complimented the way you boys played the game. Even sunday morning I had one guy approach me and ask in complete puzzlement " Coach, can I ask you something " I said " Sure what is it "? He said, " How did that Levittown team beat you ? I mean they are a good team but you guys are much better in my opinion " I said " Thank You. Basically we just missed some really really great opportunities to finish and sometimes it goes that way. " He looks at me and say's " Yup, it's like the old saying goes, sometimes the better team doesn't always win, but I would pick you guys 9 out of 10 times that's for sure ". It makes me even more proud of you guys when I hear feedback such as this. Outside of our 3rd game on saturday in which I sort of lost the effort from 4 players in the same game, other then that, you all came to play. You all need to remember that for the remaining 3 League games. You ALL need to play EVERY minute on the field like it is the Pocono Cup Finals because I know you can do it !!!! I can not compliment Every single player individually but I must acknowledge a few things. First, the initial save that Will made against the Levittown shot on saturday, that was eventually poked in. Will, that was one of the most if not the most incredible saves I've ever seen a 10 year old make. I also love the way you started talking and calling your teammates off the ball, AWESOME keep it up ! Although Nolan did not have the day on sunday that he had on saturday but he still scored the Championship goal. The way Nolan played on saturday, in ALL 3 games, for pretty much ALL 50 minutes was simply amazing. He was everywhere did everything, passed the ball, didn't try to do too much when in possession of the ball, just a phenomenal day from Nolan !! Joe, I thought Joe played very well and very hard in all the games until I watched the way he played in the Finals. I honestly was amazed as his coach and overwhelmingly proud as his father to watch him play that game. Joe was absolutely a man on a mission. From what I have been told #9 on Levittown is probably the best player in ODP and Joe didn't let him up for air, Joe was in his head and back pocket the whole game so much so the kid lost his cool at the end with 3 minutes left and started jawing at Joe out of frustration. Great job Joe !! Nasratullah played some Iron man soccer this weekend with very very little time off and to be able to do that in a halfback position with all the running they must do is extremely impressive ! Travis, Zachery and Nkosi played a stella defense and better then any other team out there this weekend. The other team's defenseman were all just happy clearing the ball as far as the could but not my Defense, true we cleared it when we absolutely had to but for the most part they destroyed their attack and developed ours with passing and movement, awesome job the 3 of you ( also Iron man ). I must say I got on Anthony for a few things this weekend but he came through when it mattered and fixed one thing that was driving me nuts, on the Championship winning goal, Anthony F. turned the ball OUTside instead of inside and feed Nolan a nice ball for the assist. Great job adjusting when it really matter Anthony ( just remember the results as we go forward ). AJ frustrated me a lot this weekend BUT his play, effort and determination in the last game was OUTSTANDING capped off with a blistered shot on goal while on a dead run. Good stuff there AJ ! How about the heart in My Man Ryan. Broken bone and all, not expecting to be able to play, took the ride anyway to support his team then when the Referees told me if I wrapped his cast they would let him play. So on saturday we wrapped it up and he got out there, within 2 minutes he was face down in the 18 while going to goal to try and finish a cross and help his team. I held my breath for a second but Ryan popped back up only to nutmeg a player moments later with a perfectly executed step-over move. On Sunday Ryan felt it was best for his team if he took the day to just support the team opposed to playing !! Incredible heart and team spirit My Man !!! Marmo, absolutely GREAT job marking the outside man this weekend, you still looked like your feet were hurting you when you ran but you said no. This is how we get better as a team and as individuals, find your own weakness and make it a strength ( All the great athletes do ) Nicolas had himself a tournament. Lots of real good work out there Nicolas. The way you flew to the ball overlapping runs, good good stuff kid. Tommy taking some contact out there, almost had a goal while on right wing in the finals, real real close. Jonathan played very well and very determined especially in that last game. Johnny wanted that Championship winning goal for the second year in a row, although he didn't get it, his efforts absolutely helped win this game and tournament. Now for the 2 non-Lawn Dawgs that helped us out this weekend. Tyler Doogan from the Falcons, as Tyler learned, it is a much much ,much faster game when playing against D1 teams then what he has been use to but I feel Tyler played very very well for making a 4 Division jump. Thanks Tyler and I hope you had as much fun as it looked like you did. Last but certainly not least Brian Guzman. I have no doubt that it will not take long for Brian to stop being referred to as Bartolo's younger Brian you a very very smart soccer player and I was very impressed by the little things you did most of all being the way you looked up before and after receiving the ball making smart smart decisions. Thank You for being a Lawn Dawg this weekend and taking 1st place. You were a big part of that. For those of you who did not know, Brians brother, Bartolo plays on the DP Warriors so with Brian being in the Pocono's this weekend and us having a shortage of substitutes his parents and Brian ( who is a true U10 ) volunteered to help us out. Although he wore a jersey that said Mejia on it, his name is Guzman. We all THANK YOU Brian and your parents !!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so I mentioned everyone, how could I GREAT JOB LAWN DAWGS, GREAT JOB !!! !!! !!!
May 27, 2007
9:42:34 PM

Entry ID: 1131065
Everybody played awesome in the tournament and it was a pleasure to see you come in 1st place for all your effort!
May 27, 2007
6:15:08 PM

Entry ID: 1130969
Melissa Ruiz
May 23, 2007
2:42:34 PM

Entry ID: 1128606
Ryan, Wishing you a speedy recovery! You will be missed!
May 23, 2007
7:06:15 AM

Entry ID: 1128334
Sad news to report. Unfortunately before practice started, " My Man Ryan " broke a bone in his hand last night while trying to block a shot. For Ryan's sake, I seriously hated receiving that news last night because I was hoping for the best but knowing how tough Ryan is my gut told me there was something wrong and feel terrible for him. Ryan, your fight will surely be missed ! Feel better and I wish you a speedy recovery !!!! You let me know if there is ANYTHING I or your teamates can do to help you with ! The team will be playing in your honor this weekend. Feel Better My Man....
May 23, 2007
6:58:07 AM

Entry ID: 1128331
Everyone, Sean asked me last night as he left practice to wish ALL his teamates GOOD LUCK this weekend in the Pocono Cup!!
May 18, 2007
4:36:27 PM

Entry ID: 1125096
On behalf of the Entire Lawn Dawgs Team I would like to give Zachery Lugo & Avery "AJ" Walas Congratulations on being presented with the "Physical Education Student Leadership Award" On May 2, 2007. This Award is given because, "by their positive attitude, behavior and performance, they have demonstrated to their teachers that they have high personal standards and care about others." Zachery from Deer Park & Avery Walas, Commack. ( The only difference being it should have read Zachery Lugo & Avery Walas from The Deer Park Division 1 Lawn ) Way to go you 2, that is really an OUTSTANDING achievement !!!!!
May 13, 2007
9:14:18 PM

Entry ID: 1121170
Sorry to disappoint you Melissa but I can NOT take credit for that one but I do know who can.
May 12, 2007
10:04:18 PM

Entry ID: 1120637
hey zach i no that it is a late comment but i just got back from a communion so im just wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Melissa Ruiz
May 12, 2007
9:58:42 PM

Entry ID: 1120634
Maya Angelou????? You surprise me Joe! Happy Mother's Day to all
May 12, 2007
8:37:04 PM

Entry ID: 1120564
Game results are posted !!! Lawn Dawgs I am EXTREMELY EXTREMELY proud of ALL your EFFORTS today !!!!!
May 12, 2007
7:39:22 PM

Entry ID: 1120537
May 9, 2007
11:46:50 AM

Entry ID: 1118022
I have to say I learned a few new things last night while at the same time confirming some I already knew. I had made a deal with the offensive players at saturday's game. I told them that they needed to start doing their job better and putting the ball in the net more. I told them that the defense shouldn't be out scoring the offense all the time so if they out scored the defense AND we won the game, I wouldn't make them run laps on Tuesday. Well both parties held up their ends. What impressed me and said a LOT about a few of these boys was the fact that some of them still asked and actually ran 7 laps even though they didn't have to. A few that did, surprised me while a few that didn't also surprised me ( disappointed me a little ). It was interesting to see who did what, for the most part it was sort of predictable but there were certainly surprises both ways. Something for you boys to think about. Just because someone may tell you " You don't HAVE to " it doesn't always mean it still isn't a good idea to actually do it. That is something that some people never learn but could be so useful in life. The easy thing isn't always the right thing to do ! Hats off to those who put the extra effort in last night....
May 5, 2007
2:59:17 PM

Entry ID: 1115057
So everyone knows, the Falcons have their Waldbaums Challenge game tomorrow at 10am at Fireman's Field if anyone wants to come down and show some support.
May 5, 2007
2:57:56 PM

Entry ID: 1115056
Game results are posted.
May 1, 2007
10:01:21 PM

Entry ID: 1112395
I wanted to take a second to compliment two of our Dawgs for the great dedication to the team. I wanted to let everyone know that tonight both Nkosi & Joe while at the field at 6pm ( Joe for the Falcons practice and Nkosi for his brother's practice ) ran 7 laps around Birchwood Field. When they were finished they both practiced with the Falcons until 7:15 when they joined their teammates in ANOTHER 7 laps bringing Joe & Nkosi's total number of laps run to 14. Based on my estimate that is just about 3 & 1/2 miles. WAY TO GO you two, I know I am impressed and proud of both of your efforts !!!!!
April 28, 2007
10:28:47 PM

Entry ID: 1109947
Game Results Are Posted !
April 21, 2007
7:44:15 PM

Entry ID: 1104152
Game Results are posted !!
April 15, 2007
2:41:12 PM

Entry ID: 1098905
happy birthday ryan. hope you have a really good day.
April 15, 2007
2:15:04 PM

Entry ID: 1098883
April 5, 2007
4:00:14 PM

Entry ID: 1091402
March 31, 2007
4:51:55 PM

Entry ID: 1086698
Where are you Coach Joe??
March 25, 2007
7:38:41 PM

Entry ID: 1081603
you dawgs played great! p.s. hi!!!!!!!!!!
March 25, 2007
9:06:06 AM

Entry ID: 1081212
March 24, 2007
6:33:43 PM

Entry ID: 1080867

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