Event Information:
HIKE - 5mile/10mile/2nd Class
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Start Time:
9:45 AM
Come join us for a 5- or 10-mile hike at Swallow Cliff!

The sign-up is posted on the T318 homepage.

THIS IS FOR ALL SCOUTS and parents. Adults who will be hiking should have completed their Youth Protection Training. Trek Safely and Hazardous Weather are also recommended.

WHERE: Swallow Cliff Woods, Palos Park, IL.
Parking lot is located off of Route 83 between 104th Avenue and LaGrange Road. Enter at Swallow Cliff Woods--North sign

WHEN: Saturday, May 4, 2019. 8:45am for map & compass, 9:00am for the hike

If you are working on the Second Class rank advance or you are helping with teaching and signing off, please be there NO LATER THAN 8:45am.

If you are there for the hiking merit badge or to condition, please be there NO LATER THAN 9:00am.

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For this hike, there are a number of options:

OPTION A: second-class requirement: You will also learn how to use a compass and read the map.
OPTION B: 5-mile hiking MB requirement: If you have not yet completed your first hike, select this option as based on the current merit badge requirements, hikes must be done in order.
OPTION C: combined options A&B
OPTION D: 10-mile hiking MB requirement
OPTION E: conditioning

NOTE: Per the Hiking Merit Badge pamphlet, the required hikes for this badge may be used in fulfilling hiking requirements and for rank advancement. If you are choosing to do this, please select option C when registering.

We will also need one more adult leader to participate in the 10-mile hike. Please enter this information in the comments section. This is to comply with two deep leadership.

Preparation for the 5- or 10-Mile Hike

It is VERY important that everyone be on time for the hike. You MUST Sign-Up on-line BY THURSDAY, May 2, 2019. We have a number of items that must be covered before we begin (including backpack inspection), so please be on time.
If you want to be signed off for a rank advancement requirement, you need to have your handbook. Be Prepared.
You will need to demonstrate your newly learned map and compass skills while on the hike. You don''''t get signed off just for showing up.
Be aware of your surroundings. You may be asked where we are on the map at any time.
We will hike as a group and take a short break at the end of the first 5-miles for sign out and book sign-off if you have completed the requirements for the hike. At the end of the 10-mile hike, we will gather for sign out and any remaining book sign-off. If you are hiking for the merit badge, there are both pre- and post-requirements for each hike so please be sure you review the pamphlet and/or worksheet ahead of time.

A copy of the maps are on the T318 Hiking page (Sag Valley East and Sag Valley West). Please print a copy of the map before the hike on Saturday. You are responsible for bringing your own map and taking care of it.

What You Need

A GOOD ATTITUDE! Activity Uniform (Class B shirt). A Daypack with WATER, an orienteering COMPASS, a FIRST AID KIT, your BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK, RAINGEAR and appropriate clothing. Bring a SNACK if you are hiking the 5-mile and bring a SNACK/LUNCH if you are hiking the 10-mile. Lightweight hiking boots are recommended for this trail.

Check emails the night before to see if the hike is cancelled.

IMPORTANT: Refer to the T318 Hiking Page for additional details on what you need, should consider having, and need to know HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact me at the email below.

Yours In Scouting,

Mrs. Yudt (alndj@live.com) and the Hiking Coordinators Team

Mr. Lubinski (a_lubinski@hotmail.com)
Mrs. Peterson (ejpeterson27@comcast.net)
Mr. Scoigletti (davescoigletti@gmail.com)

Boy Scout Troop 318